Masters, Are You Going To Imprison My Sister?

Suddenly, I felt my head pounding. Did Layla become Isley’s exclusive servant in the original story? That doesn’t seem to be the case. I don’t know why things are going this way.

An exclusive servant has a role similar to a secretary, and is known to be around the person and serving 24 hours a day, performing tasks such as scheduling meetings, collecting information, and attendance. As such, they tend to choose someone good at their job or someone clever as a exclusive servant.

But you were trying to put me in that position? Me? Why? Aren’t we just an ordinary master and maid? It was a pretty friendly relation, but that was the end of it, before Isley was playing pranks on me. I accepted it, I flirted with him before I regained my memory. There was nothing more or less. Are you planning to harass me by keeping me by your side? Starting with the duke’s birthday party, it feels like the whole story is twisted. No, it’s definitely twisted.

I didn’t want any more headaches, but unprecedented situations keep dropping over as if God was keen on kill me.

My hands shook with anger and I felt like crying again.

… I am okay. After all, if I leave the Dukedom, it will be over.

“… Head Maid, I am very grateful, but I think I am not good enough to become an exclusive servant.”

“It might be. But who can do it right the first time? We decided to take you as an exclusive servant, so from now on, you’re going to receive education for the job. When you pass it all, you will be good at it.”

I sighed and replied,

“Head maid, I don’t want to be Master Isley’s exclusive servant.”

“Then, Master Arthur? Oh, or maybe you will like to be master Osses’ maid, like Lemon or the others. I’m sorry, but that’s impossible. Because he’s the next duke, the duke is going to give him a person she has chosen herself!”

I shook my head in disappointment. She must have misunderstood me. It would be better to clear it now.

“No, I want a letter of recommendation.”

Head maid sipped her tea once. There was an expression of absurdity on her face.

“Are you planning on leaving the duke house?”

I nodded slowly.


“Already? It’s only been a little over a month.”

“Yes, I know. But… I have to quit for some reason. Sister Yuria is also with me. I would really appreciate it, if you could write the recommendation letter, also for my sister.”

“Oh, really, that’s amazing. This was completely unexpected.”

The head maid muttered so much and then fiddled with her hands.

“I thought you might have been after power as you suddenly pushed to get close to me. I didn’t mean to blame you for that. I really like honest people. But, were you acting so cute because you wanted to leave? Whether it’s being an exclusive servant or more money, it’s all useless to you, right?”


Did I speak too hastily? Did I say something wrong?

I looked at the head maid and grabbed the ends of my skirt out of reflex. Because I was watching the head maid’s actions one by one, when she suddenly stood up, her body trembling involuntarily.

The head maid approached her desk, opened drawers one by one, and rummaged through the documents inside. Then she took out two of the stationery sheets from a drawer and sat down on the chair. She stood still and began to scribble with a quill. The room was filled with the sound of pen scratching.

What is she doing?

I glanced at her and watched her actions as she lifted her head. In a fraction of a minute, the head maid filled out the first line to the last line of the stationery, and at the end she scrawled her signature and showed it to me.

On the letterhead with a rose flower symbolizing the duke family, written was praise for Yuria Hanson and Laila Hanson for their competent work skills, excellent friendliness, and bright personalities.

It was a recommendation letter.

“It’s a pity… Yes, that’s all I can write. It was a short time, but I really liked you. Come on, take it.”

“Thank you…!”

Oh, am I finally getting this? All my hard work to win her favor wasn’t a waste, of all that I had to buy and sacrifice, joking around with funny stories. With this alone, I’ll be able to escape from the three brothers and Count Nigor. If I go out here, I won’t even spare them a look.

I tried to catch the fluttering stationery in front of his eyes, but before that, there was a hand pulling it out of my back.

“But I really don’t understand. Why do you want to quit? Others are eager to work in the duke’s house, but you are acting like a person who is anxious to leave.”

“I’m sorry. It’s a personal matter, so it’s hard to say.”

“Yeah, I get it. I won’t dawdle in your matters. So, when are you planning to leave?”

“As soon as possible. Huh…. Should I write a letter of resignation?”

“Yeah, you have to write a resignation letter. As a rule of Duke house, submit the resignation letter one week before you leave. You have to organize your accommodation and hand over your work to a new person in charge. I will tell you the details after I receive your resignation letter.”

“Can’t we go out before than a week?”

“Even before a week?”

The wide-open eyes scanned me over.

“I can’t tell, but there are circumstances, so I want to leave as soon as possible… It is out of line to ask you this, but can you let me go in three days?”

