Married to a Man who Wants to Kill me

Under the Zelkova Tree


Sophia clenched her fists in excitement as she told the story. Her voice carried a fiery anger.


“There were times when she was left alone at night in the mountains where dangerous beasts were lurking nearby. And another time they even threw the young lady, who doesn’t know how to swim, into the lake and starved her.”




“Some of the people in the duchy who tried to help the young lady were tortured to death. They even showed the scenes directly to the young lady, causing her to suffer for days from the shock.”


Ian didn’t respond for a long time. The next story didn’t even register in his ears.


Even after Sophia finished speaking, he remained motionless. Observing this, the chamberlain discreetly escorted Sophia out of the room.


Even after everyone had left, Ian didn’t move for a while. Then suddenly, unbearable remorse and despair filled his eyes. His chest tightened, and his breathing became ragged as overwhelming emotions consumed him.


Ian wanted to see Lethenia right away, but the first thing that came to his mind was Rosetin, not her at the Riven Palace.


He needed to confirm it one last time. Who the real Lethenia was. Was Rosetein really Lethenia? Ian urgently searched for pen and paper.


Up until now, he had dismissed the absurd idea of associating Rosetin with Lethenia. Asking Rosetin directly seemed ludicrous.


But his arrogance may have obscured the most important truth.


[I need to talk to you. I’ll wait by the wish box.]


Ian wrote a letter in handwriting that no one could recognize. If his hunch was correct, Rosetin would recognize it if she really was Lethenia.


After sending the letter to Kaelin Palace, Ian immediately prepared to head to Rupolea Forest.




Ian stood beneath the largest tree in the Rupolea Forest. He lifted his head and looked up. The lush green leaves formed a massive umbrella, obscuring the sky.


Despite the changes in himself and Lethenia, the tree had remained the same, as if time had stopped for it.


Lethenia once said that this large zelkova tree was like embracing them. Memories of them napping beneath it and sharing snacks were vividly replayed in his mind.


One day, they even buried a note with wishes under this tree.


It was inspired by a fairy tale where a tree big enough to reach the sky granted the main character’s wish.


<When we’re adults, let’s open it together.>


Ian tried to recall what wish he had made back then. He remembered writing that he wanted to marry Lethenia and spend the rest of his life with her.


A faint smile appeared on Ian’s lips. At that time, it was a genuinely heartfelt desire, but as time passed and adulthood arrived, he forgot even about the existence of the box.


Perhaps, all these years, it had been waiting for them in this place.


<Perhaps Your Majesty also had something precious like this cookie, something you had no choice but to forget.>




<If that’s the case, if you remember what it is later, after a very long time, please don’t blame yourself, Your Majesty.>


Suddenly, he remembered Rosetin’s last words, bringing tears to his eyes.


The thought that Rosetin, who had been around him with a dead expression as if resigned to everything, might actually be Lethenia once again made it hard for him to breathe.


Ian had waited for hours until the sun set and darkness settled in, but Rosetin didn’t appear.


Perhaps it was just an unreasonable illusion. He even considered it fortunate.


Just as he was about to give up waiting and leave, a moment that shattered the silence made Ian’s heart leap.


He turned his head in the direction of the sound. There stood Rosetin. She approached slowly and called his name.




The moment Rosetin called him Kaire, tears welled up in Ian’s eyes.


His mind flashed back to the horrible things he had done to Lethenia. He was no better than that vile Duke Bledel. His entire body went limp, and he knelt on the spot.


Ian’s shoulders began to shake. Overwhelming guilt flooded his chest—an unbearable burden. Sounds of anguished sobbing echoed through the air.


“I’m sorry… I’m sorry, Siana. I’m sorry.”


The words he had kept buried deep within for so long finally reached her. Like in a dream he never wanted to wake from, Siana turned into a child, embracing the crying Kaire warmly.




The long-awaited day was approaching. It had been meticulously planned for a considerable time. If this opportunity were missed, the Great Empire of Xenos would forever fade into the backroads of history.


