My Husband Married My Stepmother

MHMMM I Chapter 10

As Tilda was lost in thought, she realized that the young boy must be hungry because she had woken up late.  


“Go have your meal with your brother now.”


At Tilda’s command, Stella waved her hands.


“I can’t do that! It’s my job to ensure you’re comfortable while you eat.”


Tilda fixed her gaze on Stella and replied,


“I still don’t understand your kind. So for now, I’d prefer to be alone.”  




Stella’s face flushed with embarrassment.  


Tilda reminded herself not to let her guard down just because the girl looked young. 


Most Turin tribe members possessed special abilities that set them apart from ordinary people. Thus, even a delicate-looking girl like Stella could quickly draw a blade against her. The tension that she had been holding back burst forth.  


“…Then call me when you’re done eating.”  


While she did intend to let Stella have her meal with her brother, Tilda didn’t bother to add a soft explanation. Her nerves were too frayed for that.


“Wait a moment.”  


Stella stopped at the sound of Tilda’s voice.  




“Is it alright to take a short walk around? Staying in this room all day feels stifling.” 


“A stroll in the courtyard is fine. There’s no one there.”  


Stella bowed politely and left the room. Tilda picked at the food Stella had left behind, which her empty stomach welcomed eagerly. As she filled her once-empty belly, warmth spread through her body, and she realized again that she had returned from the brink of death.


Despite facing such a crisis, she had stubbornly clung to life. 

This flickering flame of life she had fought so hard to bring back still made her feel weak. 


The shock of the truths Aclea had revealed hadn’t worn off, and the feeling of betrayal about Windson was still fresh. How much had they laughed at her behind her back all this time? The thought of her husband being that kind of person was completely terrifying.


Tilda found it utterly horrifying that her husband was that kind of person. What on earth was he thinking, remarrying someone who had been his first wife’s stepmother? Not being able to resist his desires made him less than a beast. If she could just erase the fact that he was her husband from her mind, 


Before she knew it, she had cleaned her plate, forcing herself to eat to satisfy her growling stomach. 


While she stared blankly out the window, she noticed the hired employees of the manor happily working in the garden. Their hair and eye colors were pretty normal, but they must’ve changed their looks using their powers too.


Outside, she saw Stella holding hands with a little boy who seemed to be her younger brother. He bounced alongside her, looking like a cheerful sparrow as he leaped around, clearly enjoying himself. It felt strange to see a child who wasn’t a servant roaming around the high priest’s manor, making it look more like an ordinary household. 


Suddenly, Tilda furrowed her brows.  


‘…Could it be?’  


Could that boy be one of Kalus’ hidden children? Given the kind of scandalous personal life he had, it wouldn’t be surprising.


As she thought about it, Tilda adjusted her dress. Since Stella was outside, another servant arrived. This one also appeared to know her identity and didn’t seem surprised.  


“Yes, did you call for me?”  


“Bring me today’s Empire newspaper.”  


“Understood.” The maid bowed her head and departed.  


Feeling a bit restless, Tilda grabbed the newspaper and headed out to the garden of the manor. In a small pond under a big willow tree, fish with red splashes swam in schools. Tilda took a quick look at the pond before sitting down on a flat rock and opening the newspaper.


The front page was noisy with news.  

[Missing Tilda Vallinea Nockilla. Where has she gone?]  


It had only been a day since she went missing, but her story was already all over the newspapers. It was pretty unusual for her own disappearance to hit the headlines so fast.


Aclea must have directly informed the press, She would need to report her missing to ensure her body was found for a proper funeral, so she could remarry Windson without delay. 


‘He’s probably wary of public opinion, so he won’t remarry immediately.’


Even if the remarriage was delayed, Aclea would likely feel relaxed knowing she was thought to be dead.


Thinking about this sent a little thrill through Tilda. What would Aclea’s face look like when she found out she was alive? Just her being alive would be such sweet revenge.


‘The Goddess Vallinea said that revenge only breeds emptiness.’  


Even as she felt a twinge of guilt with this thought, Tilda couldn’t deny her desire to return the wounds she had received.