“… Thank you.”

The maid handed me two envelopes with the two forms of resignation and a confidentiality agreement. It’s for me and my sister. The confidentiality contract was written when I entered the mansion, stating that I would be severely punished if I mentioned duke’s affairs outside.

She nodded and spoke to me before leaving the room.

“Ah, and Layla.”

“… Yes?”

“Why don’t you think this over patiently? It doesn’t make sense to me.”

I closed the office door just after.

As door closed, I covered my face with my hands and screamed in my mind. My face was hot.

Oh my god, I thought it wouldn’t show much after washing with cold water! I looked at the window and sighed.

“… I have to go drop the documents to my sister later. I need to calm down.”

I’ll give this to her after I’m done with it. It was also clear that she would be angry for having done something without informing her. I want to stall the fight with my sister as much as possible. I don’t think it’s late to say it though…

I put the letter of recommendation in the envelope and headed to the bathroom.

This time, I washed my face with cold water for a longer period of time, wet a towel and placed it over my eyes and headed to work.

Amy, who was cleaning the same area, was furious, asking where I was in my condition. As I bowed and apologized, she got embarrassed and let me go. There was no room to talk as my eyes had sunk a lot.

Amy, who had been scratching her head in embarrassment, was apparently puzzled.

“But Lala, what are those papers?”

“Ah… this?”

To be honest, I thought about it, but decided to just tell. Even if I don’t tell her, it will all be in the air soon.

A maid named Layla, who works in a certain district, came out of the head maid’s office with a resignation letter, and said that she seemed to be quitting her job soon, something like that. Better to have it phrased in my own words.

“It’s a resignation letter.”

Amy’s eyes widened.

“What?! Resignation…? Wait, did I hear something wrong? So you were in the head maid’s office at a time I couldn’t see you? Are you thinking of quitting the maid job? Sister Yuria too?”


“… Why…? There is no other job as good as this…”

“It’s a bit harsh to convey the reason as it’s very personal.”

“… Ah… sorry.”

Amy rolled her eyes and fiddled with the broom. Her embarassment and sorrow were dripping down from her face.

“If you quit, are you going to work for another noble family? Or are you looking for something else?”

“I’ll work as a maid in another noble family.”

“I see… . I’m so sorry to hear that you’re leaving… I thought we could work together for the rest of our lives…”

I laughed softly. Actually, Amy, I thought so too. But how can the world be made up of ideals? If that had been the case, my sister and I would have been able to live with our parents for the rest of our lives, we wouldn’t have been caught by Count Nigor, and we wouldn’t have to set foot in this mansion at all.

… It seems it has gone too far. Ever since I got into a fight with my sister, my thoughts have been nothing but pessimistic. In any case, the moment memories of my previous life returned, my departure from this mansion was set in stone.

“When are you leaving?”

“Perhaps in three days…?”

“Then let’s have a farewell party or something before you go! I will call Marie, Bianca, and the other kids.”

“It will be good. I will get some leftover bread and fruit from the kitchen and we can enjoy it together.”

At that, Amy opened her eyes and smiled.

I have received letters of recommendation and resignations. One of the long-standing concerns have now been resolved. But another new concern arose, and that was Isley.

The thought of seeing the face of Isley Emers again, who had watched me cry, was awkward and made my brain go haywire. I was worried that I might run into him when I went to clean his room, but luckily, he wasn’t there.

When we ran into each other by chance in the hallway, he passed by as if avoiding me. It was a little embarrassing, but… wouldn’t that be better than coming over and making fun of me?

The day passed with me working. When I headed back to the dormitory, unlike yesterday, my sister was there. I sat on her bed.

“… Sister?”

I thought there would be other defenses because she didn’t want to see my face again… Are you thinking of reconciling?

That stupid thought vanished as I looked at her face. It was because my sister, who slowly raised her head, had a face that seemed to holding back anger.

“Me… I really hate to be mad at you. I don’t want to be angry… But why…”

She raised her hands and wiped her face, and let out a sigh.

“I mean, at dinner time… Amy came over and told me. She really can’t believe we’re leaving the duke’s household to become a maid of another noble family, and it’s so sad that the two of us have to leave… When she saw Layla holding the resignation letter, she was really surprised… Layla… Why do I have to hear it from your friend?”

I roughly expected this to happen. Rumors spread quickly, so I had thought of a situation where I might not have to surprise Yuria myself with my actions.

I sighed, then pulled out an envelope from my pocket.

“… Sister, calm down.”

“Is this the resignation letter?”

