My Lover Isn't Interested With The Female lead!






Upon hearing those words, Kenneth immediately retorted.


“What are you talking about? We clearly made reservations for the boat and carriage today!”


“This morning, our lord reserved the entire park for a boat ride. Haven’t you received any notification from the park?”


“This morning?”


Letticia looked at the middle-aged knight in disbelief. Lenard also responded in exasperation.


“We haven’t received any notification. Do you think just saying so makes it true? Are you claiming to be from the Imperial Knights?”


The knights were not wearing the white uniforms of the Imperial Knights but rather light blue ones.


If they were from a private order, then it was likely that a noble house had ordered its knights to control other nobles, which could only happen on private property.


‘However, if they have a full uniformed knight order, it must be a high-ranking noble family in the province… Light blue, could it be—’


As soon as Letticia speculated about their identity, Kenneth voiced her thoughts.


“It seems they are knights from the Duke of Averil’s family. Did they rent the park?”


“Yes, so please leave unless you want to antagonize the Duke’s family.”


The young knight spoke triumphantly, but Letticia’s party reacted contrary to his expectations.


“Oh, again…”




Letticia sighed out of annoyance, and Kenneth sighed in disbelief.


As for Lenard, he looked at the knights with a baffled expression.


“Did the Duke of Averil buy this park?”




“I’m asking if this park has become the Duke’s private property. Otherwise, how can you use the family’s knights to evict customers who have made reservations?”


The young knight, visibly frustrated by the unexpected reaction, argued back.


“No, the Duke rented this place, and you are the ones stubbornly insisting on entering!”


“It’s not stubbornness. I already told you; you don’t have such authority, and the lease itself hasn’t been finalized yet!”


Ezkhiel, his usual gentle demeanor gone, protested to the knight.


At Ezkhiel’s words, Lenard looked at his friend.


“What do you mean, Ezkhiel? What do you mean the lease hasn’t been finalized?”


To Lenard’s question, Ezkhiel replied angrily.


“The National Naphier Park lease rules state that ‘a lease is established only after all existing reservations for the day have been canceled and compensated.'”


“… If existing reservations need to be canceled and compensated, then it’s not yet finalized. We haven’t received any notification, so there has been no cancellation or compensation.”


“Yes. And cancellations must be made before the reserved time, but it’s now past the time. Therefore, cancellation is impossible.”


“So, we can still use the boat and carriage as planned?”


“In principle, yes. If they try to stop us, the park would have to pay a penalty instead.”


As Ezkhiel explained the situation, the young knight’s face contorted with irritation.


Even though his side was clearly at fault, their unabashed confidence was bewildering.


“Other guests left without complaint. I don’t know who you people are, but please do the same.”


“There must not have been any nobles among those guests. But we are nobles like the Duke’s family, so we have no reason to back down merely because a knight tells us to.”


Lenard spoke coldly to the knight.


“It’s not that we can’t consider yielding for the Duke’s family. But at least someone from the family should come and explain the situation to us with some sincerity. Asking us to leave just because a knight ordered it? We have our family’s dignity to consider.”


“The Duke has not yet arrived. He ordered us to clear the park beforehand—”


“Then we’ll wait. I’ve been meaning to greet the Duke; it’s been a while.”


Lenard crossed his arms, and the young knight raised his voice.


“The Duke has instructed us to remove anyone who interferes with the family’s private boat ride by any means necessary! Don’t provoke us and leave!”


“Then it would be best if someone from the Duke’s family personally explained the situation to us and asked for our understanding.”


No matter how high-ranking the Duke’s family was, they were still bound by certain courtesies among nobles.


Expelling someone without any explanation would be difficult for any reputable family.


Therefore, Lenard’s words were reasonable, but unfortunately, it seemed the knights were not in a position to acknowledge this.


“If you persist, we’ll have to use force!”


One of the knights reached for his sword.


At this sight, Letticia’s guards immediately stepped forward, and Lenard looked expressionlessly at the knight’s hand resting on the sword.


“Are you saying you’ll use force to drive us away if we don’t retreat? Are you willing to face punishment for pointing a sword at a noble?”


“If it’s for the lady, I’m not afraid of such punishment!”


Letticia looked at the two reckless knights with a mixture of disappointment and pity.


