Long Live The Emperor, Except For Me

I Have Received The Flowers You Sent

The effects of the poison did not last even three days, whether it was thanks to the doctor sent by the Empress or because it was just time for me to get better.


“I’m glad you recovered quickly.”


Perhaps that’s why the Grand Duke, who had sent a mountain of flowers, appeared after I got up from my sickbed.


“Tanks to your concen. (Thanks to your concern.)”


After responding with a polite remark, I remembered another imperial householdesy I had to observe.


“I hafe weceifed dhe flowers you set. Tank you fery mush. (I have received the flowers you sent. Thank you very much.)”


“Oh, that. Don’t worry about it, it was just for show.”


If it was for show, I wished he had chosen a simpler method, but it was awkward to say that to a five-year-old, so I kept my mouth shut.


“Don’t make that face. If my sister-in-law hadn’t intercepted them, I would have taken care of it myself.”


It seemed like my face muscles were betraying me; the expressions I tried to hide were showing, and I couldn’t display a grudge.


I put on a nonchalant face, as if I had no intention of hiding my feelings from the start.


“Is dat also foe shoe? (Is that also for show?)”


“If you want to call it that, sure.”


The Grand Duke shrugged.


“I was planning to use it as an excuse to send someone over to help.”




Personnels. That was exactly what I needed and what the Empress had provided.


But how did the Grand Duke know that? He hadn’t even visited my palace.


“You neew? (You knew?)”


“Anyone could tell just by looking at the personnel distribution chart. The number of people is far too few for the size of your palace.”


The Grand Duke waved his hand lightly at my wide-eyed surprise.


It was a gesture not at all suited to a five-year-old, but then again, his behavior was entirely unlike that of a typical five-year-old.


Why would a five-year-old even look at a personnel distribution chart? He wasn’t in charge of managing my palace.


“For the record, my sister-in-law isn’t well-suited for delicate tasks….”


For the first time, the Grand Duke hesitated in front of me. What was he trying to say? It was incredibly intriguing.


“She isn’t well-suited for delicate tasks…so my mother handles those things. I just happened to see it while paying my respects.”


Such suspicious remarks were rare. Would the Empress really hand over her right to manage the household because she was “not suited for delicate tasks”?


And could someone really “just happen” to see a personnel distribution chart while paying respects?


All I can trust is that the imperial household is being taken care of by the previous empress.


“I shee… (I see…)”


The Grand Duke seemed to notice that my voice was full of disbelief. But he didn’t show any signs of pointing it out, perhaps because he found it suspicious himself.


“Anyway, that’s why I thought more personnel were needed. But if I gave them right away, it wouldn’t seem… like something a child would do, right?”


Does it mean that it’s childlike to give me an excessive amount of gifts as an excuse to add more staff after seeing the personnel distribution chart and thinking that I would need more help, and then making it difficult for me to clean up the mess?


No matter how I look at it, it seems far less meticulous for a child to say, ‘I just happened to see it and I think we need more people. I’ll increase the staff.’


“So I needed an excuse. Anyway, I don’t start anything I can’t finish, so don’t be too scared.”


Is that something you’re born with? I was astonished by his judgment, planning, and meticulousness, which seemed unbelievable for a five-year-old.


Even His Majesty, who was exceptionally talented in such matters, might not have been like this at five.


The Grand Duke, seeing me too shocked to flatter or act, casually changed the topic as if nothing had happened.


“So those flowers were just a means to an end. The real gift is the Jasper Palace you’ll be moving to. I made sure to assign five gardeners specifically, so it should be quite a sight.”


…Did I ask to have flowers picked, or did I say I wanted to be buried in flowers? Why such an extreme measure?


I briefly considered saying that I simply liked a quiet atmosphere, but it seemed futile.


“Was dat also Her Mashesty dhe Empwess idea? (Her Majesty the Empress’s idea?)”


“I did borrow some help from her.”


With his straightforward acknowledgment, I continued to question.


“You seem to be fewy close. Are you staying in the impeial palace because of Her Mashesty dhe Empwess? (You seem to be very close. Are you staying in the imperial palace because of Her Majesty the Empress?)”


I admit, this was a low-level probe. It was to double-check the conclusions I had drawn from my conversations with the Empress, using information from the Grand Duke’s side.


But I deliberately made it obvious to appear like a child who wasn’t very adept at scheming, based on the Grand Duke’s earlier insight.


