Chapter 02
In “From Bastard to Head of the House”, Lucella failed to raise Lucian properly.
Overwhelmed by the mischievous child and unsure of how to handle him, she ran away—seeking freedom from exhausting childcare and a life of her own.
As a result, Lucian became even more reckless and troublesome.
If Duke Bellomon had been a proper father, things might have been different. But he was always away for work, returning home only about four times a year.
Because of this, he didn’t even realize that Edwin, the main character, was being bullied by Lucian.
Feeling abandoned by the one person he trusted most, Lucian became even more rebellious.
“Thinking about it now, it’s ridiculous. Did they think a child would just raise himself?”
Lucian was the child of a woman the duke didn’t love, so maybe that explained his neglect.
But Edwin, at least, should have been cared for properly—he was the son of the duke’s lover, after all.
Edwin even lived in an orphanage until the Duke found him.
“This isn’t just neglect—it’s abuse.”
I gritted my teeth, thinking of the Duke’s empty room.
But right now, his lack of fatherly love wasn’t my main concern.
“In the original story, Lucella ran away when Lucian was seven.”
But I would never do that, no matter how troublesome Lucian was or how much he teased me with his pranks.
“I will protect my child.”
Lucian was the son of my beloved sister.
Thinking of the love my sister gave me, I could endure even if Lucian pulled my hair.
“But I can’t let him grow up to be someone who actually pulls people’s hair.”
I would never leave his side. But it would be much easier to raise him if he had a gentler personality.
“Besides, if Lucian grows up to be kind, he won’t have a reason to hold grudges against the protagonist.”
And not just the protagonist—Lucian’s aggressive nature caused conflicts with many people.
If he became a better person, he wouldn’t make enemies. He wouldn’t be killed when Edwin eventually became the Duke.
So, my first task was clear: I needed to fix Lucian’s unruly behavior.
Step one: teach him that putting salt in his aunt’s tea is wrong.
“Auntie, you’re such a fool! How did you not notice me putting salt in your tea?”
Lucian laughed so hard he clutched his stomach.
“I was too busy thinking about how to keep you alive, you little rascal!”
I wanted to say that, but instead…
“Lucian, sit down.”
Lucian ignored me, playing with his stuffed tiger.
“Lucian Bellomon.”
Hearing his full name, he reluctantly sat down. At least he had some sense of when to listen.
“Putting salt in my tea was not a nice thing to do.”
“But you weren’t paying attention to me!”
“Then you could have called me. Or tugged on my sleeve.”
Lucian pouted.
“But that’s no fun.”
“You shouldn’t hurt others just for fun.”
I kneeled down to meet his gaze. His golden eyes looked just like my sister’s.
“Just yesterday, you threw flour at me, and I fell and hit my head. That could’ve been really dangerous.”
“Haha! That was so funny!”
“It’s not funny when someone gets hurt.”
“I felt really sad. I was in pain, and you were laughing at me.”
Until now, I had only scolded Lucian. Because he needed discipline, and because…
“If I don’t correct him, no one else in this mansion will.”
The servants couldn’t discipline Lucian. The difference in status was too great.
The Duke, who should have been raising him, was never around.
That meant I was the only one who could guide him. So I always scolded him when he misbehaved.
But after remembering what I read in the book, I realized something.
Lucian wouldn’t change just because I scolded him.
If anything, it would only make him more rebellious.
“I need a different approach.”
Instead of just punishing him, I needed to explain why his actions were wrong.
Lucian needed to understand why he shouldn’t hurt others, not just obey out of fear.
“…You were sad?”
“Yes. I was hurt, and you were happy about it.”
Lucian hesitated, glancing at me. Normally, he would scoff and ignore me.
“If you were upset, and I laughed at you, how would you feel?”
“I’d be mad.”
“Exactly. So you shouldn’t play pranks that might hurt others.”
“But I like fun things…”
It wouldn’t be easy. He was naturally mischievous and had lived this way for years. He wouldn’t change overnight.
But if I kept trying, he would.
“Then let’s find fun things that don’t hurt people. I’ll buy you more toys if you behave.”
For the first time, Lucian nodded without arguing.
