Lan Ming Yue

Pleading for Mercy

When Wen Zong sought an audience, Liang Ye was staring at the pile of memorials on the desk with a bitter expression, preparing to set them on fire and be done with it.

“This minister pays respects to Your Majesty,” Wen Zong trembled as he knelt on the ground and bowed.

Liang Ye walked down with his hands behind his back and sat on the steps. “Rise.”

As Wen Zong was about to stand up, before he could speak, Liang Ye said, “How about Zhen takes eighteen concubines for the Imperial Preceptor?”

Upon hearing this, Wen Zong immediately knelt down again, saying tearfully, “Your Majesty! This old minister is already in the twilight of his years. This… this is most improper!”

“The Imperial Preceptor is too modest. Every day you submit memorials urging Zhen to select consorts. Zhen sees the Imperial Preceptor has abundant energy.” Liang Ye pointed behind him and said softly, “Half the memorials on the table are urging Zhen to take a consort.”

Wen Zong knelt on the ground, preparing to wipe away tears. Liang Ye directly grabbed his arm and pulled him up. The two stared at each other, and Wen Zong’s tears were forced back. He sighed deeply, “Your Majesty—”

“Zhen knows.” Liang Ye impatiently interrupted him. “Zhen has heard your grand principles so many times Zhen’s ears have grown calluses.”

Wen Zong sighed again, “Does Your Majesty truly have no one in mind?”

“Yes.” Liang Ye sighed, “But he is unwilling to be Zhen’s empress.”

It wasn’t unheard of for a woman to be unwilling to become empress. Wen Zong wasn’t surprised. After hesitating for a while, he mustered his courage and said, “Your Majesty could have a child with her first.”

Liang Ye pondered seriously for a moment, “He can’t bear children.”

Wen Zong drew in a sharp breath, “Your Majesty truly can’t do without him?”

“Zhen can barely handle one. If there was another, Zhen would rather drink white jade soup.”

Wen Zong was immediately shocked and dismayed, “That absolutely must not happen, Your Majesty!”

“Zhen was just making a comparison.” Liang Ye glanced at him smugly, “A romantic figure like the Imperial Preceptor with his many wives and concubines can’t understand Zhen.”

Wen Zong only regretted not smacking his palm a few more times when teaching him in the past. However, he knew Liang Ye’s temperament and didn’t expect to persuade him immediately. He changed the subject, “Your Majesty, do you still remember discussing benevolent rule with this old minister some days ago?”

“Hmm.” Liang Ye had no recollection at all, and he had never intended to be a benevolent ruler. He said with a half-smile. “Zhen doesn’t remember.”

Wang Dian must have said something to this old man.

“This old minister still remembers Your Majesty saying, ‘The ruler with benevolence and righteousness, ministers with talent and ability, ruler and ministers in harmony, the people living in peace and contentment.'” He looked up at Liang Ye, “Waiting for the rivers to run clear and the seas to be calm, times of peace and prosperous years… Only through the ruler’s benevolent governance can this be achieved.”

Liang Ye narrowed his eyes but said nothing.

“…However, this old minister has recently heard that you intend to execute 40,000 Black Armored Guard prisoners and exterminate the nine clans of several dozen rebel ministers.” Wen Zong slowly said, “Your Majesty, many in the Black Armored Guard are sons of prominent families in the capital. Now everyone inside and outside the imperial city fears for their lives. Your Majesty, the late emperor did not advocate harsh policies and indiscriminate killing. Today, this old minister boldly hopes Your Majesty will reconsider carefully before acting.”

“Back then, Cui Yuxian conspired with the Cui family, Jian family, and other prominent families to massacre almost everyone in the imperial city, not even sparing newborn infants.” Liang Ye’s mouth twitched, his voice suddenly turning cold, “It took a whole month to carry out all the corpses, and dismembered limbs were everywhere… Imperial Preceptor, why didn’t you go advise against it then? Now you want Zhen to spare them? What kind of reasoning is this?”

A cold and gloomy gaze fell on Wen Zong, but he wasn’t intimidated at all. He looked at the student and emperor he had painstakingly taught with red eyes, lifted his robe, and knelt heavily on the ground. He said firmly. “Your Majesty, because you are the emperor.”

