Let's Tame the Insolent Beasts

LTIB | Episode 6

Episode 6

I removed my hand from the armrest and lifted my chin. In situations like this, it was crucial for me to stay sharp.

“I can’t choose you based on that alone. If you make him emperor, what do I get in return?”

“The safety of Her Majesty the Empress and Her Highness the Crown Princess.”

“That’s something other dukes have promised as well. With the same conditions, there’s no particular reason to choose you.”

“That’s true. What I have, those scoundrels also possess, and what I can do, they can do as well… Ah, but there is one thing, Your Majesty.”

“What is it?”

When I tilted my head in curiosity and asked, Lian leaned in with a confident smirk.

“I have the most exceptional beauty.”

I lost my words, expecting him to say something impressive.

His face was indeed handsome enough to prevent me from mocking him, and his shamelessness was utterly brazen.

The serpent of Belpator was a narcissist.

I let out a hollow laugh and shook my head.

“I see. I acknowledge that, Duke Lian. But I prefer someone who looks more manly.”

“How could that be? Beauty is absolute, Your Majesty.”

“Preference transcends absolutes.”

In the face of my firm opinion, Lian was left speechless for the first time.

He seemed well aware that his face was more of a beautiful handsome rather than manly.

Seeing the usually slick serpent at a loss for words for the first time, I didn’t hide my amusement and asked.

“So, there’s nothing else?”

“Unlike birds, which have no head at all, or dogs, whose brains are muscles, I also possess a brilliant mind, Your Majesty. There is no one who knows the state of Belpator better than I do.”

Lian spoke confidently, but I sighed dramatically and shook my head.

“Duke Lian, you may be intelligent, but I am the Empress, and our empire is full of talented people.”

“But there’s only one of me, isn’t there?”

“If one person can’t handle your share, then two or three people can. I didn’t know you considered that a point of pride.”

Lian, once again at a loss for words, rolled his jewel-like eyes, deep in thought.

This man probably had never needed to appeal to someone else about himself.

He likely had no idea how to win over someone else’s heart.

Noticing his distress as his brilliant mind and good looks failed to impress, I muttered to myself loud enough for him to hear clearly.

“He’s a less attractive man than I thought.”

Lian Zernia, unable to find any words to retort, returned to the duke’s mansion, feeling a sense of frustration for the first time in his life.

* * *

A Few Days Later

The day of my meeting with Vitren arrived. Just like our first encounter, we ate in silence until Vitren spoke up abruptly.

“I’ve broken up with her.”

“You said it wasn’t a relationship of the heart, so it was fine?”

“It seemed like it bothered Your Majesty.”

Vitren spoke calmly, but I felt uneasy. My comment that day was meant to point out the eagle’s lack of commitment, not to suggest he break up with his lover. I felt sorry for her, having to suddenly face a breakup because of this stoic man.

Moreover, I had no intention of marrying Vitren. His breakup was a meaningless gesture. Thinking this, I felt even more guilty towards the woman I had never met.

“She must have been very disappointed,” I said.

“Yes, Your Majesty. She said she would focus on her family for now.”


“You were having an affair with a married woman?”

“It’s not uncommon.”

“How on earth can that be a common occurrence?”

“It’s possible when most nobles marry without love.”

“I’m not asking you for an explanation!”

“But you did ask a question?”

Vitren tilted his head slightly, showing his confusion, and I almost choked on my food out of frustration. What kind of perspective on relationships did this eagle have? If this was common, was it an issue with the entire noble class of Belpator?

While I didn’t want to meddle in the affairs of consenting adults, my appetite had completely vanished. Vitren noticed and asked as I put down my fork.

“Does it bother you that I was involved with a married woman?”

It did. Immensely.

But also, it didn’t.

I had no intention of marrying him or even dating him, so what right did I have to criticize his love life? I looked at Vitren’s expressionless face, swallowed a sigh, and said.

“It doesn’t matter. Regardless, I’m sorry you broke up with her because of me.”

“It doesn’t matter to me either.”

“It should matter to you. Breaking up with someone you liked should make you sad.”

He practically discarded his lover to marry me, but still, he was human and must have been hurt. However, Vitren tilted his head again, as if in thought, and spoke in a tone that seemed concerned for me.