Too much politics wouldn’t seem childlike at all. It’s better to appear slightly clumsy but generally smart.


Maybe the Grand Duke thought the same. Instead of showing a wary look, he just smiled slightly.


“No, staying in the Palace despite having my own territory as a Grand Duke isn’t because of Her Majesty the Empress, but because of my brother.”


A hint of mischief appeared in his eyes, and he asked me directly.


“Didn’t you hear from my sister-in-law?”


It was a probing question, just like mine, to see if the Empress had given me any information. It was an obvious question, but enough to deceive a slightly clever three-year-old.


So I pretended not to notice the probing and answered calmly.


“Yes, she said you were like their child.”


“That’s right, I’m like the child of my brother and his wife. Parents and children shouldn’t live apart, right?”


I understood what he meant, but comparing his brother and sister-in-law to parents, while his actual mother was alive, felt odd.


I could understand the situation… Perhaps because I had once been a child prodigy who understood adult matters.


However, it has been half a century since I was a “prodigy” or desperately wanted to look good to my “parents-like” figures. I don’t have the time to reflect on memories of half a century ago now.


So, instead of empathizing with the Grand Duke, I focused on the information I had obtained.


The Grand Duke is indeed the rightful successor to the throne, even though he has not been crowned Crown Prince. He is even staying in the imperial palace instead of going to the Grand Duchy.


However, instead of being crowned Crown Prince, he received the title of Grand Duke, and the Empress is unable to take charge of the imperial household affairs, which could be considered the rightful duty of the current Empress. The previous Empress is in charge of that.


Wow, what a setup that I don’t even want to be near. It’s a corner of the house where there’s not a single ordinary part.


“How is it? Have your curiosity been satisfied a bit?”


It wasn’t very pleasant, but it was true that I had obtained the information I needed. I bowed my head respectfully and expressed my gratitude.


“Yes, tank you. (Yes, thank you.)”




But why was he asking me this again after I had thanked him a few times?


I couldn’t understand why he was asking this all of a sudden.


“Yes, weally. (Yes, really.)”


But I couldn’t take back my words now, so I just nodded my head curtly.


“Then, in return, can you personally host a small tea party to introduce yourself?”


“Me, pewsonally? (Me, personally?)”


I was surprised in two ways. One was that the Grand Duke was asking me to host a tea party ‘personally’, and the other was the way he brought it up.


If the Grand Duke wanted me to host a tea party, he could have just ordered it. If he wanted to take the form of a transaction, he could have done it with Jasper Palace or the gardeners.


As I thought earlier, I can’t even remember how many times I thanked the Grand Duke. So, it would have been enough to pick something more plausible and force it on me.


But he insisted on answering a question that he didn’t need to answer, and he offered me a tea party in exchange for it.


Well… It’s not a very 5-year-old or powerful way to act. Considering that he doesn’t seem to like me very much, it’s a really surprising attitude.


“It’s a good opportunity. If it were just to introduce you, my sister-in-law could prepare it, but it’s also to showcase the Jasper Palace where you’ll be staying.”


Hosting a party to show where and how I, a non-Imperial citizen, will be living.


I don’t know who planned it, but it was a very self-serving purpose. The Grand Duke wouldn’t do something like this out of self-interest. Could it be the Empress or the previous Empress who is in charge of the imperial household affairs?


“Yes, I undewstand. (Yes, I understand.)”


I nodded curtly, even though I knew the obvious intentions. It didn’t seem like it would make much difference if I refused, and I thought it would be a good experience to teach Tula how to host a party.


What I experienced in my previous life was not hosting a party, but hosting banquets, but the core of hospitality is all the same anyway.


“Okay, we’ll select the invitees, and all the guests are my peers who haven’t been out in society yet, so don’t worry too much.”


Children… For me, emotionally charged children are more troublesome to deal with than adults who can have a conversation, so this wasn’t good news.


But hey, this was something I had accepted in the first place for Tula’s interim check-up, not to make friends, so I just nodded my head.




Whether this visit was a belated sick visit or a tea party planning meeting, the Grand Duke said a few more words about the tea party and then got up.


“Well, the details will come out after you move to the palace, but I’m just letting you know to prepare yourself mentally.”


“Yes,tank you foe you considewation. (Yes, thank you for your consideration.)”


Tula was going to appreciate that consideration. She was going to be learning the ropes of hosting a party from today.


* * * *


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