Liang Ye stood on the steps looking down at him without speaking.

“You are the emperor of all of Great Liang, the Heaven to millions of subjects in Great Liang. Your hatred, your likes and dislikes, your every word and deed, everything you do affects all the common people under heaven.” Wen Zong kowtowed and said, “If you execute these 40,000 people, exile their nine clans, and kill all those rebel ministers clean, half of the capital will be empty, only two or three out of ten noble families will remain. The capital will be in danger! The Liang nation will be in danger!… Your Majesty, things taken to extremes will reverse themselves!”

Wen Zong raised his head and kowtowed again, “Your Majesty, you yourself know this move is highly inappropriate, which is why you haven’t issued the edict yet. The lesson of the Da’an Dynasty’s downfall is right before our eyes. Your Majesty, you have painstakingly reached this point today, you absolutely cannot fail at the last moment— Your Majesty!”

Liang Ye stared at him with a cold expression, muttering, “How nice it would be if everyone died together.”

Wen Zong looked up in shock, breaking out in a cold sweat at the killing intent and bloodlust in Liang Ye’s eyes. “Your Majesty…”

“Zhen was joking.” Liang Ye smiled, tugging at the corner of his mouth.

Wen Zong was about to kowtow again, but Liang Ye personally helped him up, instantly making him feel unexpectedly honored.

“Imperial Preceptor is getting on in years, don’t kneel at every turn.” Liang Ye let go of him and turned to walk up the high steps. “Since the Imperial Preceptor has personally pleaded for them, Zhen will consider it carefully.”

“Your Majesty is wise!” Wen Zong cried with tears and emotion, “Your Majesty is wise!”

After Wen Zong left, Liang Ye silently stared at those memorials for a long time, then swept all the memorials to the ground with his sleeve.

Outside the study, Yun Fu, Yu Ying, and others knelt on the ground, not daring to enter. Chong Heng silently jumped down from the beam and crouched down to pick up the memorials on the ground.

“Don’t pick them up,” Liang Ye suddenly said, “They’re all nonsense.”

Chong Heng put the memorials in his hand on the table. After wracking his brains for a while, he carefully asked, “Master, you haven’t gone to see Wang Dian for two nights. Do you want to go see him?”

As long as Wang Dian was around, his master would usually be happy and wouldn’t get so angry.

Unexpectedly, this time Liang Ye didn’t agree. He sneered, “Yesterday Wang Dian went to Wen Zong’s residence, and today Wen Zong dares to come and plead for those people… Zhen always thought he understood what was in Zhen’s heart, but in the end, he would rather plead for Zhen’s enemies and advocate benevolent governance. How audacious!”

Chong Heng silently took a step back.

The anger in Liang Ye’s eyes grew more intense. Even though he knew from the beginning that these people couldn’t be killed in the end, Wang Dian’s intervention to advise and plead for mercy instead aroused his rebellious feelings.

It would have been fine if others had persuaded him, but it had to be Wang Dian.

Liang Ye rarely lost his temper, and the great hall was gloomy all night until Li Bu came to request an audience.

“Your Majesty, this humble servant went to take Wang Daren’s pulse today. Daren’s condition has improved a lot again,” Li Bu said, kneeling on the ground. “Wang Daren wants to reduce the dosage of medicine, but this humble servant thinks it’s inappropriate and has come to ask for Your Majesty’s instructions.”

Liang Ye didn’t speak, so Li Bu could only kneel on the ground, not daring to guess the emperor’s thoughts.

“No need to reduce it,” Liang Ye’s cold voice came from above. “Take good care of him and use whatever herbs are needed.”

“Yes,” Li Bu responded.

Liang Ye paused, then asked, “Can his depression be cured completely?”

“In response to Your Majesty, Wang Daren’s depression has persisted for a long time and may be difficult to cure completely,” Li Bu said. “However, with daily care and self-cultivation, he can be no different from ordinary people.”

Liang Ye frowned and threw down the document in his hand. “What caused his depression?”

