Long Live The Emperor, Except For Me

Then, A Flower

“Oh, come to think of it, there’s a child who has become very famous among the hostages. Is that Princess Blanche?”


Of course, Berken knew it was Blanche. But he had to pretend he wasn’t interested in her, only showing enough interest because Riana had mentioned her.


“Not a hostage, a peace envoy! Yes, that’s probably Princess Blanche. Recently, there have been active social gatherings among the envoys, and she seems to be the talk of the Palace. They say she’s good at everything.”


“Social gatherings?”


“Yes. It’s natural for people from distant lands to band together out of loneliness, but the pace was faster than expected.”


“–Really? That’s interesting. Any idea why?”


Riana shook her head. Her hair, loosened from its decoration, swayed with the movement.


“No, there’s nothing special. It must be a coincidence.”


“Well, that could be.”


Contrary to his words, Berken had a hunch. It was probably because of Blanche.


Of course, he didn’t think all this was part of Blanche’s plan. Thinking a three-year-old, unaware that she housed the mind of a sixty-five-year-old, intentionally created a social circle would be more delusional than intelligent.


Berken believed the social circle formed because Blanche was meeting people to gather allies. To conquer Emerald Palace, she needed to increase her support, leading to frequent meetings that eventually morphed into a social scene.


Even considering that, Blanche’s achievements exceeded Berken’s expectations. A three-year-old dominating Emerald Palace was one thing; being at the center of the hostages’ social life was far more valuable.


And it would have been much harder than winning over a few royals.


Berken knew a lot about precocious children. He had searched extensively for suitable companions for Melchizedek.


One thing he realized was that precocious and smart children weren’t particularly endearing. They might be convenient but not lovable.


Yet Blanche had quickly become the darling of the new social scene. According to reports, everyone was eager to adore her.


‘She must be quite skilled at charming others.’


That was a pleasing thought. If she knew how to charm others, she would likely handle Melchizedek well.


And if she could manage his brother’s moods, becoming friends would be possible.


Berken smiled with satisfaction. It seemed he could finally find a friend for his brother.


* * *


Only the adults were satisfied, but in any case, there were no issues with the lunch plans. The Grand Duke attended despite his heavy sighs, and Blanche couldn’t refuse the situation.


“Is everything comfortable for you?”


“Tanks to your considwation. (Thanks to your consideration.)”


Blanche replied to the Empress’s question while glancing at Melchizedek. Since the Grand Duke was also attending, she expected the Emperor and Empress to spend the meal trying to pair the two together. However, the main person of interest didn’t even glance at her.


Why did they call her here if this was how it was going to be? She would have been more at ease with just the Empress. Blanche wondered internally while trying not to look at the Emperor.


“Well, we have to return to our duties now.”


“Sorry to leave early. Feel free to stay as long as you like.”


“Melchi, take care of Princess Blanche.”


Blanche wondered if this had been their plan all along or if the Grand Duke’s lack of cooperation caused them to leave. Watching the Empress and Emperor rise from their seats as soon as the meal ended, Blanche clicked her tongue internally.


“See you next time, Princess.”


The Empress, perhaps thinking that the Duke and Blanche wouldn’t even speak if she stayed, looked quite regretful as she stood up.


“See you nekt time. (See you next time.)”


Smiling, Blanche bid farewell to the Emperor and Empress, feeling a strange sense of déjà vu. She had once sat uncomfortably opposite a boy from a similarly strained household, not just once, but many times.


“Shall we take a walk?”


Lost in thought, the Grand Duke spoke for the first time since their greeting. Despite only being two years older, his pronunciation was clear. Envy washed over Blanche. When would she grow up? She wondered while watching the boy get down from his chair.


Instead of following the boy, Blanche looked up at the flowers.


Seeing the boy not even glance her way, it seemed he wanted to put her in her place. If he walked ahead, Blanche’s short legs couldn’t possibly keep up.


Following someone naturally instilled the feeling of being a subordinate, likely his intended effect.


