Life Becomes Amazing After Marriage

Chapter 12 : Oppa Is Sold Out.


  “Is this warehouse in use?”


  “No, it has been here since I first came into this building, but I never mustered up the courage to clean it up…”


  “Then may we clean it up for you?”


  “Oh, no, it’s okay! It’s not something that can be cleared out in a day, and there are sharp objects that could be dangerous. We have enough for now!”


  The director held back the security guards.


  They were in the process of renovating an old elementary school that had been closed down, so the warehouse was filled with various items, including old bookshelves.


  “Hmm, this room seems to be the largest. It would be a shame to leave it as is. It would make a perfect study room for the children.”


  “That’s right. If we assume everything will be disposed of, it shouldn’t take as long as you think, right?”


  “If we bring in the waiting children, it should be enough for today.”


  Despite the director’s concerns, the security guards started to estimate the costs. The conclusion was that it was possible if given enough time.


  Perhaps sensing the director’s bewildered gaze, the security guards smiled and spoke.


  “It reminds us of our own children.”


  “My daughter is of the same age.”


  “Most of us on the team have families.”


  Although the children couldn’t approach their tremendous strength, the security guards smiled brightly as if they were familiar with them.


  Observing the entire situation, Kang Bada slowly spoke up.


  “Ha-neul-ssi, is this all for today’s schedule?”


  “For now, yes.”


  “Manager! We’ll be here all day today, so feel free to do as you please, gentlemen. While we’re at it, let’s call a cleaning company and work together.”


  “Thank you, young lady!”


  “No problem. The thanks should go to Ha-neul-ssi.”


  “Thank you, sir!”


  The security guards bowed their heads towards me.


  Oh my… they called me ‘sir.’ I’ve never been addressed like this before in my life. Startled, I quickly waved my hand, and they burst into laughter.


  “Just as I thought, the young lady has good judgment.”


  “They said you caught the pickpocket before, sir?”


  “Yeah, you almost got into big trouble. You were so frustrated that day that you didn’t even take the security team with you. Thanks to you, we didn’t get in trouble…”


  “Don’t say strange things!”




  The security team of middle-aged men turned around, laughing happily. The relationship didn’t seem to be as authoritarian as one would expect from a typical drama.


  ‘Now even the uncles…’


  The difficulty level of my conquests was increasing day by day.


  No, it had become a lifelong assignment.


  I reluctantly averted my gaze, starting to resign myself. Nevertheless, it was a good thing that I had earned points with the people around Kang Bada.


  “Oh, don’t worry about this favor…”


  “Don’t worry too much. We’re doing this because we want to. Is there anything else we can help with?”


  “Unnie, can you tie my hair?”


  “Yena, this person is…”


  “It’s okay! Come on, sit here.”


  Kang Bada began to tie Yena’s hair. She must be the youngest among the siblings, but she seemed quite skilled in handling young children.


  “I used to participate in educational volunteering activities during college club activities. I also like babies.”


  “I’m not a baby.”


  “Oh, I’m sorry. Young lady?”


  Skillfully responding to the children’s restless remarks and braiding their hair, Kang Bada calmly carried on. I just stared at her in a daze.




  Someone lightly poked my side with their elbow. When I turned around, the director was looking at me with a raised eyebrow.


  “How many children do you plan to have?”


  “Excuse me?”


  “I think Bada would make a good mother. Your gentle nature suits her well.”


  “I’m not particularly kind.”


  “You have a low opinion of yourself. In this world, who would volunteer at an orphanage every month?”


  That was a misunderstanding.


  I was doing volunteer work as a form of “atonement.”


  I had come to learn about orphans, which are often set as the background for web novel protagonists, but it all started when I met the eyes of lifeless children.


– Did you come to record a YouTube video too, Oppa?


  The children’s first words left me breathless. I had thought that I would be welcomed with open arms, holding chicken in my hands, but no matter how well-intentioned my actions were, the recipients may not perceive it that way. That was when I first realized it.


  The children, who had lost not only the basic necessities like food and clothing but also the autonomy over their own lives. I thought that I could easily buy at least a measure of the hearts of the impoverished with money.


  “So, that makes it even more remarkable.”


  “Excuse me?”


  “You faced it without running away.”


  The director continued speaking calmly, as if seeing through my thoughts.


  “I opened this orphanage with a volunteering spirit, but the reality is not as smooth as I thought. Being worn down by life, there were times when I couldn’t control my emotions and ended up getting angry at the children.”




  “Even the director herself was overwhelmed. It’s only natural that the smiles disappeared from the children’s faces. But look at them now.”


  I turned my gaze.


  Yena was wiggling her feet back and forth, accepting Kang Bada’s touch, while the boys were eating pizza and laughing.



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  Some of the bolder ones even started talking to the security guards. At least in this moment, happiness was evident on everyone’s faces.


  “They’re all gifts from you.”


  “Please, stop it. I feel embarrassed.”


  “Hehe. So, how many children do you plan to have? Imagine how beautiful it would be to have a daughter who resembles Bada.”


