Let's Tame the Insolent Beasts

LTIB | Episode 38

Episode 38

* * *

Anna, neatly dressed in a gray dress with a bluish hue and carrying a white lace parasol, entered the black building overrun with vines.

The wooden door, which had once been white but now hung precariously on rusted hinges, creaked open.

The floor was covered with a torn carpet that looked like it had been abandoned for decades.

Though it looked like a derelict mansion, it was once a grand and majestic building. And even now, it was still the residence of the Duke of Tilender.

A busy butler, who had noticed the visitor belatedly, hurried to greet Anna.

Anna sighed, handed him the parasol, and walked down the left corridor.

Entering the banquet hall of the Tilender Ducal Residence, now used as the office for the “White Shadow,” she saw Aiden seated at a large desk in the center.

“What brings you here?”

“What do you mean?”

Aiden asked back without even looking at Anna.

“You seem to be in a good mood. Is the world ending today?”

Aiden, who was indeed in a good mood, lifted his head with a sullen expression.

“Why would the world end just because I’m in a good mood? Never mind, what do you want?”

Knowing there was nothing to gain from a long conversation with Anna, he got straight to the point.

The fact that she had left Lothania’s side and come out of the palace meant there was definitely some troublesome matter.

Anna opened her bag and handed Aiden a shirt.

“I brought you a gift.”

It was a pink shirt embroidered with heart patterns in red thread.

Aiden, thinking it might be important evidence, took it and rubbed his temples.

It was still a pink shirt, a bright, gaudy pink.

“What am I supposed to do with this?”

“What do you do with a shirt? Wear it, of course.”

“Anna, have you finally gone mad?”

“You have a strange way of expressing gratitude.”

“And you have a strange way of committing insubordination.”

“Insubordination? I told you, pink suits you because of your pale, bluish skin. You should wear pretty clothes and make a good impression.”

Anna laughed with a sly smile, both her eyes and mouth curving. Aiden, throwing the pink shirt at her, turned his head away.

“Please, just leave.”

“Even though I brought you a gift?”

“Take it and leave.”

“I’m on an errand for Her Majesty the Empress. Aren’t you curious?”

Aiden’s hand, which had been waving dismissively, stopped.

When he looked at Anna again, she was smiling even more annoyingly than before.

Unlike her proper demeanor in the palace, Anna’s true nature was familiar to Aiden, who remained unresponsive and waited for her to speak.

“Our Empress is quite an extraordinary person. I think I’ve fallen for her.”

“She’s certainly worth admiring.”

Her words were meant to provoke Aiden, but he nodded calmly.

If someone asked Anna who the easiest man to read in the Belpator Empire was, she would answer Aiden Tilender without hesitation.

There were plenty of others who would give the same answer.

Aiden, the Empire’s loyal dog, never hid his emotions.

Since he appeared five years ago, Aiden was usually either angry or very angry.

Even the emperor couldn’t handle the fierce Aiden who had fallen in love.

Whether he acknowledged the emotion or not, Anna was convinced after seeing Aiden wagging his tail in front of the Empress.

Seeing this fierce beast pretend to be a tame puppy made her want to tease him.

She had brought the pink shirt embroidered with hearts just to mock him, but his lukewarm reaction was disappointing.

Anna plopped down in the chair opposite Aiden and spoke.

“They’re going to establish something called the Royal Guard.”

“A wise decision.”

“Today at the political meeting, the Snake proposed it, but it was rejected due to budget constraints, right?”

“I heard the Snake finally did something right for a change.”

“Don’t agree with me just to take the wind out of my sails. Just listen.”

Anna glared at him in warning, and Aiden closed his mouth.

Anna clicked her tongue and continued, as if wondering why she was doing something so out of character.

“The Marchioness of Senwood wants to establish the Royal Guard and have the Marquis appointed as its commander. The reason, of course, is to keep you and the Duke of Zernia in check. And it seems Her Majesty the Empress intends to kill two birds with one stone.”

Anna smiled, recalling Sione’s serene but merciless words.

“She said if the Senwood family donates funds for the establishment of the Royal Guard, it might be reconsidered. Once the Royal Guard is established, appointing the Marquis as its commander could be considered. If anyone opposes, the Marquis might end up with nothing but a lighter wallet.”

Anna conveyed Sione’s words exactly as she had heard them.

If the Senwood family provided the funds, the Royal Guard could be established, but whether the Marquis would become its commander would be reconsidered later. If someone opposed the appointment, the Marquis might lose his money without gaining anything in return.

However, if things went as planned, another military power could emerge in Belpator, currently divided between Aiden and Vitrain.

“The Marchioness of Senwood must be deep in thought.”

Imagining Bonita’s expression upon hearing Sione’s message, Aiden let out a chuckle.

“Exactly. Her Majesty the Empress is quite skillful, effortlessly achieving her goals. I like her almost as much as the Crown Princess.”

Anna nodded with a contented smile.

With the lovable Lothania and the graceful Sione, she was enjoying her happiest days in the best working environment.

Twelve years ago, Anna had lived in a dark world until she was discovered by the late Duke of Tilender and appointed as Lothania’s secret bodyguard and a member of the White Shadow.

The only thing that kept her going, enduring the aristocratic ladies’ harassment to become Lothania’s personal maid, was Lothania’s cuteness.

After the late Duke of Tilender lost his mind, there were days when she considered leaving the stifling palace, but Lothania only grew more adorable.

Now that she also liked Sione, Anna felt it was worth staying in the palace forever.

Aiden looked at Anna with an incredulous expression and shook his head.

“If you’re done reporting, take that thing and leave.”

“I told you to wear it. That color suits you.”

“I don’t need it.”

“Of course, you do. Wear nice clothes, groom yourself, and while you’re at it, clean up the mansion and live like a human. That’s how you’ll earn Her Majesty’s favor.”

Aiden, who was about to get irritated, hesitated at the word ‘favor,’ and Anna laughed slyly as she stood up.

“Then I’ll be off. See you later, Commander.”

Feeling cheerful after teasing Aiden, she headed towards the Senwood mansion with her white lace parasol.

Aiden stared at the shirt Anna left behind for a long time.

With a determined look, he reached out, but before his fingers touched the shirt, he withdrew his hand.

Even if he could tolerate the bright pink, the red hearts embroidered all over it were too much.

While Aiden was lost in thought among the red heart patterns, Anna met with Bonita and conveyed Sione’s message without missing a word.

Despite Bonita’s annoyed frown, Anna hummed a tune as she returned to the palace, falling asleep while embroidering Lothania’s yellow pajamas.

It had been a fulfilling day.


* * *


Though Anna conveyed my intentions to Bonita, there was no immediate response.

After a few days, on the second Snake Day of August, Bonita made her decision after much deliberation.

Near the end of the meeting, the Marquis of Senwood declared he would donate all the necessary funds for the establishment of the Royal Guard.

Suppressing the urge to smile, I pretended to be concerned and asked,

“Marquis Senwood, have you made this decision after careful consideration?”

“Of course, Your Majesty. How could I stand by while Your Majesty, who acts on behalf of the Emperor of Belpator, is threatened by assassins?”

“Your intentions are commendable, but the costs will be significant. Are you sure about this?”

“Indeed, it’s not about the money when it comes to the safety of Belpator and the royal family. But since you mention it, I have a proposal.”

I knew it.

The cost of training ten thousand soldiers is enormous. I thought it was strange when he agreed to donate the full amount so easily.



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