My Arrogant Shadow

Throughout the garden, my eyes widened in amazement.

The neatly arranged fountain and the flawless flowers in the garden showed the dedication of the staff at first glance.

“So, he really is a neat freak.”

As I entered, a man who looked like a butler glanced at my appearance, frowned, and had me change into a maid’s uniform.

Though I had put effort into my attire, it was clearly unsatisfactory to them.

Wearing clothes that were about half a palm too big, I looked quite funny, but the butler ignored it and started guiding me again.

We passed through a long corridor and headed towards the annex of the tall spire.

He told me various things to be mindful of.

“In the presence of the young master, you must be very polite. As he has respiratory issues, you must clean immediately if there is even a speck of dust. Always return the items he uses to their original places…”

The butler, lifting his monocle, glanced at me to check if I was listening properly.

His furrowed brows showed no sign of easing.

He had the same expression as Aunt Mary—a resigned look that wondered how long I would last.

“And you must never go up to the attic.”


“You surely know not to open any door without the young master’s permission.”


“From now on, you are Yuriciel of the Viscount Velord household.”

In a world where even breathing the same air as Blanchet’s heir would be a big problem for a commoner, it was clear the butler didn’t want to create any issues.

Although I already knew, being reminded several times that I was from a different world was a bit tiring.

“Of course.”

The butler, seemingly annoyed by my curt response, made me repeat his instructions.

But that was no big deal.

The skills honed through countless menial jobs don’t come for free.

The family-run restaurant that harassed me, the fish shop owner who didn’t pay my wages…

Compared to those past experiences, this was nothing.

At least in a place with such high-ranking people, they wouldn’t withhold my pay.

When I recited everything the butler said without missing a word, he looked at me in surprise and opened the door.

Inside, a seemingly lifeless body lay on the bed.

Just as I was about to enter, the butler stopped me and bowed politely to make his report.

“I have brought the child to assist you.”

Silence filled the room.

That brief moment of emptiness created tension.

I worried that I might be told to leave immediately after coming all this way.

Sure enough, my bad feeling did not betray me.

“I said I don’t need that.”

The hoarse voice suggested it might have been clear if not for the cracking. It sounded noble, like the elegant porcelain in the corridors I had seen.

Though he only said one word, it didn’t seem like it came from someone of his age.

Despite the well-refined tone, the content was far from polite.

To refer to a person as ‘that thing’ was indeed out of his mind.

Of course, it didn’t hurt me much.

It’s common for high-born young masters to treat lower people this way.

Having heard that he had a bad temper, I felt somewhat immune.

But the image I had of him as someone with a terminal illness was completely overturned.

Any pity or useless sympathy melted away like snow.

It was absurd for me to worry about anyone.

If I got kicked out now, I’d have to worry about my mother’s medicine costs for the month, not someone else.

The butler, anxiously trying to persuade the young master, showed a firm demeanor.

He was someone who could dominate others with just silence.

In that moment, I became genuinely curious about his face.

The butler, who seemed to have experienced this several times, continued to persuade despite the refusal, and the young master, looking annoyed, flicked his finger.

Only then did the butler turn and walk towards the door.

As he passed me, he didn’t forget to give me a sharp look as a warning.

Even after the door closed carefully, I didn’t move an inch from my spot.

Following the butler’s instructions, I stayed still until the young master permitted me to move.

Clearly, he was a prickly person, so there was no reason for me to do anything to get scolded.

To avoid losing today’s pay.

How much time passed, I didn’t know.

Cassian slowly raised his upper body.

Though he looked like even that was strenuous, I pretended not to notice and didn’t help.

I didn’t want to hurt his pride by offering help to such a difficult person.

Soon, he leaned against the bedside and, ignoring me, picked up a book from the table.

His hands flipped through the pages roughly.

Half-reading, half-ignoring, he tossed the book onto the table several times.

I silently put the scattered books back in their place.

And again, the stack of things to organize grew.

I couldn’t tell if he was doing it to tease me or if it was just his bad temper.

Since it was quite mild, it wasn’t too hard.

But the discomfort of staying still was the problem.

Being used to moving my body, staying still made me itch. I habitually tidied up around me.

Occasionally, behind the pages of the book, glimpses of his face appeared.

From a distance where I wouldn’t be noticed, I observed Cassian’s face.

His pale face was as aristocratic as they said, but he looked like he hadn’t eaten soup.

His skinny arms and legs looked like they could break at a touch.

Despite that, his red eyes shone with life whenever they caught the sunlight.

His well-sculpted nose and jawline seemed crafted by a skilled artist, harmonious and beautiful.

The face suited his elegant voice and noble name, Cassian.

After that, Cassian controlled everything with just a flick of his finger.

Ignoring me, but not forgetting my presence, he had me fetch and return books repeatedly.

As the simple task repeated dozens of times, he roughly put down the book.

“The Art of Governance”

It was a book that didn’t suit his age at all.

Even young noblemen in the capital usually read such books only after becoming adults. And even then, it was to build virtues as lords managing their domains.

Heads of families used these to judge and select the next heir.

Meaning, for Cassian, who might not be here much longer, such a book was pointless.

It’s unlikely Blanchet’s only son would need to read this for competition.

So, the only explanation was that he intended to annoy me.

Surely, if I had little time left, I’d be angry too.

Everything in the world would be annoying.

People’s laughter, the clear sky, nature changing clothes each season—all of it.

Maybe he wanted everyone to feel his pain.

Blanchet’s only heir indeed had the position to tease others.

As usual, I picked up the book he threw, but this time, Cassian’s gaze pierced me.

The intense red glare was so strong I couldn’t ignore it anymore.

As I turned my head, our eyes met.

His sharp gaze seemed to pierce through me.

His voice, when it came out, was as sharp as a sword forged in the sky.

“Get out.”

Is this how he drove out dozens of predecessors?

Now it was my turn. His demeanor painted the picture clearly on his face.

“It won’t change anything if you kick me out.”

Cassian looked at me as if to challenge me.

The piercing gaze felt like it froze the air, but if I was going to be kicked out, I’d rather try everything I could.

“The Madam will never leave you alone, no matter who I am.”

Indeed, the mistress of this mansion couldn’t leave him unattended, not for Blanchet’s sake.

Cassian seemed to understand that very well.


A sly smile spread across his face.

“I should shut up and let you serve me?”

“I’ll be better than other employees.”

“You’re very confident.”

His tone was full of mockery.

“I’ve lasted over an hour, haven’t I? I can do anything you want.”

I clung to the hope that he hadn’t kicked me out yet.

I moved cautiously, hearing countless stories of people being kicked out, and I thought I was handling it well.


A clear sneer spread across the young master’s pale face.

“What makes you think I can’t do anything, being so close to death?”


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