Let's Make Saving a Habit

Episode 1

I lost all my wealth to gambling.

“Miss, are you alright…?”

When an elderly man nearby asked her with concern, Tania drew a slight smile across her lips.

“I’m fine. It’s just that my life is ruined.”

Her words made the atmosphere around her even more somber, but Tania laughed calmly.

She had a youthful, beautiful face that seemed just on the cusp of adulthood. It didn’t match the gambling den at all.

“To think you’re worried about others in a place like this, you’re quite kind.”

Tania twisted a lock of her soft rose-gold hair around her finger.

“Hah, I guess gambling really isn’t for me. That was close.”

At that, the people around her looked at her with faces that seemed to say, ‘It already looks like something serious has happened.’

“I don’t know how rich your family is, but this amount of money…”

Even as concerns poured in from all sides, Tania merely smiled with boredom.

“You’re right. It’s an amount that could ruin a few buildings in the heart of the capital.”

After all, she knew better than anyone the value of that money.

“But this time, it wasn’t my fault. The other side cheated by bottom dealing, so I had no reason to lose my money, right?”

She had memorized all the cards, but they kept turning out differently from her predictions, which was proof enough.

“This is why they say you shouldn’t play against professionals.”

Clicking her tongue with a look that said she had wasted her time, Tania suddenly shrugged lightly.

“But it’s alright. I can just use my powers to fix it.”

After all, she hadn’t played the game fairly either, having memorized the cards beforehand.

As if she was about to flip the table, Tania’s words prompted the guards to approach her cautiously.

Feeling the physical pressure, she furrowed her brows as if it were a shame.

“Unfortunately, I’m not very strong physically. But at least I’ve made it a habit to save everything. Lucky, right?”

With a bright smile, Tania kindly introduced her personal motto to those around her.

“Everyone, make saving a part of your life. Backups aren’t optional—they’re essential.”

[Loading Point 1.]

In an instant, the scenery flipped and changed.

As soon as Tania used her power, everyone in the gambling den, including herself, vanished, leaving only silence in their place.

No, it wasn’t that the people disappeared. Everything that had just happened was erased from existence.

✦ ✦ ✦

I fidgeted with my fingers in front of a tightly closed door.

It was nice to come and see my only friend, Elysion, before heading far away.

But the thought of it being the last time made it hard to knock.

…Wait a second. Are we even really friends?

Suddenly pondering the ambiguous nature of our relationship, I shook off the stray thought and gently knocked on the door.

“Sion, I’m here.”

A small voice leaked out from behind the door of Elysion’s laboratory.

“There’s no one by that name.”

Excuse me? Then whose familiar voice am I hearing right now?

For a moment, I considered forcing the door open, but stubbornness made me wait for him to open it himself.

“Fine. I’ll hold my breath until you open the door.”

And so, ten minutes later…

With a look of betrayal on my face, I raised my voice loud enough for him to hear.

“You murderer!”

To not open the door for enough time to kill a person—how heartless can you be?

Just then, as if my voice finally got through, the locked door rattled and opened by magic.

I knew you’d open it eventually.

Shrugging lightly, I stepped into his laboratory.

“Hi. You look busy.”

Elysion, who had been moving his quill busily, calmly set it down and turned his gaze to me.

“Tania, didn’t I ask you to give me a year’s notice if you ever needed me?”

A playful smile was plastered across Elysion’s face as he spoke.

If he’s asking for a year’s notice, doesn’t that basically mean he doesn’t want to take the request at all?

“I came just because I wanted to see you today. Should I leave again?”

“…Welcome to my lab.”

Apparently pleased by my claim that I had come just to see him, he stood up and began preparing tea himself.

He glanced at me with a puzzled look, his hands still busy moving.

“Coming to see me without a request…?”

“It’s the first time.”

“Is something wrong?”

His words hit the mark, and for a moment, I couldn’t hide my expression.

Quickly regaining my composure, I asked in a mischievous tone.

“Sion, have you ever accidentally or unfairly lost data you worked really hard on?”

Like when you’re about to save a file, and suddenly, a blue screen appears.

Or the power goes out just before you hit save.

Or you overwrite a completed file with another one by mistake.

At my question, Elysion frowned deeply in disgust.

“Why are you suddenly talking about such horrible things?”

“Oh, your expression is priceless.”

I smirked. His reaction was even more amusing than expected.

