My Niece Is Not A Villainess




















Gimmel, the sub male character in <Garden Flower>, had a playful and somewhat mischievous personality.


He tricked Rose by selling her a cheap garnet disguised as a ruby.


He then leaked this information to one of Yekhaterina’s followers, causing Rose to be humiliated at a tea party.


The purpose of this episode was to depict Rose as a vain character with poor discernment. However, Yoori, his niece, didn’t see it that way.


‘This isn’t a prank; it’s outright fraud! Why paint poor Rose as the bad one just because she fell for a scam?’


She was right.


All Rose did in the original story was honestly pay for a ruby she wanted. Ian, recalling the original work, clenched his teeth and then relaxed.


‘Let’s just wait and see for now.’


In truth, he disliked Gimmel profiting from diamonds because Gimmel was an antagonist to Rose in the original story.


Nevertheless, Gimmel was a renowned jeweler, and through him, significant financial gain was possible.


Securing a contract with Gimmel was a big achievement for May. It wouldn’t make sense to demand she cancel the contract using the above excuse, especially since she wouldn’t know the original story.


Moreover, it was just a one-year contract. Watching Gimmel for a year wouldn’t be a bad idea. If Ian could keep Gimmel from joining Yekhaterina, it would greatly help alter the original story’s course.


Ian nodded.


“You’ve earned your thanks.”


“Haha. It’s impressive how someone who stays indoors knows such talents.”


Ian smiled faintly at Logan, who was praising him.


“What’s your real point?”


“My lord, I always speak from the heart.”


“If you don’t get to the point, this audience is over.”


As Ian started to rise, Logan hurriedly exclaimed,


“Please take Miss May to the capital with you.”




With Gimmel already chosen and a draft contract in hand, there was no need for May to visit the capital. Logan, noticing the question, explained,


“Since we haven’t signed yet, Miss May seems dissatisfied with the current terms. She wants to go to the capital because there are limits to what can be negotiated through written communication.”


“Why? Is there a concern?”


“Yes, she feels that the jeweler is underpricing her diamonds. Given the high grade of diamonds being mined, it might be worth negotiating for better terms, even if Gimmel’s is the most famous jeweler.”


Ian set down the contract.


He didn’t mention it, but deeper mining could yield colored diamonds—pink, purple, blue—that were highly valued even in the original story. Such discoveries could make even a mediocre jeweler highly popular in the capital.


Sensing Ian’s silence, Logan added hastily,


“Since word of our contract with Gimmel has spread, other jewelers have contacted us. Considering the time it takes for letters to travel between the capital and here, and avoiding the eyes of our rivals, it would be better for Miss May to go to the capital.”


“I’m afraid I can’t take her with me. Rose and I won’t be heading straight to the capital.”




Ian sipped his now lukewarm tea and spoke,


“We have other stops to make, so Miss May should travel with the knights.”


Logan was puzzled.


“Where are you going?”


Ian smiled.


“That’s a secret.”


Logan hesitated but then asked excitedly,


“Should I be thrilled?”


“It might be wise to have a physician on standby.”


Worried about Ian’s potential collapse, Logan laughed.


“I’m looking forward to it.”


Ian nodded at Logan and addressed May.


“May, inform Sebastian to prepare for the trip to the capital.”




Ian smiled as he nodded at May’s enthusiastic response.


“Should I wait for you in the capital?”


“No need.”


Upon hearing Ian’s words, May’s face brightened.


“You don’t need to wait for me. I have no plans to go to the capital for now, so take care of everything you can.”


“Yes. Leave it to me!”


As May left with excited steps after finishing her business, Logan asked in a subtle voice.


“Are you really not going to tell me?”


“It wouldn’t be fun if you knew in advance.”


Logan looked at Ian with a squinting gaze at the ambiguous answer.


However, Ian just drank his tea without responding.


“That’s too much.”


Ian laughed quietly at Logan’s complaint.


“Then, since I won’t mention that anymore, please answer this.”


“What is it?”


“Are you planning to settle things after you return from the capital?”


Ian smiled slightly.


“Yes, that’s the plan.”










A little while later, Sebastian, who had set down a square rattan picnic basket, sighed.


“I feel like I’m sinking.”


“My lord, can’t you reconsider?”




At the firm rejection, Sebastian groaned.


“I won’t ask for a carriage. Since the young lady is with you, at least take a guard knight.”


