Let's Tame the Insolent Beasts

LTIB | Episode 4

Episode 4

I calmed myself and raised my head, looking directly at Aiden.

As I stared at him, the fierce dog stopped growling and returned my gaze.

Meeting his eyes, which seemed to be trying to read my thoughts, made me feel a bit more at ease, reminding me just how dog-like he was.

After a brief moment, Aiden spoke again, this time with a much calmer voice.

“You are bolder than I expected.”

“Are you referring to me?”

“Yes, most people can’t look me in the eyes like that.”

Bold just for meeting his eyes. He was a dog with a surprisingly strong sense of self.

Trying to appear even bolder, I lifted the corners of my mouth as I replied.

“Eye contact is fundamental to a conversation.”

“Indeed. Not bad.”

Aiden murmured to himself as he stroked his chin.

He had an uncanny ability to appear insolent no matter what he did.

“I understand that Your Majesty suspects the Empire’s beasts, but I am not the one.”

“If I could trust your words, I would be at ease. But you too seem to covet the throne. To me, you are no different from the other two dukes.”

“The reason I participated in this nonsense is that if Your Majesty makes a foolish decision, I might have to serve one of those two bastards as emperor. I have no interest in the throne.”

I had heard that the relationships between them were poor, but his reaction suggested it was worse than I had imagined.

Why these beasts, who had served the same master for centuries, were at each other’s throats, I didn’t know. But Aiden’s displeasure seemed genuine.

To prevent one of the other dukes from becoming emperor, he was willing to become emperor himself, even though he didn’t want to. It was both clever and foolhardy.

I clicked my tongue lightly and said,

“It seems your relationships are quite strained, to the point where you would rather marry against your will.”

“This marriage doesn’t please either of us, does it? Let me ask you in return, Empress. Did you assassinate His Majesty?”

“Are you asking that seriously?”

“Yes. I have my suspicions, but if those two bastards had assassinated the emperor, I would have known. You were the closest to His Majesty before he died.”

“What do you mean when you say you would have known?”

Aiden’s face hardened, and he leaned slightly forward, his voice lowering to a near growl.

“The White Shadows, my intelligence network, monitors all noble households. If any unusual movements occurred, especially around the time of His Majesty’s death, I would have been informed. The fact that I wasn’t suggests that someone very close to him, someone trusted, was responsible.”

His accusation hung in the air, heavy with implication. I met his gaze steadily, refusing to let him see any sign of fear or guilt.

“I understand your reasoning, Duke Tilender, but your logic is flawed. Trust can be a powerful shield for treachery, but it does not mean I wielded the knife. There are motives and actions beyond your network’s reach.”

Aiden’s eyes flickered with something unreadable before he leaned back, his posture relaxing slightly.

“Perhaps. But I will not rest until I uncover the truth.”

“As will I.”

I replied firmly.

The conversation left a lingering tension, but also a mutual understanding. We both sought the truth, even if our methods and reasons differed.

“Answer first.”

Aiden demanded, his eyes serious.

I hadn’t expected to be asked such a question, and it was unpleasant and offensive.

“I did not assassinate His Majesty, nor do I intend to harm Lothania. I have no reason to.”

“That’s why no one suspects you.”

“Now it’s your turn to answer.”

“…If anyone harbors thoughts of betraying the master, the other beasts feel an intense desire to kill them. This is the effect of the oath that keeps the three beasts in check. On the day His Majesty died, I felt no such murderous intent.”

It was a remarkably intricate leash, I thought.

But that alone couldn’t exclude the three dukes from being suspects in the emperor’s assassination.

There could be ways to circumvent the oath’s effect, or they could have conspired with someone else.

There was a reason everyone else believed that one of the three was the culprit.

As I pondered this, Aiden continued in a self-mocking tone.

“Thanks to this, we grew to despise each other. It’s not just me who wants to be free of this leash that’s been binding us for over 300 years. That itself is a form of betrayal. And now, we hate each other even more because we’ve become rivals who must be eliminated to seize power.”

“Rivals who must be eliminated…”

Despite his gruff manner, his explanation was clear.

As I repeated his words, Aiden clicked his tongue and added,

“I thought I was finally free of the leash.”

“Is there no way for the three ducal houses to unite for the Empire’s sake?”

“Even if Your Majesty took all three of us as consorts, it wouldn’t work. In fact, it would make things even more difficult. Just thinking about it makes me angry.”

“I have no such intention, Duke Tilender.”

“That’s a relief, Your Majesty.”

Aiden chuckled at the end of his reply and leaned closer, speaking seriously.

“So choose me. I’ll tear out the throats of the Serpent and the Eagle, and then hand the imperial power to Princess Lothania. I promise.”

“If I am convinced of your sincerity, I will consider it.”

“How will Your Majesty discern truth from lies?”

