Life Becomes Amazing After Marriage

#024 Classics Are Eternal


  “Everyone, line up according to your formation!”


  At the judge’s instruction, people split into two groups. Each person wore a blue and white bracelet on their wrist.


  There were a total of 21 people participating in this research institute’s MT, which was only for singles, and 22 including Kim Ha-neul. They were divided into teams of 10 each, and the remaining two people were to judge.


  Within the teams, couples were formed by pairing up in twos. Since there were naturally more men, there were also male-male couples.


  “I like it even better.”


  “Couples are all dead.”


  “We’re going to get all the injuries.”


  The male-male couples were all looking forward to the ‘Best Couple Award (MVP)’. This is because the prize given to the couple was huge.


  A premium Korean beef gift set.


  They even give two sets so that the couple can share it. Just getting that would make this MT a success.


  “Oppa, are you confident?”


  “What do you mean by that?”


  However, it was the same for other couples. In particular, Gosomi and Park Seungmin were confident that they would win the MVP.


  “Don’t make any mistakes.”


  “You should worry about what you’re going to eat in Jeju Island.”


  The two planned to suppress Kim Ha-neul’s energy through the sports competition. Since they had already chosen the events that were favorable to them, they didn’t even think about losing.


  “Now, let’s start with the group game ‘Bodyguard Baseball’. Everyone, please move to your positions!”


  Bodyguard Baseball.


  The rules are relatively simple.


  The same as regular baseball.


  Men are only out when they are hit by a pitch thrown by a man, and the same rule applies to women. However, if one person is out, their partner is also eliminated.


  “For male-male couples, the female player will wear a fluorescent vest!”


  And so, all the preparations were finished.


  Following the judge’s instructions, everyone got ready.


  The start is a jump ball.


  Kim Ha-neul and Park Seungmin, who were the captains, faced each other in the opponent’s territory. Park Seungmin smiled leisurely and said.


  “I see you’ve been working out.”


  “I haven’t really learned anything.”


  “Then I’ll take it easy on you.”


  “It’s not fun if you start laying the groundwork now.”




  Park Seungmin’s expression hardened slightly. On the other hand, Kim Ha-neul raised the corners of his lips. He spoke in a soft voice that only his opponent could hear.


  “Do your best. Don’t make excuses later.”




  Just as Park Seungmin was about to open his mouth, the judge intervened. Park Seungmin, who clenched his teeth, glared at his opponent with a murderous look.


  ‘Cheeky bastard.’


  Park Seungmin, who had loved sports since he was a child, thought baseball was a child’s play. He had even played as a student volleyball player when he was young.


  He’ll put a spike right in that cocky face. Then that arrogant nose will come back to its place.


  “Then get ready~”




  With the referee’s whistle, the ball flew into the air. Park Seungmin, who had been waiting, jumped high with all his might.


  ‘The ball is a bit high. This is perfect for me!’


  Just as he was about to confidently reach out, a shadow suddenly appeared over Park Seungmin’s head. He looked up, puzzled.




  Kim Ha-neul, who had jumped much higher than him, was blocking the sky. His white teeth were visible under the cast shadow. He was smiling.




  Kim Ha-neul lightly hit the ball. Park Seungmin’s gaze followed the ball involuntarily. At the end of it was Kang Bada standing there.


  According to the rules, the jump ball player cannot hit the ball.


  However, anything is possible if it is unexpected.


  ‘···Oh no!’


  Thanks to waiting in the right position, Kang Bada caught the ball before it even fell and threw it towards the opponent without any delay.


  Swoosh-! Bang-!


  The ball, which was shot like a cannonball, passed by Park Seungmin’s side. The ball hit the female teammate who was standing there blankly and fell to the ground.




  The out sign went off as soon as the game started. Park Seungmin, who didn’t understand the situation, opened his mouth wide, but someone tapped him on the shoulder.


  “You should go back to your own court.”


  Kim Ha-neul, who lightly patted Park Seungmin’s shoulder. He opened his mouth to Park Seungmin, who was staring blankly at him.


  “Or you’ll die?”




  Park Seungmin, who intuitively felt that something was wrong, gulped down his dry saliva.








  ‘This is ridiculous!’


  Gosomi looked at the other team with horrified eyes. The game, which she thought she would easily win, was going in the opposite direction of what she expected.