Just then, her vision began to blur. The letters in the newspaper seemed to waver and dim, until eventually everything went completely dark.  


Damn it.  


Kalus had mentioned that during her healing process, there would be times when her vision wouldn’t be clear, but she hadn’t expected it to happen so frequently. It had only been that morning since she last experienced it, and now, here she was, unable to see again in the afternoon.


Was this truly part of the healing process?


Tilda grumbled inwardly as she folded the newspaper. She couldn’t stay outside like this. With only Turin tribespeople around, if they realized her sight was gone, who knew what they might do? Kalus had said the Turin weren’t malicious, but they might still hold grudges against the Valinea family, who had slaughtered their ancestors.


Feeling her way around, Tilda got up from her spot. The unfamiliar path felt like a maze, and she felt her mind getting as dark as her vision. Just then, someone gently tugged at her hand.  


‘Who is it?’ she thought, startled and on guard.  


In the seminary, she had learned basic self-defense, so even as a woman, she could hold an average adult man.  


“…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”  


It was Stella’s voice. Recognizing it made Tilda’s tense body relax a bit. She moved her eyes toward where the voice had come from, not wanting to show how blind she was.  


Noticing Tilda’s effort to hide her condition, Stella spoke in a soft voice.  


“Lizard informed me about your situation beforehand, so you can rely on me.”  


Tilda didn’t like the fact that not only Kalus but others were aware of her weakness, but for now, there was no choice.  


As Tilda continued to reach out in the air, her fingertips brushed against Stella’s soft skin.


“…Excuse me.”


Stella took Tilda’s hand and led her.  


“How did you know I was here?”


Tilda asked as they walked together.  


“You mentioned wanting to take a walk, so I thought you might be here.”  

That timing seemed a bit too perfect. Stella might have been watching her. 


Noticing Tilda’s stiff expression, Stella cautiously added,  


“…I know this might be uncomfortable for you, but please bear with me. I’ll get you back to your room quickly.”  


Tilda sighed, feeling guilty for scaring the girl.


“I’m not bothered by you. I’m just being cautious.”  


Hearing Tilda’s softened voice, Stella’s previously tense hand relaxed.  


“All the Turin here aren’t very different from ordinary people.”  


“…What do you mean by that?”  


“It’s true that Turin are known for their extraordinary abilities, but that’s from the past. But only a few, like Kalus, actually have abilities now. So, you don’t need to be too wary.”  


If that was true, then why hadn’t anyone else known about it…? If it was real, there wouldn’t be any need to be so cautious around the Turin.


Tilda doubted Stella’s words but she also recognized that if she didn’t trust Kalus, no one else would believe her either.  


The unexpected claim made her head feel complicated again.  


“Please rest. Kalus is out for a bit, and it will take him some time to return.”  


Stella laid Tilda down on the bed and adjusted the blanket.  


She heard Stella’s footsteps as the girl left the room.


As silence filled the space, Tilda slowly closed and opened her unseeing eyes.  

Stella’s words echoed in her mind.  


“All the Turin here aren’t very different from ordinary people.”  


If that were true, then the world was persecuting innocent people.  

Was it naive to think that a single statement from Stella could overturn everything she had believed up to this point?


As time passed, shapes began to emerge from the previously dark void of her sight. Gradually, she could see the room’s scenery clearly.  


Thank goodness.  


She had worried that she would have to kiss that beastly man to regain her sight, but it returned naturally this time.  


Just then, the door burst open.


Tilda looked at the unexpected visitor who had entered without permission.  


“Well, it seems your sight has returned,” Kalus said.  


Having received a report from Stella about her condition, he recognized her immediately upon seeing her focused eyes.  


“I was going to help you to regain it.”  


Kalus said, walking closer to the bed where Tilda was sitting.  


“Is that all you think about?”  


“I’m just following my desires.”  


“It’s a sin to think like that while wearing priest robes.”  


Kalus shrugged.  


“I’m not even a real deputy priest anyway.”  


Tilda couldn’t understand why the Goddess Valinea allowed such a fraud to exist.


At that moment, Kalus leaned over, resting his arms on the bed, and asked,  

“So, was it boring spending time without me today?”



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