My Ex-Boyfriends Are Interfering With My Death

No One Is Born a Hero (5)

Chapter 20
No One Is Born a Hero (5)


After a long discussion, the hastily formed reconnaissance team was walking along the bottom of a dark canyon. Everyone seemed somewhat frightened, as if preparing for the unknown entity that was presumed to have attacked the professors and knights. Only a few remained unshaken, with Ethan Behemoth leading at the front being the most notable figure.

Thanks to him holding a large oil torch and leading the way, they could manage to walk without stumbling over rocks despite the scarce moonlight. The thick clouds obscuring the moon didn’t seem likely to clear anytime soon. It was an ominous weather in many ways.

Since the sun had set quickly, the students who decided to return to the academy planned to wait until dawn at the campsite before departing. However, the reconnaissance team decided to move out even if it meant taking risks, judging that time could be of the essence.

The ground was quite uneven, with many irregularly sunken areas, so everyone remained silent to focus on watching the shadow-covered ground as they walked. After walking quietly for a while, Ethan Behemoth muttered softly:

“We should have dismounted from here.”

“Can’t we ride on spirits?”

“That’s not feasible for this many people.”

Another knight and Camilla conversed as they followed behind.

The small team consisted of 10 people, including knights and mages whose faces I didn’t recognize. Cain had also hoped to join the reconnaissance team but was asked to lead the group escorting the remaining students back to the academy.

And as for me… I thought I wouldn’t be included in the team due to Ethan Behemoth’s opposition, but…


“S-still, wouldn’t it be reassuring to have Lady Edith with us? I-it’s a dangerous path, after all.”


Thanks to Rimos Therion timidly speaking up for me, I was able to join the reconnaissance mission. The condition was that I stay in the safest position in the middle.

‘This means I won’t be able to slip away in the middle.’

That look in Ethan Behemoth’s eyes… I had seen it before. It was exactly the same look he gave when watching for potential deserters during joint operations. He must undoubtedly see me as a dangerous element, ready to end my life at any opportunity.

‘Why would I die?’

The chance to uncover and end the curse that had tormented me hundreds of times was right before me. So every time he turned around to check on the team, I waved my hand to show that I was staying in my position.

Strategically, it was advantageous for the search to stay with them for now. So it was better to go along without deviating.

There were traces of blood that the professor had intermittently left behind to the campsite, dotting the ground.

After following those traces for some time, Ethan Behemoth suddenly stopped.


It was at the entrance where the canyon narrowed sharply.

As Ethan Behemoth suddenly stopped there, raising his oil torch high and looking around, the other students also became tense abruptly.

I was the only one who didn’t sense anything strange.

Though it probably wasn’t out of consideration for me, Ethan Behemoth briefly instructed in a low voice.

“The smell of blood has gotten stronger.”


Only then did I realize that the smell enveloping the surroundings wasn’t the cold fog, but something unpleasant and sickly sweet.

…A sweet scent?

The smell was too sweet to be blood, which is why I didn’t notice it immediately.

The others didn’t seem to feel such an ominous premonition, as a few knights followed Ethan Behemoth in climbing up the jutting rocks on the cliff wall.

‘They’re climbing that as if they were mountain goats.’

As expected of students personally selected by ‘the’ Ethan Behemoth, their overall skills were exceptional.

The source of the blood smell Ethan Behemoth had sensed was quickly revealed as he raised his arm high to illuminate the middle of the cliff with his torch.

There was a large hole in the middle of the canyon wall. More accurately, it should be called a cave.

It was located slightly higher than where Ethan Behemoth had climbed, and a human hand was sticking out from inside.

“Is that…?”

Could it be a corpse’s hand?

“…The professor said to come quickly.”

“Yeah, that’s what they said.”

“So this is where the initial incident occurred?”

“That’s likely.”

Ethan asked Ian, who had climbed up nearby, once more, then briefly said as he passed the oil torch to the knight just below:

“I’ll go in and take a look first.”

Then Ethan leaped into the cave. His shadow was quickly swallowed by the darkness inside.

