My Niece Is Not A Villainess



































“…Duke, although the young lady is a direct descendant, she’s a woman.”


Ian leaned back on the sofa, wearing a displeased expression.


“I didn’t expect you to make such a crude remark.”


Logan’s face flushed red in an instant.


“If I were to suddenly pass away, naturally, Rose would succeed me.”


“…Please don’t joke about such things, even in jest. That won’t happen.”


“I’m just speculating. If I were to die, Rose would be the only direct descendant left.”


“…That may be true. But even if that were to happen, it would only be temporary.”


When the remaining direct descendants are all females, it was possible for a woman to inherit the family line.


However, it was not possible to maintain the title until the end. Usually, the son-in-law, who had already arrived, would take over the title. Naturally, the woman’s wishes were not respected in the selection process.


“Yes. After she succeeds me, she may choose to marry. But I have no intention of forcing a marriage upon Rose.”


Logan’s eyes widened.


“However, if a woman were to rise to the rank of Duke, there would likely be significant backlash within the empire.”


“One of the reasons I want to establish a principality is for that very reason.”


Ian spoke as he looked at Logan, who seemed as if he had just been slapped.


“You probably need time to think about that, too.”


“… Duke.”


“I’ll gve two days. Take your time to think it over and let me know in two days.”


It was when Ian leisurely sipped his tea again.


Watching Logan stare blankly, he asked.


“Creating a justification may vary, but what about the other two conditions?”


Logan had only heard the goal, and he inquired how Ian planned to achieve it. Ian smiled and replied.


“That’s something you’ll hear once you’re on my side.”




Logan suddenly burst into laughter. It was an unexpected laughter, but he seemed too pleased, as if relieved.






At Ian’s response to Logan’s call, Logan stood up and approached Ian.


Then, he bent both knees, lowering himself before Ian and pressed his lips to Ian’s shoe.


“Logan Leonie swears eternal loyalty to the *fruit of Loenbaum.”


In response to the pledge of loyalty, which even entrusted his life, Ian spoke.


“Take some more time to think.”


“Just the fact that I made this old man’s heart race is enough for me to have no regrets swearing loyalty to the Duke.”




As Ian nodded, Logan stood up.


“Where should I start?”


Ian chuckled at Logan’s eager attitude.


“Why ask me that? You should know what to do first.”


“If it’s about young lady Rose, I assume duke has already made arrangements.”


“Anyone who sees might misunderstand. I didn’t make arrangements; I’m just following the usual procedures.”


This time, Logan laughed at Ian’s words.


“That’s true. Then, should I prepare for the next step?”


“No. First, we need to gather people.”




“Isn’t it too much for the two of us to manage everything?”


Logan nodded.


At this point, it couldn’t be denied that the workforce in the principality was lacking, especially considering they had taken over the family’s business from the countryside.


However, things had to change from now on.


To achieve independence as a principality.


“Indeed. What kind of work do you have in mind?”


“First, finances. I’m thinking of commerce, development, and agriculture.”


“Commerce, development, and agriculture? Is that what you mean?”




Logan was astonished.


Commerce, development, and agriculture were all words entirely unrelated to Loenbaum.


“For development, find someone who excels in magical tools, and for agriculture, someone knowledgeable about crops would be ideal.”


“You can find both, but for commerce, we already have a commerce representative in dealings. Don’t you know better than me who they are tied with?”


“Where the commerce representative is aligned is something you should know better than I do.”


The current commerce representative in dealings with the principality was Count Cale, in charge of the Loenbaum estate.


The current commission fee was 40%. Count Cale argued that this was not a high amount, especially considering that they took care of the distribution of essential goods in the territory.


However, even with the argument that they provided maximum convenience, it could not be considered low.


“But to operate commerce, you need a commerce representative. Duke can’t be the commerce representative.”


As long as they maintained the principality like now, it might be possible, but if they became independent and the ruler of the principality tried to operate commerce, it would be legally impossible.


“What will you do?”


Logan quickly raised his hand.


“Absolutely impossible. Are you trying to kill me off early?”


Watching Logan, who appeared to have a body that could live another hundred years, Ian chuckled softly.


“Then I’ll take care of finding a commerce representative.”




Looking at Logan, who had been confined to the room and wondering where he would find a commerce representative, Ian asked.


“So, all we need is to find a commerce representative?”


“Oh, no. For commerce to operate, there must be goods to sell. Since you mentioned running a separate commerce, I assume you don’t plan on hunting monsters.”


“Right, no monsters.”


“Then what do you plan to sell?”


“You. How about knowing everything about the future?”


Instead of an answer, an unrelated question came back. Logan shrugged but replied earnestly.


“I’ll prevent any dangerous situations that may come my way.”


“You’re not supposed to become a hero at this age.”


“I never aspired to be a hero at this age.”


