Limits of Paradise

LOP 48 (Seoul pt.4) - R19

Chapter warning: this chapter contains scenes of sexual content. Please be warned before proceeding.

Tae-eun couldn’t bring herself to smile back. She just stared blankly at his bleached hair as it nestled between her thighs, letting out a soft moan as a strange sensation shot up her spine.


Falling in love?

His words echoed endlessly in her dazed mind. She was so overwhelmed by the weight of what he had said that she couldn’t even hear her own moans.

The notion of being in love grew larger and larger, suffocating her. A heavy, mocking laugh seemed to lash at her sharply.

Ji Hyun-ho had come to his conclusion so easily. Like the characters in that Hungarian film, he believed they had stopped sharing dreams because they had fallen in love.

But was that really true?

Did she love Hyun-ho?

She liked him. She was grateful for his help. Compared to what he did for her, she felt sorry that she couldn’t do much for him.

Were these feelings enough?

Was this love?

Even as Hyun-ho inserted two fingers and sucked on her clit, Tae-eun was lost in a whirlwind of questions.

‘Do you even know what love is?’

Song Min-jae had bragged that he’d realized what love was when he introduced her to his fiancée. He had then launched into a passionate speech with an ecstatic look on his face.

‘What is love?’

‘It’s when your life doesn’t seem precious. When you’re willing to give up your life for that person.’

If love was such a grand emotion as her brother described, then her feelings seemed too insignificant. How could this simple joy of spending time with Hyun-ho, feeling comfortable leaning on him, and wanting to be with him a little longer be considered love?

Then what about Ji Hyun-ho?

Were his feelings so grand?

Tae-eun’s eyes, staring at the ceiling, grew unfocused with uncertainty.

“You keep getting lost in thought.”

A low murmur came from below. The man, his lower face slick with her juices, stood up and grabbed the back of her neck. His eyes, absorbing all the sunlight streaming through the large window, locked onto hers.

“What are you thinking about?”

Hyun-ho asked as he slid his thick, veiny member between her thighs, moving his hips leisurely. But Tae-eun lowered her gaze and didn’t answer.

“Is it because we don’t share the same dreams anymore?”

A faint laugh escaped her. She didn’t like how casually he treated it.

The dreams they shared had been an important link between them. Without them, she might have found Hyun-ho somewhat uncomfortable and awkward.

But knowing him as a living presence in her dreams had made their relationship special. She had looked forward to meeting him at night, and on nights she couldn’t see him, she felt an inexplicable emptiness.

It seemed she was the only one who thought those dreams were special. He was playfully mentioning love while focusing solely on entering her.

In her lowered view, she saw the red tip slowly penetrating her. As she felt herself being filled, she squeezed her eyes shut.

“Look at me.”

His cold voice struck her like a blow to the top of her head. Her eyes snapped open.

“This is the moment we’re most deeply connected, so watch closely.”

Smack! Wet flesh collided roughly. His cool scrotum squished beneath her buttocks. As Hyun-ho pulled her hips tightly against him, their bodies intertwined.


He relished the tightness inside her, pressing his lips, slick with her juices, against hers. Their noses nearly touched as his light brown eyes flashed.

“Don’t you like my answer?”

When Tae-eun averted her eyes from his piercing gaze, he didn’t relent and kissed her cheek. He began to thrust his hips gently. The warm water in the pool rippled slightly.

“Why, huh, don’t you like it?”

Hyun-ho’s tongue poked at the corner of her eye. His hot breath washed over her face. As she frowned and shook her head, his hand moved up from her hips.

Tae-eun’s face was trapped in his large hand, forcing her to look straight ahead. She met his eyes, which were now cold with anger.

“Do you want me to guess why?”

As his thrusts quickened, the thick head of his member mercilessly explored her depths. She could feel the pronounced veins scraping against her inner walls.

“You think, huh, that I’m lying.”

Her eyes remained fixed in a frown as helpless moans escaped her parted lips.

“When I said I’m in love.”

Each deep thrust brought a dull ache that went beyond warmth. The sudden discomfort sent chills down her spine.

“You think that’s bullshit.”

His lips twisted into a crooked smile.


His face came so close that their noses almost touched. To fully see his eyes, she had to look at each one separately.


