My Lover Isn't Interested With The Female lead!















“Wait a minute, Dayna. What did you say? Help with what?”


Letticia, in a state of shock, asked Dayna again. Despite her friend’s astonished expression, Dayna responded to her question.


“They could help you be alone with His Higness the Crown Prince at the gathering. They’ll probably also keep an eye on Lady Eskis and Lady Wallace.”


“How are you planning to help? No, you don’t have to answer. Just please, stop. Please tell them not to help.”


Letticia, desperate to avoid a bleak future, pleaded with her friend. She didn’t want to lose Dayna as well.


“Why? Are you worried that if others help too much, it won’t seem like a love marriage? I’m not really familiar with what a true love marriage is like.”


“That’s part of it, but it’s not just that…”


Unable to say that Matthias would become a possessive stalker in the future, Letticia searched for an excuse.


“It’s just that I don’t think I could ever fall in love with His Highness. I can’t imagine it at all.”


“What? Why not?”


Dayna, unusually surprised, asked Letticia again.


“Where else can you find a man like His Highness? He’s incredibly handsome, has no issues with women, is highly capable, and is a crown prince! How many people like that exist?”


‘Half of the male leads in romance novels are handsome, capable crown princes who only have eyes for the heroine!’


Letticia decided to keep her thoughts to herself. Dayna looked at her with an expression of complete incomprehension.


“Even if his personality is a bit cold, he’s still a perfect figure straight out of a novel. Everyone wishes they could dance with His Highness. How can you say you can’t fall in love with someone like that?”


Realizing the general perception of Matthias among noble ladies, Letticia felt awkward.


It wasn’t just about the position of the crown princess; Matthias himself was seen as the top catch at the moment, and without a plausible reason, no one would understand her reluctance.


‘The only reason that makes sense… is that.’


Letticia decided to blame it on the other person, not herself.


“But, His Highness didn’t say a single word to me while dancing. Do you think he could fall for someone like me?”


“What? Even to you?”


Dayna seemed very shocked. She hadn’t expected that even Letticia would be treated that way.


“That’s what happened. He only spoke a couple of words when escorting me to my mother. Even then, he responded to my words half-heartedly. He only danced with me because I was the Diamond; I wasn’t even on his radar.”


Feeling downcast, Letticia spoke, and Dayna, looking guilty, tried to comfort her.


“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that and got overly excited.”


“Well, I wasn’t expecting much from the start, so it’s okay.”


“Everyone praised how beautiful you and His Highness looked together while dancing. If he was that cold to someone as beautiful as you, how high are his standards?”


“…Maybe he’s just cold to women who aren’t his type.”


Letticia thought that Dayna saw his rudeness, which she found unbearable, as just high standards. Indeed, appearance and status were powerful.


Still, Dayna didn’t seem to give up hope.


“But if you try, wouldn’t it be possible? If you meet often and talk, His Highness will see what a good person you are. Then, you can grow your love.”


“He’s busy now, so he won’t be attending social gatherings. He rarely did anyway.”


Matthias’ aversion to social gatherings was advantageous this time. Letticia decided to push her excuse further.


“For now, it’s better to build a good reputation in society. Let’s plan the charity event we talked about. Right after Countess Freke’s ball would be good. After the courting season, we can invite suitors to the charity event; it’ll serve as a good pretext.”


“…You’re right. We should strengthen our bonds so that when Dolores and Ivonne debut, it’ll be easier for them to be active in society.”


Dolores and Ivonne, who were core members of the March Blossoms, were set to debut in the fall and lead the remaining members.


While Letticia played a central role and handled education, Dayna took care of events, and Dolores and Ivonne managed the members in between.


Given how much they had worked hard throughout their academy years, Dayna easily agreed that achieving good results in social activities was most important.


“Then, as usual, you make the rough plan and discuss it with Valerie, Stella, and Chloe. I’ll attend social gatherings to make appearances. That way, more people will come to the charity event.”


“Alright. I’ll set the date for the equestrian club meeting first, and we can discuss the details then. Let’s make it grand enough to be featured in Lucinella.”


