My Lover Isn't Interested With The Female lead!


















‘How pathetic.’


He could just enjoy the view from the 4th floor while having tea, but I couldn’t understand why you insisted on coming up to the 5th floor, and causing such a fuss.


Even more, from what I heard earlier, he even boasted to the ladies that he would bring them up here.


‘Should I just warn him and make him back off?’


Letticia prepared for a confrontation. She wasn’t afraid because the guards beside her would stop any violence if he tried to raise his hand.


However, as he climbed all the stairs, Ezkhiel stepped forward and shielded Letticia behind him.




“Please stay still. I’ll handle this.”


Ezkhiel spoke calmly to Letticia and then looked at Viscount Langford with a composed expression.


“What is your business here?”


“I am Viscount Langford. I came here personally to escort the two ladies visiting Faymont today.”


The viscount spoke triumphantly, as if expecting them to recognize his name immediately.


‘I’ve never heard anything about him.’


Though Letticia didn’t know all the noble names like Kenneth, she remembered the important ones, and Viscount Langford wasn’t one of them.


“Is that so? Then what business do you have with us?”


Despite the viscount’s attitude, Ezkhiel remained polite, which seemed to make the viscount think he could be taken lightly. The viscount puffed himself up even more.


“I made a promise to bring those two ladies up to the 5th floor, and I must fulfill that promise. I trust you understand what I mean.”


“Are you serious for saying that? It seems you’re just trying to cover for your boast.”


Letticia was flabbergasted by this man’s ridiculous and pitiful words. Thanks to Ezkhiel shielding her, her expression wasn’t visible.


It seemed Ezkhiel was equally taken aback; his previously gentle voice turned cold.


“In that case, it would be better for you to quietly return and sincerely apologize to the ladies. Since you made a promise you couldn’t keep, it is your duty to take responsibility.”


Ezkhiel’s polite yet firm words made the viscount burst into anger.


“Are you telling me to become a fool who can’t keep his promises? Do you even know who the ladies I escorted are?”


“Are they’re from the royalty?”




“I’m asking if the two ladies you escorted are from the royalty family.”


The word ‘royalty family’ made the viscount flinch, but he quickly regained his arrogance.


“They’re not from the royalty family, but they are of the highest noble bloodline. Their grace, beauty, and character are unmatched in this empire.”


To say such things in front of the diamond of this season, which is compared to the queen of flowers, the rose. Letticia couldn’t think of anything to say and just let out a hollow laugh.


However, it might be fortunate for those two young ladies that mentioned by Viscount Langford, because Ezkhiel was a much more polite person than her.


“In that case, those ladies wouldn’t want to see you causing any trouble. If they have such admirable qualities as you say, they wouldn’t approve of your behavior.”


The viscount’s anger flared even more at Ezkhiel’s accurate observation.


“It’s you the one who starting to make a trouble out of something that could have been handled quietly! I politely explained, asking you to make a concession for the noble ladies, but you’re still didn’t want to understand that!”


“There is no obligation for anyone to listen that, even if you ask for a request or an explanation for it. Based on the Viscount’s words earlier, does anyone here have the obligation to yield to those ladies who came here with you? Even you and those ladies are supposedly have no right to be in this place. Where exactly is that obligation to do that? Please do not embarrass the two ladies for the Viscount’s own pride.”


Despite the viscount’s shouting, Ezkhiel didn’t back down.


Letticia was surprised by this side of him, so different from his usual kind and slightly shy demeanor.


‘Was this person always like this?’


While Leticia felt a flutter at this unexpected side of Ezkhiel, the viscount, realizing Ezkhiel wouldn’t yield, changed his target to Letticia.


“Talking to you is useless. I’ll speak directly to the lady over there. Step aside.”


“I have no reason to step aside. In fact, I should apologize to the lady for wasting her time dealing with your nonsense.”


“By your attire, you seem to be a low-ranking official. Stop showing off in front of the lady and step aside. You should know I can make you lose your job easily.”


With such blatant arrogance, Letticia’s patience finally ran out.