“I don’t want to repeat what I said.”


“My lord.”


As Sebastian began to persuade Ian, there was a knock on the door.


“Come in.”


Knowing who was at the door, Ian allowed entry warmly. Sebastian sighed and opened the door.


Standing in front of the softly opened door was Rose.




Rose was wearing a brown top and black suspenders. Though the design was plain, the fabric was of the highest quality.


“Rose, are you ready?”




When Ian lifted Rose up, her small feet in soft leather shoes dangled. She looked adorably like a little potato elf. Finding her so cute, Ian kissed Rose’s cheek and looked at Sebastian.


“Don’t worry. It’s me who’s going.”


“I will keep it confidential.”




As Ian picked up the picnic basket, Sebastian handed him the prepared travel scroll.


“You will be moving to Delfra, a nearby territory.”


“Yes. See you in the capital then.”


Ignoring Sebastian’s longing look, Ian turned away. Accepting defeat, Sebastian bowed.


“I will see you in the capital.”


Holding Rose, Ian tore the scroll, and the two disappeared.


Sebastian, with a worried look, watched where they had disappeared before turning away.












As the green fields swayed in the wind, Rose opened her eyes wide in admiration.


“Uncle, it’s so beautiful.”


“Yes, it is beautiful.”


Holding the eagerly bouncing Rose, Ian looked around at the estate spread out before him.


‘It won’t be easy to sleep here.’


Since they traveled via scroll, they had hoped to arrive in a sparsely populated village, but it didn’t seem like a place where they could stay long.


“Rose, just a moment.”


When Ian set Rose down, she hugged his leg.


After taking out a map from his inventory and checking it, Ian spoke to Rose.


“Rose, we’re going to climb a mountain now.”


“A mountain?”


“Do you see that mountain over there?”


Following Ian’s finger, Rose saw a mountain that still had a tinge of green.


“That raised area is called a mountain. You saw it last time when we went to find pretty stones, remember?”


Ian picked up Rose and gently explained.


The base of the mountain was flat, but as they climbed, the terrain became rougher. Despite the rugged terrain, Ian walked as if he were taking a leisurely stroll on flat ground.


Rose, fascinated by the sunlight filtering through the leaves, couldn’t take her eyes off it. She pointed into the distance and called out to Ian.


“Uncle! Look, a squirrel.”


“Yes, there’s a squirrel.”


“Wow! It’s so cute!”


Rose smiled happily, seeing the animals she had only seen in picture books.


“What’s that?”


“That’s a deer. And there’s a bird over there.”


As Ian pointed out the bird that Rose hadn’t seen, he suddenly stopped at an unexpected presence. The birds in the forest took flight all at once, and the deer hurriedly fled.




Unlike the animals, which sensed danger, Rose was amazed by everything around her. Ian slightly furrowed his brows without Rose noticing. The presence was definitely a monster.


When planning the trip with Rose, Ian had first ensured they avoided dangerous areas. Yet, on the very first day of their trip, they encountered a monster.


‘Was I too careless?’


If he were alone, it wouldn’t be a problem, but with Rose, it was different. He couldn’t leave Rose alone or in someone else’s care.


‘Should we run?’


As Ian hesitated, the monster that had scared the birds appeared. It was a Wolfdog, a monster with a mane that resembled a lion’s, standing on end like a porcupine’s quills.


“Wow, a big doggy!”


Because it looked like an animal, Rose was more fascinated than scared, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.






“Can you close your eyes tight and cover your ears for a moment?”




“Yes, now.”


Rose obediently closed her eyes and covered her ears as Ian instructed. Ian kissed the top of her head and summoned his sword, Fragarach.


The Wolfdog, which had been watching warily, growled and bared its teeth upon seeing the sword.


“It’s already lunchtime.”


Before the Wolfdog could react to Ian’s swift advance, his sword struck first. The Wolfdog’s head fell without it having time to scream.


After dispelling his sword, Ian quickly hugged Rose tightly to prevent her from smelling the blood and hurried away.


With mana infused into his legs, he moved as if performing lightfoot from a martial arts novel. Ian swiftly moved from the middle of the mountain to the other side, checked their surroundings, and then let Rose down.


Seeing Rose’s face scrunched up from keeping her eyes closed tightly and her small hands covering her ears, Ian gently removed her hands and asked,


“My kind Rose, shall we have lunch?”



















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