Married to a Man who Wants to Kill me

The secret chamber in the Emperor's Palace

“It’s clear that money is the issue.”

After carefully examining the documents related to the potential locations that Theo had given her, I realized that even though they might not meet all the perfect conditions, buying an entire island required an enormous amount of funds.

Furthermore, the island of Aios presented some complicated problems aside from its unfavorable geographical conditions. Even with Aisha’s diplomatic intervention, it was difficult due to its challenging location. Even if they managed to gather the funds to acquire ownership, it wouldn’t be the end of it.

Although it was part of the country of Pekov, it was a territory that was not subject to any centralized authority and therefore had no protection from the state.

It was a place where the residents relied on themselves and practiced self-sufficiency. To settle there, negotiations for immigration had to be conducted directly with the residents.

It’s a closed community with little access to the outside world, so it’s unlikely they’ll be receptive to outsiders. They also had to take into account the collateral costs.

“Your expression doesn’t look good, Your Majesty. Is your sleeping arrangement uncomfortable?”

Stella entered the bedroom carrying a warm cup of melted chocolate.

“It’s not that…….”

Stella set the tray on the table, looking worried.

Should I ask our clever Stella?

“Stella, I need quite a lot of money. Is there any way?”

“How much do you need?”

“Well… enough to buy a small, beautiful island in a distant country.”

“An island? What are you going to use that for…….”

“Don’t ask me why.”

Stella rolled her eyes with a serious expression, then slightly tilted her head and spoke.

“If you want to buy an entire island, the maintenance expenses from the royal treasury won’t be enough. I’m sure you’ll get a lot of nice gifts at your upcoming birthday banquet, but they won’t be enough to match the value of an entire island… It seems the best option would be to seek separate assistance from Duke Bledel.”

“That man…… no, my father will not give me a cent.”

“Then why don’t you speak to His Majesty the Emperor? Surely he’s better off than the Empress, who is penniless…….”

Stella continued cautiously, checking my countenance.

“Hmph, I know that during the heyday of the Asha Empire, the imperial family was very wealthy, as the Great Emperor often gave Her Majesty not only priceless jewelry, but also huge castles and vast amounts of gold coins.”

“Then that much wealth was given to…….”

“They’re both dead now, so most of it is probably in the hands of the current Emperor, since the inheritance of royalty is so specially managed that nobles can’t touch it.”

“Are you saying those funds are like secret funds that even the Imperial Treasury cannot trace?”

“You could say that.”

“And where are they all now?”

Stella frowned, pondered something, and then offered her own guess.

“When I was young, I saw the design of the palace in my father’s study. At that time, my father was in charge of the reconstruction of the Imperial Palace.”

Unconsciously, I swallowed hard.

“I can’t remember the exact location, but there might be a secret chamber somewhere in the Emperor’s Palace, possibly in one of the bedrooms. I can’t guarantee it, but there’s a high chance it exists.”

“Is that so?”

Stella’s brow furrowed further as she tried to recall a faint memory. Still unsure of her memory, she spoke up.

“But I remember that the secret chamber I saw in the blueprints had two entrances. It didn’t lead to the outside but seemed to connect to somewhere else… If it’s not in the Emperor’s Palace, could it be in the Empress’s Palace?”


My heart began to beat faster at her somewhat shocking yet welcome words.

“In fact, the Empress has the right to that inherited wealth too. As the co-owner of the imperial estate alongside the Emperor, it’s only natural for you to be aware of this. But given the strained relationship between the two of you, well…”

Stella’s gaze towards me was filled with sympathy. Finally, she shrugged her shoulders and continued speaking.

“Well, it’s just a guess anyway. It may be that I remember it wrong because it was so long ago.”

It felt like a light bulb illuminating my mind, unexpectedly gaining valuable information. If Stella’s words were true, it wouldn’t be a great sin to secure my rightful share.

Since hearing about the existence of the secret chamber from her, I have been thoroughly searching and exploring the Empress’s Palace. I discreetly examined the bedrooms, offices, and secret chambers within the palace, trying not to attract the attention of the palace staff.

However, there was no sign of an entrance leading to a secret chamber anywhere. The overwhelming disappointment weighed heavily on my shoulders.

‘Yes, a secret chamber connected to the Empress’s palace, where Lethenia lives, is ridiculous.’

The reconstruction of the palace was carried out during the reign of the former Emperor. Ian wouldn’t let it go untouched.

However, my futile hope hadn’t been completely erased. Almost giving up, I unknowingly developed a habit of observing every nook and cranny of the Empress’s Palace with a keen eye.

