My Niece Is Not A Villainess































Several days passed like that.


Dawn without the sun rising.


As soon as he got up, Ian arrived at the clearing and started running. As soon as he reached the starting position, he sat down.




He silently cursed inside, unable to catch his breath properly.


The day after Rose arrived, Ian felt muscle soreness all over his body as soon as he woke up.


Because he had been secluded in his room for a while, he was exhausted just by looking after that child for a day and made him feeling physically achy.


If things continued like this, he felt like he wouldn’t be able to even take care of Rose properly, let alone create an Auror.


So, he decided to postpone all his plans and focus on building up his basic strength first.


However, even before completing half a lap around the not-so-large training ground, his legs were wobbly, and he felt a piercing pain in his throat.


‘Even when I was an ordinary person, it wasn’t this bad.’


After catching his breath and wiping away the sweat from his forehead, Ian looked up at the sky.


It took quite some time to calm his labored breathing, and the dark sky had already given way to a blue one.


Ian got up without any hesitation.


Building his own strength was crucial, but even more important was feeding Rose.


Rose seemed to have lived a more challenging life than depicted in novels; she didn’t eat properly.


Even a small portion of soup made her stomach full, overshadowing the prepared meals.


A more significant issue was Rose being accustomed to starving herself.


As if forgetting the sensation of hunger, she wouldn’t eat unless someone provided her with food.


She didn’t even express hunger or a desire for something to eat.


Therefore, Ian decided to feed her small portions of food frequently from morning to night.


After a few days, her petite frame gradually adapted to regular meals, and her stomach started growling in the mornings.


Finding it both regrettable and adorable, Ian would gently wake up Rose with a small smile every morning.


As they entered the room, Rose was seen sleeping soundly in the neatly arranged bed.


Before waking the child, Ian, having just finished a quick bath, approached the bed and bent one knee.


The colorful breaths alone filled his chest, and the lips that moved slightly in her sleep were irresistibly adorable.


Ideally, he didn’t want to disturb her, wanting her to sleep even more peacefully.


He wished she could wake up whenever she wanted, like a lazy unemployed person.


However, she must have breakfast in the morning.


As Ian gently touched Rose’s flushed cheek, he whispered.


“Rose, it’s time to wake up.”


A lullaby-like whisper.


Whether he was trying to put her to sleep or wake her up, it was unclear, but the deeply sleeping Rose showed no signs of waking.




When he made a sound a little louder than before, her long wheat-colored eyelashes fluttered.


Then, her beautifully radiant irises were revealed.


Still in a drowsy state, her eyes lacked focus.




Ian lifted Rose, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder, and a soft whimper could be heard as if she found comfort.


It was something he would never do unless she was in a half-asleep state.


“You have to wake up now. The sun has opened his eyes.”


Recalling the words his sister used to say when waking him up as a child, Ian picked up a blanket from one side of the bed and gently wrapped it around Rose’s body.


Although the weather wasn’t chilly, considering the scenes from novels, there were no ladies in her pajamas going outside. Even though she was only 5 years old, being a girl made Ian wrap Rose carefully with the blanket before leaving the bedroom.


“Rose, let’s go have breakfast.”




Still not fully awake, Rose responded with a clear voice, and Ian kissed her dry cheek.


“My lord, how can you carry the young lady like this?”


Despite the daily occurrence, Sebastian extended his hand, expressing his disdain.


“It’s fine.”


Ian gently refused and proceeded to the dining room on the first floor.


The dining table exuded the dignity of a noble, set with individual tableware.


“… My lord.”


With sluggish movements suggesting just waking up, Rose, her thin voice heard, walked beside Ian.


As Ian lowered his head, Rose hurriedly lowered hers, showing signs of being disoriented from waking up.


When Ian raised his head, there was Rose, quickly bowing her head as if realizing he was looking.


“Please, let me down.”


Even though Rose woke up like this every morning, she was surprised every time.


Reacting to her squirming, Ian hugged Rose a bit tighter and said,


“Let’s eat first.”


“… But.”


Ian, wanting to get away, brought a fork to Rose’s pouting lips.


The fork was filled with the cream soup Rose loved the most.


“Come on, let’s eat.”


As Rose hesitated, Ian smoothly fed her a spoonful of soup.






Despite witnessing this scene every day since Rose arrived, the servants couldn’t help but gasp. From their perspective, the unmarried duke taking care of a child was too proficient.


Instructing Sebastian with a glance, the dining room fell silent again.


The reason Ian was skilled at taking care of a child was simple.


Since his sister’s death, Sijun had taken care of the child together with her until her last moments.


