Make It Impossible To Run Away

Episode 5


[I am listening.]


Rahik answered half-heartedly and consoled her.


She cannot leave this place without my permission, and unless he teaches her, no one will teach her the language and characters of this place. I never thought the fragility of a living being raised solely in my hands would give me this much satisfaction.


He was definitely horny. The thing that tightened the center made the lower body heavy and caused pleasant suffering.




Rahik stroked Legria’s reddish hair as she finished speaking as if he were speaking to himself.


I can feel the irritable energy that arose from just that little touch becoming more stable and subsiding.


It is the result of a summoning ritual performed at Shinhwangcheong through prayers with all one’s might for 1,000 days. All living things in the world will bow their heads at the feet of these hidden claws.


‘And it will make her perfect for me.’


Rahik, recalling the kiss on the first day, twisted his lips in satisfaction.


Her value is already skyrocketing.


It’s hard to even guess how much higher it will rise in the future.


She was prepared just for him.


* * *


It was a drawing room with too much extravagance and a dissonant sound.


A table clock that shines with its golden color intact, and a table made by chopping down a 300-year-old oak tree, just flash and show off in a way that is not harmonious.


Everything that catches the eye is new, even the animal looked good decorating the walls. Things that are just cheaply expensive without the elegance of having been used for a long time.


Anyway, the owner of this space is not that different from the objects, so it might be fitting.


Nobility is something we are born with, so everyone envies it and wants to acquire it. However, since you can’t do that, you probably want to pretend that your value has increased by covering yourself with luxuries.


With that thought in mind, Rahik glanced down at the large figure in front of him.


From the thin, triple-folded chin to the thick, protruding belly.


There was no part that wasn’t disgusting.


“We will take good care of Ms. Legria. She will be in good shape to go to the imperial palace. In fact, she already have a sense of elegance!”


The archbishop clasped his hands together and gave an unbecoming fawn.


The flattery filled with harsh words was quite funny, but Rahik was happy to listen for now.


A considerable amount of time has passed since the day they prayed to summon the divine being.


‘You must be quite happy because you survived the threat that if you fail, they will judge you as incompetent and cut off your


head and hang it as a wall decoration.’


Rahik chuckled and answered the archbishop’s words.


“Okay. She is the eldest daughter of ‘that’ Roermel. Indeed, she has a distinguished past.”


“Ahaha, well, but what’s inside now is someone else.”


No matter how you heard it, the archbishop’s tone was clearly sarcastic, so he took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead. Well, the archbishop must have been surprised when the Roermel family was chosen.




No one thought that the divine person who would descend in that era would choose Vitrice Roermel. Even the world’s gamblers wouldn’t bet on this outcome.


One undeniable truth.


The divine person dwells in the body of the person with the most similar compatibility with itself.


“A crazy dog ​​in society, a person with a personality breakdown, a poisonous plant in the summer fence, a girl who won’t die even


if pesticides are applied.”


The archbishop flinched with each word.


“Vitrice Roermel, the woman who is the nightmare of the entire empire. The being is similar to that personality? That too the future Crown Princess.”




“Come to think of it, Archbishop. I heard Lady Vitrice lunged at you to bite your buttocks. Is it true?”


Tap, tap.


Rahik, who was banging on the table angrily, pulled up the corners of his mouth with an indifferent expression. The archbishop now almost looked like a meat mincer soaked in cold sweat.


“I asked you to research the nicknames for Vitrice Roermel, and what came out was this one-page paper.”


Since he wasn’t necessarily expecting an answer, Rahik quickly turned his attention to the paper. In it, the thousands of evil deeds that Vitrice had committed just before being laid in the coffin were condensed and organized as much as possible.



What catches the most attention is the three-line sentence written at the very bottom.


– Blinded her younger brother, Dietrich Roermel, by stabbing one of his eyes with a piece of glass.


– Reason: unknown.


