Lan Ming Yue


It didn’t take long for the searching soldiers to disperse, they guarded the door and every window.

Liang Ye and Wang Dian jumped off the beam of the room lightly, and both hid in the corner between the wall and the heavy curtain.

“How to get out?” Wang Dian looked at the figures walking back and forth in front of the door and windows, and asked him irritably.

“How would Zhen know?” Liang Ye said in surprise, “You can’t do anything about it?”

Wang Dian was feeling stuffy, “Can’t.”

Liang Ye touched his chin and thought for a while, then his eyes lit up, “Just go out like this, Zhen is the emperor, Zhen can go wherever he likes.”

After speaking, he swaggered and wanted to go out, but Wang Dian hurriedly grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back, yelling in a low voice, “Are you out of your mind! Not to mention that we look exactly the same, if you suddenly appeared in the inner court Political Affairs Hall, the Cui family would become vigilant to some extent.”

“It’s not like Zhen hasn’t been here before.” Liang Ye lowered his head and slowly pulled his sleeve out of his hand, “Zhen doesn’t like being touched by others. Next time you dare to touch Zhen, Zhen will chop your hand off for you.”

Wang Dian was deeply shocked by his shamelessness, “What did you say about touching and biting me before?”

Liang Ye looked at him like he was looking at an idiot, “It’s not the same when others touch Zhen and when Zhen touches others.”

Wang Diansheng almost laughed out of anger. He was so enraged and confused, as to why he’s still arguing with this crazy person who didn’t play according to common sense. “Whatever you say, just find a way to get us out first.”

Leaning against the wall, Liang Ye lazily touched the tooth marks on his neck, which were still oozing blood. He stared at the blood stains on his finger for a moment, then put his finger on his mouth and licked it.

Wang Dian was looking nervously at the patrolling figures outside, but when he turned his head, he met Liang Ye’s crazy eyes looking at him, especially when the lunatic person was licking his fingers in a slow manner. When he noticed him looking over, his canine tooth bit open his finger pulp with force, and blood instantly flowed down from the back of his pale hand.

Wang Dian was greatly puzzled, “Why did you bite your own finger? To write a suicide note?”

The corner of Liang Ye’s mouth was still stained with blood, he grinned widely at Wang Dian and said, “Zhen just wants to have a taste of Zhen’s own blood.”

“…..” The veins on Wang Dian’s forehead jumped violently.

Liang Ye put his fingertips near his lips, and warmly invited him, “Have a taste?”

Countless swear words flashed through Wang Dian’s mind in an instant, he hid aside in disgust, and refused him decisively. “No.”

But he forgot that this lunatic, the more he refused him, the more enthusiastic he became. Liang Ye’s movements were very swift. Wang Dian didn’t even have time to raise his hand to block. His chin suddenly ached, two warm fingers were then forced into his mouth, and a slightly bitter iron smell spread from the base of his tongue.

Wang Dian felt that his throat was almost pierced. Liang Ye’s fingers stirred inside his mouth twice, and when he left, he pinched his tongue viciously.

“Ugh—” Wang Dian leaned against the wall and began to retch.

Liang Ye smiled and bit his fingertips, “Is it sweet?”

“F**k you!” Wang Dian could only feel that his mouth was full of a sticky bloody smell. Just now, this idiot was pulling grasses and touching the wall, he had no idea how many dirty things had gotten in.

What kind of fucking psycho would invite people to taste their own blood!

Lunatic! Crazy! Stupid! F**k!

He wiped his mouth desperately, but Liang Ye suddenly grabbed his hand and bit it. Wang Dian was greatly frightened, in a fit of anger and urgency, he slapped his mouth, while breaking down, “Liang Ye, Uncle Liang! You are my ancestor, okay! Please calm down a bit, open your eyes and see what the situation is now, can you stop acting crazy for the time being!”

Liang Ye didn’t push him away, but just licked his palm unsatisfactorily.

Wang Dian felt that half of his arm had been suddenly electrocuted, he almost hit him in the face with a fist, but still held on to his rationality that was about to explode on the verge of madness.

Your own life is in the hands of this lunatic, don’t get angry with a mad dog, the most urgent thing is to get out first, this fucking lunatic who don’t like hygiene should all go to the mental hospital!