Originally, according to the plan, he should have stayed in the capital. But something more crucial came up. The demon hiding within Lethenia needed to be destroyed.


Though it seemed calm now, it was only temporary hiding; it hadn’t disappeared. At any moment, it could reveal itself again and torment humans.


If Lethenia’s magic was entirely absorbed by Demonio, irreversible consequences could unfold. There was only one way to eliminate Demonio — killing the human host.


A story he had once heard from an elderly Xenos mage gave Theo a clue.


<What is the way to get rid of the Demonio?>


<You must stab him through the heart with Skilra’s scales.>


Skilra lived on a volcanic island off the western tip of the Benbon Peninsula.


Endowed with immense magical power, a savage temperament, and exceptional intelligence, Skilra was a monstrous creature that one had to be prepared to face death on the spot upon encountering.


Many knights had ventured there to conquer Skilra, but not a single one had returned alive. Even if he was fortunate enough to obtain the scale, the problem still lingered.


<Is there a way to spare the human host?>


The wizard let out a long sigh and shook his head. It was the expected response. He changed his question.


<Is there any way to move Demonio to another host, then?>


The thin eyes of the wizard, exhausted from the battle with the black mages, widened for a moment.


Theo stared at the glass bottle in front of him. It contained a magical red potion.


Once again, he delved into his thoughts. Asha would soon be a mess. Before that happened, he needed to send her to Ios. He fervently prayed that the sacred stone would not perish until he obtained Skilra’s scale.




At that time, an attendant from the Imperial Palace entered the Riven Palace. It was to convey Ian’s intentions. I had written a letter before I left the Empress’s palace. I knew the whereabouts of the elusive secret order.


It seemed as if Ian had sent someone promptly after Stella delivered the message. Ian surprisingly accepted my conditions without any trace of lingering regret.


[I accept your terms. I’ll handle the aftermath.]


His reply to the letter he sent was straightforward, devoid of any hint of lingering attachments. The sudden change in the atmosphere was unsettling. Was he finally admitting that things were irreversible and that he had ultimately given up?


I thought I’d be happy that he was no longer obsessed with Lethenia, but I had a suspicious feeling.


Just then, there was a knock at the door. It was Theo.


“Shall we take a walk together?”


We set out for a stroll. The sky, painted by the setting sun, infused it with delicate hues, reminiscent of watercolor on canvas.


The view of the awe-inspiring Riven Palace was heavenly, and the person I cared about most was right next to me.


The moment was so blissful that the thought crossed my mind that even if it wasn’t Ios, living alone with him in Riven Palace would be wonderful.


Suddenly, he gently took my hand. Surprised by the unexpected gesture, I alternated my gaze between his hand and eyes.


“Let’s stay like this for a moment, please.”


He spoke as if making a request, with a faint smile. We walked hand in hand for a while.


The sensation of my hand being cradled in his was tickling my heart. I really felt like he had become my lover.


“What do you think we should do tomorrow? Oh, there’s a very old, large bookstore in the nearby village. Would you like to come with me?”


Time passed, yet no answer came. As I turned my head toward him, Theo suddenly stopped walking. Facing me directly, he spoke.


“It’s time for you to leave for Ios.”


The moment the word “Ios” came out of his mouth, my heart sank. Whether he knew my feelings or not, Theo continued his words with an expressionless face.


“I’m afraid I can’t take you there myself, but I’ll put some trustworthy people in charge.”


“Then… will we never see each other again?”


I asked, trying to keep my voice calm, trying to hide the feeling of disappointment that was crashing in like an avalanche.


“There are still things I must do. I cannot say how long it will take, but once the tasks are completed, I will go to Ios.”


He replied without the slightest hesitation, as if he had already made up his mind, and it was with those words that I realized that my dreamy time at the Riven Palace was indeed coming to an end.


He spoke so calmly and indifferently that it felt strangely cruel, which made my vision blur slightly.


When I lowered my head in silence, Theo gently lifted my chin. Then, his soft lips pressed against my forehead. Holding me warmly, he said,


“I won’t be too late. Please wait for me.”



𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝑲𝒐-𝒇𝒊


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