Leave the Divorce to a Professional Lawyer

“This is absurd. But it’s the truth.”

“The defense is making desperate excuses to avoid responsibility! I’ve never heard of the Duchess having amnesia!”

“Of course you haven’t, as this information is confidential. Only a select few connected to the Blanche family are aware of it.”

As Natasha replied with a nonchalant tone, the lawyer representing Claude was left speechless.

To him, this was a blatant lie.

‘They say they’ll stop at nothing to win!’

Even as he muttered curses to himself, Natasha continued her argument.

“We’re not denying the crimes Miss Estelle committed in the past. Those incidents clearly involved victims. However, this trial isn’t about determining Miss Estelle’s guilt or innocence, is it? We are currently in the midst of a divorce trial.”

Estelle added that if they wanted to prosecute the events that occurred in the Ducal house, they should request a criminal trial.

“The key point here is that the mental shock Miss Estelle suffered made it impossible for her to continue the marriage. She endured without knowing what she had done.”

The judge asked Estelle again for confirmation.

“Duchess, is this true?”/”

“…Yes, it is. I completely lost my memory after the attempted poisoning incident three years ago.”

Estelle responded with a calm yet firm voice.

“Everyone else pointed fingers at me, but I had to endure all that criticism without knowing anything.”

Estelle confessed that the first year had been nothing short of a nightmare.

The courtroom fell silent. Though hard to believe, everyone knew she had changed as if she had turned over a new leaf right after marrying the Duke.

No one expected that she might have lost her memory and become a different person.

If this issue could be proven, it could determine the outcome of the trial.

“…While amnesia is rare, we cannot entirely rule out the possibility. It seems we need to address this matter in greater depth.”

Natasha’s face brightened at the judge’s preamble. If she could prove it, victory would be hers.

“We’re adjourned for today. We will address this issue in the next session. Attorney Natasha, can you provide evidence of the Duchess’s amnesia by the next trial?”

“Yes, I can.”

The dissatisfaction was evident on the lawyer representing Claude.

He seemed displeased that the judge had taken the seemingly absurd claim of ‘amnesia’ seriously.

“Then this court session is adjourned.”

Bang, bang, bang!

The sound of the gavel echoed clearly throughout the courtroom.

The first trial ended without a decision in favor of either party.

As Natasha and Estelle left the courtroom, Natasha glanced at Claude’s face.

He had been in a daze ever since Natasha mentioned amnesia.


“…So, I might be out of the office for a while.”

“You’re still very busy, aren’t you, attorney?”

Jeanette smiled kindly as she handed over the packaged bread. Standing next to her, Lowell, with a disgruntled expression, clung to her skirt.

He seemed upset that he wouldn’t be able to earn gold coins for a while.

“The Blanche family is famous for their mines, right? You’ll see plenty of beautiful jewels.”

“What’s the point if they’re not mine?”

“Still, it’s nice to look at shiny things, isn’t it?”

“Doesn’t seeing someone else’s money usually make you jealous?”

Jeanette laughed lightly, taking Natasha’s words as a joke.

“You say that, but you’ve been on this case for quite a while now. It seems like your client visits often, too. You two seem to get along well.”

“Well, it is a bit peculiar.”

Perhaps because she had lost her memory, Estelle sometimes behaved strangely at the most unexpected moments.

“…And a bit soft.”

Natasha leaned her elbow on the display window, lightly resting her chin on her hand.

– Are you serious?

– …Yes. She said she had something important to say…

– Hah. It’s fine to see, but are you sure you won’t waver?

– Honestly, I’m not sure.

It was clear to Natasha that Estelle also harbored feelings for Claude that went beyond mere affection.

Claude also loved Estelle, making it all the more ironic that they were in the midst of divorce proceedings.

– So, would you accompany me?

– What? Why should I…?

– Two thousand gold.

– Of course, an attorney must prioritize their client’s wishes.

Since she wasn’t much different herself, swayed by money, Natasha couldn’t help but laugh at herself.


“Huh? What is it?”

Just then, Jeanette’s young son, Lowell, whined.

“I’m supposed to play with Laurent today. Can I go?”

“Of course. Just don’t stay out too late, and don’t go anywhere dangerous. Can you promise me that?”


After pinky-promising with Lowell, Jeanette let him go.

“He’s made a friend? You were worried he wasn’t getting along with kids his age.”

“Yes, it’s a relief, isn’t it?”

Jeanette’s face lit up with delight as she spoke.

But unlike the joyous Jeanette, Natasha felt something strange. That old-souled Lowell made friends with kids his age?

‘Something’s fishy.’

No matter how she thought about it, Lowell didn’t seem like the type to fit in with kids his age.

“Who’s this Laurent kid? Is he smart?”

“Oh, he’s one of the local kids. He’s a good boy. His father works as a mailman, so I see him often too. Maybe that’s why he looks after my boy more.”

“Oh, really?”

Who’s looking after whom?

Lowell had fooled Jeanette into thinking he was just a sweet and naive child.

