Married to a Man who Wants to Kill me




Rumors of a witch appearing in Asha spread like wildfire. This caused significant fear among the Imperial citizens, who were already on edge about witches.


The dreadful witch had killed dozens of people on the ship, and the fact that she was identified as Empress Bledel added another layer of shock.


Consequently, the hostile glances and unsettled sentiments towards the Xenosians intensified to an extreme level.


Daily protests demanding the immediate execution of the witch and her followers took place in front of the palace.


Meanwhile, Duke Bledel was holed up in his ducal residence, citing a deterioration in health as the reason.


The people cried out that the witch’s father, Duke Bledel, should also be executed.


If the Duke dared to show even a single strand of hair outside, he would likely be mercilessly trampled by the enraged crowd. It was unclear whether he genuinely couldn’t come out due to illness or intentionally hid himself.


By this time, the children at Briland Farm were sitting in a circle and talking about it.


“So, you’re saying Ms. Hubenson was the empress?”


“I heard it from the farm overseers. They call Ms. Hubenson the empress.”


“Nonsense. They say Empress Bledel looks like a ghost and that she believes in her father and is terribly arrogant.”


“It’s true! I’m not the only one who heard it. Grandpa Jake, who was next to me, heard it too.”


The children’s eyes widened at Anna’s words. Energized by their reactions, Anna lowered her voice, as if revealing a tremendous secret.


“But there’s another important fact.”


“What is it?”


“Now, there’s a rumor spreading in Asha that the empress is a witch. The people in Asha are protesting every day in front of the palace, demanding the empress’s immediate execution.”


“W, witch?”


The word “witch” casts a subtle fear in the innocent eyes of the children. Noah, who had been silently listening, furrowed his eyebrows disapprovingly and raised his voice towards the children.


“You guys believe that? You know what kind of person sister Jane is.”




The children remained silent, unable to respond to Noah’s words. They were aware of what Ms. Hubenson did for the Briland Farm.


The idea that the seemingly angelic Ms. Hubenson could be a witch. It was unbelievable. But lately, the frequent secretive conversations among the adults seemed suspicious to them.


There have been more extremists on the farm lately. And when Anna said she’d heard the story from Grandpa Jake himself, they had a brief moment of doubt.


“If you go around spreading such rumors, I won’t let it slide.”


Noah stood up assertively. The children watched him leave, feeling a sense of guilt as if they had done something wrong.




At Briland Farm, the Xenosians gathered again, away from the overseers’ watchful eyes. They held their secret meeting to prepare for the imminent and significant event.


“There’s not much time left, so pay extra attention, everyone.”


Jake’s firm voice cast a shadow on everyone’s faces.


“Is it true that there won’t be any issues if we drink the antidote?”


Someone expressed concern about the effectiveness of the antidote with a worried look.


Not long ago, orders came down from the head of the Independence Army organization to prepare for the upcoming war for independence.


Having successfully completed weapon experiments, it wouldn’t be long before Asha turned into a battlefield. It was a long-awaited moment, and success was imperative.


However, to prevent harm from reaching the Xenosians, it was decided to take some time to secretly supply a large amount of antidote to Xenosian farms throughout the country.


The primary weapons to be used in this upcoming war contained a potent poison. Jake, with a confident and assuring expression, assured everyone that the antidote’s effectiveness was flawless.


“The effect of the antidote is impeccable. If it weren’t, all our plans would have gone awry. What would be the point of regaining the country after losing all the Xenosians?”


Only then did a sense of relief settle in the eyes of the people.


“What will happen to Ms. Hubenson?”


Roesha courageously brought up the question that no one dared to ask. All eyes turned to her at once.


“To think that she was the infamous Empress Bledel…”


“And to be a witch indiscriminately killing people… What on earth is happening, seriously?”


As Roesha ventured into the awkward topic, someone, as if waiting for this moment, spoke up.


For a moment, unease flashed in the eyes of the people. Jake coughed uncomfortably, drawing everyone’s attention to him.


“When you saw Ms. Hubenson, did she appear to be the infamous Empress Bledel or an evil witch randomly killing people?”


Jake’s reprimanding words created a chilly atmosphere.


No one could provide an answer to Jake’s question. Just a short while ago, they had praised Ms. Hubenson almost as if she were an angel.


Jake, with a clear sign of annoyance, spoke sternly.


“I don’t think there’s a Xenosian among you who hasn’t benefited from Ms. Hubenson. Don’t let useless rumors disparage all that she has done for us.”


