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LPST Chapter 3


Chapter 3

*You’ll know soon even if you don’t want to.*

In Jacqueline’s field of vision, she saw the sight of a child, just like herself, relaxing his shoulders. Benjamin, sitting and opening a book, felt her gaze and lifted his head.

With a slight smile, Jacqueline gently pulled her lips and said, “If it’s not too much trouble, could I ask you for a tour of the mansion, Master Benjamin?”

Benjamin hesitated for a moment. It seemed like an unexpected request. The child didn’t answer hastily and hesitated for a while.

In case the child refused, Jacqueline made a pitiful expression.

“I’ve just arrived at the Preston Manor, and I don’t know anyone here. Could you help me, Benjamin?”

Eventually, Benjamin slowly nodded. Closing the book, the child stood up and took the lead.

Smiling softly, Jacqueline walked alongside Benjamin.

From the first impression, Jacqueline quite liked this little child. She didn’t dislike someone who knew how to help others.


Jacqueline didn’t have much time left. The mansion tour took up quite a bit of time.

Though she felt a sudden urgency, she knew she had to remain calm at times like this. Impatience was often the culprit of ruining things.

“Come in.”

“Here are the pen and paper you requested.”

The maid walked to the desk and placed a tray with ink and paper. Jacqueline spoke warmly, “Thank you. So, your name is…?”

“It’s Betty.”

The maid replied with a stiff posture, as if measuring with a ruler. Jacqueline’s friendliness couldn’t find a way in, no matter how much she tried.

“Alright, Betty. I have some items I’ll need for tomorrow’s lessons. Who should I talk to about that?”

“If you tell me what you need, I’ll relay it to Mrs. Ritz.”

“Thank you, Betty.”

“You’re welcome, Miss Somerset. Just doing my job.”

Betty, with an expressionless face, left the room. Jacqueline realized it might take longer than she thought to adapt to this austere mansion.


She sighed involuntarily and turned her gaze to the desk. There was much to do, but the most pressing task was to write the curriculum.

Dipping the pen in ink, Jacqueline smoothly wrote down her thoughts. With premeditated plans, her hand moved faster and more accurately than ever before.

“Hmm… Alright… Good… Excellent… Perfect.”

Repeating praise and corrections, Jacqueline finally rose from her seat. Confidently, she left the room after double-checking the contents she had written.

Jacqueline’s steps exuded an unhidden confidence, while the excitement in her eyes couldn’t be concealed behind her uplifted corners of the mouth.

Pausing briefly to catch her breath in front of the office where she first met Windsor Preston, she knocked succinctly.

“Jacqueline Somerset, reporting to Lord Preston.”

“Come in.”

As permission was granted, Jacqueline elegantly walked in, as if she were traversing the dormitory corridor under the watchful eye of a matron teacher. Strangely, tension seemed to arise in front of Lord Preston.

Concealing her nervous heart, she walked straight to the desk. Windsor placed down the pen he was holding and cast his gaze upon her.

“I’ve drafted this month’s curriculum, Lord Preston.”

Taking out a pocket watch, Windsor opened the lid to check the time. Dinner was at 7 o’clock, and the current time was 6:46.

“You’ve just about made it.”

His matter-of-fact tone merely stated the fact, but it had a peculiar talent for sounding like a reprimand.

Straightening her hunched shoulders and standing tall, Jacqueline placed the paper she was holding onto the desk. Perhaps she hadn’t been this nervous even when submitting her graduation exam papers. However, Jacqueline felt quite confident and consciously wore a relaxed smile.

Windsor lifted the paper from the desk with one hand. His eyes, devoid of any emotion, moved slowly.

His demeanor resembled that of an actor on stage. Despite everything, his glamorous appearance seemed more fitting for an actor than a soldier.

One moment of carelessness and everything could fall apart.


Jacqueline slowly snapped out of her reverie as she noticed his brow furrowing. She instinctively straightened her slightly drooping chin and tightened her lips.

Windsor placed down the paper he was holding and cast a steely gray gaze at her. The creases on his forehead were particularly sharp.

Even that appearance was terribly sensual. Surely, the man was unmistakably devilish. Otherwise, how could he bewitch someone’s eyes like this?

“Miss Jacqueline Somerset.”

“Please, Lord Preston.”

“I believe what I instructed was Benjamin’s educational curriculum. Was there any misunderstanding in our conversation?”

“No, I understood perfectly.”

“So, Miss Somerset, are you saying that this is the educational curriculum for this month?”

“Yes, that’s correct, Lord Preston.”

Windsor’s gaze returned to the paper. His straight eyebrows twitched.

Jacqueline met his penetrating gaze confidently. Windsor’s tone was polite, but there was no warmth in his voice.

“Let me ask again. Are you saying that this month’s educational curriculum includes ‘self-introduction’, ‘creating a comfortable hideout for Benjamin’, ‘bonding through outings’, ‘learning about Benjamin’s favorite subjects’, ‘sharing stories about each other’s families’, and ‘finding out what Benjamin’s dreams are’?”

