My Lover's Personality is a Little Bit Strange

The palace, which had been in an uproar due to the demons, has now been settled.

People questioned some of the facts that came to light.

Then if it’s not because the Emperor loved Katarina, why did His Majesty go crazy and even wage a war?

Holding hands with her was horrible……….

As expected… Don’t you think His Majesty is a little crazy?

Theodore did what I asked for.

He showed consideration to prevent my name from getting revealed.

It was when I was sitting by the window with my chin on my hand and pondering my thoughts.

“Mommy, Samjon……!”

There was a roar of laughter outside the window.

I glanced out of the window.

Then there were children who were so excited and burst into laughter while playing with…… Ernst, who was also smiling brightly.

Ernst lived and didn’t die.

On that day, I calmly settled the children into the mansion and immediately ran back to the Imperial Palace.

All the horses that had been running wild were organized, and Ernst could be found lying still as if he were dead in the palace, which had not yet been recovered.

Theodore! Ernst is……!

He’s still alive.

Theodore, who was standing at Ernst’s bedside, said in a soft voice, though a little tired.

He’s just sleeping, not dead. So don’t worry too much, Yves.

It was beyond belief.

I’m sure I saw a sword go through his heart…….

The protection of Leobrante is the power to protect the pure and to defeat the evil.

It was Celine who solved my question.

I don’t think His Majesty’s power was able to kill Prince Ernst, who was sealed in the ‘vessel’ as a pure soul.


As soon as I found out that he wasn’t dead, I was so relieved of my fear and anguish all along, that I sat on the floor and cried.

Theodore let the people out and stood by me silently until I stopped crying.

It was the first time I cried so much in my life.

‘What a relief. Ernst didn’t die. I’m happy to see him again in good health.’

I saw Ernst playing with the children outside the window.

Ernst, who had been in bed for quite some time, is said to have re-opened his eyes a few days ago.

Then, he visited Chernicia mansion with a body that had not yet recovered.

Ernst? How can you……?

I made a promise with Er and Lia. We will go collect acorns together.

What acorn in this season! You haven’t recovered yet……!

Huh? Are you mad at me? I’m still sick…….

He smiled with his eyes and said so, but I couldn’t even kick him out to go back.

It was all the more so because Erwin and Odelia, who just found Ernst, rushed to him and hung on his arms.

Huh? Is it really Samjon?

Of course it’s Samjon! Why did you come so late!

Wow! You’re so mean! Lia and Er couldn’t gather acorns because Samjon didn’t come!

Er, Lia. Don’t make it hard for your uncle…….

It’s okay. Look. I’m not that sick.

And he went out into the garden with the children before I could stop them.

‘Well, if he’s really not feeling well, he wouldn’t have come all the way here…….’

However, I couldn’t help but worry.

Because I saw a sword stabbing him to death in the heart, so how can I not worry.

‘I’m glad. I’m so, so glad.’

I thought again as I rose from the window.

I’m so glad.

Because Ernst didn’t die.

The memory of the moment when I had to hurt him with my hands still lingered horribly in my head.

But the prince is listening to this conversation. In here.

He wants you to kill him. Because he doesn’t want to bother you.

I hesitated, even though I knew that I should kill him according to the teachings of Chernicia, which I had learned since I was a child.

But I couldn’t kill Ernst with my own hands…….

And it was none other than Theodore who came forward on behalf of me, who couldn’t do anything and only shed tears.

Yves, I’ll do it.

I’ll be a good dog later, but I want to be a bad dog for once. Scold me later.

Theodore said so in a calm voice at first glance, but could not completely conceal the distressing colour that rose above his face.

To pass by without knowing, I knew him too well.

You know, Yves. I’m a bad person, so don’t worry at all.

As you said, I’m trash.

Trash is being trash. You just have to curse at me.

Why it was so heartbreaking at that moment, I couldn’t understand.

At the sudden throbbing sensation of the moment, I slowly exhaled a breath and went down the stairs.

At that time, I only thought that Ernst might die, but when I looked back over time, I could see that he was also with me in the cause of my tears.

For some reason, I kept thinking of Theodore’s voice to kill Ernst on my behalf.

As I was sent across time and space with the disappearance of Tenebris, I realized once again that Theodore really loved me a lot in the past.

The past with him was even beautiful.

To the point where it’s sad.

Theodore, who I met again as an adult, constantly poured great love into me.

The amount of Theodore’s love to me was always overflowing, but in fact I liked him as much as he did.

I couldn’t help liking him.

Come to think of it, when I was very young, I mean when I first met him.

Somehow I felt a little fondness for him back then.

I was too young to know the feeling of love, but every time I saw him, I felt particularly hot in my face.

Even though I hated the embarrassment, I didn’t hate the heat that rose brightly on my face.

It was nice to be with him.

It was a short and intense childhood connection.

Since then, I have forgotten him with various things that have shaken my life, but sometimes I remember that childhood.

It was such a precious memory on days when Katarina’s bullying was particularly severe. I would reminisce by myself as if taking out a precious treasure and put it back in my memories with a smile.

When we met again, he gave me the greatest love that would never happen again.

I had never received such love from anyone.

The family that cared for me didn’t love me that much either.

Theodore at that time was like a person who lived to find the reason for loving me every day.

It would be a lie if I didn’t miss those days.

Nevertheless, I told him firmly that we could never go back to those days.

Okay, I’ll forgive you. But I can’t ever love you.

I’ll forgive you.

But love can’t be rekindled.

‘No. It’s the other way around.’

But his staunch refusal was my defense mechanism, and I did not want to look shabby in front of him.

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  1. ThankYouForTranslating says:

    It seems to me that both MCs hurt each other in the same way. What hurt Theo did to Yves in this life is very similar to the hurt that Chernicia gave Tenebris in the past life. They both flaunted a fake love affair in front of the other.

    In Chernicia’s case, to the point of really sleeping together with Leobrante in sight of Tenebris and even literally killing him by breaking up his soul and scattering him everywhere. Is it a good thing or a bad thing that she “saved” his real soul into a human and set him into the oath of reincarnation? Seeing Theo’s POV in the recent chapters, it seems more like a curse to me, tbh, even though she seemed to intend it as a kindness.

    In Yves’s case, the cheating was entirely made up (no actual real contact), but there was physical abuse (by Katharina but sanctioned by Theo) and psychological torture (his constant insults, his reveling in finding new ways to inflict pain upon her, of breaking her down and enjoying it).

    So it seems to me that karma hit them both. In a way, they deserve each other lol They’ve both been more or less equally trash to each other.

    I kinda hope Yves comes to find out what happened in the past life (the Tenebris / Chernicia past life story). Let the entire truth be out. Theo is pretty bad at communicating though so it might take a while.

    Rooting for their happiness, now that the toxic people who were actively (and successfully) sabotaging them are gone.

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