  Perhaps sensing my mood, the director lightened the atmosphere with a mischievous joke. Thanks to that, I was able to calmly sort out my emotions.


  A daughter who resembles Kang Bada. I briefly imagined it, and she would indeed be beautiful. When I saw Jin-gu’s son before, he was incredibly adorable.


  How lovely it would be if that little one called me “Uncle, Uncle!” and followed me around.


  “If I have a son, he’ll surely make the girls cry.”


  It would definitely be the case.


  Indeed, the power of genetics was remarkable. The members of Kang Bada’s family all had distinct and attractive features, so it’s certain that Kang Bada’s children would also be the same.


  Although I never had any dissatisfaction with my appearance, if possible, I would like to resemble Kang Bada more. Is this what fathers feel?


  “That’s certainly true.”


  “Right? How about having around five?”


  “Well, wouldn’t that be a bit challenging?”


  “It would be lively and perfect.”


  I chuckled lightly. It’s unlikely to happen, but if I were to genuinely marry Kang Bada. Having children wouldn’t be a bad idea, that’s what I thought.


* * *


  “Me, having a child…?”


  While braiding Ye a’s hair, Kang Bada, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation between the director and Kim Ha-neul, was suddenly lost in thought.


  ‘If I have a child who resembles Ha-neul…’


  The image of that guy smiling widely came to mind, causing the corners of my mouth to naturally curl up. I had never really thought about having a child of my own, but it might not be a bad idea after all.


  ‘But five might be too many, don’t you think?’




  Lost in thoughts, Kang Bada pondered the director’s words. Having a son who resembles herself and a daughter who resembles Kim Ha-neul, just two would be nice.


  “Unnie, what’s up?”


  “Huh? Oh, sorry.”


  As her thoughts wandered, Kang Bada momentarily stopped braiding, and Yena raised her head. Finally regaining her composure, Kang Bada busily resumed working her hands.


  In the meantime, she noticed that Kim Ha-neul had disappeared with the director. It seemed they went somewhere, probably to bring drinks for the security guards.






  “When did Ha-neul oppa come?”


  “Oppa? Um…”


  Yena started raising her fingers and began counting them one by one. But as she reached over ten, she furrowed her brow as if it became difficult.


  “…So many!”


  It seemed she couldn’t count beyond ten yet. Kang Bada, finding her expression quite adorable, smiled and got lost in thought.


  “He said he comes every month, so has it been over a year?”


  What an amazing person.


  Considering his circumstances, he probably wasn’t financially well-off either.


  Usually, people would just send money or visit once or twice. After all, they were technically ‘other people’s children.’


  “But Unnie, are you oppa’s girlfriend?”


  “Yeah, why?”




  Suddenly, Yena tightly shut her mouth. Sensing something strange, Kang Bada raised her head, and at that moment, Yena spoke again.


  “Did you and oppa kiss?”




  “You didn’t?”


  “We did. Why?”


  Though I had never actually done it, I felt like I would lose if I said I hadn’t. Then Yena calmly responded.




  “···Why are you asking that?”


  “I did it before.”




  I was momentarily taken aback by her words.


  Her tone was so cold, even to herself. However, Yena, seemingly unfazed, kept her gaze fixed ahead and continued speaking.


  “I kissed oppa first. Oppa has to marry me.”




  My hand, which was braiding her hair, stiffened. Upon closer inspection, Yena’s body was trembling slightly. Could it be that she kept fidgeting to hide this?


  Then Yena turned her head and locked eyes with mine. A message seemed to be conveyed through that gaze.


  ‘What is it?’


  She was just a young child who hadn’t even entered elementary school. It would be nothing more than a simple expression of ‘I really like him’ when she says ‘I’ll marry Daddy’ or something similar.


  The awkwardness between the two of them began to linger, overshadowing the sweet conversation they had just had.




  Yena was the first to break the silence. Her expression contorted, and soon tears started streaming down her face.


  “I’m going to get married!”


  “···In this world, are there things that can’t be obtained no matter how hard you try?”




  “What’s going on!?”


 Startled by Yena’s crying, Kim Ha-neul rushed over. He glanced alternately between Kang Bada and Yena, his head tilted in confusion.


“···Ask Yena.”




  “Oppa! Are you going to marry me!?”




  Yena, her voice choked with sobs, grabbed onto Kim Ha-neul’s sleeve. He momentarily paused, suppressing his surprise, and gently patted her back.


  “Yeah? Right? You’re going to marry Yena, aren’t you?”


  “Oppa is…”


  Kim Ha-neul, who was about to naturally respond, hesitated for a moment. He felt an indescribable pressure from behind.


  Unable to muster the courage to turn around, Kim Ha-neul instinctively spoke, driven by the need to survive.


  “Oppa… is… sold out.”






  Yena’s crying abruptly ceased, almost like a lie. Although she didn’t know the exact meaning of ‘sold out,’ she seemed to grasp its significance through her innate feminine intuition.


  The suffocating silence lasted for a moment before Yena’s expression crumpled completely, and she burst into tears once again.