  Swoosh-! Bang!


  The ball thrown by Kim Ha-neul hit the team member’s body and bounced off. The bounced ball hit another team member and fell to the ground.




  “Damn it, I can’t see the ball!”


  “No, this is ridiculous!”


  Thanks to Bodyguard Baseball, four people were eliminated in an instant. Before long, there was only himself and Park Seungmin left on this court.


  ‘This is the last game though···.’


  Best of 5, win 3.


  Two games had already been lost in vain.


  In the meantime, Park Seungmin had fought hard to reduce the opponent’s strength, but he had never been able to catch the Kang Bada couple.


  ‘That girl is playing better than I thought!’


  Above all, the two of them had great teamwork. Kang Bada would predict the opponent’s attack and move out of the way, and Kim Ha-neul would accurately block that path.


  Then wouldn’t it be enough to just hit Kim Ha-neul?


  They had tried that strategy and lost the first two sets for free. Kim Ha-neul had never missed a ball that came to him.


  ‘I’ll knock him down at least once!’


  Victory was already out of reach.


  Then they had to at least get a moral victory. If they didn’t eliminate that couple at least once, they wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight.


  “We need to target Kang Bada.”


  “I know.”


  Park Seungmin picked up the ball that had fallen to the ground and handed it to Gosomi. If they threw it forward, Kim Ha-neul would block it, so they had to look for an opening through passing.


  ‘···There it is!’


  Perhaps it was because they had gotten used to it in the first two games. Kang Bada’s movements started to become visible.


  Gosomi quickly exchanged the ball with the outfielder and threw it with all her might. She could see the surprised look on Kang Bada’s face, who seemed to have been caught off guard.


  ‘Got it!’


  The ball bounced off Kang Bada’s hand.


  At the moment when the Gosomi couple was convinced of their victory.




  Kim Ha-neul threw himself over the court and made a miraculous save. That was not a reflex nerve that was allowed to humans. Everyone was in awe when.




  Swoosh-! Bang-!


  The ball, which flew with tremendous force, hit Gosomi’s face. It was the ball thrown by Kang Bada, while everyone was distracted by Kim Ha-neul’s super save.


  The ball hit Gosomi’s face, who was completely taken aback, and red liquid trickled down her nose along with the excruciating pain.


  “···Uh, uh!”


  “Blood! She’s bleeding!”


  “Get the first aid kit quickly!”


  People rushed over in a panic.


  In her wavering vision, Gosomi saw it. The small smile on Kang Bada’s lips. The shape of her mouth muttering, ‘I told you to bleed’.


  “That b···.”


  “S, she’s bleeding profusely!”


  “Don’t tilt your head back!”


  Was it because her blood pressure had risen?


  The nosebleed erupted like a waterfall.


  The Kang Bada couple’s dominance continued even after that. There was no one to stop Kim Ha-neul’s overwhelming physicality and Kang Bada’s movements that perfectly complemented him.


  Doubles badminton too.


  And the 2-person 3-legged race.


  The Kang Bada couple won everything.


  Naturally, the team score also tilted towards the side with the Kang Bada couple. The scales never tipped over until the very end.


  “The Best Couple Award goes to the Kang Bada couple!”


  “Wowww-! They’re so perfect!”


  “You two were amazing!”


  Clap clap clap-


  Thunderous applause erupted along with cheers. Thanks to their overwhelming skills, they didn’t even feel bitter.


  “Now, please give us a few words of your victory.”


  Kim Ha-neul, who had come up on stage, was handed the microphone. In his other hand, he held the MVP prize, a premium Korean beef gift set.


  “Thank you all for the congratulations. Thanks to you, I had a very happy time, and I want to share this joy with you.”




  “I decided that it would be right to return the prizes since they were prepared for the research institute members. Since Bada-ssi also kindly gave her permission, I will now distribute the prizes through a lottery.”


  As soon as his words ended, the researchers who understood its meaning shouted in unison.




  “Kang Bada! Kang Bada!”


  “Kim Ha-neul! Kim Ha-neul! Kim Ha-neul!”


  No matter how much you think about it, human hearts cannot be completely free of bitter feelings.


  However, at the words that he would even return the prizes, everyone now looked at the two with a gaze that was closer to respect than goodwill.




  ‘···It’s over.’


