Let's Tame the Insolent Beasts

LTIB | Episode 44

Episode 44

After a satisfying shopping trip, we stepped outside to find that the sun was already setting.

Having eaten plenty at the boutique, we weren’t hungry, so we headed straight to Marina Park.

Inside the moving carriage, Aiden stared at the clothing boxes and suddenly spoke up.

“No one has ever bought me clothes before, nor have I ever gone clothes shopping with anyone.”

“It’s my first time shopping for clothes with someone and buying clothes for someone, too.”

“And it’s my first time going to a park and attending a concert.”

I had been to parks and concerts before, but Aiden’s excitement was mixed with a hint of sadness.

“It’s also my first time calling someone ‘madam.’”

I wanted to say that was obvious, but since this was my second time being someone’s wife, I just kept quiet.

“In fact, it’s my first time sitting across from someone and sharing cake. And I’m glad all these firsts are with you.”

Aiden seemed to speak nonchalantly, but I felt a warmth in my throat. I wasn’t sure why.

It felt like I understood his life, yet also that I would never fully understand it.

Unable to meet his red eyes, I lowered my gaze to the floor.

His voice, calm yet firm, continued.

“You said you liked small white dogs, so I can’t be your dog…”

I lifted my head, displeased with his continued dog talk.

His red, kind eyes looked at me as if they had always done so.

“Aiden, didn’t I tell you to live as a person?”

“Because you told me that, I dared to have ambitions.”

“What ambition?”

“I want to be your man.”


“I don’t need you to remove the dog’s mark. Even if it’s only until Princess Lothania awakens, would you marry me?”

Aiden was saying something strange.

The man who survived his insane father, who nearly killed him due to excessive use of the oath’s power, fearing he would die the same way, now spoke oddly.

He said he was fine living as a dog if he could just marry me for a short time.

Did I hear wrong? Or was this some kind of trap?

“I like you, Your Majesty.”

Aiden finished his words with a faint smile.

It wasn’t the smile of a man confessing his love, but rather the desperate plea of a dog who knew it was about to be abandoned.

Why did this guy always render me speechless with pity at such moments?

I could see through Vitrain’s lies and laugh at Lian’s confession, but with Aiden, I found myself unable to respond.

At that moment, the carriage arrived at Marina Park, and Aiden, smiling as if nothing had happened, offered his hand.

Walking with him, I wondered why I couldn’t respond to him and realized what made him different from Vitrain and Lian.

Unlike them, Aiden’s confession was sincere.

“This way.”

Aiden, showing the invitation to an usher, guided us to the best seats in front of the stage.

When I stared at him without moving, he asked with a worried face.

“Your Majesty? Are you alright?”

“This is a big problem.”

Aiden’s eyes quickly scanned the area, checking the positions of the plainclothes guards stationed around.

His hand, not holding my arm, was already reaching for his sword hilt.

It really was a big problem.

I sighed and said.

“Didn’t we agree not to use that title outside the palace?”

“Yes. I mean, madam.”

Aiden corrected himself with an embarrassed smile.

As we sat down, the concert began.

Despite it being Aiden’s first concert, he spent the entire performance looking at my face, and although the summer night was beautiful, I couldn’t focus on the music.

* * *

The next day, there were no council meetings, and I ended up sleeping late due to restless thoughts.

When I finally woke up and finished a quick breakfast, Lothania came to find me.

“Mother, did you sleep well?”

“Of course. How about you, Lotti? Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, Mother. I heard you went to a concert with Duke Tilender yesterday. Did you have fun?”

Lothania was curious, just as she had been when I went out with Lian. She seemed concerned about my outing with Aiden.

Unable to tell her anything else, I answered that it was enjoyable, and Lothania sighed with relief for some reason.

Then she praised Duke Tilender for organizing a concert, though it wasn’t quite a compliment, before sitting up straight with a serious expression.

“Mother, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“Lotti, is something wrong?”

“I talked with Melbrid…”

Lothania cautiously brought up the topic of the Zernia family, the House of the Snake, and their potential alliance with the imperial family.

If Lian pledged to protect us and be loyal to Lothania when she becomes Empress, then Lothania would help find and remove the snake’s mark.

It was almost the same agreement I had made with Aiden. While I wasn’t entirely comfortable trusting Lian, I believed in the bond between Lothania and Melbrid.

Regarding the oaths made with the beasts, I had no say. It was up to Lothania, the next keeper of the oaths, to decide how to handle them.

I had no intention of opposing the idea of freeing the snake when we had already freed the dog.

“If that’s what you’ve decided, I agree. With both Duke Tilender and Duke Zernia on our side, we can be a little more at ease, no matter what happens.”

“Right? Even if the Eagle or Aunt… I mean, if the Senwood family rebels, the two ducal houses can combine their strength to stop them.”

It was sad that a twelve-year-old had to worry about rebellion, but Lothania was right.

With everyone aware that we were stalling for time, the alliance between Lothania and Melbrid provided a new breakthrough.

That left only Vitrain…

As I considered persuading Vitrain, I suddenly questioned whether that was the right approach.

“But Lothania, this oath has been in place for 300 years. Are you sure this is the right thing to do? Won’t you regret it once you become Empress?”

Given the Empire’s unique structure, the Emperor needed the unwavering loyalty of the three beasts. Who could predict their actions once the marks were removed?

Though I trusted Aiden, and Lothania trusted Melbrid, our confidence was based only on trust.

Should we keep the leash on the General of the Imperial Army, the Eagle, while freeing the others?

How desperate would the Eagle be, left alone on a leash?

My mind was a turmoil of conflicting thoughts.

After a long silence, Lothania’s clear red eyes shone as she answered.

“Father regretted what happened to the previous Duke Tilender. I don’t want Mel to become a snake. I will become a strong and great Empress who can protect you and Belpator without relying on the power of the oath.”


I often thought I was protecting this child, but once again, I realized that Lothania was the one protecting me.

I reached out and hugged her tightly.

Lothania giggled in my embrace, and I silently vowed to become a strong and great Empress to ensure this beautiful child could grow up safely and become a splendid Empress.

* * *

It was the last night of August.

The air in Brincia’s back alleys had become quite cool, preparing for autumn. Aiden, dressed in black, blended into the night as he observed a shabby building.

“Is that the place?”

“Yes, Captain. The basement of that building is their hideout.”

Aiden’s espionage organization, White Shadow, had been working tirelessly to uncover who sent the assassins after Sione.

After painstakingly tracking and investigating the assassins, they discovered that the culprits were connected to a certain contractor in Brincia.

To unmask the mastermind behind the assassination order, they needed to capture the contractor’s leaders.

After relentless pursuit, White Shadow finally located the hideout.

Reporting to Aiden, they surrounded the building discreetly. Aiden, who had rushed over, drew his sword.

“Deploy members to all surrounding alleys in case of secret exits.”

“Yes, Captain.”

“We’re going in.”

His red eyes gleamed in the moonlight reflecting off his sword as Aiden burst through the building’s door.

The entrance to the basement was cleverly hidden inside the fireplace.

He found stairs leading down and rushed to the basement door, which was slightly ajar.

“Hold on.”

Aiden halted the agents about to enter.

The smell of blood was strong inside.



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