Life Becomes Amazing After Marriage

Chpater 28 : Let’s Grab a Bite


  – What should I wish for?


  Kang Bada had been mulling this over for days, trying to figure out how to use the ‘wish ticket’ she got thanks to Kim Ha-neul winning the grand prize.


  She didn’t want to ask for anything too crazy, but she did want to make good use of it since she had it.


  – What if you asked him to go on a trip with you?


  – Isn’t that a bit too soon?


  – How about asking him for a hug, or maybe even a kiss…?


  – How could I even say something like that!?


  Kang Bada buried her face in her pillow. Just thinking about it made her imagination run wild, and she could feel her cheeks heating up.


  Before turning to her nanny for advice, she had tried looking online, but after reading just a few posts, she quickly shut it down.


  [Title: What would you use a wish ticket for?]


  : My boyfriend just gave me a wish ticket, but I’m not sure what to ask for. Is there something special I normally wouldn’t be able to do?


  └ Sex


  └ You can do that anytime.


  └ Then add a twist to it.


  └ Like what?


  └ Have him wear a costume, or tie him up…


  Since it was all anonymous, the replies were mostly pretty risqué. She wasn’t new to this, but now that it applied to her, she felt way too embarrassed to keep reading.


  She wanted something that wouldn’t make her feelings too obvious but would still make her really happy. What could she wish for that would hit the sweet spot?


  – How do you two usually address each other?


  – Just Ha-neul-ssi, Bada-ssi.


  – Then how about mixing it up? Like asking him to call you ‘nuna’?


  – …!!


  As soon as she heard her nanny’s suggestion, it felt like a lightbulb went off in her head. She quickly decided and set up a meeting with Kim Ha-neul.


  And so, here they were.


  Kang Bada had just asked Kim Ha-neul to call her ‘noona.’ His face immediately twisted in discomfort.


  “Are you serious?”


  “Of course.”




  Seeing how troubled he looked, she knew she had made the right choice. That expression just made her want to tease him even more.


  “Come on, say it.”


  “…Is that really your wish?”


  “Why are you stalling? It’s not even that hard. Just say it with me. Noo. Na.”


  “Alright. Noona.”




  For a moment, Kang Bada felt puzzled. It was definitely the word she wanted to hear, but it didn’t feel the way she imagined.


  ‘What’s going on?’


  She had hoped to see Kim Ha-neul shyly calling her ‘noona,’ showing a cute, bashful side she rarely got to see. But now, it just felt like a regular term for an older woman.


  “Are we done here?”


  “Could you say it one more time?”


  “Noona, noona, noona, noona.”




  “Come on, this was a hard-earned wish ticket. Are you sure this is what you want?”




  A mischievous smile played on Kim Ha-neul’s lips, which Kang Bada noticed right away. She pouted, realizing he was doing it on purpose.


  To think she would end up getting teased with the wish ticket she worked so hard to get. But as a member of the Daehan Group, she couldn’t go back on her word. This was her complete loss.


  “…I was an idiot for getting my hopes up.”


  “Huh? What did you say?”


  “Nothing, forget it.”


  “Don’t be like that. Just tell me, what’s the ‘real reason’ you called me today?”


  Kim Ha-neul’s expression turned a bit serious. He probably thought she had something important to discuss.


‘I just wanted to see you.’


  But she couldn’t be that blunt, so Kang Bada’s mind raced, searching for the most fitting answer for the situation.


  Talking about the orphanage didn’t make sense.


  Saying it was for a celebration felt a bit off.


  What topic would match that serious look on his face?


  Kang Bada realized it was about time to meet Ha-neul’s parents. It seemed only natural to meet them at least once before the formal family introduction.




  After a brief pause, she came up with the right question. They really should start seriously discussing marriage.


  Even though the marriage certificate that Kim Ha-neul had signed was still sitting in the safe, it felt like the right moment to take the next step.


