Liu Zhuang Xian

Drunken Life Dream Death (3)

“One day of cultivation in the Linglong Cold Jade is equivalent to a year of ordinary spiritual cultivation.”

“I don’t want to become some immortal or sage! Why waste so much effort…”

The youth’s small tongue flicked in and out as he spoke. The man stared directly at the gap between his lips, suddenly pushing his fingertip inside.

The youth initially wanted to bite him hard again, but the man’s fingertip transmitted a trace of true qi, slowly warming his shivering body.

The youth sucked hard without hesitation. As the true qi completed a small cycle in his body, he began to feel drowsy.

“…Have you… never touched a living person?”


“Not even my old fraud of a senior brother…?”


“That’s perfect then! Hurry and call the old fraud to take me home! Then… you can touch him however you like!” The youth thought this was a good idea.

“Why would I want to touch someone else? You’re warm and soft.”

The man slowly leaned down. His hair fell from behind his ears, softly landing on the youth’s cheeks and wrapping around his neck.

“Xiaochan, tell me, where are you right now?”

Though his voice was cold and desireless, it carried infinite persuasion.

“I’m in Lushu!” Lu Xiaochan’s consciousness suddenly merged with the youth on the couch in the dream. He felt the man covering him smelled incredibly good.

Whatever the man asked, Lu Xiaochan answered softly, as if his soul was being led.

That figure instantly vanished.

Lu Xiaochan desperately reached out, trying to grab and hold him tight, but all he embraced was the cold, refined moonlight and nothing more.

“I’m in Lushu! I’m in Lushu! Who… who are you? Where are you?”

Lu Xiaochan shouted with all his might. He knew he was dreaming, and once he woke up, everything would be gone.

He just wanted to ask clearly…are you just a dream, or are you really looking for me?

This drunken state lasted for a full three days.

No matter how Jiang Wuchao tried to wake him, Lu Xiaochan wouldn’t stir.

Initially, the tavern owner called for his waiter to throw Lu Xiaochan out, but Jiang Wuchao tossed him some silver.

“Let him sleep here. He can sleep as long as he wants. I have some business to attend to, and I’ll come back to question him when I return.”

Jiang Wuchao had other matters to deal with and couldn’t stay to watch over Lu Xiaochan.

But since Lu Xiaochan had passed out after drinking the alcohol Jiang Wuchao bought him, he naturally couldn’t let him be thrown out like that.

“Lu Xiaochan, I hope you really do see a beauty in your dreams. At least then this drunken stupor won’t be in vain,” Jiang Wuchao said amusedly as he left, looking at Lu Xiaochan who was sleeping so deeply he was almost blowing bubbles.

So for the next few days, customers coming to the tavern would see this little beggar sleeping heavily in the corner, completely unconscious.

The owner worried daily that Lu Xiaochan might have actually died, instructing the waiter to check his breathing every half hour. If he really stopped breathing, they were to throw him out immediately to avoid bringing bad luck to the tavern.

On the last night of Lu Xiaochan’s drunken sleep, amidst the alcoholic fumes and various food smells, he caught a faint scent he had never encountered before in his life.

It was like the scent of dew on branches at the cusp of dawn, when night was fading and daybreak approaching.

The coolness of night blended with the freshness of morning, barely perceptible yet impossible to ignore.

It seemed someone was sitting beside him, looking down at him with lowered eyelids.

That person might have raised their hand, but each time their fingertips were about to touch Lu Xiaochan, they firmly held back, their whole body tensing as they clenched their fists, as if they wanted to crush themselves.

Such restraint…

Lu Xiaochan inexplicably recalled what the old beggar had once told him.

— Only the most extreme desire requires the most extreme restraint.

What do you want from me?

Why are you forcing yourself to endure such hardship?

When Lu Xiaochan opened his eyes, the sun was already high in the sky.

He could hear the noisy chatter of customers drinking, eating, and gossiping.

Lu Xiaochan shook his head and finally sat up.

Having slept for so long, his limbs were stiff.

“Oh my, Lu Xiaochan! If you hadn’t woken up, I would have thought you were dead and thrown you outside!”

“Go away! I’m not dying yet!”

Lu Xiaochan rubbed his belly. He was so hungry.

“Is there anything to eat?”

“You’ve been sleeping here for three whole days. Not throwing you out was already the height of kindness! And you still want food!”

“Well, never mind that… During the days I was drunk, was there anyone…”

“Anyone what?”

“Was there anyone sitting beside me?”

The waiter burst out laughing, holding his stomach.

“Lu Xiaochan, did the alcohol really damage your brain? You were lying here all dirty, with flies nesting on your head. Who do you think would want to sit beside you?”

“You have a point.”

It seemed he had just been dreaming in his drunken state.

An inexplicable feeling of disappointment welled up in his heart.

He had really thought that faint scent meant the man from his dreams had finally found him.

