Leave the Divorce to a Professional Lawyer

There was no warning at all.

The transformation of ‘Kang Min-joo,’ living in South Korea, into ‘Estelle Blanche’ happened in an instant.

It all began when she found herself lying in an antique bed after regaining consciousness.

– “My dear, you’ve finally woken up!”

– “Oh, my goodness. Valdash! Thank you, thank you!”

It was as if she were on the set of a drama.

Seeing the parents, dressed in what could only be described as costumes from a movie, clinging to her and weeping, Estelle thought as much.


– “Eek!”

The maid, who had been visibly tense, finally dropped the teapot while serving tea.

– “P-Please spare me…”

Only after seeing the terrified look in her eyes did Estelle realize that something was terribly wrong.

– “Estelle, don’t worry. The discussion with the Duke of Richard has concluded well.”

– “The day of your official marriage will come soon, so don’t worry too much, okay?”

The Duke of Richard. Where had she heard that name before? It was at that moment she first felt a sense of déjà vu.

And then, urged to meet her fiancé after recovering, she was led to a place where a dazzlingly handsome man sat with a sullen expression.

– “Do you have no pride?”

– “Pardon?”

– “After hearing that, you still dare to appear before me. Impressive.”

She couldn’t miss the displeasure hidden in his words. No, from his gaze, it was clear he held Estelle in contempt.

He was incredibly rude for someone dealing with a fiancée who had nearly been poisoned to death.

‘I feel like I’ve seen this scene somewhere before.’

It wasn’t long before she understood the source of her unease.

Wasn’t this a scene straight out of a common romance-fantasy novel she had read when she was Kang Min-joo?

‘Why am I only realizing this now?’

Estelle Blanche—such was the name of the main villainess in the novel, who was also the protagonist’s fiancée.

‘What was the outcome again? After tormenting the heroine viciously, Estelle….’

She was executed, having been caught on a technicality.

The Duke of Richard, who had a hypocritical side, orchestrated everything behind the scenes so that his kind and gentle heroine wouldn’t be hurt.

In the end, Estelle Blanche and her family fell to ruin under the Duke’s control, and Estelle had to pay with her life for tormenting the heroine.

‘…That can’t happen.’

That Estelle Blanche was now her!

‘I don’t want to die like that!’

And it wasn’t just death; in the original story, Estelle had suffered a fate worse than death before meeting a miserable end.

‘No. Stay calm. The heroine doesn’t seem to have appeared yet, so this must be before the original story starts.’

If so, there was still a chance to change the future.

‘I have to… change the original story!’

So, taking the prenuptial agreement, she sought out the Duke of Richard, and that’s how everything began.

Three years into their marriage, it was about time for the heroine of the original story to appear, so it was only right to step back now!

‘If I stay here any longer, Claude will fall for the heroine, and I’ll end up divorced anyway….’

Thinking about that, it seemed better to end things now.

Estelle steeled herself with that thought.


“…Ma’am? M-Madam!”


Estelle snapped out of her thoughts. Natasha was looking at her, urging her to respond.

“Did you remember anything? When did the Duke start being kind to you?”

“Ah. I think it was around that time.”

Estelle recalled.

“There was a business I started secretly to earn money for when I’d move abroad, but I eventually got caught.”

“A business…?”

“I think that’s when he started to change. We also began to have meals together more often.”

Natasha succinctly concluded.

“So, he became kinder after discovering your plans to move?”

“What? No, I don’t think he knew about that…”

“What reason would a Duchess have to secretly start a business?”

Moreover, Estelle didn’t seem like the type who could skillfully deceive someone about her plans.

Natasha felt like she was starting to understand what was going on.

‘What do I do about this…?’

How was she supposed to handle this reckless couple?

Natasha felt a slight pang of guilt at the thought of helping Estelle with the divorce.

‘It seems like the Duke loves Estelle, but Estelle thinks there’s no way that could be true.’

So, does Estelle love the Duke as well?

If their feelings were mutual, there would be no reason for a divorce.

‘Mental disorders can often be cured with some counseling and medication.’

Natasha nodded to herself, thinking that Estelle’s delusional tendencies could improve.

“But I couldn’t help it. I never expected coffee to become so popular so quickly…”

“What did you say?”

“Huh? Oh, I said I couldn’t help it.”

“No, after that.”

“…Didn’t expect it to become so popular?”

Feeling utterly frustrated, Natasha finally brought up the main topic herself.

“You mentioned it was coffee, right? The business you’re running is ‘that’ coffee business?”

“Oh, yes. I used the large sum of money I got from Blanche to establish a merchant group, which now imports and distributes coffee under the Blended Merchant Group.”

This was insane.

Natasha’s mouth dropped open.