There was still no intonation in the question. It subtly pressured the person, but Jacqueline smiled and nodded confidently.

“Yes, Lord Preston. Right now, building trust and intimacy between Benjamin and me is more important than reading another line from a book…”

“Don’t disappoint me, Miss Somerset.”

Windsor’s pupils exuded a coldness akin to a winter sky. His chilly beauty was captivating enough to mesmerize anyone.

Jacqueline remained quiet, not even realizing her words had been abruptly cut off. Even when angry, the beautiful can exude an overwhelming presence.

Though his demeanor was too calm to be considered anger, Windsor didn’t raise his voice or chastise her. He simply stated the facts in an indifferent tone.

Yet, the involuntary shrug of her shoulders was undoubtedly due to his commanding presence.

“Benjamin is scheduled to attend Yorkshire Boarding School next year. There is much he needs to learn before then.”

“History and foreign languages of the continent will be covered extensively after enrollment. They are compulsory subjects.”

“Remember, Miss Somerset, Benjamin is the heir to the Preston estate. Starting to learn after enrollment would already be too late. The successor to the Preston estate must excel beyond others.”

Jacqueline acknowledged that there was a minor difference of opinion between Windsor and herself. Their educational philosophies didn’t align, but in such cases, the opinion of the employer took precedence.

“Even considering it’s your first time, this curriculum is unacceptable if Miss Somerset isn’t prepared to work as a governess.”

Quickly adjusting her strategy, she placed the remaining sheet of paper she was holding onto the desk. Windsor glanced at it as if asking a question without speaking.

“I’ve prepared a second curriculum just in case you might not like the first one. Would you review it, Lord Preston?”

Windsor’s gaze shifted to the paper on the desk. After confirming his packed schedule from morning to afternoon, he nodded.

“It’s much more beneficial than the first curriculum.”

Relieved to have narrowly avoided dismissal, Jacqueline smiled with a hint of relaxation. She admired her thorough preparation.

“Let’s consider the earlier incident as a trial and error. You may proceed with the lessons as planned starting tomorrow, Miss Somerset.”

“Of course, Lord Preston.”

Jacqueline smiled even brighter, meeting his slightly intensified gaze. Windsor immediately picked up his pen and began flipping through the papers on the desk.

“You may leave, Miss Somerset.”

“If it’s not too intrusive, may I ask one question?”

Windsor lowered the pen he was holding in response to her question, silently urging her to continue.

“Would it be acceptable for me to inquire about the reasons why the previous governesses left? Knowing what I should be cautious of would be helpful, for both me, Benjamin, and for Lord Preston.”

It seemed like an unexpected question. Windsor didn’t answer but instead gazed intently at her. It was a departure from his previous indifferent stares, subtly different in a way that defied explanation. It was as if he was scrutinizing her once again, more thoroughly this time.

After a moment of staring at Jacqueline, he finally took hold of the pen.

“You’ll find out soon enough, whether you want to or not.”

Jacqueline stood there, her face wearing a puzzled expression. But there was no further response forthcoming.

Resignedly, she lifted her dress slightly and gracefully bid her farewell with perfect courtesy.

“Then, I’ll take my leave.”

Jacqueline stepped out of the room, her footsteps silent on the carpet. As she reached for the door, she hesitated. It was because the butler was standing in front of the open door.

William, with his hand raised as if about to knock, slowly lowered his arm as Jacqueline approached.

“Miss Somerset was here, I see.”

“Everything’s settled, feel free to go in,” Jacqueline said gracefully, nodding her head and stepping aside. William, who was about to yield to her, thanked her and entered the room.

Only then did Jacqueline step out of the room and close the door behind her. Through the slowly narrowing gap of the door, the voices of the two individuals inside could be faintly heard.

“Viscount Easthill has sent an invitation to the luncheon.”

“Tell them I won’t be attending.”

“It’s already the third refusal. Perhaps, attending once wouldn’t hurt? According to the footman who delivered the invitation, Viscount Easthill seems quite displeased with the repeated rejections.”

“I have important matters to attend to. Well, it’s better to say I’m unwell.”


The door closed behind her. Only then did Jacqueline exhale the breath she had been holding. The tension that had stiffened her shoulders gradually dissipated.

She glanced sideways at the heavy mahogany door. The green eyes, lost in thought, soon withdrew from the doorway.

“Well, a curriculum is just a curriculum.”

Changes in the curriculum due to school circumstances were not uncommon. Jacqueline walked lightly down the corridor.

“Oh, Miss Somerset.”

Betty, who was standing in front of her room, noticed Jacqueline approaching from the opposite direction and nodded slightly.

“Dinner preparations are ready.”

“Oh, thank you. I’ll head there right away.”

Jacqueline turned in the direction of the dining room. As she opened the door and entered, she found Benjamin already there.


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