“Lucinella… Sure.”


Dayna, fueled by enthusiasm, thought of Lucinella, but Letticia, who had been featured once before debut and twice after, wasn’t as excited.


‘I still don’t know what Lucinella is thinking.’


Both the social circle and the jewelry business rely on capturing people’s hearts.


So far, whether due to luck or some other intention, only good articles had been published, but there was no guarantee that would continue.


Making someone a notorious trash or easily elevating them is Lucinella’s specialty.


Just recently, at Duchess Dinever’s literary gathering, Countess Finsbury was depicted as the epitome of an old-fashioned, stubborn person, while Letticia and Seraphina were portrayed as exemplary new-generation figures standing up against such outdated views. There’s no need to elaborate further.


By the time Letticia finished her tea, it was past 1 PM. Realizing the time, she put down her teacup and stood up.


“I have to go now. You can stay a bit longer. If you want to buy anything, just tell the servant.”


“Oh, you said you had an appointment this afternoon. Got it, I’ll enjoy my time here.”


After saying goodbye to Dayna, Letticia took the elevator down to the first floor.


She got into the carriage that came to pick her up and headed to the palace with a guard sent in place of Kenneth.


She was responding to an invitation from a friend who could not quite be called a childhood friend, the daughter of her mother’s friend, who invited her over for the first time.




The palace, which she visited for the first time since the debutante event’s and the palace ball, was still enormous.


At that time, she only set foot in the main palace where the audience and the ball were held, and she barely remembered anything except that there were many expensive items, as befits a palace.


As expected, the palace was full of artistic value, such as artworks and architectural styles, but Letticia, who had a bold personality, did not have the courage to leisurely appreciate them on her debut day.


Even now, sitting in the princess’s reception room, Letticia was too busy conversing with the two royals in front of her to look around.


“Letticia, welcome!”


“Letticia, it’s been a while.”


“…Greetings to Your Highness the Prince and Princess.”


Not only Princess Judith, who had invited her, but also Prince Eustace greeted her warmly, so Letticia put aside her uneasy feelings and greeted them.


Although they were around the same age as Lenoa and had been like childhood friends, Letticia, who had been busy, had little interaction with them, so she thought they would just see her as their mother’s friend’s child. Apparently, that was just her assumption.


“I read about you in Lucinella! I couldn’t attend, but Eustace said you were so confident and impressive.”


“It seems that was His Highness’s impression. I was actually very nervous.”


“It didn’t show at all. You looked so natural dancing with the crown prince. The previous diamond ladies were all so nervous that the crown prince was really annoyed.”


“Then I must have acted very well. How could I not be nervous dancing with His Highness the Crown Prince? I had never met him before.”


It wasn’t a lie. Setting aside the fact that he was the original male lead, in a class-based society, not being nervous dancing with the crown prince would either mean one is incredibly foolish, insane, or a rebel.


Letticia was none of those things, so she was sufficiently nervous. By her own standards, at least.


“And I heard you shone at Duchess Dinever’s gathering too? It was written in great detail how you and Lady Eskis together gave the Countess of Finsbury a hard time. These days, I live for reading the Lucinella.”


Eustace laughed happily. The way he said ‘together’ made it feel like she and Seraphina had teamed up, which felt odd.












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  1. Cathe says:

    Now that I’ve read what her cousin K said about “friends”, I’m REALLY worried. I’m seriously hoping Dayna don’t betray Letty down the road. 😣🙏🏻 She has no reason to nor have she shown anything that would make us suspicious. I wish it stays like that!

    1. louyve says:

      I was thinking the same thing when I read that part! But I hope their friendship loyalty is much stronger than anything else!

  2. Cathe says:

    Oh? Interesting, the two youngest royals actually really like her huh? 🤔 I wasn’t expecting that, and apparently nor did Letty. I wonder if they will also try to push her to the crown prince… and am I wrong or is it the first time we see any interaction/words from Eustace at all? And since they’re more friends with her sister, why wasn’t she invited too? 😅

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