“It was just a temporary mutual understanding. Please don’t worry.”

I wanted to retort that he should be the one worrying, but I held my tongue. The eagle, with his very liberal views on relationships, put down his fork when I stopped eating. He signaled the waiting maid to clear the plates.

Lost in my thoughts for a moment, I didn’t notice the dessert placed in front of me. Seeing that I wasn’t eating, Vitren asked.

“Shall I have them bring something cold instead?”

He was a considerate Eagle.

Vitren’s unexpected thoughtfulness surprised me. When I looked up at him, I saw that, despite his expressionless face, his eyes were studying me attentively.

His short silver hair and slightly sun-kissed complexion framed deep blue eyes and a strong jawline, making him quite the handsome man. If I were to compare, his appearance was closer to my taste, as I had mentioned to Lian a few days earlier.

But aside from his looks, everything else about him diverged from my preferences.

“Duke Kidmillan.”

“Please call me by my name, Your Majesty.”

“Duke Vitren, why do you want to become emperor?”

I asked, half-expecting him to declare some grand plan involving a harem of concubines.

Vitren stared at me for a long time without answering. Just when I was about to give up on getting a response, he finally spoke.

“To abandon Kidmillan.”

“Abandon Kidmillan? You mean you want to leave your title behind?”

Was he planning to take my name, Luminal, through marriage?

It was such an unexpected answer that I asked again, but Vitren hesitated for a long time and then declined to answer, calling it a personal matter.

Since I had no desire to become close enough to share personal matters with him, I didn’t press further.

After that, Vitren fell silent. We moved to the reception room and, just like during our first meeting, he remained wordless for a long time.

Fearing I might fall asleep again out of sheer boredom, I instructed a maid to bring a chessboard.

As I began setting up the pieces on the board, Vitren asked.

“Would you like to play chess?”

“Don’t worry about it. I can play alone. I had it brought out because the time spent with you is so dull that I might fall asleep again.”

“Were you bored?”

“Yes, I was.”

My frankness seemed to shock Vitren. His face showed an expression as if I were the first person to ever tell him he was boring. He stared at the chessboard with a serious face, and as I moved my pieces, he started to respond.

Appreciating his effort to engage, I let him play.

Thus, a silent chess match commenced. I had started playing to stave off boredom, but the game ended surprisingly quickly with Vitren’s crushing defeat.

After such a straightforward loss, we played two more games, but the outcomes were the same.

Vitren, staring intently at the board one move before checkmate, asked.

“Please give me one more chance.”

“A man who can’t accept defeat is an unattractive one.”

“…Shall we play one more game?”

“No, even chess has become dull.”

I pushed the chessboard away with a disinterested look.

Now reduced to a desperate and unattractive man, Vitren asked with a hint of anxiety.

“Would you like to play cards instead?”

“I don’t really feel like it,” I replied.

“How about archery, Your Majesty?” Vitren suggested.

“It’s too hot for that, Duke Vitren.”

Vitren offered various activities to alleviate the boredom, but I had already lost interest and shook my head.

His expression grew serious. He pondered for a while, his face as stoic as ever, before asking.

“What about ‘something else’, Your Majesty?”

I tilted my head, not understanding his meaning at first, but then I realized what he was implying.

“Duke Vitren, are you mocking me?”

“No, Your Majesty. I was merely considering ways to keep you from being bored.”

Vitren replied with a serious face, shamelessly spouting nonsense.

I was too stunned to respond and just glared at him. He remained perfectly earnest as he looked towards the window and then asked.

“Shall I draw the curtains, Your Majesty?”

His seriousness in such a context was almost laughable, but I maintained my composure.

“There is no need, Duke Vitren, I am not interested in ‘other things’.”

I said firmly.

Vitren seemed to take my refusal in stride, though he still appeared deep in thought. This stoic eagle really did have a peculiar way of showing concern for my boredom.

“Very well, Your Majesty, if there is anything else you desire, please let me know.”

I gave him a long, measured look.

“What I desire, Duke Vitren, is meaningful conversation and engaging activities. Can you provide that?”

He paused, seemingly contemplating my words carefully.

“I will try my best, Your Majesty.”

He said with a bow.

For now, that would have to be enough.



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