Lan Ming Yue


Jian Ling’s eyes were covered in blood. In his daze, he thought he saw Liang Ye. His hands and feet were tightly bound. A vicious look flashed in his eyes as he opened his mouth and bit towards Wang Dian’s wrist.

Unfortunately, before he could touch Wang Dian, his whole body flew out and slammed heavily against the wall. Fresh blood spilled from his mouth as he coughed painfully twice.

Wang Dian watched, his teeth aching. Beside him, Quan Ning, who had just kicked the person, moved his foot in disgust. The bloodstains on his boots were faintly visible. “Still not behaving when he’s almost dead.”

Wang Dian went over to check his breathing. After confirming that he was still alive, he signaled to the people waiting behind the screen to carry Jian Ling to the underground secret chamber.

“This tunnel you dug is exquisite,” Quan Ning said with interest. “Those skilled at concealing their presence that you asked me to find earlier, were they the laborers?”

“I had no choice. Liang Ye’s people were watching me too closely,” Wang Dian said. “Otherwise, digging this tunnel wouldn’t have taken even half a year.”

“I heard your relationship with that brother of yours has improved considerably. When Emperor Liang was assassinated, you were almost frantic with worry. Since you don’t want anyone to die now, why be so guarded?” Curiosity shone brightly in Quan Ning’s eyes.

“Under power, ambition and desire are infinitely magnified,” Wang Dian said calmly. “Liang Ye’s unpredictability is too strong. He is the emperor, which means there is no truly irreplaceable, tangible interest relationship between us. At the same time, this also determines that his will and decisions will always be above mine. We can’t achieve true equality. Even if I love him, it doesn’t mean I’ll accept such a relationship for him and compromise myself.”

Quan Ning looked at him with some surprise. “You really talked about feelings with a madman?”

Clearly, this one wasn’t quite right in the head either.

“Feelings can only be the icing on the cake,” Wang Dian smiled slightly. “You always have to leave yourself a way out. There’s no need to stake your life and fortune on another person’s feelings for you.”

He was a businessman. He wouldn’t make a losing deal. Talking about feelings with Liang Ye was fine, it was self-satisfaction seeking thrills, but if Liang Ye attempted to control him, that would be another matter entirely.

Quan Ning clapped his hands, looking at him approvingly. “I find you’re more and more to my taste. If you ever get tired of Liang Ye, come play with me.”

Wang Dian looked at him with a smile and said languidly, “I can’t get it up unless I’m looking at my own face.”

Quan Ning’s expression twisted for a moment. It was evident he had a bellyful of curses he wanted to blurt out, but in the end, he could only glare at him, unable to speak. “Forget it, I still prefer normal people.”

Wang Dian laughed pleasantly.

“But isn’t your dear brother going to select concubines?” Quan Ning’s face was full of the joy of watching drama unfold. “You’re just going to let him?”

“Of course not,” Wang Dian said with a gentle and kind expression. “Even if I get tired of him someday, he can only be mine.”

Quan Ning felt inexplicably uncomfortable at his smile. In his heart, he cursed silently. Damn it, they’re all sick in the head.

Wang Dian actually found it hard to define his role in relation to Liang Ye. He liked him, cared for him, wanted him, while at the same time being vigilant, on guard, and often unable to control himself from moving towards opposition, wanting to hurt and destroy—

It was like the struggle between extreme narcissism and self-destructive tendencies from his past therapy sessions.

Whenever such thoughts arose, he couldn’t help but doubt the reality of Liang Ye’s existence, which was undoubtedly a devastating blow for someone with such strong control and possessiveness.

He analyzed it calmly, even harshly, and the final result was always one he disliked.

The smile on Wang Dian’s lips grew cold. He distracted himself, “I’ll go check on Liang Huan.”

At a certain estate on the outskirts of the capital.

The four or five-year-old child was fair and delicate, timidly hiding behind the curtains as he looked at the young man who suddenly appeared before him.

Wang Dian looked down at him, a gentle smile appearing on his face. “Ah Huan, don’t you recognize me?”

Liang Huan had inherited Cui Qi’s looks well. His mother must have been a great beauty too, as his features were delicate and pretty, fair as jade and adorable, very likable.

Unfortunately, he was pitifully timid. He clutched tightly at the curtains, staring at Wang Dian vigilantly and warily. Then, under Wang Dian’s increasingly gentle and kind smile, he became frightened and began to cry, tears dropping steadily as he sobbed, gasping for air.

“…” Wang Dian sighed helplessly.

“Young Master, children are afraid of strangers. If you spend more time with him, it’ll be fine,” the wet nurse advised sheepishly from the side. However, she didn’t sound very confident. After all, even they, the wet nurses and maids who attended to the little young master daily, were avoided by Liang Huan. This child seemed to be equally afraid of every living person who appeared before him.

Wang Dian nodded, signaling her to withdraw. He sat down at a table neither too close nor too far from Liang Huan. Liang Huan directly hid himself in the thick curtains.

