Liu Zhuang Xian

Drunken Life Dream Death (1)

“Desire is human nature. You can choose not to look at it, not to touch it, pretend it doesn’t exist, but it will always be there. The pursuit of a state of ‘no desire’ is an obsession in itself.”

At that moment, just as the person was about to turn around, Lu Xiaochan’s breath lengthened. He wanted to see that person’s appearance clearly through the eyes of the young boy, but everything in the dream suddenly shattered.

When Lu Xiaochan woke up from the dream, his serious illness inexplicably got better. The old beggar said he had great fortune.

Lu Xiaochan, however, was angry that the peanuts knocked over by the shop assistant were all eaten by the old beggar, and he didn’t get to eat a single one.

The old beggar casually remarked that since Lu Xiaochan was so sick he couldn’t even open his mouth, how could he have swallowed the peanuts?

Lu Xiaochan had a premonition that the boy covered in jars and bottles in his dream was himself, and that the unsmiling immortal must be someone very important to him.

When he told the old beggar about his dream, the old beggar joked that he must have spilled Meng Po soup while crossing the Bridge of Forgetfulness in his previous life. Or perhaps he had listened to too many stories and had put himself into one.

But Lu Xiaochan was convinced it wasn’t a story. Maybe he was born into an immortal sect, and the cold yet ethereal figure in his dream was a master of some profound sect who could heal his eyes.

The old beggar laughed again and told him that being unable to see had its benefits, like not being tempted by beauty. Who knew whether the man Lu Xiaochan saw in his dream was an immortal or a demon?

The old beggar also mysteriously said, “One thought can make a god, one desire can lead to a demon.”

Lu Xiaochan ignored the old beggar and frequently stayed under the tavern, hoping that one day he could drink another cup of “Drunken Life Dream Death.” He wasn’t fond of alcohol, but it seemed that only by getting completely drunk could he possibly see the banished immortal from his dream again.

Unexpectedly, three days later, the old beggar choked to death on peanuts.

Lu Xiaochan didn’t hold a grudge against the peanuts, but he couldn’t forget the figure in his dream.

However, seven or eight years passed, and even though Lu Xiaochan occasionally drank a few sips of “Drunken Life Dream Death,” he never got drunk.

Without getting drunk, there were no dreams.

Without dreams, he naturally couldn’t encounter the immortal.

Lu Xiaochan was certain that the tavern owner was unscrupulous and had diluted the wine with so much water that it made it impossible to get drunk.

As he was lost in thoughts about the dreams he used to have, Lu Xiaochan heard a voice across the street, crying out in joy.

“Ah Bao! Ah Bao! Your father has traveled all over the country and finally found you!”

Lu Xiaochan was startled. Ah Bao was also a beggar. One was blind, the other was mute, and they were about the same age. They often fought fiercely over food.

Normally, a blind person would be at a disadvantage in a fight with a mute, but Lu Xiaochan always managed to beat Ah Bao until he was searching for his teeth on the ground. Every time, Ah Bao would look pitifully at Lu Xiaochan as he ate.

But who would have thought that Ah Bao’s luck would change?

Father and son hugged and cried in the street.

“Ah Bao! Eat slower! Eat slower! Our Luo family has thousands of acres of fertile land. We never lack for food!”

“Mm…mm…” Ah Bao was gobbling down the food, paying no attention to what his father was saying.

“My poor son! It’s a good thing you have that maple leaf birthmark on your neck, or I would never have found you! Don’t worry, even if you can’t speak, I will take good care of you, find you a few wives, and make sure you’re well looked after!”

The Luo family’s servants dressed Ah Bao in new clothes. His father personally carried him onto the carriage, and they left just like that.

Lu Xiaochan sat there in a daze.

The shop assistant opened the window and teased, “Hey, Lu Xiaochan, the wheel of fortune really does turn! You used to bully Ah Bao, and now his father has come to find him! He’s going to live a good life without worrying about food or clothing! And look at you… Hey, hey, hey! Lu Xiaochan, why are you crying?”

Two streams of tears fell from Lu Xiaochan’s face, and his eyes turned red.

The shop assistant had seen him countless times under this window. After so many encounters, they had developed some camaraderie. Seeing him suddenly cry, the shop assistant didn’t know how to comfort him.

“Don’t…don’t cry…Maybe your parents are looking for you too? They just haven’t found you yet!”

Lu Xiaochan was blind, but his heart wasn’t. He knew the reason he had become a beggar was probably because he was born with eye problems. How could his parents possibly be looking for him?

“In this vast world, I could only bully mute Ah Bao! Now that Ah Bao has left with his father, I have no one left to bully!”

The shop assistant stood there, not knowing what to say.

No one could truly understand what Lu Xiaochan was feeling at that moment.

Although he and Ah Bao fought over food every day, they were still each other’s support.

Now that Ah Bao had left with his father, Lu Xiaochan feared he would never have another friend.

Not long after, the carriage returned.

Ah Bao jumped off the carriage and rushed towards Lu Xiaochan.

The shop assistant quickly knocked on the window, “Run! Ah Bao is coming to get revenge!”

Passersby gathered, ready to see Lu Xiaochan in trouble.

But Ah Bao threw himself into Lu Xiaochan’s arms, crying. He wasn’t seeking revenge; he was reluctant to part.

Lu Xiaochan sighed, patting Ah Bao’s back. “Ah Bao, go on. I won’t follow you.”

“Mm… mm…” Ah Bao shook his head, holding onto Lu Xiaochan’s arm.

Lu Xiaochan pulled Ah Bao close and whispered, “Ah Bao, listen. Wealthy families are different from ordinary folks. Your father lost you for so long; you probably aren’t his only child. He feels guilty and will surely find a doctor to cure your muteness. Remember, even if you can speak, don’t let anyone know. Eat and drink well, and turn a blind eye to everything else.”