With her face flushed, Tae-eun glared at his bright irises. Her voice, mixed with excitement, trembled as she spoke.

“Do you love me?”

The rapid movements of his member inside her suddenly stopped. His rough breaths clung to the mucous membranes of her nose.

The silence around them was so profound that even the sound of the rippling water was absent. As the unanswered moment stretched on, the weight of the silence pressed down on her shoulders.

When enough time had passed for their body heat to dissipate, Tae-eun, still gazing at her silent boyfriend, slowly began to speak.

“I like you.”

Hyun-ho’s eyes widened. His lips parted slightly, but no sound came out.

“I don’t know about love yet. I don’t really understand what that feeling is, or how it’s different from just liking someone…”

Her voice grew softer, but in the absence of any noise, her confession was crystal clear.

“But I’m sure that I like you.”

Suddenly, his vividly colored lips crashed against hers. His tongue invaded her mouth aggressively, sweeping away the silence with wet sounds.

Whether he was overwhelmed by emotion or simply wanted to shut her up, she couldn’t tell. Tae-eun felt a pang of bitterness at the lack of a verbal response.

Hyun-ho turned her around, making her grab onto the edge of the pool. He thrust his member hard between her pale buttocks. Her ample breasts were pressed against the cool edge.


No more words were exchanged between them. Their silhouettes moved vigorously against the backdrop of Namsan Mountain, visible through the large window. He focused solely on her buttocks, driving his hips forward.

Tae-eun tried not to let the sight make her sad. She told herself that Hyun-ho was probably just feeling shy, that he was too flustered to find the right words.

But when she stepped into the bathroom alone after they finished having sex, tears began to well up uncontrollably.

She stared blankly at the closed door, with no one following her in. She heard his footsteps fade away as he walked further down the hallway.

Even after waiting for a while, there was no sign of him returning. She then remembered there was another bathroom at the end of the corridor. Stumbling, she made her way to the shower.

Washing her face and shampooing her hair was fine. But as soon as she slid her hand to clean her slippery vulva, tears began to roll down her cheeks.

When she inserted her fingers inside herself, just as Hyun-ho used to do, and carefully scraped out the semen, more tears fell from her large eyes.


It was okay that he didn’t answer when she asked if he loved her. It would have hurt more if he had given a light-hearted response to such a serious question.

Still, she had hoped he would at least say he liked her.

The emotion in Hyun-ho’s wide eyes had been a mix of surprise and confusion, and he had hesitated, as if trying to find the right words.

Her confession a moment ago had only made things worse. A bitter smile spread across her tear-streaked face.

Unlike in Hajung-ri, where it felt like they were living in a small world of their own, coming to Seoul made her feel like he was gradually drifting away. His absence at night, the unfamiliar scent of whiskey, and the unreturned confession all wedged themselves between them.

When she came out after drying her hair, Hyun-ho was placing a room service hamburger on the table. The tips of his blond hair were still slightly damp, suggesting he had showered in the other bathroom.

“Aren’t you hungry? Come and eat.”

His voice was calm, as if nothing had happened. Tae-eun quickly lowered her gaze, trying to hide her tear-stained eyes.

That’s when she noticed there was only one hamburger.

“Aren’t you going to eat?”

“I’m not that hungry. Eat and rest. I’ll go watch TV downstairs.”

When she looked up again, she saw his broad back as he left the bedroom. Her legs felt weak, and she stumbled into the chair.

She wanted to run after him and ask if she had made him so uncomfortable, if he now disliked being with her.

But she knew that would only make things worse. She had to get through this moment with the same nonchalance he had shown.

“Hmm, this is good…”

Tae-eun deliberately made a point of eating the hamburger noisily. The silence of the empty bedroom was unbearable. She forced the food down her throat, which was tight from holding back tears.

“It’s good. I should take a nap after this.”

Even though no one was asking, she mumbled to herself, chewing and swallowing the hamburger. It should have tasted good, but she couldn’t taste anything.

Two hours later, when she woke up with swollen eyes from her nap, the expansive suite was silent. She checked the other bedroom, the sauna, and the bathroom, but Hyun-ho was nowhere to be found.

For some reason, she felt trapped in this suite.




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