  Gosomi, who had been watching all of this from a distance, lowered her head deeply. She was beyond bitter and speechless.




  “Don’t talk to me.”


  “But we’re still going on the Jeju Island trip, right? I already booked the pension and plane tickets···.”




  Gosomi’s head turned. She glared at Park Seungmin with a piercing gaze and raised her voice.


  “Are you saying that now? After we couldn’t even win a single game!”


  “Hey! Is it all my fault?”


  “Shut up, you loser.”


  “Loser? This is really···!”


  “You two are a perfect match.”


  Just as Park Seungmin’s hand was about to rise in anger, Kim Ha-neul suddenly appeared out of nowhere.


  “What did you just say?”


  “I said you two are a perfect match.”


  “This punk has been getting on my nerves since earlier···.”




  Kim Ha-neul grabbed the wrist that was reaching towards him. Park Seungmin immediately tried to pull his hand away, but the other’s grip was so strong that he couldn’t even budge.


  “Are you still living like this?”


  “What do you know about it! Let go of me!?”


  “Park Seungmin, class 5, year 1, Poongnam High School.”




  Park Seungmin flinched at his class number being called out of the blue. He opened his eyes wide and glared at Kim Ha-neul, forgetting the pain he was feeling in his hand.


  “You really haven’t changed at all.”


  “Who, who are you!?”


  “This is disappointing. I recognized you at a glance, you know.”


  The corners of Kim Ha-neul’s lips curled up.


  The moment he faced that cold smile, the dark memories that Park Seungmin had buried with difficulty surfaced.


  ‘Come to think of it, that guy’s name was···.’


  Kim Ha-neul.


  It was the same name as someone he knew. He couldn’t recognize him because his appearance had changed so much, but he couldn’t miss that evil smile.


  ‘Is he really that Kim Ha-neul!?’


  The rumor of ‘Hanam Bloodbath’ that was rumored like a legend at the time. The unbelievable story that he beat up not only the school bullies who picked on him, but also the gangsters who were backing them up.


  The bullies from other schools dismissed it as nonsense, but everyone who went to Poongnam High knew. That the rumor was true. Because they were the ones involved in the incident.




  The memories of that day, which he had been waiting for, played back in his head. Park Seungmin’s face turned pale.


  “Do you remember now?”




  Kim Ha-neul let go of his hand. The freed Park Seungmin involuntarily took a step back and hit the wall.


  “···What do you want?”


  “Figure it out yourself.”




  “I’m telling you to figure out what I want. You’re smart, aren’t you? You even became a researcher using your talent.”




  “Do you understand what I’m saying?”




  Park Seungmin cautiously nodded his head. When Kim Ha-neul confirmed this, he lightly gestured with his chin, and Park Seungmin ran away without looking back.


  “Hey! Where are you going!”


  Gosomi tried to grab him, but Seungmin forcefully pushed her hand away and left without saying a word.




  Gosomi’s body stiffened as she was left standing there. When she tried to avert her gaze from the intense stare, she coldly met Kim Ha-neul’s eyes.


  “Don’t come any closer!”


  “I didn’t even move.”


  “You… I’m going to press charges against you!”


  “What are you going to charge me with?”


  “Assault, threats, sexual harassment, attempted rape! I’ll throw every possible charge at you and get you sent away!”


  “Do you have any evidence?”


  “Well, these days, even a few tears are enough, you know? I’ve sent away so many people before. You’re fucked now! You’re fucked!”


  Gosomi screamed in frustration, but Ha-neul’s gaze remained indifferent. Enraged, she clenched her fists.




  Suddenly, she felt a searing pain on her left cheek, as if it was on fire. Gosomi lifted her head, unable to understand what had just happened.


  “Kang Bada?”


  There, Kang Bada stood with a chilling expression. Gosomi unconsciously took a step back, feeling the intensity of his gaze.


  In that moment, Gosomi bit her trembling lip, staring at her own reflection. Trying to dispel her fear, she raised her voice.


  “Do you even know who I am!?”


  “I don’t know, and I don’t care.”




  “Do something, at least introduce yourself.”




  Gosomi was left speechless.


  Kang Bada approached her confidently.


  “Or should I give it a try? Introduce myself.”


  Getting closer, to the point where only Gosomi could hear, Kang Bada whispered in a low voice. As time passed, Gosomi’s face turned pale.