Letticia, who was thoroughly annoyed, lightly grabbed Ezkhiel’s arm and shook her head.


“It’s okay, sir Bright. I’ll handle this.”


“Lady, you don’t need to trouble yourself with such a person.”


Ezkhiel, genuinely concerned, tried to dissuade Letticia. However, she had no desire to watch this scene any longer.


“No, we need to resolve this quickly so you can have your meal. You need to get back inside soon.”


“Well, that is true, but…”


“Let’s get this over as soon as possible. We don’t have much time.”


Letticia whispered, determined to get rid of the nuisance, and stepped forward.


As Letticia, who had been behind Ezkhiel, revealed herself, Viscount Langford, who was ready to snap, called out her name in surprise.


“Could it be, Lady Sharon?”


If he had paid any attention to his surroundings, he would have noticed Letticia’s pink hair. But he was too focused on causing a trouble.


“Since you know who I am, I guess we can skip the introductions.”


Letticia smiled brightly, deliberately putting on an arrogant expression as she glared at the viscount. She had no intention of mentioning his earlier praises about the two noble ladies.


“So, you said you wanted to speak to me directly. What do you want to say?”


“As you might have heard, I promised the two noble ladies I escorted that they could have tea on the 5th floor. So, please, for my sake, yield the spot.”


Despite being surprised to see Letticia, the viscount shamelessly repeated his request.


Letticia, looking at him coldly, responded with a smirk after he finished speaking nonsense.


“Why should I do that?”




“Like what sir Bright said, I have no reason to yield your request. Also, from what I heard, you promised something you can’t deliver, claiming you had access to the 5th floor. Why should I help you cover up your lie? You should go and apologize for making a promise you couldn’t keep.”


As Letticia refuted him clearly, the viscount’s face turned red with anger and shame.


“Are you really going to be so petty over giving up a seat just once? If you came to the 5th floor today, you can come again another day, can’t you? So why not give someone else a chance for once?”


“You’re not asking me to yield; you’re asking me to break the rules by letting someone without permission enter. If you’re not going to follow the rules here, I suggest you order tea at home instead.”


“Lady Sharon!”


The viscount raised his voice and tried to approach, but Ezkhiel and the guards were quicker.


As Ezkhiel shielded Letticia and the guards blocked the viscount, Letticia coldly warned him.


“You should leave before I report you for trespassing. Stop acting like you own the place without permission. Go back to your seat and drink your tea quietly before you get kicked out by the guards. This is your final warning. Understood?”




The viscount looked like he wanted to raise his hand but realized he couldn’t do anything against Letticia, who had three guards.


Moreover, being dragged out by the guards would be an embarrassment for a noble. In the end, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and go back downstairs.


After the viscount left, Letticia shrugged and spoke to Ezkhiel.


“The nuisance is finally gone. Let’s go in.”


“Are you sure? If he tries to harm you…”


Ezkhiel looked worried, but Letticia remained calm.


She didn’t know who Viscount Langford was, but she had a strong case against him for attempting to trespass on private property. Even if he spread false rumors, she could handle it.


“I have the justification on my side, and even if he try to do something with me, there are three guards here with me. Nothing will happen to me. Don’t worry.”


“Well, if you say so…”


Ezkhiel still seemed uneasy, but he didn’t argue further when Letticia reassured him.


To lighten the mood, Letticia smiled brightly and put her hand on his arm.


“Let’s go in and order. The menu is inside, so we can choose from there.”


Having already wasted time with a troublesome customer at the jewelry store, Letticia was eager to finally have a private conversation with Ezkhiel.


With this in mind, she and Ezkhiel entered the private room on the 5th floor.



















Hello, you can support me here & mass release chapter req ^o^ buy me a coffee.


  1. louyve says:

    Edited, You all can tell me if theres any awkward or ambigious words/sentenced. I will fixed that asap when I see those comment, thanks! ❣️

    1. FunsizedCountess says:

      Looks good to me, thank you for the latest update.

      1. louyve says:

        Alrightt, thankyouuu for reading and like this story too!! 💞

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