My Lover Isn't Interested With The Female lead!









My Lover Isn’t Interested With The Female lead!











‘Who would have imagined our family would be tied to the Empress!’


Before Empress Liliana, Matthias’s stepmother, married the Emperor, she had been secluded in a provincial mansion due to inheritance issues with the Grenier Duchy, her paren’s home.


Her grandfather helped Liliana, who barely escaped and came to the capital to file a complaint with the emperor, but was unable to find a dress or jewelry to wear to the audience.


Thanks to him, Liliana safely presented herself to the Emperor, regained her noble status, and eventually married him. Liliana considered Sharon Count as a lifelong benefactor, maintaining their relationship.


Moreover, around the time Letticia turned 7, Liliana even visited the estate in person during her grandfather’s birthday.


Consequently, while Letticia never met Matthias, she had a few encounters with his younger brother, Prince Eustace, and his younger sister, Princess Judith. She even became close friends with Judith.


‘It’s really fortunate that I haven’t met Matthias…’


Before the original story began, to avoid clichés like rescuing the protagonist or becoming his first love, Letticia made efforts in her own way.


Fearing Liliana might bring Matthias during her visits, Letticia consistently asked who would accompany the Empress. When invited to the palace, she declined, using excuses like not having proper etiquette yet or being less polite.


Despite hearing remarks from family members about when she started worrying about such things, it was much better than risking encounters with the Crown Prince, who might become an obsessive male lead in the future.


Fortunately, perhaps due to Liliana being Matthias’s stepmother, he never visited Sharon Count, and he wasn’t forcibly taken to the palace, allowing Letticia to safely spend her childhood without crossing paths with Matthias.


Although she wished for a comfortable life, she couldn’t fathom why there were so many crises.


Moreover, learning as she grew older, Letticia discovered that her parents’ love story was nearly legendary, akin to a love story of the century. As the second generation, Letticia silently led a difficult life.


The only silver lining was being able to occasionally hear news about Matthias.


‘Matthias fulfilled all graduation requirements, so he won’t come to school when I enter. Truly fortunate.’


Surprisingly, there was no description in the original story about Matthias and Ariette meeting at the academy, making Letticia ponder if these narrative gaps were being filled in this way.


“Even if Mari can’t take care of you in the dorm, she will peek at you sometimes. Still, if you get into a fight, it’s a pain in the ass, so it’s best to make friends and make a wooden grid if possible.”


“But if you think it’s going to be a big problem, make sure to say it out loud and make people see it. And cry if you have to. People tend to take sides with people who cry.”


“There are even older brothers teaching political tricks to their younger sisters. Quite nice.”


There wasn’t any particularly practical advice. Letticia, who remembered that well, had nothing to say.



























After several months, finally, on the much-anticipated first day of school, Marianne, Lenard, and Kenneth escorted Letticia to the girls’ dormitory building.


Perhaps worried about the only family member who entered the humanities department alone, they even provided kind explanations.


“The humanities department is in that building with the pink roof. Since there are no classes today, you can go straight to the dormitory.”


“Don’t worry about finding your room. There’s an elevator this year, so you don’t have to walk up if you don’t want to.”


“An elevator?”


The word ‘elevator’ surprised Letticia. It was due to the knowledge from her previous life.


“It’s a room that moves with magic. If you ride it, you can instantly go up to the top floor.”


“They recently created this device in the Magic Tower.”




Not having to walk up the stairs was truly fortunate, Letticia thought, especially since her room was on the 4th floor.


“How’s the room? Spacious?”


“Smaller than the mansion’s bedroom, but it’s decent enough. However, I heard our building caught fire and was rebuilt this year.”


“Fire in the building? Why? Weren’t fire prevention devices installed?”


Sharon Count’s mansion and most buildings have fire prevention tools installed.


Considering the number of nobles residing, it’s unthinkable for Phileas Fogg Academy’s dormitory to overlook such safety measures.


“It probably started from outside. Fire prevention tools are for preventing indoor fires, not external arson.”


“But the Averil Duke’s family claimed it was their mistake and said they would rebuild the entire building. They even mobilized magicians to finish it during the vacation. Must have cost a fortune.”


“What kind of mistake leads to setting fire to a girls’ dormitory building? Last year, only guys were around. How could a fire start here when there was no one coming this way?”


“I don’t know. Officially, that’s what happened.”


Amid the absurd response, a scene from the original work flashed in Letticia’s mind.


This time, it was a scene where the Duke and Alexander were conversing.


“So, how did the negotiations with the Academy go?”


“They say the site is too small to build an annex for Arie, so I think we will have to rebuild the female dormitory building where Arie will stay.”