If he kept growing this way, he wouldn’t turn into the villain he was meant to be.
But peace didn’t last long.
A sudden scream echoed through the mansion.
The servants and I rushed toward the sound.
It came from the hallway, where a man stood frozen, covering his face.
“Lord Czernin? What happened?”
Maybe he saw a bug? I looked around and asked, “We heard a scream—”
Czernin slowly lowered his hands.
And I was speechless.
“Y-your beard…?”
His once long, chest-length beard was now a mess—chopped short and uneven.
“What do you think happened?”
Czernin punched the wall in frustration.
“I fell asleep while reviewing documents in the meeting room. When I woke up, the young master was standing next to me.”
“With a pair of scissors in his hand.”
I didn’t even need to ask.
This was definitely Lucian’s doing.
“I sincerely apologize, my lord.”
I knew how much Czernin treasured his beard.
“This is truly disgraceful.”
I knew how much he cherished his beard, so I couldn’t even lift my head.
“No need to apologize! It’s not like my beard will grow back just because you say sorry.”
“Just make sure this never happens again! Please warn the young master properly!”
“Yes. I’ll make sure to scold him harshly.”
“Not that it’ll do much good…”
His words were rude, considering he was talking about the heir of the duchy, but I couldn’t argue.
Because he was absolutely right.
‘Just when I thought he was finally starting to listen…!’
After bowing several times to the viscount, I hurried to Lucian’s room.
I threw the door open, revealing Lucian sitting on the floor.
He turned his head toward me.
‘Oh, come on…’
I was speechless.
The beard that should have been on Viscount Czernin’s chin was now stuck onto Lucian’s face.
For a moment, I was too stunned to speak, but then I narrowed my eyes.
“Just how many days have passed since I last scolded you, and you’re already causing trouble again?”
With my hands on my hips, I shouted at him.
But Lucian just smiled innocently.
“I wanted a beard too, but I don’t grow any! So I cut his and stuck it on my face!”
Lucian stroked the fake beard like a nobleman and let out a fake cough. But, of course, there was nothing dignified about him.
“I told you last time, Lucian. You should never play pranks that hurt others.”
“Cutting his beard hurt him?”
“Of course! Viscount Czernin loves his beard. How would you feel if someone took away something you love the most?”
Lucian frowned, as if he finally understood.
“That would be awful. My things are mine. No one else can take them!”
Greed and possessiveness. Those were the biggest reasons why Lucian clashed with Edwin, the protagonist.
Lucian was already a child who didn’t like sharing. And yet, Edwin, a stranger, had suddenly received all the fatherly attention that Lucian had never gotten.
And now, even the title of duke was slipping away from him. Of course, he would be furious.
“You see? It feels bad when someone takes your things. So why are you taking other people’s things? And a beard isn’t even an object.”
“I was just bored!”
Lucian puffed out his chest proudly, as if he had done nothing wrong.
“I told you, I’ll buy you more toys.”
“Toys are boring. I already have too many.”
“Then let’s have a sword fight.”
“You’re too slow. I don’t want to fight a turtle.”
“Everything here is boring! It’s all so boring!”
He stomped his feet and suddenly flopped onto the floor.
“Why won’t you let me have fun?!”
“Cutting someone’s beard isn’t fun. It’s a really bad thing to do.”
“I hate you!”
Lucian, I’m so frustrated with you too. You don’t understand how hard I’m trying to raise you properly.
But I couldn’t just blurt that out to a child.
“I don’t care if you’re upset. You have to go apologize to Viscount Czernin and promise never to do it again.”
“No! I won’t apologize! And I’ll keep doing whatever I want!”
I scolded him sternly, but he didn’t listen. He just lay on the floor, kicking his legs and rolling around.
“You said you were on my side! That you’d love me no matter what! Then why don’t you take my side? Why do you always scold me?”
“I scold you because I love you. Because I don’t want you to grow up into a bad person.”
“If you love me, you shouldn’t scold me! You should just like me no matter what I do!”
“I can’t do that.”
“I hate you! You’re the worst in the world!”
Thank you so much for the translation ❤️❤️
I’m glad you are enjoying it❤️
I’m never having kids.