Let's Continue What We Were Doing!

LCWWD | Episode 22

Episode 22

“…Should I kill him?”

But instead of answering his question, something completely different slipped out of my mouth.

“Excuse me?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

My fleeting sanity returned at the sound of Apollion’s voice. He was looking at me with wide eyes, like a startled rabbit.

“I just meant, it’s killer. The scenery.”


“The view by the sea is killer, really.”

Actually, what I really wanted to kill was Sonode.

Maybe I should drown him in the sea. Then this place would truly be a killer seaside in every sense of the word.

I stared at the waves crashing against the rocks, lost in thought.

What should be crashing wasn’t those waves, but Sonode’s skull. I had underestimated him because I thought he was insignificant.

Despite being the original antagonist, I had dismissed him because of his foolishness.

If this continues, he will become a major obstacle by the time the original story starts.

No, he already is a significant obstacle.

Spreading rumors needlessly, disrupting the budding romance of our newlywed life.

“…Yes, the Pontus mansion is indeed a picturesque place.”

Just as I was grinding my teeth, Apollion, surprisingly, added more to the conversation. He was gazing out the window, just as I had been earlier.

I was a bit taken aback by his calm demeanor.

The Apollion I knew was someone who constantly darted his eyes around in fear and anxiety.

“The sea is beautiful in summer, but… the sea at Pontus mansion is even more beautiful in the depths of winter.”


What was this? Those poetic eyes filled with melancholy?

His expression was completely different from when I mentioned killing. Was he in a good mood because I complimented the mansion?

I tilted my head, trying to recall the details from the original story. I quickly became solemn as I understood what he meant.

Pontus mansion held precious memories for Apollion and his birth mother, Lily.

Before Lily’s health deteriorated, Apollion often walked along the seaside in front of Pontus mansion with her.

Lily loved the scenery of Pontus mansion.

She particularly adored the winter sea. Despite her poor health, she strolled along the beach with Apollion until one day she collapsed in front of him.

After that, she never left her sickbed and passed away shortly after. Apollion was only eight years old at the time.

Since then, Apollion had diligently maintained Pontus mansion to preserve his memories with his mother.


Thinking about drowning someone in the sea that holds his mother’s beautiful memories? Was I insane?

I had finished reading the original novel months ago. It was natural to remember the major plot points but forget the finer details.

I was immensely relieved that I hadn’t voiced my thoughts and replied to Apollion’s comment.

“I like the winter sea too.”

Apollion, who had been staring out the window, turned his head to look at me.


His eyes seemed to reflect the light of a winter sea, calm yet deep with emotion.

“Yes. The winter sea feels more peaceful and serene. It’s like the world quiets down for a moment.”

He gazed at me, his eyes softening.

“That’s true. It does feel like that.”

A small smile appeared on his face, making my heart skip a beat. It was the first time I had seen him smile so genuinely.

I decided to press on while the mood was good.

“And I wanted to tell you… I didn’t marry you to get back at Sonode.”

His eyes widened slightly.

“I married you because… I believe in you. And I want to be with you.”

Apollion’s expression softened even more, and he seemed to relax a bit.

“Thank you… for saying that.”

I felt a warmth spreading in my chest, and I knew that this was a step towards a better relationship.

“Let’s make our own memories here, ones that are even more beautiful.”

He nodded, a small but genuine smile playing on his lips.

“Yes, let’s do that.”

The sunset outside might have faded, but the warmth between us was just beginning to grow.

“There’s a different charm from the summer sea. It’s a bit more tranquil.”


“In winter, let’s take a walk together. Just the two of us.”


Oh, we don’t even have to wait until winter. The dining room we’re in right now is several times quieter than the winter sea.

There couldn’t be a quieter place in this world.

How did the atmosphere turn out like this again? Do I have some strange ability to make things awkward?

It’s all because of that damned Sonode. Everything was ruined because of Sonode’s flippant mouth.

This must be a sign from above to deal with Sonode before things get worse.

But how should I deal with him?

Sonode, before being the mastermind, was a knight skilled enough to rival Apollion. How could I possibly defeat a mastermind with abilities on par with the main character?

The stress made my eyebrows throb.

I had no idea how to clear up this misunderstanding.

Feeling I should at least put out the immediate fire, I opened my mouth.

“Apollion, I don’t like Sonode. So please, pleeeease don’t misunderstand.”

This was more of a plea than a request.

Could you please tell me before you start digging tunnels?

If you were digging them vigorously with a shovel, I might understand, but you’re fiddling with a trowel, driving me crazy!

Apollion cautiously asked at my plea.