Soon after, the hand that had been sticking out of the cave retreated inside. It seems Ethan had taken care of it.

“Is it someone we know?”

One of the knights who had received the torch raised his voice, but there was no response as Ethan seemed to be deep inside the cave.

“Is it wider inside than we thought?”

“Well, given the size of the entrance, probably…”

“We should prepare to climb up too.”


As I looked up at the canyon, everyone, including Camilla, was discussing how to climb up to the cave.

They all seemed somewhat mentally prepared, expecting the hand to belong to one of the professors or knights.

‘Wise of them.’

After all, it’s unlikely anyone else would venture this far into such an unexplored, dangerous canyon.

‘But why did the professor or knight go up there?’

That’s the question.

Had they entered here in the past as well? Were they trying to hide here to observe the students moving?

If so, why has a cave that was safe in the past become dangerous now? Am I making unfounded assumptions?

…Perhaps, in the worst-case scenario, if ‘that’ which I’ve been thinking about is actually in there…

No, since Ethan Behemoth is quiet, is everything alright?

Thoughts based on experience came flooding in complexity. I felt somewhat queasy.

The sweet scent similar to blood still lingered.

And after waiting for a while, Ethan’s voice was heard from inside the cave.

“I’ve taken care of things roughly, everyone come inside.”

“Okay. Let’s all go in!”


Ian, who had been waiting near the cave, nodded and entered first. Others followed.

Everyone managed to enter the cave in the middle of the canyon without much difficulty.

As I stared blankly at the scene, I suddenly realized I was left alone below.

Camilla gestured to me just before entering the cave.

“Come on in quickly!”

Oh, I should hurry too.

I looked up at the towering cliff.

Climbing directly is impossible, I’ll need to use magic.

As I was preparing a spatial transfer spell, someone tugged at my clothes.

Was there someone else left besides me?

I turned around quickly…


“Lady Edith.”

…It was Rimos Therion.


Since all the students holding torches had entered the cave, I couldn’t see his expression. Only a faint outline was visible in the dim moonlight.

‘Ah, is he unable to climb up on his own?’

Is that why he grabbed me? To ask for help?

But I’m a bit reluctant to take his hand…

While I hesitated with such thoughts, Therion quietly asked:

“Are, are you going to climb up?”

He must be asking for help, as I thought.

“Yes. Would you like me to help you?”

As I reached out my hand towards him, he lowered his head to look at my hand.

Then he gently placed his hand on top of mine.

But he didn’t actually grip it, so it was neither held nor grasped.

…What does this mean? I looked at him again.


He laughed. A low, tickling voice filled with laughter.

It was a laugh close to mockery, unpleasantly so.

…He asked again.

“Are, are you really going to climb up?”


‘Is he saying not to go up?’

What’s the intention behind this question?

Suddenly, a sense of unease swept over me.

A hole appeared abruptly in the middle of the canyon.

And a hand was sticking out from inside.

The sweet scent different from blood. The unease that only I noticed…

Something I had forgotten. Something I had overlooked…


“Everyone, come inside.”

As I raised my head to stare at the cave entrance, even darker than the surrounding darkness, Ethan’s voice was heard again.

It’s exactly the same voice as before, without any difference.

It seemed natural due to the echo typical of caves, but with just a little suspicion, it’s terribly discordant.

It’s different from the real Ethan Behemoth’s voice.

The strangeness that other students, in a state of extreme tension, wouldn’t have noticed.

The deception that fooled even Ian Gardwin, who had been closest to Ethan Behemoth, and completely blinded the eyes of Camilla Guinevere, who had reached right in front of the cave entrance.

‘Everyone come inside.’

So that’s the method.

There’s one bad point and one good point.

The good point is that I now know what action to take.

The bad point is… that this is a sign of misfortune that couldn’t get any worse in this situation.

‘It has begun.’

For unknown reasons, ‘that incident’ which had nearly annihilated the academy in countless past regressions was starting early.


Thank you for reading! ♡

Thank you for reading! ♡ Feel free to check my other novel on my carrd!


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