“Your father is the sixteenth in line, Liang Ye is the nineteenth. If we count carefully, you can call me uncle,” Wang Dian calculated their generational ranks carefully and said to the small bulge in the curtains, “Don’t worry, I’m not like your nineteenth uncle. I don’t eat children.”

He took out two primer books from his sleeve and placed them on the table. “Has anyone taught you to read and write? Can you hold a brush?”

After his words, there was no movement from the child hiding in the curtains for a long time. Wang Dian, afraid he might suffocate himself, hesitated for two seconds before walking over and slowly lifting the curtain.

A small head was revealed under the curtain, looking up at him in terror. His eyes and nose were red from crying. He tried to retreat helplessly but tripped over his own robe and instinctively hugged his little head.

Wang Dian glanced at the awkwardly worn clothes on him. It wasn’t that the servants were careless, but that Liang Huan strongly resisted being touched by others. Even now when he fell, he hugged his head in a defensive posture, as if he was used to being beaten.

It was said that he was taken away by Cui Yixian right after birth and raised outside, never seeing his birth mother or Cui Qi, and was even forced to drink white jade soup… Wang Dian couldn’t help but wonder about Liang Ye’s childhood experiences. He didn’t want to dwell on it, yet he couldn’t control his thoughts.

He admitted that for a moment he felt Cui Yixian’s death was too easy. Dark thoughts flooded his mind, but unfortunately, Cui Yixian was indeed dead, quickly stabbed by Yang Man.

It seems that sometimes revenge and killing one’s enemy are two different things. The enemy may die, but the harm and shadows they brought still linger, clinging like a stubborn disease, impossible to eliminate. Why else would people always add “avenging hatred” after “revenge”?

Perhaps only when the overwhelming hatred completely disappears can the revenge be considered complete.

Wang Dian carefully raised his hand to pat Liang Huan’s head, as if speaking to another child across time, “It’s alright, don’t be afraid.”

Liang Huan tremblingly raised his head, looking at Wang Dian warily and bewilderedly. Suddenly, he fiercely swatted away Wang Dian’s hand, crying as he crawled under the bed, refusing to come out no matter what.

“…” Wang Dian sighed helplessly.

Whether big or small, those surnamed Liang were truly difficult to tame.

Perhaps because he had been thinking about Liang Ye quite often today, not long after he returned, he was summoned to the palace.

It had been a while since he last visited the imperial bedchamber. Even the incense burned had changed its scent, carrying an unpleasant sweetness.

Wang Dian was standing properly in front of the screen waiting for Liang Ye to come out, but the scent of the incense was a bit strong. He frowned, about to call Yun Fu to change it, when a warm hand suddenly embraced his waist from behind, followed by a forceful kiss.

Although displeased in his heart, Wang Dian didn’t resist Liang Ye’s intimacy. In fact, he rather enjoyed it. This feeling had been with him since their first meeting, but most of the time rationality prevailed, and he more often showed annoyance and anger. But now he didn’t want to waste energy thinking about what was appropriate or right or wrong. He put all his irritation into the kiss, trying to kiss this bastard to death.

However, kissing to death was impossible. Liang Ye became excited by his provocation, and his actions started to become rough. He pressed Wang Dian onto the thick carpet, kissing all the way down to his lower abdomen.

Wang Dian planted his foot on his shoulder. Liang Ye seemed to find it stimulating, as he grasped Wang Dian’s ankle and deliberately straightened up, letting Wang Dian’s leg rest on his shoulder.

Wang Dian narrowed his eyes and said with a fake smile, “Your Majesty is about to take concubines, yet you shamelessly fool around with this minister. What kind of example is this setting?”

“It was you who urged Zhen to take concubines,” Liang Ye’s fingertips caressed the red string on Wang Dian’s ankle, rubbing the thin skin until it turned red. He leaned down intimately and frivolously, allowing Wang Dian to clearly feel a certain building heat. His eyes were full of eagerness and impatience, as well as an irresistible dominance and coldness hidden deep within. He grinned and said, “Since you’re so concerned about Zhen’s harem, why don’t you try it out for those concubines first?”

Concubines, and plural at that. Wang Dian was so angered he laughed out loud. The soft carpet beneath him was warm and comfortable. He looked up at Liang Ye, his hand moving up along Liang Ye’s thigh. He smiled gently and said, “How about I castrate you for them first?”

Liang Ye instinctively sensed danger and quickly grabbed Wang Dian’s hand. He leaned in and nuzzled Wang Dian’s nose affectionately, his breath scorching hot. “Zhen has already arranged everything. When the time comes, Zhen will marry you into the palace. You will be Zhen’s rightful empress.”

Wang Dian had long guessed he would have this idea. He wrapped his long legs around Liang Ye’s waist, forcing him to press down further, and smiled, “And then I’ll be running back and forth between the palace and outside?”

“Zhen won’t stop you from attending court,” Liang Ye’s breath hitched at this movement. He skillfully undid the clasp on Wang Dian’s belt, saying both considerately and generously, “As long as you like it, Zhen will allow you to do it.”

Wang Dian’s smile deepened. His fingers lightly traced Liang Ye’s neck and beautiful collarbone. He kissed him tenderly and sensually, “What if one day I get tired?”