The repeated sense of disappointment made me feel frustrated with the protagonist, who hadn’t revealed such crucial information.

‘Should I ask him directly?’

No. Asking Ian directly didn’t seem like a good idea. At this point, I wasn’t even sure if the inheritance existed, and I couldn’t afford to be caught out if he didn’t know.

First, I needed to confirm whether those incredible treasures were indeed in the Emperor’s Palace.

Is there any way to check quietly? With Ian being suspicious, palace security was always prioritized.

It would be impossible for me, an Empress in name only, to search the palace’s bedrooms without him. Still, my curiosity about the treasures hidden in the secret chambers grew.

* * *

“The Emperor has fallen.”

Late one night, just as I was about to go to bed, an attendant announced the news in an anxious voice. The cause was overwork.

I had heard from Stella that he had been busy lately due to frequent battles with the Xenos Independence Army, resulting in increasing civilian casualties. Furthermore, being a country bordering the delicate relationship with Deluria, there were many diplomatic concerns to attend to.

I was a little surprised when I heard the news, but I didn’t think it was anything to worry about. As a possessed individual, I knew well that Ian wouldn’t be seriously ill.

I had never come across information about Ian collapsing due to overwork, but I thought it must be another minor happening. However, unlike my calm demeanor, Stella spoke urgently.

“You should go to the Emperor’s Palace.”

I paused for a moment at her mention of the Emperor’s Palace. It was because I remembered the existence of a secret chamber I heard about last time.

Ian was currently unconscious, and I could enter the Emperor’s Palace bedroom without any suspicion. If I did well,… maybe I could confirm it today.

It was a rare opportunity. Once I realized that, I quickly got up from my seat and headed towards the Emperor’s Palace with swift steps.

If half of that enormous treasure really belonged to the Empress, my settlement plans would go a little smoother.

‘It’s okay, I’m just going to check my share.’ 

The closer I got to the Imperial Palace, the more my hands broke out in a cold sweat from the unknown tension, but I calmed myself down. What if I get caught?

But if he collapsed due to overwork, he probably wouldn’t wake up and notice anything. Lost in thought, it didn’t feel like I had walked much, yet I had already reached the entrance to the Emperor’s Palace bedroom.

I hadn’t even entered, and yet my heart was already pounding. I took a deep breath, light enough that no one else would notice, and stepped inside.

It was the first time I’d ever been in Ian’s bedroom on my own two feet. My eyes instinctively began scanning the structure of the bedroom.

I knew there was a secret chamber in here. Taking in my surroundings, I slowly made my way to Ian’s bed.

There were attendants standing by his side, their faces filled with concern. The gray-haired physician and the Emperor’s chamberlain, the same one I’d seen the day I’d first awakened here.

Glancing at Ian, I noticed his sweaty hair. The sight of the protagonist, who I thought I would never see in such a vulnerable state, felt unfamiliar. I looked at the physician and asked.

“How is he?”

“Nothing too serious, but he has been taking excessive amounts of sleeping draught…… and it’s taking a toll on his body, so he’ll need to rest for a while.”

The physician informed me of Ian’s condition in a somber tone.

“When will he wake up?”

“Considering his severe sleep deprivation and the sedatives prescribed for a deep sleep, he probably won’t wake up for at least a day.”

With that, I breathed a sigh of relief. Then, with as much nonchalance as I could muster, I turned to the physician and chamberlain.

“I will stay by His Majesty’s side. You two can leave.”

At my words, the chamberlain hesitated before answering, his expression suggesting that Ian had given him instructions for such an eventuality.

Something about keeping the Duke and Empress Bledel nowhere near him in case he became sick. I looked at the chamberlain.

“Did he order you to keep the Empress away from him?”

“No, rather…… His Majesty is extremely sensitive in his sleep.”

“I am His Majesty’s wife and his only family. Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

The chamberlain seemed to think for a moment about what to do. It wasn’t as if the empress had to asked anyone’s permission to stand by the emperor’s side.

But I didn’t think it would be a good idea to use my position to pressure the chamberlain, one of Ian’s closest confidants. I asked him with imploring eyes.

“Could you do it for a moment then?”


“I’ll just stand by his side for a while and leave quietly.”



Seeing the Empress pleading with him like that, he seemed to weaken. Eventually, he responded with a resolute voice.

“It wouldn’t be bad for the two of you to be together at a time like this.”

He smiled and looked me in the eye for a moment, then left with the physician.

The chamberlain’s last words echo in my mind.

There was something strange about him, who was undoubtedly Ian’s person, showing a somewhat friendly disposition towards Lethenia.



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