Married to a Man who Wants to Kill me



MMWK Chapter 76. Jealousy


Do I look like a clueless person who would have an affair with someone who has an owner?


I almost burst out laughing, but I composed myself and said.


“I will respect whatever Lord Claflin decides, and if he truly wishes to marry you, I will not oppose it, but…….”




“I’ve never heard Lord Claflin speak of you before. Was today’s mention of state marriage something agreed upon between you two in advance?”


Erita’s smile faded slightly, and her lips twisted with a hint of irritation.


Uncharacteristically for royalty, this woman was very bad at hiding her emotions.


From this reaction, it was clear that Theo knew nothing about today’s events.


“If not, then I would suggest that you speak with Lord Claflin directly first, rather than asking me for confirmation. After that, you can request engagement through the official procedures. Is that the answer you were hoping for?”


“I will remember your words carefully.”


Erita spoke with clenched teeth, as if something had greatly disturbed her, then she left.




“It is said that Lord Claflin was on his way to meet His Majesty the Emperor.”


The next day, Ian summoned him because of Erita’s business.


From his point of view as the emperor, it would not be so bad for Lord Claflin to be associated with the Princess of Delua.


If there are diplomatic benefits to Theo’s relationship with Erita, Ian may be able to force the marriage through regardless of the will of the parties.


Of course, it was unlikely that Theo would be willing to listen, of course, but Erita’s words lingered in the back of my mind.


<We promised the future.>


Anyway, it didn’t seem like her words were entirely untrue.


Even if she was the Emperor of Delua’s favorite child, how could she be so bold as to tell a lie that would quickly be exposed in front of the Emperor and Empress of a fiercely rival nation?


I had loudly declared that I wouldn’t mind if Theo wanted it, but I felt an oppressive sensation in my chest, like something heavy pressing on it.


Even as Stella reported on our earnings from charity events and the Locale Newspaper, my thoughts were consumed by the princess of Delua.


Sensing my dazed expression, Stella stopped talking and stared at me.


“Oh, sorry. Where were we?”


I turned back to her, noticing the silence.


“Your Majesty, I’ve noticed that you’ve been looking a lot more somber ever since you saw the Princess of Delua.”


“Did I……?”


The perceptive Stella examined my complexion.


If what Erita said was true, the palace would soon be abuzz with talk of it anyway.


So I didn’t want to talk about the Princess of Delua right now.


I shook off my frustration and stood up to go to Vanessa’s palace to take care of Casey.


As usual, I left the Empress’ palace alone, dismissing all my attendants.


It was a beautiful afternoon with a cloudless sky that looked unusually blue, but I was not in a pleasant mood.


No, to be honest, it wasn’t just unpleasant, it was terrible.


‘This isn’t the place…’


Although it was a path I could find with my eyes closed, I wandered aimlessly, lost in thought, and ended up in the wrong place several times.


I snapped out of it and turned to face the direction of Vanessa Palace.


That’s when I saw Theo and Erita walking together in the distance. My heart raced, as if I had seen something I shouldn’t have seen.


I stood frozen in place, and before I knew it, they were close.


“I greet Her Majesty the Empress.”


Theo bowed, his face as calm as ever.


Beside him, Erita wore a strange smile.


“Are you on your way out after seeing His Majesty?”




“I asked for Lord Claflin to escort me while I’m in Asha, and thankfully His Imperial Majesty graciously agreed.”


Theo was about to say something when Erita interrupted and added to the conversation.


Even today, there was still a hint of arrogance in her expression and tone.


“I see.”


“I asked him to do this as a personal favor, but also because he promised to introduce me to some great places to travel if I came to Asha someday, right? Theo?”


Erita shot me a provocative glare, rattling off information I hadn’t asked for.


In response to her question, Theo replied dryly.


“I made such a promise…… a long time ago.”


“I was merely explaining it to you in case you thought I was taking Her Majesty’s man on a whim.”


“Of course not, and I hope you have a good time in Asha.”


Even more so, one side of Erita’s mouth turned upward, and I could feel her slightly aggressive aura.


As she pursed her lips to say more, Theo interrupted her with a hint of discomfort.


“For now, I must fulfill my duty of escorting Princess Erita on a tour of the capital, so we will be leaving now.”