From the way to hold a child to feeding, he had learned it all back then.


The memories from that time calmed the fluttering heart in Ian as he held Rose in his arms.


‘It’s in my arms.’


Suppressing his emotions in an instant, Ian kissed Rose’s forehead.


“Try this too.”


As he fed her small pieces of steak, Rose’s tiny mouth moved contentedly.


Sebastian approached, expressing concern about handling Rose’s meal, but Ian dismissed him.


“It’s fine.”


Waving off Sebastian’s offer, Ian continued to feed Rose, generously loading a piece of bread with soup.


How much soup, steak, and various appetizers did he feed her?


When Rose’s slow chewing indicated she was almost finished, Ian subtly gestured to a maid behind her.


“Now, let’s go wash up and change clothes.”


“… Yes.”


As Ian embraced Rose, he began eating the remaining dishes, and despite being leftovers, his manner of eating was elegant.


Chosen as the heir, Sijun received arrogant knowledge from the archbishops.


His status as the heir demanded that he become a person worthy of his position, and the archbishops insisted on it.


It included not only combat techniques but also refined dining, graceful posture, and cultured speech.


Initially, he could have ignored it, but due to the nature of the quest and the unsatisfactory rewards, he had to reluctantly learn it.


Despite Ian’s sudden possession, others did not sense any discomfort from Sijun.


“My lord.”


After finishing the meal, Ian wiped his mouth with a cloth soaked in wine, and Sebastian approached.


“Someone from the furniture workshop has arrived.”


“Oh? They came earlier than expected.”


Ian nodded and stood up from his seat.


“What about Rose?”


At that moment, the dining room door opened with a polite knock.


Rose, who returned to the dining room holding the maid’s hand, was wearing a dress full of lace.


It was cute, but there were too many unnecessary decorations, such as lace and jewelry, and it seemed very uncomfortable for an active child to wear.


Ian frowned discreetly.


Even though he couldn’t help it because it was a hastily arranged outfit, he didn’t like it every time he saw it.


“Come here.”


Rose let go of the maid’s hand and approached hesitantly.


As Ian swiftly lifted Rose, Sebastian followed closely behind.


“When are you planning to visit the boutique?”


“They’re ready, waiting for more instructions.”


“Bring the papers from my room.”


Although referred to simply as ‘papers,’ it was the design book Ian had drawn for Rose.


Despite his feeble physique, Ian seemed to possess talent in drawing, making sketching clothes an easy task.


While referencing Earth’s children’s clothing, he had managed to sketch over a hundred designs during the moments Rose napped.


“Who came to the furniture workshop?”


“The owner of the workshop has come in person.”


As Ian entered the reception room, a man quickly stood up.


His soft brown eyes and voluptuous body gave off the air of a scholar rather than the owner of a furniture workshop.


“Blessings of spring to the fruits of Loenbaum. Duke, it is an honor to meet you. This is Matty Combs, owner of the furniture workshop.”


“May the blessings of spring reach you as well. Nice to meet you, Matty.”


As Ian took his seat, the workshop owner extended a catalog.


“These are the trending furniture pieces in the capital.”


After seating Rose close to his chest, Ian opened the catalog.


Instead of photographs, intricate drawings adorned the pages.




Rose, captivated by the furniture in the catalog, exclaimed with awe.


All the pieces brought by the workshop owner were vibrant, befitting the lady of the house.


Seeing furniture adorned with flowers, butterflies, and jewels, Rose marveled, but Ian’s expression remained stern.


‘Where did this notion of pink for girls even come from?’


As Ian silently turned the page, the next section featured predominantly white furniture.


Though the colors varied, the basic forms of the furniture remained the same.


Initially enchanted, Rose seemed to lose interest, now glancing up at Ian.


“Is everything for girls adorned with flowers and butterflies?”


“Yes, indeed. It expresses the wish for them to grow like flowers and butterflies.”


Seeing Matty Combs smiling with pride, Ian inquired.


“Do you have a catalog for boys furniture?”


“Yes, but may I ask why you’re looking for that?”


Instead of answering, Ian extended his hand.


The furniture for boys featured elegant curves rather than flowers and butterflies, with colors predominantly light brown. Overall, it resembled children’s furniture from Earth.


As Ian examined the catalog for boys, Rose also turned her attention to the catalog he was perusing.


“Is there anything you like?”


At Matty Combs question, Ian glanced at Rose.


“Rose, was there something you wanted?”


Though Ian leaned towards the boys furniture, he asked Rose, considering her preferences.


But without hesitation, Rose quickly shook her head.















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