Leave the Divorce to a Professional Lawyer

“Of course, I remember!”

Marie exclaimed enthusiastically, almost making Estelle’s casual question seem pointless.


“Yes, indeed. You were so happy that day. Do you really not remember at all?”

In response to Marie’s concerned tone, Estelle reluctantly nodded.

“I wasn’t there with you, so I don’t know all the details, but it was after that day that you became officially engaged.”

“What happened that day?”

“Well, it was the Duke’s birthday party, but the Duke himself didn’t attend. So, you went to find him on your own… At that time, you dismissed all the maids and went to the garden alone, causing quite a stir!”

It was very dangerous for the daughter of a Count to move around alone, even within the Duke’s estate.

“While everyone was looking for you, you appeared in the Duke’s arms, and everyone was so shocked!”

“Did that really happen?”

Estelle’s face twisted awkwardly.

“Yes, it did! It was just like a scene from a fairy tale. The Duke carried you, who had fallen asleep, in his arms, saying he found you in the garden.”

Marie mimicked holding someone like a princess.

At the mention of such a romantic moment, Estelle’s expression grew even more peculiar.

“After that, you officially accepted the engagement, and the two of you became betrothed. You were so happy.”

“Yeah, I see. But why was I banned from entering the garden? For that reason, it didn’t seem necessary.”


Marie’s face showed discomfort.

“It’s just that…”

“Tell me, Marie.”

“After you became officially engaged, the Duke invited you again, but…”

Marie hesitated before continuing carefully.

“You found the Duke walking in the garden with Lady Chloe, and then…”

Estelle could already guess without hearing the rest.

She let out a deep sigh. The real Estelle, not her, had been incredibly sensitive toward any woman approaching Claude.

‘No matter what, but even towards her own sister?’

It was truly appalling.

“What exactly did I do?”

“You slapped her across the face and hurled insults. From what I remember, things like ‘How dare a low-born touch another’s man’ and ‘You filthy wench, keep your hands off!’… things like that.”


Estelle groaned in pain.

‘Even though I didn’t do it…!’

She couldn’t understand why she was suffering for something she didn’t do. It felt so unfair.

“Because of that incident, the Duke was furious and banned you from the garden. That ban continued even after your marriage.”

“I see…”

Knowing the truth only made her feel more helpless.

– When did the Duke start falling for you?

Of course, that couldn’t be. No sane man would fall in love with a woman who behaved so poorly.

‘Besides, Claude already has a destined partner.’

A woman as beautiful as sunshine, the heroine destined for him.

:Yes, it’s only natural that the male lead ends up with the heroine and they live happily ever after.’

Estelle kept repeating to herself that she mustn’t covet what wasn’t hers.



The head maid called out firmly.

The maid who had been ordered to clean again silently picked up the broom.

“How many times have I told you to clean every speck of dust hidden in the window frames? Do it again.”

“Yes, I understand.”

The head maid’s stern commands echoed throughout the place. Each time, the maids would immediately get up and resume cleaning.

No one seemed to sulk, remaining as composed as always.

Tap, tap.

When she stood in front of Natasha and Dorothy, Dorothy flinched instinctively.

Her tiger-like sharp eyes scanned the two coldly.


The head maid let out a faint sound as she inspected the area. After running her finger along the window frame, she smiled in satisfaction.

“Not bad.”

“Thank you.”

Natasha gracefully lifted the hem of her skirt and bowed.

Her demeanor was exceptionally elegant.

“Was it Tasha?”

“Yes, Head Maid.”

“You look like you’re from the West… There are quite a few noble families there, aren’t there?”

The pale hair color and washed-out eye color were typical features of Westerners.

Natasha’s lemon-colored hair clearly indicated her origin.

The head maid’s words could be interpreted as follows:

“Why did you come all the way from the West to the East? Did you get into some trouble over there…? Is it something like that?”

Natasha responded smoothly without showing any signs of fluster.

“I did serve for a time at the Petroff Duchy. But when the person I served left the Petroff Duchy for certain reasons, I left with them.”

From that, the head maid instantly knew whom Natasha had served.

The former Duchess of Petroff, Madame Olga.

The first Duchess to ever get divorced.

“Though serving her was my happiness, she wanted me, still young, to gain more experience working elsewhere. And so, she wrote me a recommendation to the Duke of Richard.”

“So, it wasn’t entirely your choice, was it?”

“Although the initial reason might have been different, it was my decision to come here.”

“How do they compare? The House of Petrov and the House of Richard?”

Natasha was silent for a moment.

The head maid was testing her. She wanted Natasha to clearly state where her loyalties lay—whether with Petrov or Richard.