It was a clever strategy for a five-year-old, but unfortunately for the boy, his opponent was Blanche. A five-year-old’s thoughts were as clear to her as an open book.


Sure enough, after a while, the boy returned.


“Didn’t you hear me?”


His voice was calm. Despite likely feeling annoyed at being ignored, he maintained his composure. Blanche thought he would go far in life as she tore her gaze from the flowers to look at him.


“No, I heart you. (No, I heard you.)”


“Oh, so you ignored the Grand Duke’s words? That’s quite bold.”


Blanche smiled sweetly. Her lips curled unnaturally high, and her chubby cheeks puffed up.


“I tought you didnt wont ro pe disturped. (I thought you didn’t want to be disturbed.)”


If this had been the body of Yi Baek-ryun before her death, this smile would have struck fear into everyone. But since she was now in the body of a three-year-old, the boy wasn’t scared.


“Of course not. I clearly invited you for a walk.”


His voice was gentle, and his expression was calm. Blanche adjusted her assessment of the Grand Duke.


Perhaps this child was even more challenging than the Emperor.


“Sometimes, peepol thay tings dat are different fwom what dey tluly mean. (Sometimes, people say things that are different from what they truly mean.)”


“So you ignored my words? What if I accused you of disrespect?”


“Even if it costs me my life, isn’t it the duty of a true friend to avoid offending their esteemed person?”


A linguist would be both astonished and appalled by her words, as a true friend should not act that way.


However, the boy was not a linguist but a member of the imperial family. He would understand that Blanche’s words were sincere. Her statement pinpointed exactly what was expected from a friend of a prince.


An ordinary friend would be on an equal footing. An ordinary servant would obey commands.


However, a friend of the prince, of the ruler, should be mindful of the lord’s mood and act accordingly, even if it means going against one’s own principles.


Blanche was saying that this is how she acted. Even though she could face severe punishment for disrespect if the Grand Duke was displeased.


She is not acting capriciously or rudely, but rather trying to please him by being attentive to his mood.


“Ah, you’re really something.”


Although her words might be complex for a five-year-old, he seemed to understand them correctly.


“Alright, let’s talk openly since we seem to be getting along.”


Pleased with Blanche’s attitude, the boy sat back down.


“As you probably know, my brother thinks I need friends my age.”


Blanche agreed and responded honestly.


“He is a kood bwazzer. (He’s a good brother.)”


“But I have no intention of playing with friends.”


The boy propped his chin on his hand, a pose not fitting for a five-year-old, though his expression was quite natural.


“So, let’s do this. We’ll pretend to be friends only in front of my brother and sister-in-law.”


Blanche was momentarily stunned. Did this really come from a five-year-old?


“Not in leallety. (Not in reality?)”


The boy smiled, eyes crinkling.


“It’s beneficial for both of us. You get the title of the Grand Duke’s playmate, and I get to avoid annoying tasks.”


It was said that no good tree bore bad fruit, and it seemed he was no exception.


Seeing her silent in surprise, perhaps mistaking it for hesitation, the boy added in a more persuasive tone.


“Being the Grand Duke’s playmate is a good position, treated almost like a junior royal. Isn’t that appealing?”


What do you say? Looking at the boy with her eyes, Blanche casually looked down.


“I ill foloow you highness wishes. (I will follow Your Highness’s will.)”


If they were just friends in name, this might be better. Once she gets what she wants, the Emperor won’t pay her any more attention, and the prince seems uninterested from the start, after all.


“Good. To celebrate our deal, let me give you something. What do you want?”


Feeling generous now that he got what he wanted, the Grand Duke showed a more benevolent attitude.


“No neet. (No need.)”


“The Grand Duke’s playmate deserves a corresponding reward.”


Although Blanche, uninterested in material benefits, declined, the Grand Duke insisted.


Realizing he wouldn’t back down, Blanche looked around and briefly answered.


“Den, a flowa. (Then, a flower.)”


* * * *


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Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


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