Leave the Divorce to a Professional Lawyer

Upon hearing the whole story, Gideon reluctantly nodded. He seemed quite surprised to learn that the Duchess had secretly hired a lawyer to prepare for a divorce.

“…Alright, I understand. Since there’s a lawyer involved… I suppose I’ll have to trust you for now.”

“I’m telling you, it’s a real lawyer.”

Gideon finally sheathed his sword. Natasha, who had been extremely tense, finally relaxed her body.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“But… Sir Gideon, you’re a knight of the House of Richard.”

The knights assigned to her were all from the Richard family. Their master was not Estelle, but Claude.

“It’s not that I don’t trust you, but I didn’t want to burden you unnecessarily. If Claude finds out later, he’ll surely be angry… so I thought it would be better if you didn’t know.”

“That’s not true. Even though I am a knight of the Richard family… my knightly oath is sworn to only one person.”

Gideon knelt on one knee, adopting a respectful posture.

Estelle, moved, softly called his name, “Gideon…”

Only Natasha watched the scene without emotion.

“Unlike the rumors I’ve heard, now that I’ve met you in person, you’re a truly admirable lady. I regret being swayed by such foolish talk.”

Though, all the rumors Gideon had heard were probably true.

“But, didn’t the Duke and the people of the House treat you harshly at first because they believed in those rumors?”

“I did act viciously before, so it’s inevitable.”

“I, too, have nothing to say, even if I had ten mouths. But at least, I’ve seen the wounds you’ve endured.”

He bowed his head deeply.

“At first, someone tampered with your food, and the knights didn’t even greet you. Though you endured it gracefully… I was so shocked the day you greeted us with a pale face, blue from the cold, because they hadn’t properly heated your room.”

The Richard family did not welcome Estelle from the beginning. In fact, they were more inclined to torment her.

Now, everyone avoids mentioning that time, but Estelle remembered it clearly.

All that torment happened under Claude’s tacit approval.

“Even if you leave us… how could I stop you?”

“Sir Gideon…!”

Estelle’s voice was half choked with tears.

Gideon, still kneeling, looked up at her. Their gazes met in the air, and a poignant atmosphere began to form.


Natasha abruptly interrupted.

She had almost been forgotten.

“I don’t mean to disrupt your touching moment, but if you don’t help me soon, the blood’s going to seep into the wood.”

Natasha pointed to her thigh.

Blood was flowing from the tear in her maid’s uniform where she had been cut by a sword.

“Oh! What should we do? Should we call a doctor?!”

“Are you planning to advertise that there’s a lawyer hiding here? All I need is clean cloth and water. It’s not a deep wound.”

“Ouch… it must hurt…”

“You might find it hard to watch. Please step back.”

Gideon shielded Estelle behind him. A true knightly gesture. Though he really was a knight, after all.

Natasha rolled up her maid’s uniform, cleaned the wound with flowing water, and pressed a clean cloth against it.

Her movements were natural and skillful.

Even Gideon, who was used to being injured due to his training, found her technique flawless.

As he started to wonder if she might actually be an assassin, Natasha, seeming to read his thoughts, added briefly.

“I’m from a commoner background.”

Since that explained a lot, Gideon remained silent.

Natasha mentioned she would have to mend her torn maid’s uniform later in her room, and wiped away the blood to prevent it from staining the floor.

Once the situation was somewhat settled, they finally got to the main point.

“So, are you joining us, Sir Knight?”

“…If the lady wishes it.”

“Yes, well. Since she came to find me, it means she does. Let me explain the plan I’ve devised.”

“A plan?”

“Yes. I’ve thought of a good strategy.”

It was also a good opportunity. A chance to instill some certainty in Estelle.

“My client, what if the Duke truly loves you?”

“…There’s no way.”

“We’ll find out this time.”

Natasha murmured softly.

“If he truly loves you… he won’t be able to bear it without bringing that contract out himself.”

The smile she gave was nothing short of sly.

‘I have a habit of repaying in kind.’

If he thought he could get away with spilling wine on a lawyer, he was gravely mistaken.



Leaving Estelle’s room behind, Natasha decided to accompany Gideon for a while.

It was possible since it happened to be his shift change.

Thud, thud. As she took a few steps, Natasha silently counted in her head.

One, two, three.


As expected.

“If you do anything that harms her… I won’t let it slide.”

“I’m just an ordinary lawyer.”

With a small shrug, Natasha implied that she had no real power.

“At first, I didn’t recognize you, but now I know your name too.”

Gideon’s face turned as cold as that of any other servant of the House of Richard.

It was strange how this man transformed into a vibrant being in front of Estelle, as if painted in color.

It wasn’t just Gideon.

It was as if the world changed around Estelle. As if she was from another world.