Liang Ye’s Adam’s apple bobbed twice. He held Wang Dian’s waist and said, “Zhen will naturally… respect you.”

He stumbled a bit, probably taking some effort to recall the word “respect”. He said softly, “If one day you get tired, Zhen will arrange for Wang Dian’s identity to fake his death… If you want to attend court in the future, Zhen will fabricate other identities for you.”

Wang Dian wrapped his arms around Liang Ye’s neck and praised, “That’s not a bad idea.”

Liang Ye raised an eyebrow, kissed him hard twice, then picked him up sideways and walked towards the bed.

Wang Dian lazily patted Liang Ye’s chest, “Your Majesty is truly strong and healthy. Such a heavy injury hasn’t hindered your arousal.”

“Vulgar,” Liang Ye glanced at him primly, tossing him onto the soft bedding. He pressed down on top of Wang Dian as the thick curtains fell layer by layer around them.

The sweet incense made one dizzy and aroused, as if unable to control oneself. After the initial fooling around, Wang Dian felt his whole body go weak. He belatedly realized what this unfamiliar fragrance was, and anger immediately surged in his heart. He grabbed Liang Ye’s restless hands, suppressing the heat raging throughout his body, and asked coldly, “Liang Ziyu, what did you add to the incense?”

Suddenly being called by his full name, Liang Ye paused. He lowered his head to kiss the corner of Wang Dian’s mouth and said calmly, “Just to enhance the mood. Zhen will make you feel good.”

Wang Dian’s mind was in a fog. His eyes were about to shoot fire from anger. Liang Ye frowned and asked in surprise, “This thing has no smell. How did you detect it?”

“I have a damn dog’s nose!” Wang Dian fiercely grabbed Liang Ye’s collar and said through gritted teeth, “You use such despicable means to scheme against me? What, did your rotten brain think I would wholeheartedly be your empress after you slept with me?”

Liang Ye’s brows twitched slightly. He effortlessly suppressed Wang Dian’s struggles and smiled as he kissed Wang Dian’s ear, saying softly, “Yes, Zhen just wants to make you unable to leave Zhen, insatiably addicted.”

Wang Dian was so angry he wanted to slap Liang Ye. He tilted his head, but Liang Ye bit his earlobe with his canine teeth, causing Wang Dian to jolt in pain. “Liang Ye!”

Liang Ye licked the spot apologetically, then raised his head and said seriously, playing the victim, “You started it first.”

Wang Dian stared at him coldly without speaking.

Liang Ye narrowed his eyes, seemingly weighing different outcomes. Finally, he reluctantly kissed Wang Dian’s neck and fixed his collar, putting on the appearance of a proper gentleman. “If you’re unwilling, Zhen naturally won’t force you.”

Wang Dian stared at him for a while, his breathing still unsteady, with an unusual flush on his brow and eyes. A gloomy smile slowly appeared on his face. “Liang Ye, you’re really something.”

Liang Ye secretly rubbed Wang Dian’s ankle, persisting, “It’s bound to happen sooner or later. Zhen knows you’re afraid of pain. Zhen will be very careful.”

Wang Dian patted his face and said coldly, “If you can wait until we’re married, then wait. I naturally won’t refuse what’s rightfully due. But if you use these messy tricks again—”

“Then we’ll wait until the day of the empress’s coronation ceremony,” Liang Ye’s eyes instantly brightened. He hugged Wang Dian affectionately and chuckled softly, “Wang Dian, you really are willing to be Zhen’s empress.”

Wang Dian gripped his chin and kissed him fiercely. The heat instantly rose again. When he looked up, he met Liang Ye’s deep, dark gaze and knew he was still unwilling to give up. “That incense is cloying and disgusting. Throw it away.”

Liang Ye nodded, saying with distaste, “Zhen also finds it cloying.”

But Wang Dian’s “wanting to welcome but refusing” appearance was truly tempting, making him reluctant to let go. Finally, under Wang Dian’s increasingly cold gaze, he allowed someone to come in and remove the incense burner.

As soon as the door closed, Wang Dian pressed Liang Ye’s head down into the blankets. Liang Ye only symbolically struggled once. His voice came out muffled from under the covers, sounding pitiful, “Zhen won’t dare do it again.”

Wang Dian lowered his head to kiss the back of Liang Ye’s neck. “Don’t worry, I’m not angry.”

Liang Ye immediately regained his strength, turning over to grip Wang Dian’s waist. His eyes showed no sign of remorse, clearly believing that if he acted weak, Wang Dian wouldn’t truly be angry. He looked at Wang Dian pitifully, his face full of obedience.

Wang Dian’s expression indeed softened. He patted Liang Ye’s face. “Which day did you set?”

Liang Ye instinctively nuzzled Wang Dian’s palm, saying cheerfully, “The fifteenth of next month, right before the year-end holiday.”

He had obviously prepared the marriage leave as well.

Wang Dian smiled slightly. “I’m looking forward to it.”


TN: “婚假” means “marriage leave” or “wedding leave.” It refers to the time off from work that individuals are granted for their wedding or marriage-related activities.



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