“Stinking beggar! You’re awake? If you’re awake, then get out quickly! You’ve been sleeping here for three days! You’ve occupied an entire table, making me lose business for nothing!”

Seeing Lu Xiaochan awake, the owner immediately came to chase him away.

“I’m going! I’m going! I’m leaving right now!”

Lu Xiaochan picked up his bamboo stick. As he brushed past the waiter, the latter slipped a steamed bun into his hand.

Both of them were in tacit understanding, not saying a word.

Walking out of the tavern, it was high noon. Although Lu Xiaochan couldn’t feel the glare of the sun, the heat on his skin was very real. He felt his way along the wall to a small alley where the sun didn’t reach, perfect for escaping the heat.

But after just a few steps, he heard intermittent heavy breathing, and the creaking of clothes and wooden boards.

Lu Xiaochan paused, then grinned.

Oh my, someone’s getting busy!

Isn’t this something that should be done at night? In broad daylight, how improper!

“You scoundrel! How could you finish so quickly!”

“I was just worried your family’s husband might come back and scare you to death!”

“How annoying!”

Lu Xiaochan rubbed his arms, feeling goosebumps all over.

So it was Ren Er Niang having an affair. (TL: uncle(father’s younger brother)’s wife)

This woman was quite fierce; even if she let Lu Xiaochan sleep with her, he wouldn’t have the interest.

Just as he turned around, his shadow passed the window frame, and Ren Er Niang saw it.

“Who’s there? Who is it?”

Lu Xiaochan quickly ran away. Despite being blind, he knew exactly where every turn was and where bricks were missing from wall corners in this area.

Ren Er Niang hastily put on her clothes and shoes, then chased after him.

She grabbed her lover. “Hurry up and chase him! Do you want him to go out and spread rumors?”

The two chased out of the alley. Although Lu Xiaochan was skinny, he knew that if Ren Er Niang caught him, she would definitely “silence” him.

Passersby made way for the ragged little beggar, allowing Lu Xiaochan to run smoothly while Ren Er Niang panted heavily behind him.

“Help! Help! Ren Er Niang is having an affair! And she wants to silence me!” Lu Xiaochan shouted loudly for help as he ran.

Hearing this, Ren Er Niang’s lover immediately fled.

“You filthy beggar! How dare you slander me! I’ll skin you alive!” Ren Er Niang was furious.

Lu Xiaochan had used up all his energy and couldn’t run anymore.

Those with nothing to lose fear nothing. A dead pig fears no boiling water.

He sat down on the ground and defiantly asked. “If I hadn’t caught you having an affair, why would you be chasing me?”

Everyone around, whether passersby or vendors, turned to look.

Ren Er Niang’s husband was a butcher. Hearing Lu Xiaochan’s shouts, he came over with his butcher’s knife.

“What’s going on! Who said my wife is having an affair!”

Hearing that strong voice, Ren Er Niang’s face turned pale with fright. Without thinking, she blurted out, “Husband! Husband, don’t listen to this beggar’s nonsense! He’s a thief crying ‘stop thief’!”

“I’m a thief? Hahaha! Ridiculous! I, Lu Xiaochan, am blind! Everyone in the area knows that! How could I sneak into your house and steal anything?”

With that, Lu Xiaochan stood up and jumped around a bit. His clothes were in tatters, unable to hide any valuables.

The butcher’s face changed dramatically. He gripped his knife as if ready to chop Ren Er Niang at any moment.

“I meant you…you peeped at me bathing!”

“I peeped at you bathing? I just said I’m blind! What could I see of you?” Lu Xiaochan put his hands on his hips.

The surrounding villagers began to whisper and point.

The butcher’s hand pressed down on Ren Er Niang. Even if he didn’t chop her up, she was sure to get a severe beating when they got home.

“Husband! Husband, believe me! When I was bathing, this little beggar was under the window! I’m not lying! Even if he wasn’t trying to steal while I was bathing, he was eavesdropping and thinking impure thoughts!”

“Ren Er Niang! Give it a rest! With your shrewish personality, even if I wanted to fantasize about something, it wouldn’t be about you!”

Lu Xiaochan’s outburst caused another round of laughter.

Ren Er Niang hugged the butcher tightly, whispering, “Husband… husband, he really did insult me! If you let him continue spouting nonsense and ruin my reputation, how can I face anyone in the future?”

Hearing this, Lu Xiaochan realized he was in trouble! Even if Ren Er Niang was unfaithful, the butcher would surely punish her behind closed doors. In public, he would definitely defend his own face!

This is bad, this is bad!

Just as Lu Xiaochan was about to run away, the butcher kicked him hard in the back, with such force that Lu Xiaochan nearly coughed up his heart and lungs.

Then came a barrage of punches and kicks, each one nearly breaking Lu Xiaochan’s bones.



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