“Did you make up an excuse to build it again?”


“During the vacation, when the students evacuate, there will be a small fire. If we use the fire as an excuse for reconstruction, it should work out.”


“They also requested to include one of those moving rooms they recently made at the tower. We can’t make our Arie go through the trouble of climbing a tall building.”


“If we insist on that, they might argue it’s unfair compared to other dormitory buildings. What should we do?”


“Phileas already has different standards for dormitory rooms based on the nobility of the families. It only means nobles from more prestigious families live more comfortably. There shouldn’t be any complaints.”


These crazy people.


Reflecting on the truth of the reconstruction, Letticia’s expression twisted in disgust.


The idea of building a separate annex for Ariette was already absurd, but resorting to burning down a perfectly fine building because it couldn’t be done exceeded all imagination.


Even if they claim no casualties occurred during the break when no one was there, it’s still an insane act.


It might be Academy property, but it’s not their own house!


‘… I don’t know, maybe the dormitory building has improved. I heard they even installed elevators. Surely they didn’t reduce the size of other students’ rooms just to please Ariette.’


If they did that, they are no better than monsters.


Shaking her head in disbelief, Letticia grabbed Marianne’s arm and waved to her brothers.


“Well, we’ll be going now. Take care, dear big brothers.”


“Yeah. If anything happens, come to the men’s dormitory. If you say you’re here to meet someone, the dorm supervisor will call for us. Just wait on the first floor. Or you can come to the School of Business building.”


“If you have any trouble, tell Marianne. She knows people around here too.”


“Don’t pass it to me, Ken! You can handle it.”


“You’re in the same women’s dormitory. You helping out would be quicker.”


“Stop boasting about it, and go.”


“I don’t have much to offer either. Just go.”


Lenard sighed, mediating between the twins who were avoiding tasks they didn’t want to do. Letticia, not expecting much help from her brothers, simply changed the topic.


“Let’s quickly go up to our room, Marianne. Where’s the elevator?”


“Over there, the silver door. Next to the door, there’s a button with an arrow shape drawn on it. Press that, and the door will open.”


Following Marianne’s explanation, Letticia went to the elevator and pressed the button with an upward arrow.


With a ‘ding’ sound, the door opened, revealing a room spacious enough for about 10 people.


“Wow, this is really nice. Which floor are you on, sister?”


“I’m on the 3rd floor. Feel free to come over if your roommate gets too noisy.”


“Yeah, come often. I get bored when I’m alone.”


Inside, Letticia pressed buttons 3 and 4 among the numbered buttons.


As she unconsciously waited for the door to close after pressing the close button, she heard someone outside grabbing onto the elevator.


“Hey, wait! We’re coming too!”


In response to the voice, Letticia reflexively pressed the open button.


With another ‘ding,’ the door opened, and people rushed into the elevator.


Three individuals, a pretty blonde girl, a well-built boy, and a young-looking man, were either catching their breath or standing composed.


Phew, thanks. We barely made it.”


The girl who caught her breath thanked with a bright smile.


However, the two men standing behind the girl had contrasting expressions. One showed indifference, while the other nodded with a hint of a guarded demeanor.


‘Wait a moment.’


Letticia quickly scanned the appearance of the two men.


One had short silver hair and was wearing the academy uniform without a tie.


He was much taller than Lenard, with broad shoulders and a muscular build.


The other, also with silver-white hair, gave off an impression as if the word ‘noble’ were drawn as a picture.


Wearing casual clothes instead of the uniform, he seemed older, perhaps a family member rather than a student.


‘Why does this feel ominous…’


Suppressing a shiver down her spine, Letticia smiled politely.


“No, not at all. Which floor are you headed to?”


“I’m going to the 5th floor. Um…”


The girl hesitated, looking at Letticia, perhaps wondering if she should introduce herself first.


“Ah, I’m Letticia, the daughter of Count Sharon. Count Sharon is my father.”


“… I’m Marianne, Sharon Count’s niece. He’s my uncle.”


As Letticia offered a friendly greeting, Marianne, standing behind, also greeted passively.


Responding to their greetings, the girl replied with a smile that seemed fitting for someone described as an ‘angel.’


“You’re from Count Sharon’s family! I’m Ariette, from Duke Averil’s family. Duke Averil is my father.”


‘Damn it.’


Meeting the protagonist and her family on the very first day, it’s certain that fate has forsaken Letticia.


‘This wasn’t supposed to happen so soon! And especially not on the first day!’











To Be Continued…








Thankyou for coming to this sites and read my translation, enjoy! Sorry if theres still have any mistake on the translation. See you on the next update!
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