Liang Ye watched the furious person in front of him suddenly calm down, he then licked his teeth vigorously, and shook off Wang Dian’s hand in a dull manner.

“You are good at martial arts, go out and lure them away first, and I will take the opportunity to climb out of the window.” Wang Dian whispered, “Then return back and take me away.”

Liang Ye smiled coolly in the darkness, and sat cross-legged on the ground, “Zhen is tired, can’t run.”

Wang Dian frowned and said, “There is only half an hour before the morning court session, there are a lot of things waiting to be done, besides it doesn’t take that much effort.”

Liang Ye yawned, closed his eyes and hummed a laugh, “It’s not Zhen’s morning court session.”

Wang Dian stared at him from a high position for a while, then suddenly squatted down in front of him.

Liang Ye had his eyes closed and did not move. Suddenly, there was a wet touch from the corner of his lips, mixed with a faint smell of blood. He raised his eyelids and met Wang Dian’s eyes that were exactly like his own.

Wang Dian’s bitten fingertip covered his lips, and there was a hint of coaxing in his deep voice, “Have a taste?”

Liang Ye stared at him as if he wanted to devour him alive, Wang Dian bit the bullet and pressed his fingertip on his lips, “Open your mouth.”

The feeling of teeth grinding against flesh was strange and stimulating, and Wang Dian sadly found out that he had now been reduced to trying to figure out the psychology of a lunatic in order to survive, and what was even sadder was that he actually figured it out correctly.

Satisfied, Liang Ye finally threw him back to the imperial study before dawn.

When Wang Dian was taking a bath, he saw the tooth marks on his fingers and felt a chill. The wound on his neck was also painful due to blisters, not to mention the bruises all over his body and the feeling of exhaustion caused by the attack of the Gu worm.

What the hell did he do to pass through to this ghostly place and suffer this kind of crime?

“Your Majesty, it’s time to go to morning court.” Yun Fu whispered outside the screen.

“Okay.” Wang Dian responded, and forcefully gathered his energy to go to the morning court session.

Because he had arranged a lot of things, the ministers were very tired during this time. The quarrels had never sounded impassioned before, but a few really presented in useful memorials, and even an unknown small official proposed to reform the tax system.

Wang Dian smiled bitterly when he heard this. Let alone reforms in this situation, he didn’t even have the national treasury in his grasp. Simply expecting him to achieve a goal that was extremely difficult, really outrageous.

However, the proposed idea was good and Wang Dian praised him in a few words. The man’s heart was instantly filled with joy, and repeatedly called ‘His Majesty is wise’.

Wang Dian was a little distracted throughout the early morning court session, and the aching fingertips in his sleeves always reminded him of Liang Ye. When the other party bit his fingers, his eyes were crazy and obsessed, and there was a hint of tyrannical madness.

At first he thought Liang Ye was really crazy, but Liang Ye seemed to have listened to his words and led him into the inner court, but the subsequent series of actions seemed to really prove that this person was a psychopath who went mad from time to time ……….

Wang Dian pinched his sore fingertips. The safest way was to remove it quickly without acting too hastily.

After the early morning court session, Wen Zong stayed behind.

Wang Dian took the old man into the study, and sat face to face with him on both sides of the table, “Imperial perceptor, Zhen recently had some unknown matter.”

Wen Zong cupped his hands and said, “This old subject will do his best to share His Majesty’s worries.”

“Wei Wanlin commanded a hundred thousand garrison in Northern Xinjiang, but he has been staying in the Capital for more than half a year now, calling for military expenses every day.” Wang Dian paused. “How does the Imperial Preceptor see it, he is without silver, does he not want silver, or is it that he cannot get any silver?”

Wen Zong’s slightly cloudy eyes flickered slightly, “Your Majesty thinks so?”

“The Lou Fan is not an easy opponent to deal with. Everyone is so calm now, naturally, someone was guarding.” Wang Dian unhurriedly unfolded the map on the table.

“The commander-in-chief of the Northern Xinjiang garrison is the Empress Dowager’s nephew, General Cui Jincui.” Wen Zong said slowly with his sleeves in his hands, “He just replaced Wei Wanlin last year.”

Wang Dian also held his sleeves, looked down at the map without moving.