  “…You’re lying.”


  “Whether you believe me or not, it’s up to you. Of course, the responsibility is all yours. Just know that I despise people who speak lightly.”




  Gosomi’s pupils trembled. It was an instinctual realization that Kang Bada’s words were not false.


  Leaving Gosomi standing there as if her fuse had been blown, Kang Bada grabbed Kim Ha-neul’s hand.


  “Let’s go.”


  “Is it okay to leave her like that?”


  “I don’t think her mind is that far gone.”




  A faint tremor could be felt in the hand he was holding. Without a word, Kim Ha-neul walked away with her, leaving the open field behind.




  “Usually, the man is the one who gets hurt in this kind of situation. Isn’t it cliché for us to both be putting on band-aids?”


  “So, you’re disappointed?”


  “A little bit.”




  Kang Bada threw out the joke as if it was nothing. Even though I could feel a slight tremor in her hand, I didn’t say anything.


  ‘Is this her first time hitting someone?’


  She did it in the heat of the moment, but it seems like she hasn’t been able to shake off her emotions yet. It would be better to humor her for now.


  “These days, readers complain if you do that. As a writer, it’s heartbreaking.”


  “Then what should I do?”


  “You still have to write it.”




  “Because classics are eternal.”


  “···I really can’t live with you.”


  Kang Bada burst out laughing as I exaggeratedly shrugged my shoulders. Thanks to the light joke, the tension seemed to ease a little.


  “What were you going to do if I hadn’t shown up?”


  “I had prepared myself.”


  I took out the pen from my shirt pocket. When I pressed the hidden button on the top, everything Gosomi had said so far was played back.


  A miniature action cam even came out of the part connected to the button. Kang Bada shook her head in disbelief when she saw it.


  “···You’re amazing. In many ways.”


  “It would have been perfect if I had gotten slapped too.”


  “I don’t want that.”


  Kang Bada said firmly.


  I lost my timing to respond to her newfound seriousness. Then, Kang Bada looked me in the eye and opened her mouth again.


  “Don’t go around getting hit by people. If you’re going to do that, you might as well get knocked down. I’ll take care of everything else.”




  “Answer me.”


  “Yes, I will.”


  Only then did Kang Bada relax her expression. When I burst out laughing at how cute she looked, she glared at me with cold eyes.


  “And, to be honest, I was a little disappointed today.”


  I see.


  Although I didn’t use violence, it wasn’t something I could show to other people. I could understand her answer.


  “Why don’t you ask me why?”


  “Hmm···. Why?”


  “You went by yourself without telling me.”




  Kang Bada made an exaggerated expression and glared at me. There was a slight smile on her face as she spoke.


  “You were going to enjoy this all by yourself. I almost missed it.”




  “What’s so funny? I’m angry.”


  “I like it.”




  Kang Bada stopped walking.


  She sent me a silent pressure, as if to tell me to say it again. I shrugged my shoulders again and continued.


  “You looked great today. Bada-ssi.”


  “That’s not what I meant!”


  “Was it?”


  “Yes, it was!”


  “I see.”




  “Hey-!! Aren’t you two having too much fun by yourselves?”


  At that moment, a voice calling for us came from a short distance away. This time, I grabbed Kang Bada’s hand and walked forward.


  “Y-you suddenly grabbed my hand···.”


  “I saw some shady guys lurking around earlier. Let’s make sure they’re gone.”


  “Anyway, you talk well.”




  Kang Bada laughed and followed me quickly.


* * *


  “We’ve overcome another crisis.”


  The MT ended safely after that. Gosomi and Park Seungmin disappeared somewhere, saying they had an urgent matter to attend to. I left the research institute on my own feet.


  There were all sorts of rumors about what happened, but they all disappeared without a sound. People went back to their daily lives as if nothing had happened.


  And so did I.


  I sat down at the keyboard again.


  ‘Should I adapt this incident into a story?’


  Clack clack clack-!


  I had a pretty good idea, so I started typing without hesitation.


Hi, I'm Nosha, a devoted Korean novel translator. I love making stories come alive through words. My goal is to whisk you away to exciting places through storytelling. Let's embark on this literary journey together, one page at a time. Enjoy the read! Click on - Buy Me A Coffee


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