Love Bites

LB | Episode 14

Episode 14

The artificial lake was quite large.

As they arrived, several boats were docked along the shore. While the fact that the boats were free to use was a plus, their rundown condition was more apparent. The paint was chipped in many places, making them look dirty, and they seemed likely to have leaks somewhere at the bottom. A mixture of the smell of stagnant water and rotting wood lingered in the air, making the whole area feel damp and unpleasant. Worse yet, trash left behind by careless visitors scattered around the boats made the place feel unclean.

At least, that’s how it looked to Rosanna. The two men, on the other hand, seemed eager and excited.

“This place is a mess. Who would want to ride one of these?” she muttered.

“We would!”

Henry exclaimed, full of excitement. Despite her efforts to raise him with the finest tastes, it seemed Henry had no concern for cleanliness. Perhaps she hadn’t done enough to cultivate his aesthetic sense.

Rosanna’s face twisted into an expression of genuine displeasure. Noticing this, Kyle gently set Henry down and approached the nearest boat, preparing to clean it.

“I’ll clean it up,” Kyle offered.

“No! Stop.”

Rosanna interrupted.

Cleaning the surface wouldn’t solve the real problem. Standing there with her arms crossed, she contemplated a solution. As they lingered near the dock, the boatkeeper approached to untie one of the ropes.

“Are you planning to take a ride?” he asked.

A brilliant idea struck her. Enjoying a boat ride without dealing with the unpleasant conditions was simple—especially since her pockets were full today. She had brought extra money with her, thinking they might even go out for dinner later, and now she was glad she had.

Rosanna pointed toward the boats with a hand holding a thick stack of bills.

“Not those. I’m sure you have a nicer boat set aside for special guests, right?”

The boatkeeper, who initially looked as if he’d encountered a bothersome customer, quickly adjusted his attitude. The sum of money in her hand was far too large to ignore.

“I’ll bring it right out.”

He said with renewed enthusiasm.

Soon after, the boatkeeper and a few workers brought out a much finer boat. It was equipped with a canopy, decorated with flowers and cushions, and far more elegant than the others. It was clear at a glance that this was the kind of boat nobles preferred for their leisurely rides. The boatkeeper introduced it proudly.

“This is the Undine, madam.”

“Quite the grand name for a boat.”

Rosanna commented, unimpressed, though the two others seemed captivated.


Henry clapped excitedly, making dolphin-like noises. Even Kyle, though more reserved, had a gleam in his eyes. Rosanna hadn’t expected such a reaction from Kyle. It was as if he still held onto a childlike sense of wonder, despite his rugged, masculine frame, his muscles visible even under his clothes.

The contrast intrigued her.


She murmured, her words carried away by the wind. Kyle, busy inspecting the Undine with Henry, didn’t hear her. Rosanna trailed a few steps behind, observing them both as they admired the boat.

Her thoughts drifted to memories of Vlad’s family—husband, wife, child. The scene before her somehow overlapped with those past images. It was an illogical association, but the resemblance made her pause.

Family, huh…

It was absurd to think that way, of course. There was no way she could seriously entertain such a ridiculous notion. But still, this strange, whimsical fantasy of playing “family” in the middle of the day felt oddly satisfying. Maybe that was why she didn’t mind it, why she found this experience enjoyable.

She almost wouldn’t mind if it lasted for a while. If it didn’t get boring, maybe it could last longer—perhaps even indefinitely.

“What am I thinking.”

Rosanna muttered to herself, shaking off the silly thought.

With that, she boarded the Undine, which was now ready to set sail.

The boat glided smoothly toward the center of the lake. Henry, brimming with excitement, kept pointing in all directions, asking, “What’s that?” every time he spotted a duck or a kingfisher. His questions were more like exclamations, filled with constant wonder. At one point, he leaned so far over the edge, trying to touch the water, that Kyle had to stop rowing and pull him back to keep him from falling in. Thanks to Kyle’s attentiveness, Rosanna could sit back and fully enjoy the ride.

“Let’s stop here for a while,” Kyle suggested once they reached the middle of the lake. He stopped rowing so they could fully take in the scenery.

“This is my first time on a boat. I’m sure you’ve done this plenty of times, Rosanna.”

“First time in Britna. Boating’s not really my thing,” Rosanna replied.

Truthfully, it was more accurate to say *it hadn’t been* her thing.

In the past, she had always found boating boring—stuck on the water, unable to go anywhere, doing nothing but wasting time. But right now, it felt different.

The leisurely pace of nature, the mild warmth of the air against her skin, the faint scent of the lake water, the subtle sway of the boat, the soft clinking of the pearls on her earrings—and most of all, the face of the man sitting across from her.