“Your Majesty, this subject still remembers what you said back then. Kunpeng should not be trapped in the palace walls, but should be carefree between heaven and earth.” Wen Zong’s old voice sounded in his ears, “Kunpeng in unwilling to be a Canglong.” 

(t/n Kunpeng-The big fish and the big bird in ancient legends. It also refers to the roc bird transformed from kun)

(t/n Canglong- black dragon)

“No matter who is trapped in chains now, they are unable to move.” Wang Dian said with drooping eyelids, “There should be a sword to cut off these chains.”

Wen Zong’s voice trembled slightly, “Your Majesty.”

“The dragon is stranded in the shoal, surrounded by evil wolves.” Wang Dian got up and gave a solemn student salute to Wen Zong, “Still hoping for the Teacher to teach me.”

Wen Zong stood up with difficulty supporting the table, supported Wang Dian’s arm with trembling hands, while tears gleamed in his eyes, “This old subject—will risk his life and limb to help out!”

After Wen Zong left, Yun Fu came up to him and said softly, “Your Majesty, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials, Zeng Jie, Zeng Daren is requesting for an audience.”

Wang Dian took a sip of tea to refresh himself, “Invite him to come in.”

What Zeng Jie brought was the list of officials that had been revised yesterday. Wang Dian read it at a glance, and compared it with the list in the inner court Political Affairs Hall last night. There were about a dozen names that were repeated.

Zeng Jie went home last night and thought about it all night, and finally understood what the emperor meant. He knelt on the ground and said, “Your Majesty, there is a shortage of official positions in the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War, and the new department’s announcement is imminent, shouldn’t it be………”

“We’ll talk about it when the time comes.” Wang Dian read the list and put it on the table, “But Zhen has something for you to do here.”

Zeng Jie raised his head, “Your Majesty, please give the orders.”

“Find a way to transfer Wei Wanlin for Zhen to the Six Rate of the Eastern Palace.” Wang Dian said.

(t/n Six rate, the pinyin is liù shuài, a Chinese word, meaning the system of guards.)

Zeng Jie exclaimed in surprise, “Your Majesty, the Six Rates of the Eastern Palace have been abandoned for many years, and there are only old, weak and sickly soldiers left in it. General Wei is the former commander of the Northern Xinjiang garrison. It’s probably not appropriate to ask him to go to the Six Rates of the Eastern Palace.”

“Zhen will directly issue an order not to trouble you.” Wang Dian said, “No matter what method you think of, get the person over there.”

Zeng Jie looked at him hesitantly, but it was of no use. In the end, he could only feel sorry for General Wei, and retreat embarrassingly.

At noon, Wang Dian hadn’t even eaten two mouthfuls, and he was already too sleepy to open his eyes. Yun Fu bravely helped him to the inner hall. Wang Dian waved away people at the door, and went in by himself.

Before going to bed, he was still wary of Liang Ye’s sudden appearance and his outburst of madness, but the drowsiness was so fierce that he fell into a drowsy sleep within less than half a stick of incense.

However, he couldn’t even live peacefully in his dream. He was leading a group of subordinates to a meeting. Some were holding laptops and coffee, and some were wearing long robes and holding wat boards. Sometimes it was about acquiring companies, and sometimes it was about the breaking of the Yun river embankment. The chief financial officer and the Yushi Dafu sprayed each other across the table. He stood in front of the projection screen with a splitting headache, when suddenly the screen turned into a mirror. He was standing outside in a suit, but himself in the mirror was wearing a black robe, showing a gloomy and vicious smile.

(t/n Yushi Dafu is responsible for supervising all officials, accepting memorials by officials on behalf of the emperor, managing important national atlases and classics, and drafting edicts and orders on behalf of the imperial court.)

Wang Dian’s heart skipped a beat, he turned around and wanted to run. Liang Ye, with disheveled hair, rushed out from the mirror and threw him on the conference table. He opened his mouth to reveal a mouthful of fangs, and viciously bit his throat, causing blood to splatter in an instant.

“Fuck!” Wang Dian opened his eyes suddenly, his forehead covered with cold sweat.

With the pale skylight, Yun Fu’s voice came from outside the door, “Your Majesty, it’s time to go to morning court.”


  1. guide says:

    thank you for the chapter

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