Let's Continue What We Were Doing!

LCWWD | Episode 1

Episode 1

“I’m really fed up.”

“Sonode, I was wrong. So, please, let’s just break up…”

“Petunia, I hate annoying women.”


“You are the most annoying woman I’ve ever seen.”


“It seems like it would be better to treat the engagement as if it never happened. By the end of this week, I’ll send someone to Count Incladeaux.”

“Sonode, please. Please… I won’t interfere with whatever you do from now on.”

“I’m already sick of you. I don’t want to see that nagging face anymore.”


“Why would I bother with an unattractive woman like you?”

Sonode turned away coldly. Unaware that the eyes in the cafe were focused on her, Petunia helplessly watched his retreating figure.

True to his words, documents arrived at Count Incladeaux’s estate just a few days later. They were divorce papers sent from the Marquis of Quentin.

Since meeting Sonode, Petunia had been suffering, and after checking the documents, she became a complete recluse.

Days passed with her isolating herself, abandoning food and drink, crying until she fell asleep.

The count and countess could only look on with helplessness as they watched their daughter who had become obsessed with love.

After ten long days, Petunia finally emerged from her room.


“I told you not to appear in front of me again.”

Sonode spoke in an irritated tone. Whether he said it or not, I was surveying the landscape of the upscale cafeteria that supposedly only aristocrats frequented.

Honestly, I didn’t expect him to respond when I called. I thought he would ignore me, saying he didn’t want to see me. Surprisingly, he willingly responded to my summons.

“Is your leg not hurting? Hurry, take a seat.”

“Sigh, you really seem tireless. I thought we covered everything last time we talked.”

“I don’t want to stay here for long either. Just like you find it unpleasant, please cooperate to finish this quickly so I can leave.”

Sonode squeezed his temples and sat across from me. Just then, a waiter brought the two cups of coffee I had ordered.

“So, what’s the matter?”

Sonode arrogantly crossed his legs and said. I sat in a very aristocratic posture, as I had read in books, and sipped the espresso.

“What about a cup for you too.”

I pointed to the coffee cup steaming with fragrance.

“I’ll pass.”


Alright, more for me.

I brought the cup that was in front of Sonode towards me. As I did, the veins on his forehead twitched.


I noisily drank the coffee, as if showing off. Sonode grimaced and spoke.

“I distinctly warned you not to cling onto me. Since clinging doesn’t seem to work, are you trying to push through with another method?”

“Oh, you have such a rich imagination.”

I put down the cup I had been holding.

Seems like he’s flaunting himself as the one and only heir of the Marquis of Quentin. He seemed to be under the illusion that the world revolves around him.

“Well, I came to see you because my thoughts are organized. In a different sense, I’m grateful.”

“Do you think saying that will shake my feelings?”

What nonsense.

I stared at Sonode as if he were a cockroach. What on earth did Petunia see in this immature guy?

I thought her blind love also contributed to Sonode’s arrogant attitude.

“Do you know? Delusions are the shortcut to ruin.”


“Thanks to you, I’ve stepped away from the shortcut to ruin, but it seems like you haven’t.”


Sonode slammed the table with a loud thud. People around us glanced in our direction. He seemed to have the manners of a neighboring dog when it came to etiquette, even though he was an aristocrat’s son.

“No manners indeed. Lower your voice.”

I glanced up and down at him, took a sip of espresso, and his face twisted as he abruptly stood up.




For a moment, the cafe fell into silence. Startled people seemed to forget how to breathe.

It was because I had just sprayed espresso on Sonode’s face.

It was a rare sight. Soon, the audience erupted, and steam rose from Sonode’s face, wet with coffee. Quite a spectacle.

“What the hell are you doing!”

Sonode shouted, wiping the spilled coffee off his face. A few staff members rushed over with towels to wipe his face. Sonode vigorously pushed away their hands.

“It’s a gift.”


“Your face looked like it was melting like ice cream, so I thought making an affogato would be perfect. So, I intentionally prepared it with espresso. Isn’t the visual… special?”

I chuckled, lifting one corner of my mouth, then stood up. People chuckled in response. This should be amusing enough, even if it’s not soda.


