My Lover Isn't Interested With The Female lead!











As the conversation suddenly shifted by the question posed by Lady Campbell, Letticia didn’t even glance at Melanie and responded instead.


“…His Highness the Crown Prince is currently very busy, so His Highness the Prince will attend in his place.”


“It’s amazing that His Highness the Prince will attend instead! I heard that for other families, they just declined the invitation outright.”


“Exactly. Having a royal representative attend in his place is an honor in itself.”


“The Diamond who danced with His Highness the Crown Prince is truly different.”


The tone seemed envious but not sarcastic.


Although countless nobles send invitations to the royal family, most receive responses written by attendants or maids, declining the invitation.


Moreover, Matthias, as the Crown Prince, was known for often declining social gatherings to focus on official duties.


So, the fact that he didn’t just refuse but sent the Prince as a representative was a sign of utmost sincerity.


“Now that we’re on the topic, Lady Sharon, how was it dancing with His Highness the Crown Prince? It must have been wonderful, right?”


“He must have led the dance beautifully, didn’t he? I was nervous just watching from afar!”


Everyone began to focus on Letticia, leaving Melanie out of the conversation.


Even the topics were carefully chosen to make it difficult for Melanie, who was not familiar with the affairs of the capital, to join in.


“Being able to dance with His Highness was indeed an honor. As a daughter of a noble family in society, there’s no greater opportunity to bring glory to one’s family.”


“Oh, you’re too modest. I’m sure there will be even more opportunities to shine in the future.”


“Indeed. You danced the Minuet on the first day, but one day you’ll surely dance the Waltz as well.”


Letticia, not even considering looking at Melanie who was left out of the conversation, lightly chimed in with the others who were chatting excitedly.


In truth, this method of isolating someone in a conversation was something Letticia disliked.


But after Melanie had treated the guests so hostilely, Letticia couldn’t fulfill the countess’s request to get along with her.


‘What can I do if she doesn’t seem interested in becoming friends?’


Letticia felt she had done enough by smoothing things over when Melanie clashed with the other four earlier. There was no reason for her to step in, but she did so for the sake of the tea party.


That should have been Melanie’s responsibility in the first place, yet she even picked a fight with the person who had helped her.


To express that sentiment, Letticia decided it was necessary to show that she had no intention of including Melanie in the conversation.


However, Melanie, not noticing Letticia’s intent, rebutted excitedly to the others’ praise of Letticia.


“Hmph, there’s no way His Highness the Crown Prince would ever dance something as vulgar as the Waltz. If he were to dance, it would be with Lady Eskis, not Lady Sharon.”


The conversation that had ignored Melanie until now came to a sudden halt. After a few seconds of silence, it was Stella who finally spoke up calmly.


“I didn’t realize Lady Cassilis had such thoughts. I understand that you hold Lady Eskis in high regard since you’re both from the West, but saying something like that to her face is an insult to the Count’s family, isn’t it?”


Stella, known for her ability to speak diplomatically thanks to her family’s department store, which deals with all kinds of troublesome customers, made a rather harsh statement.


But Melanie, unconcerned, began to speak in a haughty tone.


“Praising someone just because they’re from the West is nonsense. Lady Eskis is the esteemed daughter of the great Marquess of Eskis, whose family has a history longer than the Empire itself. How could anyone compare her to other nobles? No matter how much Lady Sharon inherits from the Marquess of Wade, she is at best just a granddaughter. She can’t be compared to Lady Eskis, who carries the bloodline of the Marquess directly.”


Letticia could no longer find a reason to remain seated.


It seemed that the others felt the same way.


“It seems that the Countess Casillis made a mistake in choosing whom to invite.”


Letticia placed her teacup and madeleine back on the table and stood up.


Stella also stood, preparing to leave, but both of them halted when they heard what Melanie said next.


“So, instead of focusing on the shallow trends of the capital, it would be better to refine your manners and etiquette. If you want to adapt to the long-standing traditions of the West, it’s best to start conducting yourself properly now.”




Confused by what she just heard, Letticia asked again, and Melanie, with a sneer, looked at her mockingly and repeated herself.