Even after the meeting adjourned, the troubled expression did not leave Jake’s wrinkled face.


Seeing the contaminated soil heal in Ms. Hubenson’s hands, he could tell it was the magic of water. She must undoubtedly have Xenosian royal blood.


How she ended up in Asha remains unknown, but it was an unfortunate fate that she turned out to be the daughter of Duke Bledel, a sworn enemy of the Xenosians and the Empress of Asha. It was as if someone had deliberately played a cruel joke.


Given the tense situation, she might not only face abdication but also the risk of losing her life.


As she was now labeled a witch, avoiding a public trial seemed impossible. Jake silently wished that the trial would take place later than the upcoming battle.




“The number of protesters is increasing, and it’s not just a few who died on the ship.”


“This is not an issue that will end with abdication.”


“We must start a public trial immediately.”


During a council meeting, the Emperor’s faction, as if knowing all this in advance, fervently interrogated the Empress’s crimes.


As if he were all aware of these developments, Duke Bledel hid in his residence and never stepped out.


Although he claimed to be unwell, no one believed it, especially considering his recently improved complexion.


The rumor that the Empress was, in fact, a witch was spreading rapidly throughout Asha. There were various pieces of evidence to support it.


The fact that she killed dozens of soldiers with the body of a woman greatly fueled the fear among the imperial citizens. It was an impossible feat without using magic.


And the demonic mark on her neck, the black eyes, and the black mist she emitted in front of everyone—all these aspects were enough to label her as a witch.


The imperial citizens, who already harbored negative feelings towards the Bledel family, claimed that Duke Bledel was also involved and demanded the immediate execution of both the Empress and the Duke.


Regardless, since Lethenia had committed such a massive massacre, the Bledel family would not escape their punishment.


No, they would be utterly destroyed. After all, the Emperor himself would make sure of that.


The decision on what to do with the Duke and Empress had to be made during today’s meeting. Ian had already stationed troops around Bledel Manor, fearing that the Duke might attempt to escape.


There hasn’t been any significant movement so far. Given the current situation, the Duke’s faction had no choice but to remain silent, even during the council meetings.


They seemed to have given up all hope, like weak souls awaiting death before the grim reaper. The era of Bledel had already come to an end. Everyone was waiting only for the Emperor’s command.


Count Bedos was confident that Ian would act according to his will. Something had changed between the Emperor and Rosetin recently, though he was unsure of the details.


As if not enough, Ian was showing exceptional affection to his daughter in front of the palace staff, even giving her endearing nicknames and swearing to protect her no matter what.


Count Bedos was pleased that the Emperor had come to his senses. Everything had turned in his favor.


‘Soon we’ll be able to end Bledel.’


Ian noticed the subtle smile on Count Bedos’s lips. He could easily read Bedos’s intentions to annihilate the Bledel family and kill Lethenia. However, now Ian felt no need to stand up for Lethania, especially knowing that Rosetin was the real Lethenia. He had no reason to care for her. With an indifferent tone, he addressed the count and others.


“We will start the public trial soon.”


The faces of the Emperor’s faction turned pale at his words. That’s when the Emperor’s chief of staff urgently entered the meeting room.


The room instantly froze at the sight of his pale face. The chamberlain’s bloodshot face instantly froze the room.


“The Duke of Bledel… has died.”


The words stopped everyone in the room in their tracks. A sharp gleam appeared in Ian’s eyes as he looked at the chamberlain.



𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝑲𝒐-𝒇𝒊


  1. Mai says:

    OG Lethenia and this fool are the same and deserve each others’ awful selves, they don’t care about anyone else but themselves, each other and their little “happy ending”, Lethenia has a half sister, a poor girl who hasn’t done anything wrong and she’ll probably be executed with her family but we don’t see OG Lethenia even trying to help her… Ian is just his trashy self still, he doesn’t learn. I really hope the Demon takes the OG’s soul (which is the one who made the contract tbh) and Ian ends up alone again, like the loser he is.

  2. szayel99 says:

    First comment is so real, Ian and Siana’s trashy selves belong to each other perfectly. At first I felt bad for Siana, but now I know she’s just as awful and entitled as Ian. They both know why the demon is posessing Lethenia right now, but won’t try to help the person suffering from their fucking decisions. Not a single ounce of guilt from them since knowing the truth. I really believe these two don’t deserve a happy ending if they don’t fix up soon.

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