– Due to this incident, she was severely disciplined within her family and voluntarily applied to become a ‘passenger.’


Duke Roermel must have been thinking of getting his next daughter back. She was originally intended to marry the young lord of the same neutral family. But this is what happened.


Although it has not yet been officially announced which family will produce the new crown princess, there was an obligation to inform the entire noble family after the Spring of Holy Ceremony.


It will probably be something worth seeing as the country will be in an uproar.


They will be busy shaking with worry that the new Crown Princess will be like a vicious mad dog.


‘Foolish things. Poisonous plants can also become medicinal


herbs if used well.’


It depends on what you think.


Moreover, as the archbishop said, ‘Legria’, who was not Vitrice, she had a strange elegance now.


When divine beings realized my situation, they usually reacted in a similar way. Cry incessantly or get angry and run wild. Or, we deny reality and close our eyes and ears. The most troublesome thing was, of course, the third case.


It is a special case to calmly understand the situation like Legria and accept it calmly without avoiding or running away.


Just like how she learned early on how to give up.


Although it was frustrating for him who enjoyed suppressing violent resistance, he couldn’t say that being quiet was a bad thing.


The national wedding is just around the corner.


There were so many subjects who wanted to receive blessings from her from the sacred world, so Legria had to be as perfect as possible.


The given time is six months from now.


She must shed the appearance of an animal that cannot even speak and become a noble princess.


‘Oh, I guess she even doesn’t know how to speak.’


Rahik recalled her pretending to do something with a confident expression, as if she was asking me for something.


He seemed frustrated because he thought he didn’t understand what she was saying, but the sight of her wriggling her skinny arms around was cute, so he wasn’t even willing to let her learn.


In addition to the three languages ​​she must learn as the crown princess of the great empire of Belligraham, she was also able to freely speak four sacred languages. So, I also understood everything Legria said.


This means that I have heard her muttering to herself about him as, ‘You’re a pervert’ or ‘You’re crazy.’


When I saw him laughing even after being cursed, it seemed like he might be crazy, so it wasn’t particularly unpleasant.


Legria was also the most interesting thing in his life these days.


“Yes, indeed! Is mormala powder effective?”




“It worked for the test subject, but isn’t this the first time using it on a precious person? I wonder. I wonder if it can be used collectively on other noble class divines who will suddenly descend in the future… .”


Hus eager eyes were shining with greed on the inside, as if he was trying to find another topic.


Mormala powder.


A few years ago, according to the results of a new study conducted on Shinshin, eating food sprinkled with the powder or inhaling its scent significantly reduced stress due to the changed environment and lowered the body’s rejection response.


However, what is more important than anything else is that it has the effect of alleviating the wariness of people in this world.


Okay, maybe her ridiculous calmness is all thanks to Mormala Garu.


The space itself where she laid down was covered with expensive Mormala incense, so the effect may be showing now.



However, they were reluctant to show off Shinhwangcheong’s hard work and demand compensation in this way.


When Rahik remained silent with a crooked smile on his lips, the archbishop took out a handkerchief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and quickly moved on to the next topic.


“Then your highness… What will you do after the Fountain of Holiness ceremony? .”


“Well. What should I do?”


“Oh my, it would be an honor if you could stay here for a long time.”


“I guess you don’t want your mouth torn open. I see that the level of oiling is excessive.”


The archbishop’s greasy nose twitched at his words. However, there is no way he could dare to say even a word of defiance. If he had been smart enough to do that, he wouldn’t have been put in that position.


“Shinhwangcheong is also the place where all sacred knights stay. Your Majesty the Great, please do not forget that not only the Imperial Palace but also this holy place is a place for good




“Make sure you do everything you can to prepare for the Fountain of Holy Ceremony.”


Rahik completely ignored the mumbling and moved on to other thoughts without even touching the cooling teacup.


‘If Legria has the same spirit as Vitrice, then the child he will have with her in the future may conquer the continent.’


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