Theo, appearing somewhat uncomfortable, quickly concluded the conversation.


As I watched them walk away, I felt a strange sense of melancholy.


At first glance, Theo and Erita didn’t seem like affectionate lovers. Yet, an indescribable storm of emotions stirred within me.


‘If Theo really accepts the marriage to the Princess of Delua….’


It was his choice, and I had to respect it. Because I can’t control him for the rest of his life.


But the heart is not always rational.


The sight of the two of them together made my blood run hot. I wonder if what I’m feeling is jealousy.


While thinking about it, I forgot where I was going.




Erita decided to stay in a private palace not far from the Empress’ palace, built for entertaining guests.


From the sounds of it, the palace was filled with the sounds of courtiers trying to cater to the princess’ fussy tastes.


The immature princess seemed to forget that she was in their rival’s state, tangled up in all sorts of conflicts. She was just as grumpy with her subordinates as she had been at the Delua Palace.


She berated them for failing to bring her a balm that was not readily available in Asha, for not allowing her to use a magical tool that was supposed to clear her skin, for letting a strand of hair fall out when her maid combed her hair, and so on.


“I’d heard she was such a spoiled brat that even her father, the Emperor of Delua, couldn’t stop her, but I didn’t realize it was this bad. I pity the courtiers in the villa, but I suppose she’s obedient to Lord Claflin.”


Stella shared Erita’s news in a disapproving tone..


As more and more people saw Lord Claflin and the princess of Delua together, rumors about them began to circulate in the palace.


However, no one seems to know about the issue of state marriage yet except for their personal acquaintances.


Stella didn’t seem to think much about the relationship either.


It seemed a bit early for Erita, who hadn’t yet grown out of her childishness, to already be looking for a groom.


“His Majesty the Emperor is here.”


An attendant announced the emperor’s arrival, and as he entered, an uncomfortable tension settled in the room.


I felt like I couldn’t even look him in the eye anymore.


I tried to hide my anxiety and put on a calm face.


I felt like a swan in a lake that looks so serene on the outside, but is struggling under the water.


As soon as the door was opened and he walked in, his impassive eyes swept over me.


Lethenia’s complicated emotions were further stirred by his gaze, gripping and shaking me.


If only he’d covered that cold face.


I had the ridiculous notion that if I had a face mask in my hand right now, I’d put it on Ian.


It wasn’t until everyone else in the office had left and we were alone that he spoke up.


“I need to talk to you about a few things.”




“I’m thinking of bringing back the audience event this year.”


He said in a dry voice as he sat down on the couch.


Audience…… Stella had mentioned it once before.


<It was nothing more than a play to appease the people.>


It was a formality created by the Emperor and Empress to placate the public in the wake of overzealous war preparations. The Emperor and Empress would personally meet with selected citizens, often wealthy commoners with ties to the nobility, to hear their grievances.


It happened only once a year, but even that was discontinued after the previous Emperor declared victory over Xenos, effectively ending the war.


“I thought that was already long gone…….”


“It wasn’t technically gone, but rather temporarily postponed.”


“Why all of a sudden?”


“Because I have a pretty positive view of that system.”


A sigh of skepticism escaped my lips as I wondered if he was trying to use this system as a way to establish his reputation, just like the former emperor did?


He cast a slightly puzzled eye at my response.


“Honestly, I don’t see the point of gathering only those with connections to the upper class and having prearranged conversations.”


“I’m going to use it for what it’s meant to be, and I’m not going to pre-arrange it and randomly select people.”


“Well, I’m glad to hear that.”


It was easy to see why he would want to continue.


To hear the people’s grievances against the Duke’s faction and to right the wrongs they had suffered. Ultimately, the purpose is to turn all the arrows of dissatisfaction to the Duke’s faction and to strengthen faith in the imperial family.


It’s also a good way to sway public opinion at a time when Duke Bledel is not doing well.


Since I successfully completed the charity auction with his help last time, it wouldn’t be difficult to make a good impression during the audience event.


I nodded my head in acknowledgment.


He raised an eyebrow and studied me in silence for a moment before changing the subject.


“And Lord Claflin.”


As soon as the words “Lord Claflin” came out of his mouth, the tension in the room multiplied.


𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝑲𝒐-𝒇𝒊


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