Let's Tame the Insolent Beasts

LTIB | Episode 63

6. The Viper of Belpator

Episode 63

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The Belpator Empire’s State Council.

It was a meeting where the Emperor and 25 high-ranking nobles, chosen from among the many nobles of the Empire, gathered to discuss state affairs.

Today’s council included a new noble who had just taken a seat.

Viscount Gelphillow, who had filled the vacancy left by the late Marquis Senwood.

As the Marquis’s nephew, he had inherited most of the vast wealth of the Senwood family.

He was the first noble without his own estate to attend the State Council, and he entered the palace with a very elated expression.

Although he barely participated in the discussions, he seemed satisfied just to be part of the meeting.

Unfortunately, however, there was another reason Viscount Gelphillow had been called to this gathering.

“Wh-what is this, Your Majesty?”

“It’s the initial expense report for the creation of the Royal Guard, Viscount.”

“One, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand, million… Huff… Is-is this entire amount correct?”

“It is. It includes the costs of the military unit during the tournament, the purchase of uniforms and weapons, the expedition and supply costs for scouting the Kingdom of Dyron, and what else, Duke Zernia?”

As I counted on my fingers, explaining each item one by one, I turned to Lian, the Imperial Chancellor.

Lian, smiling brightly, kindly finished the explanation for Viscount Gelphillow.

“It also includes the purchase of land for the Royal Guard’s quarters and training grounds near the Imperial Palace, the construction costs of the quarters and facilities, the purchase of supplies, and the annual salaries for the staff who will work at the Guard’s quarters.”

“So it does.”

I nodded in satisfaction at Lian, who, though the Empire’s Viper, was efficient in his work.

The construction of the Royal Guard’s quarters and training grounds had just begun on prime land right next to the Imperial Palace.

The cost of the land alone must have been enormous.

Viscount Gelphillow, mouth agape, looked back and forth between Lian and me, then checked the amount on the invoice again, swallowing nervously.

“But… why are you giving this to me?”

The 19-page invoice in his hand trembled.

I responded with a benevolent smile.

“The amount was supposed to be covered by the late Marquis Senwood, so it’s only fitting that you pay it.”


“Indeed. Didn’t you step forward as the successor to the Senwood family and take this seat?”

Viscount Gelphillow finally floundered like a dragonfly caught in a spider’s web.

Torn between the honor of being a high-ranking noble eligible to attend the State Council and the staggering invoice amount, he quickly made up his mind.

As someone who had been managing the Senwood family’s finances for years, his calculations were quick.

“Although I was honored to attend today’s meeting at Your Majesty’s invitation, I realize now that this position is beyond me! I am far too inadequate to discuss national affairs!”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, Your Majesty! I will deeply engrave the honor of today in my heart and will refrain from attending future meetings!”

Thinking that reason had prevailed, Viscount Gelphillow answered loudly, with a relieved expression.

I looked at him with approval, appreciating his understanding of his place and limits.

Soon enough, he would also learn that refusing an invoice from the Empress of Belpator is not an option.

“Since you say so, there’s nothing else to be done. Very well. You don’t have to attend the State Council, but you will need to pay the invoice.”

“…Excuse me?”

“I heard that you’ve come to manage most of the Senwood family’s wealth. Since you inherited the Marquis’s fortune, you must also fulfill his obligations.”

Viscount Gelphillow stammered, shaking his head as if unable to comprehend.

“N-no, that’s not how it works…”

The moment he brought up the law, Lian, the Empire’s Chancellor who knew the imperial laws inside and out, pounced on the opportunity like a predator seizing its prey.

“If you wish to proceed by law, we can certainly do so.”

“What? No, that’s not what I meant…”

Realizing too late that he had stepped into a trap, Viscount Gelphillow tried to backtrack, but it was already too late. Lian’s venomous words flowed out like a song.

“In fact, wasn’t it the Marquis who murdered Her Highness the Princess and her offspring? His Excellency the Emperor could have seized the Senwood family’s title and assets and punished them for the crime of killing a royal, but he showed mercy. However, if you insist, we can proceed according to the law.”