Well, he’s a wizard, so he must have faced plenty of such disasters.

For example, research he spent months on being blown away in an explosion during an experiment…

“Anyway, how do you feel when that happens?”

“Like I want to quit everything.”


“I wish I could turn back time.”


I smiled and finally let out the thought I had been holding back from everyone.

“In fact, my life right now feels like that. For the first time, I want to turn back.”


Elysion’s blue eyes darkened.

“Your life is brilliant as it is. Why would you think that?”

I let out a bitter, self-deprecating laugh.

“I have money, sure. But I don’t have a family to share my happiness with.”

“…Do you want me to be your husband?”

I chuckled softly at his joke.

“Sion, you don’t know this, but I had someone very precious to me, almost like family. He passed away five years ago.”

Uncle Aiden.

He spent his life struggling just to raise me, even though I wasn’t his own child.

How could I simply let him go, wishing him well in the afterlife?

For me, there was only one choice.

To leave behind everything I had built here and go to meet him.

After Uncle Aiden passed, I gathered information for the next life.

From large matters like past climate conditions and political trends to minor things like scandals among nobles.

I had already decided to abandon this life the moment I confirmed his death, so I didn’t mind losing all I’d built.

The only thing I had a bit of regret about was…

I looked quietly at Elysion.

His silver hair shimmered in the light, and his blue eyes reminded me of the sea.

Despite the many sleepless nights he spent working, there wasn’t a single blemish on his face.

I always thought that his stunning appearance felt like divine favoritism.

Suddenly, I lowered my head and, before he could react, grabbed his collar and kissed him.

The warmth of his lips against mine was unmistakable. My heart fluttered pleasantly.

After the brief kiss, I stepped back with a shy smile.

“Consider this a farewell gift.”


He looked at me in shock, as if he hadn’t even registered my words about it being a goodbye gift.

Time passed, and when he finally realized what had happened, Elysion’s face flushed bright red.

Covering his mouth with both hands in an uncharacteristically awkward gesture, he hastily stepped away from me.

“You, you…!”

I stifled a laugh, biting my lip, and chuckled like a mischievous boy.

“Sion, do you like me?”


He stared at me blankly for a moment, then blurted out, flustered.

“What do you mean? You’ve always been the one who liked me first!”


I blinked in confusion.

I had deliberately kept my distance, knowing that I would have to part ways with him one day.

And yet…

When I thought about it, from the moment we first met, he had been the one to seek me out every day for no particular reason.

He had complied with all my requests, no matter how trivial, without complaint.

And now, he thought I liked him?

I tilted my head curiously.

“Why do you think that?”


He opened his mouth to say something, but then hesitated and bit his lip.

I smiled and poked his cheek lightly with my finger.

“If you don’t have feelings for me, that’s a relief.”

Then I can leave without any regrets.

Swallowing the rest of my thoughts, I looked at Elysion with a bright smile.

“Take care.”

And with that, I closed my eyes and used my power.

[Which point would you like to return to?]

▶Point 1
Imperial Year 286, September 28
19:41:42 (Age 19)

▶Point 2
Imperial Year 286, August 1
15:50:29 (Age 19)

▶Point 3
Imperial Year 286, October 1
12:41:42 (Age 19)

▶Point 4
Imperial Year 274, April 20
13:07:42 (Age 7)

The greatest advantage of save and load is knowing you can always abandon failure and start again from a saved point.

Yes, I was planning to restart my life.

If it weren’t for the fact that it was the only time when Uncle Aiden was still alive, I wouldn’t have gone back…

To when I was seven years old, the worst time of my life.

✦ ✦ ✦

“Take care.”

“Tania, what do you mean by that…!”

Elysion’s words hung in the air as he found himself not in the lab where Tania had been, but in an unfamiliar room.

Realizing that Tania had once again turned back time, he clenched his teeth in frustration.

“Now you even kissed me, and you want to pretend like nothing happened?”

Ha! It was absurd.

If nothing else, she should have left such a monumental event in his memory.

And saying goodbye like they’d never meet again? Acting as if she’d disappear forever.

He didn’t know what she was planning, but he couldn’t just let her go.

Elysion’s blue eyes gleamed sharply, like a predator who had found its prey.

“If you openly seduced someone, you’d better take responsibility.”

But at that moment, he didn’t yet realize…

That Tania had returned to a point in time far earlier than ever before.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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