  ‘Before Ha-neul starts getting suspicious.’


  It had already been over two months since he signed the contract. A lot had happened since then, but it would seem odd if nothing moved forward soon.


  If Ha-neul ever needed to get a copy of his family register, he’d find out that the marriage certificate hadn’t been submitted.


  ‘I wanted us to turn it in together.’


  She had hoped they could submit the marriage certificate together, just like any other couple. Especially since things had been going pretty well between them lately.


  “To make it look natural, I should probably meet them before the wedding, don’t you think?”


  “They’ve been asking to meet you every time we talk on the phone…”


  “I’m free this weekend.”


  Truthfully, since she started seeing Kim Ha-neul, Kang Bada had always kept her weekends open, but she wasn’t bold enough to say that out loud.


  “That’s perfect. My dad’s getting discharged from the hospital this weekend too.”


  Kim Ha-neul’s father had been suffering from a severe herniated disc and was originally scheduled for surgery. However, after transferring to a different hospital, his treatment plan had changed.


  – Surgery should be the last resort. I wouldn’t recommend it to him.


  Thanks to Kang Bada’s help, he was able to consult with the top specialist in the field, and after focusing solely on rehabilitation, his condition had improved dramatically.


  Now, with medication, he could manage his daily activities, and from here on, he would continue treatment at home, incorporating exercise.


  “Let’s tentatively plan for Saturday…”


  The two quickly worked out the details. Since their preferences were nearly identical, the schedule was settled in no time.


  “Does this look good?”




  Kang Bada nodded.


Even though the conversation had moved forward rather suddenly, it was a step they had to take sooner or later. It was better to get it done sooner.


  “How about we grab some dinner now?”


  “Oh, I’m good.”




  “I’m just not that hungry today.”




  Kang Bada mumbled to herself. She knew it was childish, but she couldn’t help feeling disappointed about how she’d wasted her wish ticket.




  After hesitating for a moment, Kim Ha-neul stood up. Without a word, he walked past Kang Bada and disappeared.


  For a moment, Kang Bada felt like she’d been hit over the head with a hammer. She was so shocked she couldn’t even turn her head.


  ‘Did he really just leave?’


  Sure, she’d turned him down first, but couldn’t he have insisted at least once? He was usually so quick to pick up on things.


  A wave of disappointment washed over her. She knew Kim Ha-neul didn’t see her as anything more than a contract partner, but still, wasn’t this a bit much?


  *Tap, tap.*


  Just then, someone lightly tapped Kang Bada on the shoulder. Startled, she heard a low voice whisper in her ear.


  “Noona, let’s go eat together.”




  Kim Ha-neul, clearly embarrassed, cleared his throat unnecessarily. He quickly grabbed the empty coffee cup from the table and vanished again.




  Kang Bada was left alone, her face burning with a mix of emotions she couldn’t quite place.


  ‘…What was that?’


  He could pull it off so well.


  Kang Bada made a mental note to challenge him to another bet soon.


* * *


  “Hello, Mother and Father!” (1)


  “Come on in! We’ve seen your photos, but you’re even more beautiful in person.”


  “And you’re so stunning too, Mother! Now I see where Ha-neul gets it from…”


  “Oh my, such lovely words!”


  That weekend, as planned, Bada finally met Ha-neul’s parents.


  Since it was the first time he was introducing someone to them, Ha-neul had been nervous about their reaction. But the atmosphere was much warmer than he had expected.


  – What do you like, dear?


  – How should we dress for the occasion?


  – Will it be too much if I act too friendly?


  Ever since they told his parents about the weekend visit, they had been buzzing with excitement, constantly checking in. Ha-neul even mentioned how his mom was so eager that she kept fussing with her outfit right up until he left to pick up Bada.


  Now, though, his parents were chatting  comfortably, probably thanks to Bada’s friendly and approachable nature.


