Mind Reading

Chapter 5 Part 2

“Hello? May I ask, is this Miss Su Tang?” 

Her voice was clear and crisp, the politeness felt unemotional too. Su Tang thought that it was some sort of marketing call and replied hesitantly, “Yes, you are……” 

The person seemed to be rushing, she cut off Su Tang’s words before she could finish, “Hello, I am Mr. Shen’s assistant. His car keys are with you, is it a good time for me to pick it up?” 

“Ah….. Okay.” Su Tang subconsciously reached into her pockets and took out the keys, “Where are you? I’ll send them to you now.” 

“It’s fine, I see you.” 

The call ended before she waited for Su Tang to reply. 

That meant she was somewhere near her. Su Tang quickly looked up and a tall lady dressed formally in black about ten meters away was heading towards her. 

She was standing next to the lift and there were a few who came this way. Su Tang locked her eyes on the lady at first glance because she looked like her voice; clean and experienced, a strong feeling of professionalism was seeping through her bones. Compared to her, all the carefully dressed interviewees looked like they were cosplaying office ladies instead. 

This was probably what people meant when they say drawing a tiger’s skin was easy, but it was hard to draw its bones. 

Su Tang realized that everything that was related to the word “Shen Yi’s” were all high quality. 

Su Tang secretly admired as she approached the lady and gave her the keys politely while telling her where she parked the car. The lady didn’t exchange too much conversation and headed to the crowded lift after she thanked her. 

“There’s something else,” Su Tang followed her and passed the file in her arms to her, “Please take this to Mr. Shen too, it’s his stuff.” 

“No problem.” 

The lift door closed slowly and Shen Tang took out her phone, checking the message Shen Yi sent while she was picking up the call. 


Su Tang blinked and realized that the star signs weren’t censoring something, but it was the symbol for calculating the square in the coding language. 

She pictured Shen Yi roaring with laughter and shoved the phone back to her pocket with a grieving sigh. 

How could they be friends when they have different brain configurations…… 

It was twelve past when Su Tang arrived at home. Grandma was still busy in the kitchen and Su Tang washed her hands to help. She answered grandma’s questions about the interview and finally found a chance to change the topic. She minced the garlic and pretended not to care, “Oh right…… Grandma, what does Shen Yi do?” 

Grandma wasn’t suspicious at all. She tasted the soup and replied, “Ah, I can’t really remember now that you ask. I think he’s in charge of money or something, he’s not busy either. He always visits me during the day and that’s why I asked him to pick you up…… If I knew he was still hospitalized and his driver was on leave, I would’ve asked Xiao Chen instead. There was no need to bother him……” 

Su Tang didn’t pay attention to the second half and thought through every profession that was related to “in charge of money”. Shen Yi didn’t look like a normal staff member and she guessed the highest position, “CFO?” 

Grandma carefully turned the fish over and shook her head firmly, “No, no, it’s not astrology related……” 

“Grandma, not UFO…… I was talking about the CFO, chief financial officer.” 

Grandma looked at the perfect dish satisfyingly and tapped the spoon lightly on the pand, smiling, “Same thing, same thing…… I’m a granny, I don’t really know what’s going on with these things you youngsters do…… Ah, come, put the minced garlic in that dish, clean up the table and we can eat!” 

Grandma always called things she didn’t understand or couldn’t remember as “young people’s things”. Su Tang was scared that she would expose Shen Yi’s escape from the hospital last night if she kept on asking and stopped talking about anything related to him, but she secretly searched for Huazheng’s CFO on the internet. 

Huazheng’s CFO wasn’t Shen Yi, but a middle-aged man called Chen Guohui. No one in the high level leaders had the surname Shen. 

Su Tang’s curiosity towards Shen Yi wasn’t nearly enough to defeat jet lag. She finished eating and washed the dishes before she went back to her room to sleep. She woke up from the vibration of her phone when the sun was setting. 

Su Tang sleepily picked up the phone and found it was an email from Huazheng’s HR Department. The content was simple and obviously sent to multiple people. Su Tang glanced at it and her eyes were fixed on one sentence. 

——Please report on August 9th (next Monday) before 12:00 to the HR office on the second floor. 


Did the Huazheng office’s automatic message happen to be faulty?

It was just over four on a Friday afternoon and it was still working hours. Su Tang called the phone that was stated in the email if they had any questions. 

“Hello, I attended an interview at Huazheng this morning, I just received an email, an email saying…” Su Tang paused, “That I passed it.” 

The person who picked up was a middle-aged lady. her voice was soft and her attitude was gentle too, “Congratulations, do you have any questions about that?” 

Su Tang suddenly thought her question sounded stupid. She hesitated for a while but still asked, “I just wanted to ask….. Did I really pass it? Is it possible that someone else had the same name as me, or if you sent it to the wrong person……” 

The lady giggled, “You are funny…… What’s your name? I’ll check it for you.” 

“Su Tang.” 

Clicking sounds came from the other side, “Which characters?” 

Su Tang was nervous and her tongue was twisted, “Su as in  Dongpo meat…… No, I meant Su as in Su Dongpo!” 

A wave of laughter came from the other side and she suddenly realized that the caller put her on speaker so she could type, and she didn’t want to work there anymore…… 

“Ah, I see, I see it…” The other side was still smiling, “Su Tang, the address is Boya Sanatorium, and your phone number ends with 9906?” 


“That’s correct then, you passed the interview.” 

“Thank you, sorry to bother you……” 

“It’s okay.” 

Su Tang hung up in the midst of their laughter and buried her head into the pillow. 

She passed her interview just like that, did her grandma cook a koi fish for lunch?

Koi fish flashed across her mind and she suddenly remembered the person who gave her the materials at the last moment. She climbed up and quickly messaged him. 

——I can’t believe I passed the interview! 

She didn’t receive Shen Yi’s message until the afternoon on the second day after she was drowned in grandma and all her friend’s congratulations. 

——Congratulations to Huazheng for digging up a piece of gold. 


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