“Let me tell you, this isn’t something you can learn in just a day or two. You don’t actually think that just because everyone praises you as a Diamond, you can stay the way you are now, do you?”


“What are you talking about? Why are you suddenly bringing up the West when talking to Letticia?”


Before Letticia, who was dumbfounded, could respond, Stella spoke up, but Melanie looked at Letticia with even more arrogance and said proudly.


“Let me just say, my brother despises women who follow trends without any conviction. No matter how beautiful Lady Sharon is and how well-versed she is in the capital’s trends, how will she win over her husband’s heart if she can’t even follow the traditions of her new family? My mother also wouldn’t want a daughter-in-law who hasn’t properly learned the ways of the West.”


“…Why are you telling me about the conditions for becoming the daughter-in-law of the Count of Cassilis?”


As Letticia asked in disbelief, Melanie responded confidently.


“Didn’t you come here to propose a marriage to my brother? If so, you should know this!”


Melanie’s words once again filled the parlor with silence.


The other women, including Stella, had expressions of disbelief at Melanie’s nonsensical remarks, and Letticia could only laugh at the absurdity.


‘What on earth is she talking about?’


Her connection with Edgar of Casillis was limited to a single dance at the royal ball. It wasn’t even the courting season yet, and he hadn’t shown up with flowers—so where was this talk of a marriage proposal coming from?


“Lady, what kind of imagination are you entertaining? Just because I attended a tea party, you’re jumping to conclusions about a marriage proposal? That’s quite a leap.”


Letticia finally spoke with a mocking tone, but Melanie, with a determined expression, pressed on.


“You were introduced to my brother by my mother and danced with him at the royal ball. Surely, our mothers wanted you to get to know each other before any formal proposal. Didn’t you realize that?”


“It may work that way in the West, but this isn’t the West; it’s the capital. Trying to apply Western customs here is ridiculous, Lady.”


“…What is this attitude? Are you saying you don’t want to marry my brother? Who do you think you are?”


It was Stella who responded to Melanie’s outburst.


“Lady Cassilis, Letticia is the diamond of society. She was personally named ‘Queen of the Flowers’ by Her Majesty the Empress and is the best debutante who danced the minuet with His Highness the Crown Prince. Frankly, with all due respect, she’s been receiving dance requests from the most prestigious nobles in the capital. She doesn’t need to be swayed by a count’s proposal.”


Although the Count of Cassilis was decent in appearance and manners, and his family had made significant wealth from truffles, making him a suitable match, he was far from being a man whom the top debutante—who was even considered a candidate for the Crown Princess—would cling to.


Melanie suddenly started screaming as if having a fit.


“My brother is the heir to an old, prestigious count family, and he has pure noble blood, descended from three generations of counts or higher! He’s a true noble of the West, incomparable to the mixed-blood nobles of the capital!”


“So, what does that have to do with me? My mother never once mentioned anything about marriage proposals to me.”


“Why would she need to say anything? Marriage is decided by the parents.”


Everyone was taken aback by Melanie’s words, which she said as if it were the most natural thing in the world.


‘What era is she living in?’


“I’ve heard that the West is behind the times, but I didn’t realize it was this bad….”


Lady Campbell sneered sarcastically, which made Melanie turn and glare at her furiously.


“What did you just say? Behind the times?”


“Then what else would you call deciding marriages based on proposals these days? Should I have called it ‘traditional’ to be more polite?”


“Don’t think the foolish and impulsive custom of letting the parties themselves decide marriage is something good just because it’s romanticized in the capital. Marriage is something that should be decided by the adults. If you recklessly follow the light and vulgar trends that common people chatter about, you’ll end up regretting it.”


“Light and vulgar trends? Have you said all you want to say?”


By this point, everyone had risen from their seats.


As if they were about to start pulling each other’s hair out, Letticia’s voice rang out in the tense atmosphere.









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  1. Alma says:

    Wow.. she just called Letticia’s parents light and vulgar.. can’t wait to see Letty lose her temper. Thank you for the releases!

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