“Divorce attorney, Natasha.”

“I guess I’ve become quite famous.”

“Your name often appears in the Romano Weekly, doesn’t it?”

“Well, yes. I didn’t know knights also read those society gossip rags.”

Gideon frowned slightly, perhaps catching the sarcasm in her words.

Natasha chuckled as she watched the stoic man finally show a reaction.

“I’m not actually grateful for the ride, but I’ll say thanks anyway. You really followed me out here just to give me a warning, didn’t you?”

She’d seen plenty of men like him before. Knights brimming with loyalty were always predictable like this.

“Still, since we’re in the same boat, there’s no need to be so wary. I’m just trying to make a living too.”

As she finished speaking and reached for the doorknob, Gideon asked from behind her.

“Did you also get the Duchess of Petrov to divorce this way?”

Natasha’s hand froze on the doorknob.

“Why ask? I heard it was your first divorce case. Am I wrong?”

Natasha reassessed her judgment of him.

She had thought he was just a naïve knight, but he knew how to strike where it hurt.

However, his skill was still clumsy.

Natasha composed her expression and flashed a bright smile at him.

“It was the start of my career, yes. Are you perhaps interested in me?”

“I couldn’t help but know, with all the noise about it.”

“Well, that’s an honor. Alright, let’s make a deal! If you ever need my services, come find me. I’ll give you a special 30% discount!”

Natasha didn’t know whether he was married or not, but that wasn’t important. If he ever needed a divorce lawyer, there could only be one reason.

Gideon made a curious face at her ambiguous offer.

“Well then, I’ll be off.”

He was still far from being able to handle Natasha.

While Gideon was caught off guard, he found himself drawn into Natasha’s pace.

In the end, all he could do was stare at the door she disappeared behind.


In line with Natasha’s grand plan, the first thing Estelle did was…

“A trip?”


“Why a trip all of a sudden?”

“I’ve been working too much lately, so I wanted to get some fresh air. Since getting married, I’ve only been going between the capital and the mansion, so I thought I’d broaden my horizons, plan some new products, and…”

“For how long?”

Yes, a trip!

Among the various plans, this was the best option to minimize Estelle’s influence.

Estelle had decided to go on a long journey!

“I’ll be touring the western and southern regions, so… it’ll probably take about two weeks.”

“…Two weeks, you say.”

“I know it’s a bit long! But I’ll use it to regain my focus and give myself a break!”

Estelle hastily added an excuse.

It was possible because she had memorized the script Natasha had handed her the night before.

“Hmm. Do as you wish.”

“If it’s too long, I can make it ten days… Right?”

“I said you can go. Two weeks should be fine as long as you leave important tasks with the butler in advance.”

And then he added,

“Actually, I was going to suggest it myself. You’ve been up for days on end with that important deal, haven’t you?”

“How did you know…?”

“A good rest after a trip sounds like a good idea. When are you planning to leave?”



“…No, I plan to leave in three days! Haha!”

Estelle was momentarily flustered by his unexpectedly favorable response and pushed the departure date back.

“I don’t mind how long you stay, but I’d like you to come back as soon as possible, if I may be selfish.”

“Huh? Why?”

At that question, Claude gave a faint smile.

“Because I’ll miss you.”

“…Ah, haha! You’re joking!”

Estelle barely managed to laugh it off, but she couldn’t hide the blush spreading across her cheeks.

Claude gazed at her with a fond look as they finished their dinner.


“Are you sure it’s okay to go on a trip like this?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“But… it feels like I’m really just going on vacation! It doesn’t seem like I’m doing anything!”

Without a word, Natasia pushed Estelle towards Gideon.

“Have fun. If the plan succeeds, we’ll start the divorce proceedings as soon as you get back, so this is your last chance to enjoy yourself.”

“The trial… It’ll be hectic, won’t it?”

“Some people are so desperate they beg to finish the trial by giving up all their assets.”


Just imagining it made Estelle groan.

“Alright… I’ll be back soon!”

With that, Estelle finally walked away without any more hesitation.

Exactly four days after she left, a man arrived at the Duke of Richard’s estate, braving a storm.

He carried a document stamped with the seal of the ‘Blended Merchant Guild’ and urgently requested to meet with Estelle, the guild leader.

Since only a select few within the Duke’s household knew that Estelle was the guild leader, he was immediately shown to a guest room.

Coming to the Duke’s estate unannounced late at night was a grave breach of etiquette, but the man’s disheveled appearance was so pitiful that no one could scold him.

Soaked to the bone as if he had walked through the storm himself, his fingers trembling and his face drained of color.

Even when Claude, who had dressed lightly to meet him in the drawing room, greeted him, the man could only repeat the same words.

“I can’t say anything until I meet the guild leader in person.”

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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