I nodded my head so vigorously it could almost be heard.

“Yes, really. Do I seem like the kind of impulsive, foolish person who would decide something as serious as marriage out of spite?”



Finally, I relaxed and sat down. I saw Apollion let out a shallow breath.

I continued speaking firmly.

“And entering a marriage with such a rotten mindset is extremely disrespectful to the spouse. If I were being used as a means of revenge? I would have flipped this table right away.”

“I didn’t marry with such rude intentions…”

“I know you didn’t. That’s why I’ll never flip the table in front of you.”


“So don’t believe or listen to any stupid rumors that I still have feelings for Sonode.”


“If you’re ever feeling unsure about something, please ask me first. Trust me when I tell you. Do you know how harmful it is to your mental health to constantly doubt and worry alone?”

“I don’t…”

Good grief, so diligent. When it’s really important, you say nothing, but you answer everything else so diligently.

I felt my blood pressure rising and almost grabbed the back of my neck, but acknowledging ignorance is a very good attitude for learning something new.

Yes, let’s think positively! If you don’t know, you can learn from now on. Attitude is the most important thing.

“Stress is the root of all illness. If it builds up, it causes headaches, gastritis, and eventually even hair loss.”


“If you don’t want to die young, please stop digging tunnels alone. Got it?”


“If you don’t understand something, ask anytime. I’ll tell you everything.”


Though I wasn’t scolding him, his head kept dropping lower and lower. His large body folding in on itself looked like a crumpled paper crane.

I felt a bit guilty seeing that.

But I had to address what needed to be addressed. He himself suffered so much from rumors, yet he believed the ones floating around.

If left alone, he’d dig, no, he’d dig with a trowel all the way to the Earth’s core.

Seriously, who said he was a well-behaved male lead? This isn’t well-behaved; it’s overly timid!

Almost like a private tutor, I continued my nagging until the sky outside turned dark, recalling the teacher who said there were no bad dogs and the teacher who suggested sitting in the thinking chair.


A few days later, a letter arrived from the Emperor.

It was delivered personally by the Emperor’s messenger.

The letter, with a gleaming gold thread attached to the white envelope, was addressed to me.

‘Did I do something wrong?’

My hands trembled as I tried to recall any mistakes I might have made. However, no matter how hard I thought, I couldn’t remember doing anything blameworthy in front of the Emperor.

‘But why is the Emperor sending me a letter?’

If he were to send one, it should be to Apollion, his soul mate, not to me, someone with no connection. Why send this to unsettle me?

Sighing, I dabbed at my eyes with a handkerchief.


Wilson, holding the tray with the Emperor’s letter, asked in a puzzled voice.

“It’s nothing.”

Only then did I take the letter from Wilson.

I forgot even the basic etiquette of using a paper knife, hastily tearing open the envelope with trembling hands.

Wilson, observing this, silently bowed and exited the room, leaving me alone.


As soon as Wilson’s footsteps faded, I let out a scream. I controlled the volume, fearing other servants might come running.

Taking several deep breaths to calm my racing heart, I began to read the Emperor’s letter slowly.


「Late summer, when the edge of the clouds turns white, greetings to the Duchess of Theabrite.」


The letter, starting with unnecessary, flowery language, had five whole lines of greetings.

I squinted, scanning the letters with unfocused eyes.

Tempted to skip the introductory part, I resisted, knowing I couldn’t read the Emperor’s letter carelessly. A mistake could lead to severe punishment.

So, I carefully read each word on the paper.

The content wasn’t particularly special. It included greetings, sincere congratulations on the marriage, a description of the current atmosphere in the capital, and a hope to see me at social events soon.

However, I froze at the sentence at the end of the letter. It contained a shockingly bold statement.


「We will see each other soon.」


I instinctively folded the letter as soon as I read that line.

‘Is this like a company owner inviting a new employee for coffee?’

Pale-faced, I placed the letter down with trembling hands.

Meeting the Emperor face-to-face? Could this mean a private audience?

I recalled the Emperor’s face from our first and last encounter on my wedding day.

He was undeniably handsome, but his presence was intimidating. Meeting him alone for tea might feel like drowning.

‘Is this a new kind of threat?’

Maybe he secretly had feelings for Apollion, and he’s upset I married him so quickly. So now he’s planning revenge…

Caught in the flow of my thoughts, I suddenly snapped back to reality and slapped my cheeks. The sting brought me back to my senses.

‘What am I thinking?’

The shock must have been intense; I was imagining scenarios not even in the original story, turning the Emperor into someone obsessed with unrequited love. If anyone discovered this, I could be arrested for insulting the royal family.



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