  “Oh dear, Yena.”


  The director, who had been observing the situation from behind, rushed over and quickly embraced Euna. Then, she discreetly gestured towards Kim Ha-neul and Kang Bada.


  Understanding the meaning behind her gesture, the two of them wore crestfallen expressions and quietly left the daycare center.


  “Bada-ssi, she’s just a child…”


  “As a member of Daehan Group, I will never allow even the slightest thing to be taken away by others. Even if the other party is an elementary school student.”


  “But she’s just a kindergartener.”


  “Well, anyway…”




  After hesitating and feeling embarrassed about speaking up, Kang Bada turned her head. Kim Ha-neul, who had been quietly watching her from the side, suppressed his laughter.


  “But I saw it again.” (Ha-neul)


  “What?” (Bada)


  “Honestly, I never expected you to get along so well with the kids to this extent.”


  “···but I made Yena cry..”


  “It’s alright. She’s a much more mature child than you might think. She’ll come back soon.”


  Momentarily bewildered by the incomprehensible words, Kang Bada tilted her head, but soon she understood what Kim Ha-neul was trying to convey.




  Unexpectedly, Yena came running out of the daycare center. Kim Ha-neul shrugged his shoulders, while Kang Bada smiled softly.


  “Yes, Yena. Are you looking for Unnie?”


  “Uwung… I’m sorry.”


  “It’s okay. Unnie is not angry.”


  “Okay! This time, Yena will do Unnie’s hair!”


  Kang Bada, led by Yena’s hand, hid herself inside again. Kim Ha-neul, who had been watching her from behind, rolled up his sleeves.


  “Director, I’ll help too.”


  “Oh, then please take care of this for me.”


  “Leave it to me.”


  The daycare center was bustling with rare liveliness. Everyone worked hard to maintain this warmth, and as the afternoon approached, they began to see the fruits of their labor.


  A considerable amount of time passed.


  A sense of pride started to settle on people’s faces.


  “Wow, it actually worked?”


  “Thank you for your hard work, seniors.”


  “Thank you to the staff members as well.”


  “Well, thanks to us, you were able to work comfortably.”


  The employees of the specialized cleaning company and the security guards exchanged cheerful greetings. It was all thanks to the efforts of these two groups that the warehouse had been completely emptied in just one day.


  As a result, a space the size of a classroom was now available. Thanks to the cleaning company, even the dust had disappeared after thorough disinfection.


  “We should remove the wooden flooring and doors since the kids might get splinters.”


  “Asbestos releases carcinogenic substances. It would be better to completely replace the ceiling.”


  “Since there aren’t many children, it would be alright to build a partition and set up a library on one side.”


  The uncles offered remodeling-level suggestions as they looked at the tidied warehouse. The director, who overheard their intriguing conversation, quickly stepped forward.


  “We, we don’t have that kind of money…”


  “It’s okay, Director.”




  “Just now, I checked with our foundation, and it seems that we have some extra funds this quarter. We can cover the remodeling expenses and even provide support for the children’s clothes.”


  In addition, they mentioned procuring digital devices for the children’s educational environment and connecting with a local center to acquire books for the kids.


  Overwhelmed by the flood of Kang Bada’s words, the director seemed unsure of what to do, and eventually tears welled up in her eyes.


  “Thank you. Thank you…”


  “It’s a happy day, what will you do if you cry?”


  “Oh, as you grow older, tears just come more readily… Ha-neul, I’m grateful to you too. Thank you. You’re the children’s benefactor.”


  “But Bada-ssi did it all. What about me?”


  Naturally, I turned my gaze towards Kang Bada, and seeing the cute ribbon tied at the end of her hair, I couldn’t help but burst into laughter.


   Yena said she would do her hair, but it seemed like she had haphazardly twisted and secured only the ends with a ribbon.


  “Should I undo it?”


  “No, I really like it.”


  Sway, sway-


  Kang Bada playfully shook her head. The ribbon, tied quite tightly, made a lasting impression, as it didn’t seem like it would come undone easily.


  Meanwhile, Yena, seemingly satisfied with Kang Bada, snuggled into her embrace and fell into a deep sleep. The director tried to take her, but Kang Bada shook her head.


  “I’ll stay like this a little longer.”


  “But it must be heavy for you…”


  “Not at all. I can handle this much.”


  “Hoho, Bada will make a wonderful mother.”




  Kang Bada flinched and looked this way. It seemed like she was trying to ward off an awkward question.


  After all, it wouldn’t look good to say in front of the daycare center director that she had no intention of having children.


  “By the way, aren’t there any volunteers today? Usually, there’s always at least one when we have events like this.”


  “Oh, well…”


  “Hmm? What happened?”


  A shadow fell upon the director’s face.


  After hesitating for a moment, she cautiously opened her mouth.

Hi, I'm Nosha, a devoted Korean novel translator. I love making stories come alive through words. My goal is to whisk you away to exciting places through storytelling. Let's embark on this literary journey together, one page at a time. Enjoy the read! Click on - Buy Me A Coffee


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