Everything was perfect, like a snapshot of a cherished memory.

“So, you’re only here for Henry, huh? You must love your nephew a lot. Henry’s lucky, isn’t he? …Oh, looks like he’s tired.”

Henry had dozed off, his gentle breathing filling the quiet space. Kyle carefully laid him down, making sure he was comfortable by placing a cushion under his neck.

Rosanna observed Kyle’s careful gestures before speaking again.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen you in casual clothes. I’m so used to seeing you in black.”

“I had somewhere to stop by earlier. I don’t have to wear my cassock on days I’m not officially on duty. Oh, right, I almost forgot with Henry here. I have something for you,” Kyle said, pulling out a box he had been carrying. It was beautifully wrapped with a ribbon, clearly a gift.

“It’s a thank-you for your help at the orphanage.”

“There was no need for this… but since you put in the effort, I’ll accept it. Shall I open it?”

Rosanna began unwrapping the gift. The box was branded with Libér & Tea’s logo, and inside was a much larger and more extravagant present than she had expected.

“This is… a bit much,” Rosanna said, raising an eyebrow.

“Pardon?” Kyle blinked, confused.

“A little tea or a teacup would have been a kind gesture. But a full tea set and multiple teas? That’s quite a gift. Must’ve cost quite a bit.”

Kyle, caught off guard, couldn’t quite formulate a response.

“Are you interested in me? Romantically, I mean.”

“No, no, it’s not like that—” Kyle stammered.

“Really? For a theology student, you don’t exactly have the means for such lavish gifts. And yet, here we are.”

The tips of Kyle’s ears turned a deep shade of red, and his face seemed ready to burst. He fumbled for words, letting out an involuntary, low sound that almost resembled a groan. It was unintentionally suggestive, reminding Rosanna of a different kind of excitement. The contrast between his innocent expression and the accidental sound he made stirred something within her.

Unaware of this, Kyle suddenly smiled in relief, as if he had found a perfect excuse.

“I got a discount, thanks to a friend. He’s the heir of Libér & Tea.”

“How do you know someone like that? You don’t seem to run in the same circles.”

“He had to give up theology because of family matters, but we were classmates.”

“You two must be pretty close. Usually, people drift apart when their paths diverge.”

“He’s one of my closest friends. I bought this gift at Liberty as a way to celebrate the store’s opening.”

Kyle paused, realizing his words could be taken the wrong way. He quickly glanced at Rosanna to see if she was offended, but her expression remained neutral.

“I didn’t mean to suggest it was a throwaway gift. I just meant… um… it was part of the occasion.”

“The more you explain, the stranger it sounds, you know?”

Kyle lowered his head, clearly embarrassed.

“Please understand, this is just a token of my appreciation. I really don’t want there to be any misunderstandings.”

“You’re drawing such a clear line that it’s a bit off-putting. Am I that unappealing to you?”

Rosanna teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes. She couldn’t help but add the playful comment.

Kyle quickly lifted his head in alarm.

“No! I mean, I said that because I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, not because I think that! There’s no ulterior motive, I promise. It’s just a gift of gratitude, that’s all.”

A moment of silence followed, the calm sounds of nature filling the gap in their conversation.

Eventually, Rosanna chuckled softly. Watching Kyle fluster over her teasing, while still remaining so earnest, was too amusing for her to resist. She would have loved to keep watching him squirm, but it felt like the right time to let him off the hook.

“Alright, I’ll stop messing with you.”

“I’m really not great at handling jokes.”

Kyle admitted, letting out a sigh of relief, his shoulders finally relaxing.

Rosanna refocused on the gift. Beneath the tea tins, she found a small glass jar.

“The sampler seems to be a promotional extra, but what’s this?” she asked, lifting the jar filled with a deep crimson liquid.

“Ah, it’s rose petal jam.”

Kyle explained.

“On a lazy afternoon, if you add a spoonful of it to your tea, it’s said to give you a boost of energy. Plus, it adds a unique flavor. You can adjust the amount to suit your taste.”

“You sounded just like a salesperson,” Rosanna teased.

“I was just repeating what I was told. If I explained it in my own words, it would have been boring. I’m not exactly the most exciting person, and I’m terrible at speaking… I probably bore you when we’re together, don’t I?”

“No. Not at all. You’re interesting just to watch.”

Kyle’s eyes widened in surprise. He hadn’t expected such an answer.

“I mean it. I’m really glad I met you. Before you came along, life in Britna was honestly dull. I was so lethargic I almost started getting homesick.”


“And then, Kyle, you showed up. Right in front of me.”



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