As Logan retorted, Ian chuckled and said,


“In that commerce, we’ll sell canned ore from the northern mines.”


Logan wore a regretful expression.


“Duke, I’m sorry, but there are no canned ore in the northern mountains.”


“Who said that?”


“It was confirmed by the former Duke.”


The development of the territory wasn’t neglected from the beginning. When the Duke first received the land from the Emperor, he exerted tremendous efforts to revitalize the territory.


However, there was nothing of value in the mountains or the land that could turn into money.


“Then and now are different.”


“They are not different.”


“Let’s make a bet.”


“A bet… What do you mean?”


Ian nodded.


“I bet on finding a mine, and you bet on not finding it.”


“What do we wager on?”




Ian pondered for a moment, then a mischievous smile appeared on his face.


“If you win, I’ll grant any wish of yours, no matter what.”


“And what if the duke wins?”


“If I win, you get to fulfill one of my wishes within the limits you can.”


“I hope it’s not related to wagers lifes, right?”


Logan shook his head, warning Ian not to startle an old man. Ian burst into laughter and nodded.


“No, nothing like that. I’ll stay within the bounds of what you can grant. After all, we’re on the same boat, aren’t we?”


Seeing Ian’s amused expression, Logan couldn’t help but nod, albeit with suspicion.


“Understood. I won’t assume this bet is meant to trouble an elder.”


“Who was the one who said there was no canned ore?”


Logan raised his hand in acknowledgment of Ian’s pointed remarks, admitting defeat in the subtle exchange.


“I understand. I’ll look into the remaining personnel then.”


Ian, satisfied with Logan’s response, concluded the conversation with a contented smile.




















With swift steps, Rose rushed towards Ian.


Embracing her tightly, Ian kissed her cheek and asked,


“Did you have fun?”




Rose’s cheeks were flushed from running around with Sebastian in the garden.


Despite the chilly weather, there was warmth emanating from her body, likely from all the running.


Perhaps it was because she called him ‘uncle,’ or maybe it was due to her improved health, but Rose brightened up instantly.


Like a ray of sunshine, she smiled brightly and her eyes sparkled.


Overwhelmed with happiness, Ian found himself tightly embracing Rose without realizing it.


“Uncle, look at this.”


What Rose presented with her delicate fingers was a perfectly yellow maple leaf.


“It was completely yellow.”


“I see.”


Time flew by quickly after the possession.


Rose’s pursuit for the perfect maple leaf paid off.


As busy as he was, Ian achieved more than he realized during these sleepless nights, and it was time to put his plans into action.






“Bring a woman named May.”


Sebastian’s eyes widened.


The unexpected mention of a woman’s name by the Duke, who had never shown interest in women around him, left Sebastian curious.


Catching Sebastian’s misunderstanding, Ian chuckled and explained.


“Don’t let your imagination run wild. She’s going to be the head of the upper district.”


Realizing his misconception, Sebastian looked perplexed and asked.


“Considering she has no title, is this lady May a commoner?”


“Yes, she is. Around 25 years old, I suppose.”


“My apologies, my lord. However, the most common female name within the territory is May.”


“Is that so?”


Ian tapped his desk.




In the original work, she was an influential upper district head, known for turning weeds into gold wherever she went.


Her exceptional ability in managing the upper district was acknowledged widely. There were even sayings that grass by the roadside would turn into gold if touched by May.


However, working as a woman in the upper district, she often felt disillusioned. In this world, women were expected to marry well and excel in managing households in a patriarchal society.


Her perspective changed when she heard a single statement from the saintess Yekhaterina.


‘Why is it strange for a woman to handle upper district affairs? If she’s capable, why not?’


It might be a common phrase for someone from Earth, but for May, it was a liberating sentence.


Inspired by that single phrase, May became a fervent supporter, ready to devote herself to any task given by the female protagonist.


Being grateful for the saintess’s words, May was loyal, and anyone the saintess deemed worthy needed to be secured before their encounter.


Once she received grace, she was wholeheartedly devoted, making her a crucial ally that needed to be recruited before meeting Yekhaterina.


‘Missing an opportunity to broaden one’s perspective while enduring challenges would be regrettable. But with Logan by her side, she’ll surely learn.’


Ian picked up his pen and began describing May’s appearance from the original work.


Red hair, blue eyes, a face covered in freckles, a beauty mark near her mouth, and finally, the detail that she operated a bakery. After noting these down, he handed the information to Sebastian.


“Use this as a basis. Bring her immediately once you find her.”




As Sebastian left, Ian playfully nudged Rose’s nose.


“Rose, shall we start studying now?”


















* The phrase “fruit of Loenbaum” seems to be a symbolic or metaphorical term referring to the legacy or lineage associated with Loenbaum, rather than a literal fruit.











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