“I’ll have to take my time and observe slowly and carefully.”

I emphasized the word “slowly” in my response.

Aiden, hearing my answer, scoffed and roughly ran a hand through his hair.

He stood up in front of me, his tall frame looming and intimidating despite his intentions.

“In the end, you want me to wag my tail to please you, Your Majesty.”

“As I said before, I prefer gentle and Obedient men, Duke Tilender.”

In a slightly tense voice, I warned him. Aiden smiled, lifting the corners of his mouth, and knelt on one knee in front of me.

His previously towering gaze now looked up at me, and I found his smiling face somewhat tolerable.

“Obedience is not difficult for a dog, Your Majesty. Please call me Aiden.”

Saying this, he kissed the back of my hand.

I refrained from pointing out that obedience and gentleness were not the same thing, allowing him to kiss my hand.

As I internally sighed at the thought that his obvious approach didn’t bother me, I concluded that, despite his insolence, he seemed easier to handle than I initially thought. Thus, I ended my date with the dog.

* * *

As I parted ways with Aiden and returned to the main palace, Chamberlain Tito approached me.

“Your Highness, the Crown Princess Lothania is waiting for you in the reception room.”


Changing my course from my chambers to the reception room, Tito followed behind me and added,

“Marchioness Senwood has just visited the Crown Princess.”

So, Bonita had met with Lothania. Whatever they discussed, it wasn’t news I welcomed.

When I entered the reception room, Lothania was sitting alone on the sofa, hugging her knees. She looked up at the sound of my arrival.

Instead of sitting opposite her, I chose to sit beside her. Her attempt at a smile was so feeble that it pained me to see.

“Lothania, what happened?”

“You promised to call me Lotti, Mother.”

“Of course, Lotti. You don’t look well. Are you feeling unwell?”

“I’m fine. Mother, I heard you met all three dukes.”

“Yes, I did. I just came back from meeting Duke Tilender.”

“…How were they?”

Her crimson eyes wavered as she looked up at me.

She seemed to be trying to hide her anxiety, but the small hand clutching mine was tense.

I responded lightly, as if it was nothing of consequence.

“They were a crazy beast, a rude beast, and an insolent beast.”

“Right? None of them suit you, Mother.”

“Regardless of what they are, I never intended to remarry from the start, Lotti.”

Hearing my answer, Lotti’s face lit up with a relieved smile.

But soon, she lowered her head, avoiding my gaze, and the endearing smile disappeared.

“No, Mother. If you find one of them acceptable, you should marry him…”

It was clear she didn’t mean it.

What could have driven her to say something so contrary to her previous stance of opposing the beasts?

Only one thing came to mind, and I sighed.

“What did Marchioness Senwood say to you?”

Lotti couldn’t answer and started to cry.

As I patted her back, she clung to my skirt, tears streaming down her face, and spoke in a trembling voice.

“If you don’t marry one of them, they might kill you too. Just like they did to Father, they might…”

She struggled to speak, breaking off every few words with sobs.

Lotti was convinced that one of the three beasts had killed the emperor.

Whether Bonita told her this or she knew something I didn’t, I couldn’t be sure.

“If you marry, he will protect you, Mother.”

Lotti finished her painful confession, gasping and crying.

If I married one of them and made him emperor, he might indeed spare me.

Might spare *me*.

Lotti knew.

She knew that if I married and made one of them emperor, they might kill her instead.

Despite knowing this, she was telling me to live. To survive.

Each of the beasts promised to abdicate if Lotti awakened, but it was nonsense.

What they truly wanted was to break free from the power of the oath.

They would never keep Lotti alive, who might awaken at any time.

So they were dragging out this charade with the bait of marriage.

But Bonita had scared Lotti by saying that if I stalled, the impatient beasts might leap over the palace walls and kill both of us.

How much must she have agonized alone? What thoughts filled her mind as she waited for me?

With what heart did she tell me to marry?

“Lotti, I told you, I’m not going to marry.”

“I don’t want you to go back to Dirmeil, Mother!!”

Lotti, who had been watching me with a worried expression, turned pale and shouted.

Seeing her tear-streaked face and trembling eyes, I hugged her and inwardly cursed Bonita.

So that was her game, was it? To scare this poor child into thinking that I should be sent back to Dirmeil because I might die in the dangerous game with the beasts.

But Lotti’s conclusion was to hold onto me, even if it meant risking death.

“I’m not going anywhere, Lotti. Remember? I promised to protect us from anyone who tries to harm us.”

Lotti, unable to speak, just cried. When I smiled at her, she began to wail loudly.

“I’ll awaken soon, and then I’ll protect you, Mother.”

She said, covering her eyes with her sleeve and crying bitterly, hugging me tightly.

Her words were filled with heavy resolve and desperate sincerity.


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