“No, Duke Zernia, that’s not what I meant…”

“We should also take this opportunity to uncover all the assets that the Marquis managed under false names. I hear there are quite a few buildings in the upscale district of Vister that the Marquis secretly owned…”

Sweat trickled down Viscount Gelphillow’s forehead, and I barely restrained the urge to grab Lian by the collar and ask if he had any humanity left.

Was he really invoking ‘the crime of murdering a royal’ by using Bonita and Henry, whom he was essentially responsible for killing?

Lian’s audacity sent chills down my spine, but I clenched my teeth to keep the smile on my face.

Now wasn’t the time to provoke Lian’s suspicions.

In the end, Viscount Gelphillow, looking as if he were about to cry, reluctantly took the invoice.

While he might have been thrilled to inherit the Senwood family’s wealth, he would soon discover that invoices like this would keep coming.

With the issue of the Royal Guard’s founding expenses being the last on the agenda, Lian, as the chair of the State Council, prepared to adjourn the meeting.

I raised my hand, drawing the attention of Lian and the other nobles.

“There is something I wish to inform you all of.”

Amidst the nobles’ confusion, Lian spoke politely.

“Please, go ahead, Your Majesty.”

“I plan to marry Duke Lian Zernia.”

The nobles’ reactions were as expected.

Some lamented that the inevitable had come, some clicked their tongues as they looked back and forth between Lian and me, while others sighed deeply.

Who would welcome the news that the Empress, now serving as the Emperor’s proxy, was announcing her remarriage just a season after the Emperor’s death?

Had Marquis Senwood been alive, he would have stood up and vehemently opposed it, but the nobles exchanged looks of discontent without anyone stepping forward.

In contrast, Lian’s face bloomed like a flower.

Initially wide-eyed with surprise, he soon broke into a broad smile and asked me with joy in his voice.

“Is this truly happening, Your Majesty?”

The purity of his happiness made me feel strange.

Was there still a part of me that wanted to trust him?

I pretended to nod while avoiding Lian’s gaze.

“Yes. But since this is the first remarriage of an Empress in the Empire’s history, there will be many details to discuss.”

“I desire nothing more than to marry Your Majesty. Everything else is inconsequential to me.”

“You must hold to those words.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

Lian nodded enthusiastically, his face lit up with joy like a child receiving a grand gift.

Once again, I avoided his gaze and declared the meeting adjourned as I rose from my seat.

As expected, Lian followed behind me.

With an innocent expression, Lian walked beside me as we made our way to the drawing room.

The Emperor’s drawing room, bathed in sunlight pouring through the large windows, was comfortable but not soundproofed.

With Aiden likely listening closely nearby, I sat down across from Lian.

“I thought your silence meant you were rejecting me.”

“You were the one who threatened me to marry you, and now you’re suddenly losing your nerve?”

“I apologize for my rudeness that day. I was a bit too excited.”

“A bit?”

“My apologies.”

Lian smiled sheepishly, his eyes crinkling with amusement. His brazen smile, warm enough to melt even the coldest winter snow, made me let out a bitter laugh.

After finishing the laugh with a sigh, I laid down my terms firmly.

“I cannot make you Emperor. But I will keep my promise to remove the Serpent’s mark if it’s found.”

“I trust Your Majesty. You’re not a liar like me. But wouldn’t you allow me to inspect the palace after we’re married?”

“Who would object to the husband of the Empress inspecting his own home? Do as you wish.”

“Thank you.”

Lian’s face was all smiles.

He looked so genuinely happy, like a man about to marry the woman he truly loves, that I couldn’t help but feel a little taken aback.

“Are you that happy?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Even though marrying me doesn’t mean I’ll love you?”

“You will, eventually. After all, I’m going to die soon, aren’t I?”

“Pity and love are not the same.”

“They’re similar. People often confuse the two. As long as Your Majesty pities only me and stays by my side, I’m content. And when I die in pain, please cry for me.”

“Is that why you want to marry me? So I’ll cry for you?”

“As far as a groom’s aspirations go, isn’t that modest?”

“I don’t know if it’s modest, but I’m certain that you’re insane.”

Even though I had just insulted him openly, Lian simply smiled, looking as happy as ever.


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