“This… This servant dares not make rash inferences,” Li Bu said cautiously. “Depression is usually caused by the spleen failing to function properly and emotions being suppressed, leading to internal agitation, easy startling, and insomnia. Wang Daren’s condition is even more complex than typical depression. However, Daren knows how to regulate his mood, so the medicine is very effective… This servant guesses that Daren may have experienced some unpleasant things in the past. When Your Majesty was attacked, Daren was greatly shocked, which triggered old issues and led to the onset of illness…”

“Zhen understands.” Liang Ye’s expression was unpleasant as he waved his hand to dismiss him.

“This minister takes his leave.”

Chong Heng pretended to come over to add oil to the lamp and placed two calming fragrance sachets on the desk. “Imperial Physician Li said this is a new prescription.”

Liang Ye raised his eyelids and glanced at the sachets.

Chong Heng retreated nonchalantly.

The oil lamp flickered twice.


Wang Dian put the book in his hand aside, blew out the candle next to him, and pulled up the covers to lie down.

Then he was suddenly embraced by someone.

“F*ck!” Wang Dian was startled, and immediately after, his nape was viciously bitten, causing him to draw in a sharp breath of pain.

“Robbing for beauty.” A rough voice mixed with warm breath fell into Wang Dian’s ear.

The sleepiness he had finally accumulated instantly vanished. Wang Dian was so angry he wanted to kick the person off, but he just remained silent for a moment, fumbled under the covers, and grabbed the other’s hand that still carried a chill.

Liang Ye angrily shook off his hand and said ominously, “Wang Daren is truly skilled.”

Wang Dian asked in confusion, “Do you thieves praise your victims before robbing them of their beauty?”

“…” Liang Ye felt sullen. He held the person without speaking, only biting him on and off, persistently leaving a row of round tooth marks on his shoulder.

Amidst the fine pain mixed with ticklishness, Wang Dian lowered his eyes and carefully felt Liang Ye’s breathing in the darkness, smelling the faint fragrance on him. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he spoke, “You arranged everything so thoroughly. First, you had Jiao Yan spread the news, making those noble families fear for their lives, then had Wen Zong come to advise and leave room for negotiation. After intimidation, you negotiate… Whether I went or not, Wen Zong would have come to the palace, it was just a matter of sooner or later…”

Liang Ye’s gaze hidden in the darkness took on a hint of inquiry, “Then why go to the trouble?”

Wang Dian’s voice carried a trace of sleepiness, “After all, it was just a guess. What if you were determined to kill them? I haven’t even had time to warm up the silver you rewarded me.”

Liang Ye’s hand covered his neck, his voice cold against his ear, “Presuming to guess Zhen’s thoughts, it seems you find your life too long.”

Wang Dian paid no mind to that bluffing paw, snuggled closer to him, and yawned.

“Then why won’t you properly guess why Zhen wants to kill them?” Liang Ye’s hand applied slight pressure, his voice even colder, “With the news spread, there are plenty of people to plead for mercy, yet you had to rush to the front, speaking for Zhen’s enemies. Who do you think you are?”

Wang Dian opened his eyes as Liang Ye choked him, patted the back of his hand, and frowned, “It hurts.”

Liang Ye gritted his teeth and suddenly relaxed his grip. His other hand, still not reassured, felt over Wang Dian’s body again, making sure there were no damned daggers or short arrows hidden, before saying angrily, “You should stand with Zhen.”

“I can’t do that,” Wang Dian said frankly. “If I do and say nothing, my conscience won’t be at ease.”

Liang Ye’s anger was easily provoked again, coldness permeating his body. But then he heard Wang Dian’s sleepy voice, “But if you insist on killing them, I won’t desperately try to stop you, nor will I become your sworn enemy because of it.”

Liang Ye was stunned by these words.

“At worst, I’ll take you and run away,” Wang Dian said.

The violent, sharp anger and resentment seemed to suddenly deflate. Liang Ye held him in confusion, slowly lowering his eyes, “You overestimate yourself.”

“It’s more than enough to support a Liang Ye,” Wang Dian closed his eyes.

Liang Ye held him tighter, yet carefully, and pressed his face against the back of his neck.

Wang Dian smiled sleepily, “Let’s sleep.”



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