Make It Impossible To Run Away

Episode 4


Why are you caressing someone else’s tongue with your amazingly handsome face?


What made him so happy that the corners of Rahik’s mouth slightly turned up every time he did this. She couldn’t understand why he was doing this, but she was vague when she bit into it.


No matter where you look, Rahik is the one standing at the center of power.


He always wore a well-tailored uniform and had a medal on his chest. He sometimes wears fancy men’s necklaces and sometimes brooches, but the bottom line is that he wears real jewelry, not imitations.


My mother and younger brother always received gifts whenever they went to a party after a concert. It was also natural that amongst them were real gems and precious metals.


Most of them were real, but sometimes there were fakes mixed in, so recognizing and sorting them out was part of her daily life. So, it was not difficult to guess how much the ruby ​​in his brooch would be worth today.


If you have the luxury to personally order something like that


from a craftsman and wear it, it wouldn’t be a problem to bury a few people.


Although they are friendly to me now, I didn’t even want to imagine how things would change if I were to be mistrusted or hated in this place where I couldn’t even communicate.


It is not an exaggeration, but her body and even her life from now on are in Rahik’s hands.


‘The most important thing when you are kidnapped is… not to provoke your kidnapper.’


The second rule is not to look at people’s faces, but since that’s already gone, it’s better to follow the first rule.


‘I really need to learn a little bit of the language here. Then find a way to escape… I’m looking for it.’


In fact, I was so drowsy that I didn’t have time to continue my thoughts. As soon as she did anything, she was either dozing off or already falling asleep and wandering around in her dreams.


It doesn’t seem like they’re giving me any sleeping pills or anything, so maybe I am just really unwell.


‘But I’m feeling much better today.’



So, I felt like I needed to find out as much as I could about the situation.


If you can’t communicate verbally, at least use gestures.


“Where am I?”


To express ‘here’, I put my arms in a circle, and to express ‘where’ I put my index finger to my temple and tilted my head.


Meanwhile, Rahik was looking at her with a very interested expression, which in turn gave her some courage. If she thought about it, she couldn’t be the only one frustrated that her words weren’t making sense. Rahik must be equally frustrated.


‘The most hopeful assumption is that he may have accidentally picked me up after an accident.’


And it looks like he may have brought me to his residence.


Of course, I couldn’t understand why people didn’t know about cell phones, but there were many more amazing people living in this world than I could have imagined.


This means that there are still people who live as they did in the Middle Ages, away from civilization, ruling over kingdoms passed


down from generation to generation and holding positions such as counts.


Or maybe you just want to play something like that.


Whatever it is, even if it’s something small, I’ll find out.


“Give me some paper and a pen. I’ll ask you with a picture.”


[It’s a picture. That’s pretty heady. I don’t hate clever things.]


“There isn’t any paper but there is something flat like this to write on it. With a pen on it… . ha.”


What would someone do in this situation? They probably would have cried and screamed and made a fuss. What she didn’t do was something she learned through thorough emotional control training.


“Hide your emotions and don’t get upset. Unless you are a genius, you have to control your mind like that.”


“Don’t cry or laugh carelessly. What if your younger sister gets influenced and ruins the competition because of you?”


“You useless bitch! I said it over and over again. Your younger sister is easily influenced by the emotions of the people next to


her! If you don’t know how to do anything, you shouldn’t stand in your sister’s way!”


Even now, the words floating around like scars were stuck to my eardrums and would not fall away.


My mother is a genius pianist. My younger sister is said to be a world-renowned genius who surpasses her mother. She is useless in the meantime.


If I didn’t want to see her like that, it would have been better to just leave her alone or leave myself alone, but she didn’t even have the freedom of movement.


“I can’t play the piano without my sister… .”


It was a humiliating day when my younger sister, who had gone to a competition, returned for the first time in her life unable to press any keys while sitting far away. At the same time, it was her 14th birthday, when everything was overwhelming and she cried and hid herself alone.


From that day on she lived under surveillance.


While her younger sister was having fun driving while switching cars, she couldn’t even get a driver’s license.


While her younger sister went swimming in the lake near her house in the summer, she had to stay inside the house alone.


Because her only value was for her sister.


Maybe that’s why all of this doesn’t seem so awkward or crazy.


Having been trained to control her emotions, she was used to being moderately resigned and adjusting herself to the situation. If the situation was a glass cup, she would fold her body just that much, and if the situation was a wine glass, she would also open her arms just enough not to overflow… .