“…Maybe. Anyway, don’t worry if I’m not around for a while. I’ll come back to visit when I return.”

“Yes, take care!”

Natasha offered a reluctant farewell. Somehow, she felt like she had become an accomplice.


Rattle, rattle.

The carriage shook several times, creating a rumbling vibration. Inside was someone suffering from the motion.


Ivan, with a pale face, kept dry heaving. Natasha frowned and pushed him toward the window.

“Why did you insist on coming along?”

“Well, the assistant should… Ugh…”

“I can’t believe you can’t even ride in a carriage… Ugh. If you’re going to vomit, do it out the window!”

Ivan grumbled about her harshness, but still obediently brought his face closer to the window.

“Sorry for showing you such a pitiful sight.”

“Oh, it’s fine! I get carsick too if I stay in a carriage for too long.”

Estelle smiled gently, reassuring him.

“We’ll be there soon, so just hang in there a little longer.”

“By the way, what are the Count and Countess Blanche like?”

“My parents? Honestly, I don’t know them very well either. I got married almost immediately after losing my memory. This is only my fifth time coming to the Blanche estate.”

It was widely known that they cherished their only daughter, whom they had longed for, like a precious jewel.

‘Well, seeing it for myself will give me a clearer picture.’

Natasha leaned back against the rocking carriage.

After Ivan dry-heaved five or six more times, the coachman finally called out.

“We’ve arrived!”

But contrary to his words, the carriage didn’t stop.

Even after pushing Ivan aside to look out the window, it still seemed as though they were traveling through the woods.

The sight of the horizon stretching endlessly in the distance was dazzling.

“…Is this what you call arriving?”

“Yes, we’re at the Blanche estate, aren’t we?”

Estelle tilted her head in confusion, as if wondering what the problem was.

“…Why hasn’t the carriage stopped then…?”

“Oh, we’ve just passed through the front gate. It’ll take another 20 minutes to get through the garden.”

It was a mansion of such staggering size that Natasha couldn’t help but gape.

Now, she finally understood the extent of the wealth and power of the Blanche family, one of the richest in the Empire’s Eastern region, often referred to as the empire’s lifeblood.

‘No wonder the Duke of Richard was so desperate for them…’

This was the epitome of being born with a silver spoon in your mouth.


The estate was lined with rows of servants and a well-manicured garden. The decorations that adorned the hallways were all astonishingly expensive-looking.

As expected of the estate owned by the holder of the empire’s largest mines, the walls were studded with jewels, shining brilliantly.

Natasha was practically dazzled by the mansion.

“Miss Estelle. Let’s get along well from now on. Can I call you ‘sister’?”


While Natasha was busy plotting how to become Estelle’s one and only sworn sister, Count and Countess Blanche appeared.


“It’s been so long, my dear!”

Without a moment’s hesitation, both of them ran over to embrace Estelle tightly.

Compared to other noble families, who seldom expressed their love for their children publicly due to concerns about propriety, their display of affection was overwhelmingly large.

“Father, Mother.”

“My dear, you must have suffered so much without being able to say anything!”

“We were so shocked when we heard about your divorce. How could a frail child like you handle such a thing alone!”

“Wait, wait…”

“Should we immediately assign our family’s lawyers to you?”

“Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Don’t worry about a thing, and after a month or two of rest, everything will be resolved!”

Natasha was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed.

They were formidable in a different way. From beginning to end, they didn’t really listen to what Estelle had to say.

Natasha quietly abandoned her plan to become Estelle’s sworn sister.

“I’m fine! I can handle the divorce on my own!”

“Look at how thin you’ve become! Did that Duke of Richard not even feed you properly?”

“Oh my goodness! How could he do such a thing!”

Count Blanche looked like he was about to collapse. He even grabbed Estelle’s wrist, his voice trembling with emotion.

“No, it’s not like that! I’ve been eating well and living comfortably! But I have guests…!”

“Don’t worry, I’ve prepared a full course of your favorite lamb dishes today, so just relax and enjoy… Guests?”

Only then did they turn their heads to look at Natasha and Ivan.

Natasha skillfully gave a polite bow and introduced herself, explaining what they were curious about.

“I’m Natasha, a divorce attorney. I’m currently handling Miss Estelle’s divorce case.”

“Oh! So you’re the one!”

Count Blanche stepped forward and greeted Natasha warmly.

“I’ve heard a lot about you. I was told that the last trial ended in our favor as well. What brings you all the way out here when you must be so busy preparing for the next trial?”

“I came here, taking the liberty of doing so, to collect evidence and witnesses necessary for the trial.”

“If it’s for the trial, feel free to take whatever you need!”

As soon as the Count finished speaking, Natasha quickly asked,

“Then, may I take some of the jewels from that wall?”

“As many as you like if it’s necessary for the trial…!”


“It was just a joke, Count. Haha.”

Estelle snapped at Natasha, her voice sharp, causing Natasha to inwardly sigh in regret.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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