“I am not in a position to offer an assessment, but since you asked…”

Now wasn’t the time to recklessly disparage Petrov or blindly follow Richard.

Doing so would only prove that her loyalty was shallow.

“I believe I’m beginning to understand why the House of Richard is symbolized by the laurel wreath.”

At that, the head maid smiled in satisfaction.

The laurel wreath symbolizes victory, wealth, and prosperity. It was also the emblem of the House of Richard.

Although she spoke in a roundabout way, it was a compliment to the wealth and character of the House of Richard.

The words might have been mere flattery, but the elegant expression showed her adeptness in dealing with nobles.

“I hope to see you around for a long time, Miss Tasha.”

The head maid didn’t press further and simply passed by Natasha.

Soon, the sound of the head maid’s scolding voice echoed from behind.


Dorothy whispered softly to her.

“What just happened? The head maid is usually so strict.”

Natasha nodded slightly, looking around.

One would expect others to be curious about the commotion, but everyone seemed busy with their tasks.

It was as if only Natasha and Dorothy had been left behind in a dollhouse.

‘Why is the atmosphere in this mansion like this?’

It was a mystery she couldn’t understand.

Apart from Dorothy, who was the only one dealing with the newly arrived Natasha, everyone else behaved like emotionless puppets.


Natasha seemed to have left a favorable impression on the head maid, appearing to be quite useful.

It was understandable, as Natasha consistently scored perfectly during the head maid’s inspections, and her conversational skills when dealing with nobles were unrivaled.

It would be a waste to assign such a capable person to mere hallway cleaning duties.

“Can you handle it?”

“If you entrust it to me, I will do my best.”

“The maid who usually serves the wine injured her hand… Tsk. I told them to be more careful.”

Better to keep quiet about the fact that Natasha was responsible for the maid’s injury.

She had merely added a tiny shard of glass, causing only a minor wound.

“The Duke isn’t particularly fussy about how wine is served, but subordinates should always strive for perfection.”

“Yes, of course. I have a basic knowledge of wine, though it may be limited.”

Few maids would know how to handle such luxury items.

It was almost inevitable that Natasha would be assigned to serve the wine at that evening’s banquet.

“Now’s the time. Let’s go!”

At the perfect moment, Natasha was pushed inside.

It wasn’t just an aperitif but a wine meant to accompany the meal, so the dinner was already in full swing.


Estelle noticed Natasha and involuntarily choked, coughing repeatedly.

Only after the maid next to her hurriedly offered a glass of water did she finally calm down.

‘She’s practically announcing that she knows me…’

The sharp gaze Claude directed at Natasha wasn’t a figment of her imagination.

“What wine is this?”

“It’s Château Margaux, made from grapes produced in the eastern region of Grayphil. It’s a red wine, slightly bitter and dry, perfect for pairing with meat.”

Her proficient explanation of the wine made her seem like a skilled sommelier.


Claude took a sip of the wine.

“It’s quite good.”

Before she could even feel relieved, Claude asked another question.

“I don’t recognize your face. When did you start working here?”

“It’s been about two weeks.”

“Not long, then…”

He glanced at Estelle as if trying to gauge something.

“Whose personal maid are you?”

“I’m not. I’m assigned to the East Wing and don’t serve anyone in particular.”

There was nothing wrong with Natasha’s answer, but Claude could still find a way to punish her if he wanted to.

‘Please don’t be such a jerk, please!’

Punishment methods varied among noble families, but it usually involved harsh beatings.

If she were beaten, she might become genuinely committed to causing trouble between the two.



Claude suddenly poured the remaining wine onto the floor.

Some of the wine splashed onto Natasha’s skirt.

“Pour it again.”

“…Yes, Your Grace.”

The sound of wine being poured quietly filled the air, now cold and tense.

“By the way, dear.”


“Did you remember what I asked you?”

It was a very deliberate question.

‘What a sophisticated threat.’

Natasha assessed him briefly. He couldn’t threaten Estelle directly, so he was using a maid who seemed connected to her as leverage.

If Natasha had a master she served directly, it could have been an insult to them, but as she had said, she didn’t have one.

Strictly speaking, her master was Claude Richard, the Duke himself.

‘Damn nobles.’

Regardless of what Natasha was thinking, the situation continued to unfold.

“…Yes. I remember now.”*

“That’s good to hear.”

At that moment, Estelle didn’t see it, but Natasha, standing beside her, witnessed it clearly.

The moment Claude looked at Estelle, his expression softened.

His previously cold blue eyes began to shine brightly.

It was unmistakable to anyone.

That was the face of a man in love.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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