Suddenly, she opened her mouth.


‘But why can’t I remember my name but remember my family?’


For a moment, it felt like someone hit my solar plexus violently.


She remembered her life obsessively.


Since you always had to be free from emotional agitation, if you lived a life without much stimulation, there wasn’t much of a difference between yesterday and today.


Furthermore, there is no difference between last year and this year. It was a diary of struggling to live each day a little differently.


She wrote a diary and re-read it. In this way, I tried to give meaning to my humble life.


Even if life is no different from a flower, even if it is not a gorgeous and wonderful flower like a rose or lily, I wanted to take care of it.


You’re pretty too. It’s okay for you too. While comforting myself like that.


But it felt like all that effort had been thrown into the trash can without any reward.


It’s a mess. Forget about yourself and your family. It’s so clear about family.




At that time, Rahik called her softly. It was a tone of voice that seemed to be something she didn’t like.


When I suddenly came to my senses from the disapproving gaze that was looking at me, Rahik instructed the people standing


around him to do something.


[Bring paper and a quill. Bring tea made from mormala leaves. She hasn’t been taking it much these days and it seems to have lost its effectiveness.]


[Yes, Your Highness.]


After watching for a moment, what was suddenly thrust in front of me was paper and a quill pen with a texture I had never seen before. And wherever I looked, it was a wooden container containing ink.


The fact that communication had taken place for the first time brought her out of the crucible of shock she was in.


‘Words, through!’


All the hand and foot gestures I had made so far were useless. But when the attempts that had been going on for several days finally came to fruition, something similar to emotion sprouted in my heart.


Another reason was that the wooden inkwell they brought me was so elegant that it instantly made me feel better.


“Do you have a map? Or even a globe. Where are we?”



She quickly drew a rough map of the world on a piece of paper, turned it upside down, and held it out toward Rahik. What she didn’t realize was that her voice rose in excitement at this strange change.


“Of course it’s not Australia, and I don’t think it’s America either. Is this Eastern Europe? Czech Republic? Romania? Either that or… Bulgaria?”


However, she did not know the heat buried deep in the gaze that was staring intently at her moving lips.


There was no reply from earlier, but she continued talking alone.


‘Good to hear.’


It feels like the poison of Silni is filling the burning pain in my throat.


The poison of Silni, a magical beast that instantly melts and swallows its prey, has always been a major weapon used in war.


Rahik let out a low sigh as he pulled off the button that was holding his neck tight. The muscles bulge under his clothes, as if he is about to go into battle. His thighs tightened and his pants became tight.



“Hey, I want to look in the mirror.”


The sparkling eyes were focused on him, as if they were holding out some kind of hope. It looked like she was quickly wagging her tail just because he gave her one thing that she wanted… … .


She was truly an easy girl to deal with.


Unlike the original owner of that body.


“It’s about seeing your face reflected. I want to see my face. I think I’ll remember the name then… … .”


There are quite a few words that women use.


It has long been proven through many studies that this land and the sacred world have similar structures. Just as the nobles of this land learn and master foreign languages ​​for dignity, the same goes for the sacred world.


So, by watching for a few days to see how many languages ​​the divine person spoke, they inferred what the person was born from and decided on a new identity.


In that respect, she passed. It is said that she uses at least four types of new idioms fluently and an additional two or three more




In this world, there were only two people who learned that much language: the royal family and linguists. Of course, the linguist was also of noble birth.


Even in the sacred world, if you come from a cultured family, you will learn a lot quickly.


In any case, I was unsatisfied with the body I gave up at Roermel in the Summer Fence, but if I think about it the other way around, it turned out better. This was the reason why the Duke of Roermel, who had maintained their neutrality like a rat, using one excuse or another, could definitely be dragged into the crown prince’s faction.


[The mirror will show you the fountain of holiness on the day of the ceremony, so be patient a little longer.]


It was cute for him to see her trying to listen carefully to what he says. The slight wrinkles between the eyebrows and the stiff corners of the eyes were so ugly.


‘I’ve never raised domestic animals, but if I did, would I feel this way?’


The watery light green eyes looking up at me whet my cruel




Eventually he slowed down, slowly. His gaze was fixed between her slightly parted lips. That cute little tongue that moved every time, she made a fuss.


“Are you listening? Rahik?”

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