With the sound of a chair being dragged, Sonode’s irritated voice echoed.

I smiled and turned to face him.

“I finished the business as you wanted. Do you have anything else to say?”

“…You seem to have lost your mind after misunderstanding me-”

“Is that so? Please speak properly. We’re not on such familiar terms to casually address each other, are we?”


Sonode roughly ran his fingers through his countless hairs.

Kid, treasure your hair. I know about your future of becoming bald later.

“Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing.”

I approached Sonode.

“Thank you for helping me snap out of my delusions.”

“…And thanks for leaving on your own accord.”

“…The shock of being rejected by me seems to have messed with your head quite a bit. Seeing you act so crazily is quite entertaining.”

He said with an elevated voice, clearly conscious of the people in the cafe. His exaggerated gestures seemed awkward.

But I wasn’t foolish enough to engage in pointless retorts. Why bother? My mouth alone will hurt.

I responded by shrugging my shoulders.

Perhaps it was an unexpected action; Sonode’s fist exerted force. It wasn’t a children’s fight. Seeing such a childish provocation was even amusing.

“Still, we’ve spent several years together. Leaving behind a memorable moment or two… wouldn’t be a bad idea.”


With the sound of a chair dragging, Sonode’s voice filled with resentment was heard.

I smiled and turned to him.

“As you say, I won’t bother you again. So, don’t make yourself noticeable to me either. If we happen to meet again, I might turn your face, which looks like an affogato, into a frappuccino.”

I ignored Sonode’s uproar and went on my way. I didn’t forget to lightly flick his ear with my finger. Where’s the dog barking?

“Why did that guy, who looks like a clown, follow me?”

I shook my head, waved my hand, and left the cafe with my bodyguards.


“Petunia, welcome back. How was it?”

The Countess, or rather, Petunia’s mother, greeted me warmly as I stood in front of the main entrance.

“Yes. It feels refreshing to be back after a long time.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Of course, the refreshment the Countess had in mind and the one I had in mind were probably different.

I forced a faint smile and headed to my room on the second floor of the mansion. After changing into indoor clothes, I collapsed onto the bed.

It was a satisfying day, having just finished what I wanted to do first when becoming Petunia. Despite feeling tired, it was a triumphant day.

I rolled my body and picked up the calendar on the bedside table. Today marked exactly ten days since I entered Petunia’s body.

The other wishes didn’t seem to be granted at all. The words like, “If it were me, I would have scrapped that shitty car long ago!” were loud and clear.

When I came to my senses, I found myself in the body of a supporting female character from a novel I read a few days ago.

The newly acquired unfamiliar body felt fragile, as if it could break, and the person inside seemed to be crying like someone whose world had collapsed. Judging by the intense hunger pangs, it seemed like she hadn’t had a proper meal in days.

I hastily picked up a piece of bread, presumably left by someone at the door, and ate it. However, the dried-out bread did nothing to satisfy my hunger.

I desperately clutched my head, which was spinning from hunger, for half a day. As a result, I could deduce one thing.

The first words that came out of my mouth were, “That can’t be.”

Then, I tried to avoid the situation, thinking, “It can’t be true, it’s impossible, it can’t be.” I brought up all sorts of negations, but couldn’t help but face the situation when I heard, “Miss Petunia, please open the door.”

It was a moment when an unimaginable situation became reality.

I had become the supporting character, Petunia Includove, from a romance fantasy novel called “The Beast of the East.”

In addition to being a supporting character, Petunia had the role of the dark lord’s wife, Sonode Quinton.

Even as a supporting character, due to the nature of being the dark lord, she frequently appeared in the story. Consequently, Petunia, the wife of the dark lord, played a significant role.

Like the villains in Pokémon, they always went together wherever they went. The Petunia and Sonode in the novel were exactly like that.

Based on the divorce papers scattered on the desk, I could easily guess the current situation.

Thanks to the documents, I could easily deduce the current time. Sonode and Petunia were always a couple who claimed to part ways, but there was only one official divorce incident.

Therefore, I quickly realized that the current time was about two years before the original story began.

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