This diamond spoon wasn’t just about having rich parents with lots of mines.

‘Then how large is the business? What could be the monthly revenue? Tens of thousands of gold? Hundreds of thousands? Or… could it possibly be… a billion?’

It was indeed an amount that would make one exclaim in shock.

Natasha’s gaze grew even more loyal.

“Hah, hah, hah. My dear customer, I will definitely help you get divorced.”

The Duke’s fervent love? Who cares about that?

Estelle wants a divorce!

“You can trust me.”

“Huh? Thank you.”

Estelle looked confused.

Even that expression seemed lovely. Now that Natasha knew she was a billionaire in cash, everything about her seemed beautiful.

“So, have you found a way? A method to make Claude willingly bring the contract… does such a way even exist?”

If it doesn’t, it’s the lawyer’s basic skill to create one.

Natasha smiled reassuringly, telling her not to worry.

“We could create a new scenario, but it’s usually better to weave it into past memories for better credibility and effectiveness.”

In truth, Estelle didn’t understand even half of what Natasha was saying.

“So, can you briefly explain your first meeting with him and share some memorable episodes?”

Estelle looked troubled by that request.

It was only natural because the only thing Estelle had when she became “Estelle” was her body, as she had lost all memories from before.

The Blanche family was already notorious enough with the attempted poisoning incident, so Estelle thought it was better to hide any additional flaws.

Since she didn’t have any close friends from before, no one had noticed until now.

“My dear customer?”

Under Natasha’s questioning, Estelle finally confessed the truth.

She didn’t know why, but she felt like this lawyer could be trusted.

At least, as long as she had money, Natasha wouldn’t betray her.

“…You know about the attempted poisoning incident, right?”

“Of course, who wouldn’t?”

It was a case that once shook the entire empire. There’s no one who wouldn’t know about it.

“In fact, I lost all my memories then. So, I don’t remember anything from three years ago.”

Estelle expected a cliché response. Something like, “Oh, it’s really unfortunate that you lost your memory.”

In fact, Estelle’s parents were so heartbroken that they cried day and night for almost three days!

“Hmm. I see.”


Natasha’s reaction was incredibly simple.

She even added, “That makes things a bit more complicated.”


Estelle was momentarily dazed, then she laughed.

She didn’t know why, but it felt strangely liberating.

Come to think of it, Natasha had been like this from the beginning.

She probably knew about the malicious rumors still trailing Estelle. Yet, she never showed any sign of it.

“Then, please explain the parts you do remember.”

“So, not long after I regained consciousness, I immediately took the prenuptial agreement and went to the Duke’s household. I proposed a contractual marriage to Claude, and he accepted my offer.”

“Was it because of wealth?”

“Something like that. After I collapsed and woke up, my parents wanted to give me whatever I wanted. So… it seems they offered quite a lot in exchange for my marriage.”

As a result, the Duke of Richard didn’t want to miss out on such a wealthy daughter-in-law.

At the time, Oscar Richard, who was the Duke of Richard and Claude’s father, set one condition for Claude.

‘If you want to inherit the dukedom, marry Estelle Blanche.’

From that moment on, Estelle was in a situation where she couldn’t escape the marriage even if she wanted to.

So she brought the prenuptial agreement and sought him out.

“Claude wanted to borrow the power of my family because his legitimacy was being questioned.”

For various reasons, they got married, and naturally, a loveless marriage wasn’t very romantic.

“At first… it was really tough. Even the maids ignored me, and the servants were just scared. My husband? Claude didn’t even want to come home because he didn’t want to have a meal facing me. I felt like I was wilting away in this huge mansion.”

Thinking back to that time still made her vision go dark.

“Claude loves me?”

Estelle gave a bitter smile.

“How could that be possible?”

She couldn’t forget the day his blue eyes looked down at her.

Being thrown into a strange world suddenly was overwhelming enough, but Estelle had to endure all kinds of humiliation in this Duke’s house.

That memory was still vivid, and now he claims to love her?

“That’s impossible.”

If he were human, he shouldn’t have done that.

Of course, during the time she stalked him, she might have hurt him in many ways, but so what?

‘I’m not that Estelle.’

Understanding something intellectually doesn’t prevent the pain.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I talked about something too dark, didn’t I?”

Estelle suddenly smiled.

“Of course, that was just during the first year, and we’re doing well now! The people here are kind now too.”

Natasha nodded calmly. It certainly seemed that way to her.

“Anyway, I’ll ask Marie if she knows anything. She’s from Blanche, so she knows I lost my memory.”

“Yes, please do. Little things like this can become important evidence.”

Estelle nodded vigorously at Natasha’s words, agreeing.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Forever red says:

    Thank you so much for translating this.

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