Ah Bao cried even harder but still tried to pull Lu Xiaochan with him.

“You’re going to have a comfortable life, but you’ll be living under someone else’s roof. I’m used to my freedom, and my blindness keeps me from seeing others’ faces. Remember what I said, and you might live in peace.”

Ah Bao’s father got off the carriage. He understood that his son couldn’t bear to leave his friend. He was willing to take in the blind beggar to make his son happy, but he knew his current wife would resent it.

Lu Xiaochan refusing to go showed his awareness.

Ah Bao’s father threw a bag of silver to Lu Xiaochan, as thanks for looking after Ah Bao all these years.

With money in hand, Lu Xiaochan fumbled around, ready to give it to the shop assistant to buy some jars of “Drunken Life Dream Death,” when someone ran past and snatched the bag!

“Damn it—”

Lu Xiaochan was so angry he nearly coughed up blood. Just when he was about to enjoy the wine, it was gone! Without the wine, how could he meet the person he wanted to see in his dreams?

Jiang Wuchao was standing not far from Lu Xiaochan. Having practiced for many years, his hearing was far more acute than that of ordinary people.

He had initially thought that the little beggar hiding in the Medical Sage’s statue to steal things would surely follow Ah Bao, but not only did Lu Xiaochan stay, he also gave Ah Bao that heartfelt advice.

Now, with the entire bag of silver gone, Lu Xiaochan didn’t even shout for a thief. He simply sighed and sat back down.

Jiang Wuchao walked up to Lu Xiaochan, squatting down. Even though he made no sound, Lu Xiaochan smiled. “Hahaha, Jiang Wuchao, you’re here.”

“How did you know it was me?”

“The scent of the wutong trees on you.”

Jiang Wuchao smiled and nodded. Zhiwu Mountain Villa was located at the peak of Zhiwu Mountain, which was covered with wutong trees, many of which were centuries old and full of spiritual energy.

Having grown up at Zhiwu Mountain Villa, Jiang Wuchao naturally carried the fragrance of wutong trees with him.

“That person stole your silver. Why didn’t you shout?”

“Why should I shout?” Lu Xiaochan tilted his head. “Even if someone caught the thief and took back the bag of silver, who would return it to me? Well, except for you, Jiang Wuchao.”

“You’re too pessimistic. There are still good-hearted people in the world.”

“I grew up here. I know everyone’s temperament and personality very well. A blind beggar who gets a large sum of silver out of nowhere—what would they think?”

Lu Xiaochan smirked, but his eyes, full of luster, sparkled with mischief.

Jiang Wuchao looked around and saw that the men, women, and children had no sympathy for Lu Xiaochan; the street vendors even seemed to take pleasure in his misfortune.

“I just lost a bag of silver. No one tried to kill me for it, so I’m already lucky. And Luo Yuanwai said the silver was to thank me for taking care of Ah Bao all these years. I know I never took care of Ah Bao; I don’t deserve that reward. So, the money is gone, and that’s that.”

Jiang Wuchao sighed and said, “You have a carefree nature. In our cultivation practice, we strive to ‘cut off desires.’ Without evil desires, one can achieve greatness. If you could see, you would have the makings of a great cultivator.”

“What? Cut off desires? I have desires! I want to eat my fill every day! Wear warm clothes! Most importantly, I want to drink a few jars of ‘Drunken Life Dream Death’ every day to meet my beauty in my dreams! Cultivation isn’t for me! Brother Jiang, you can take your time cultivating. I’ll wait for you to achieve success and take care of me!”

Jiang Wuchao chuckled softly, then suddenly grabbed Lu Xiaochan’s wrist, almost crushing it.

“I’ve asked many people, and no one has heard of the story of Lord Liche. You lied to me!”

Lu Xiaochan couldn’t break free from his grip.

“Over a thousand years ago, during the Battle of Wuyi Jingtian, how could an ordinary storyteller know such details? I’m truly curious, where did you hear this?”

“You…you let go…let go…I’ll tell you!”

Only then did Jiang Wuchao release Lu Xiaochan.

“It wasn’t from a storyteller…”

“Then who told you?”

“It was an old beggar who once took me in! It’s just some tales of the Xuanmen Sword Sect, half-true, half-false!”

“And where is that old beggar now?”

Lu Xiaochan pointed to the sky.

“Did he…ascend to immortality or sainthood? Which sect did he belong to?”

“He died. Choked to death on a peanut!”

Jiang Wuchao was speechless.

“Aren’t you from an esteemed immortal sect? Don’t you know more about these ancient sages than I do?”

“My master rarely mentioned those events, but he always held Lord Liche in high regard. As his disciple, I also want to know what really happened during the Battle of Wuyi Jingtian, and if I can find any traces left by Lord Liche to console my master.”

“I see. But the old beggar’s stories were mostly rumors, with his own embellishments.”

“Even so, I want to hear them.”

“Alright. You treat me to some wine, and I’ll tell you the stories.”

Jiang Wuchao pressed his forehead. “What’s so special about this wine that you can’t stop thinking about it?”

“Didn’t I tell you? Drinking this wine, getting thoroughly drunk, allows you to see beauties! Why else would it be called ‘Drunken Life Dream Death’?” Lu Xiaochan replied earnestly.

Jiang Wuchao snorted and pulled him up.

“Beauties? You, a blind man, can only see beauties in your dreams!”

With a smile, Lu Xiaochan believed that if the person in his dream turned around, they would surely outshine the world.


TN: Drunken Life Dream Death ‘醉生梦死’=To drift through life in a muddle, as if one were drunk or in a dream.



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