The original setting of the Averil Knights as ‘Ariette fanatics’ seemed to still be intact.


‘Knights who worship the heroine above all else—how cliché.’


In this world, due to the imperial policy, capital nobles are not allowed to have private soldiers, but high-ranking provincial nobles can still maintain private knight orders.


These knights, unlike hired ones, exhibit strong loyalty to their house and tend to prioritize the family’s commands over everything else. However, the knights of the Averil House were particularly excessive in this regard.


They had inherited the spirit of the Averil House so well that they even believed the world revolved around Ariette. They were so obsessed with her that they would betray even the heir, Alexander, or the vice commander, Achilles, if it was for her sake.


There was even a time when Ariette, at the age of seven, expressed a desire for a four-leaf clover. The entire knight order scoured the entire territory, not only finding a four-leaf clover but also a six-leaf clover, creating a miracle.


Furthermore, they once even dueled over a doodle Ariette had drawn, with the winner keeping it as a family heirloom—a testament to their madness.


‘I wish I could just hit them over the head with a book.’


Letticia had dressed up from early morning to speak with Ezkhiel, but these fools were about to ruin everything.


While Letticia was trying to suppress her anger, Ezkhiel, standing next to Lenard, spoke firmly to the knights.


“Forcing other nobles out using your family’s knights without proper procedure is an abuse of power. If you persist in this manner, we have the right to formally raise this issue. Are you unaware of that?”


“Even if we lose our heads, we will not leave this place!”


“That’s right. We will faithfully fulfill our duty until the Duke arrives!”


Such tearful loyalty. One might think there was a thousand-year-old family treasure hidden within the park.


While Letticia contemplated whether to retrieve the book she had left in the carriage, a large carriage, adorned with the emblem of the Averil House, entered their view with the sound of hooves.


The door of the massive carriage, engraved with the emblem of the Averil House, opened, and a silver-haired man, sparkling in the sunlight, descended first, escorting a blonde woman.


Despite being over forty, the Duke of Averil still possessed a youthful, handsome appearance that made him look like he was in his twenties, and beside him was Ariette, who had blossomed into a beauty after reaching adulthood.


‘Oh, not them…’


It was the first time in five years that Letticia saw the Duke of Averil and Ariette, but she did not feel happy at all.


While Letticia strained her face to maintain a neutral expression, Alexander and Achilles followed the Duke and Ariette out of the carriage.


They were about to enter the park, smiling harmoniously, but stopped in their tracks when they noticed Letticia’s group.


“Oh, Lady Sharon!”


“…Sir Bright?”


Ariette, recognizing Letticia, greeted her warmly with a smile. Alexander also seemed to recognize Ezkhiel and approached, looking puzzled.


Instead of reprimanding the knights for failing to expel the intruders, they began greeting the so-called intruders, leaving the knights in a state of nervousness.


Letticia didn’t even feel the slightest desire to retaliate and instead chose to ignore them, accepting Ariette’s greeting.


“Lady Averil, it’s been a long time. I’ve been hearing updates about you from the young lords. It’s so nice to finally see you again.”


“Likewise! But what brings you here today? We were planning to have a boat ride in the park.”


“Uh, my lady, that’s—”


The knights tried to explain, but Lenard stepped forward, bowed, and introduced himself to the Duke.


“It’s been a long time, Duke. I am Lenard Sharon, the heir to the Count of Sharon.”


“It’s our first time meeting since the Academy. How are the Count and Countess? I hope they are well.”


“Thanks to your concern, they are in good health. I heard you were in the territory, but it seems you’ve come to the capital.”


“I came up the day before yesterday. There were urgent matters to attend to.”


Whether this urgent business was truly work-related or merely an excuse to see Ariette was never clarified in the original story.


“But what brings you here, lord Sharon? Today, our house has reserved this park.”


The Duke looked at Lenard with the expression one might use when looking at an unwelcome guest.


Nevertheless, Lenard remained composed and calmly explained the situation.






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  1. Cathe says:

    I’m divided between wanting them to no involving themselves with that problematic family and giving them a lesson, showing how the world works and that you can’t trample on other, use force on a civilised setting and always get your way. 😒

  2. Cathe says:

    That cat drawing at the end is cute 🥰

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