  His parents were generally easygoing, but they could be a bit shy at first. Seeing how Bada’s warmth had put them at ease made Ha-neul smile to himself.


  “Here we go again.”




  “Those eyes of yours, like you’re ready to pounce on her… Ouch! Mom!”


  “Don’t talk nonsense in front of your sister-in-law.”


  “…Mom always picks on me.”




  Kim Gureum muttered under her breath as she backed off, rubbing the spot where her mother had smacked her. Bada chuckled softly at the scene.


  “I’m sorry about that. She’s a bit feisty.”


  “No, not at all! It’s wonderful to see such a close family. And as the youngest in my family, I totally get how Gureum feels.”


  “Oh, really? How many siblings do you have?”


  “I have four older siblings. Starting with my eldest brother…”


  The family naturally fell into easy conversation, and the smiles on their faces didn’t fade as they listened to Bada.


  “Shall we continue over dinner?”


  Ha-neul’s father, who rarely rushed things, spoke up. He must have been eager to eat something other than hospital food after all this time.


  Though his back was the main issue and there weren’t strict dietary restrictions, ordering food in the hospital had always felt awkward.


  “Father, let me help!”


  “No need, it’s all ready. We just need to enjoy the meal.”


  “Leave it to me!”


  Ha-neul’s father chuckled, clearly pleased with his future daughter-in-law. The warm, cheerful mood extended to his mother and sister as well.


  ‘If only this were real.’


  But as Ha-neul watched them, he felt a bit out of place. Knowing that all of this was just part of a contract left a bitter taste in his mouth.


  The happiness before him was just an illusion, and that realization stung.


  “What are you thinking about?”


  Suddenly, Bada moved closer to him, whispering so only he could hear.


  “Are you tired?”




  “You seem a bit off today, like your energy is lower than usual.”




  She was so perceptive.


  Even his parents, who had known him for years, would have struggled to see through the mask he had perfected during countless part-time jobs. But Bada had seen right through him with ease.


  What was this warmth in her voice and gaze? Was it just concern as a partner in this arrangement, or…?


  “Did you not sleep well last night?”


  “No, I’m fine.”


  “Are you sure? Don’t push yourself… huh?”


  “I’m really fine.”


  Just as he was about to step away, Bada suddenly placed her hand on his forehead, tilting her head as if something was off.


  “Do you have a fever?”


  The sound of her bracelet jingled softly as it brushed against his skin, and her warmth provided him with a strange sense of calm.


  As Ha-neul gazed at Bada’s face, now just inches away, his mind raced with thoughts.


 ‘Am I being greedy?’




  It felt like reaching for a star in the night sky—something so distant, far beyond his grasp. The gap between them was still too wide.


  “Your forehead feels really warm! Are you sure you’re okay…?”


  “Bada-ssi, your eyes are a soft shade of brown.”




  Bada froze at his sudden comment. But Ha-neul, who had been watching her closely, didn’t miss the slight tremor in her eyes.


  “Didn’t I tell you? If you look away for a second, those two will—”


  “Are you getting jealous, dear?”


  “What? No, that’s ridiculous!”


  When was the last time they had such a light-hearted conversation as a family? It had been a long time since they were all together like this. And it was all thanks to Bada.


  Gently, Ha-neul reached for her hand.


  Bada seemed startled by the unexpected gesture. After glancing at his family, she cautiously held his hand in return.


  “Oh, we’ll be having grandchildren in no time.”


  “Ha ha ha, it’s like looking at our younger selves…”




  Watching his father pout made everyone laugh. Despite the initial worries, it looked like it would be a pleasant day.


[Note(1) : 어머님= Father( formal way to address father in law) 아버님= Mother (same)]


Hi, I'm Nosha, a devoted Korean novel translator. I love making stories come alive through words. My goal is to whisk you away to exciting places through storytelling. Let's embark on this literary journey together, one page at a time. Enjoy the read! Click on - Buy Me A Coffee


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