My sister got up and came over to me. She took the document from my hand and checked the contents inside.

“… It’s really funny. How did you even get a recommendation letter?”

The hand holding the paper trembled.

“I don’t know. Why the hell are you trying to leave the duke’s house…? Does it have something to do with the sudden dislike of the masters?”

My sister said and let out a lively laugh.

“Is that because of what the Count had visited last time? I’d rather understand if it’s because of that… Can you please tell me…? Please tell me, It’s not that difficult…! I am an adult and your sister, I’m not as stupid as you think. I mean, I’m not a little girl you have to protect… ”


It was like a plea.

My sister grabbed my arm with both hands and lowered her head. Tears dripped down her face.

My heart throbbed seeing tears in her eyes. If the current situation persists, there will be more fights like before.

I had such a feeling. Should I just tell her? Count Nigor is still searching for sister. He will keep coming to this mansion in the future and I don’t know what to do when he finds her. Will she be okay? What if she goes into shock? What if she gets hurt?

I watched my sister silently and opened my mouth.


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“I see… . I’m so sorry to hear that you’re leaving… I thought we could work together for the
rest of our lives…”
I laughed softly. Actually, Amy, I thought so too. But how can the world be made up of
ideals? If that had been the case, my sister and I would have been able to live with our
parents for the rest of our lives, we wouldn’t have been caught by Count Nigor, and we
wouldn’t have to set foot in this mansion at all.
… It seems it has gone too far. Ever since I got into a fight with my sister, my thoughts have
been nothing but pessimistic. In any case, the moment memories of my previous life
returned, my departure from this mansion was set in stone.
“When are you leaving?”
“Perhaps in three days…?”
“Then let’s have a farewell party or something before you go! I will call Marie, Bianca, and
the other kids.”
“It will be good. I will get some leftover bread and fruit from the kitchen and we can enjoy it
At that, Amy opened her eyes and smiled.
I have received letters of recommendation and resignations. One of the long-standing
concerns have now been resolved. But another new concern arose, and that was Isley.
The thought of seeing the face of Isley Emers again, who had watched me cry, was awkward
and made my brain go haywire. I was worried that I might run into him when I went to clean
his room, but luckily, he wasn’t there.
When we ran into each other by chance in the hallway, he passed by as if avoiding me. It
was a little embarrassing, but… wouldn’t that be better than coming over and making fun of
The day passed with me working. When I headed back to the dormitory, unlike yesterday,
my sister was there. I sat on her bed.
“… Sister?”
I thought there would be other defenses because she didn’t want to see my face again… Are
you thinking of reconciling?
That stupid thought vanished as I looked at her face. It was because my sister, who slowly
raised her head, had a face that seemed to holding back anger.
“Me… I really hate to be mad at you. I don’t want to be angry… But why…”
She raised her hands and wiped her face, and let out a sigh.

“I mean, at dinner time… Amy came over and told me. She really can’t believe we’re leaving
the duke’s household to become a maid of another noble family, and it’s so sad that the two
of us have to leave… When she saw Layla holding the resignation letter, she was really
surprised… Layla… Why do I have to hear it from your friend?”
I roughly expected this to happen. Rumors spread quickly, so I had thought of a situation
where I might not have to surprise Yuria myself with my actions.
I sighed, then pulled out an envelope from my pocket.
“… Sister, calm down.”
“Is this the resignation letter?”
My sister got up and came over to me. She took the document from my hand and checked
the contents inside.
“… It’s really funny. How did you even get a recommendation letter?”
The hand holding the paper trembled.
“I don’t know. Why the hell are you trying to leave the duke’s house…? Does it have
something to do with the sudden dislike of the masters?”
My sister said and let out a lively laugh.
“Is that because of what the Count had visited last time? I’d rather understand if it’s because
of that… Can you please tell me…? Please tell me, It’s not that difficult…! I am an adult and
your sister, I’m not as stupid as you think. I mean, I’m not a little girl you have to protect… ”
It was like a plea.
My sister grabbed my arm with both hands and lowered her head. Tears dripped down her
My heart throbbed seeing tears in her eyes. If the current situation persists, there will be
more fights like before.
I had such a feeling. Should I just tell her? Count Nigor is still searching for sister. He will
keep coming to this mansion in the future and I don’t know what to do when he finds her. Will
she be okay? What if she goes into shock? What if she gets hurt?
I watched my sister silently and opened my mouth.

Hello! if you want to support me on Ko-fi you can click this (⁠☞゚⁠∀゚⁠)⁠☞click here< 。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵⁠(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠) thank you so much (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)♡


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