Lan Ming Yue


After returning to his residence, Wang Dian did not rush to attend court. Instead, he carefully sorted through and took inventory of the properties under his name. Although he could not be considered very wealthy, with these properties, he had managed to barely establish a foothold in the Capital.

On the day he went to check on his shops, he also made a trip to the Capital Government Office to examine his household registration.

The Capital Government Office was extremely enthusiastic in greeting him. In less than half a cup of tea’s time, he presented the complete household registration, including place of origin, parents, life history… even the grades from the school he attended could be traced back to the original records. It was extremely detailed.

There was no need to guess who had arranged this.

But he deliberately refrained from thinking too much about it. By the time he returned to his residence, it was already evening. After eating a simple meal, he drank the calming medicine prepared by Li Bu. After dealing with the matters at hand, he began night running in his residence.

These past few days, he had been trying to adjust his daily routine and gradually resumed his habit of running. He tried his best to keep himself busy – when he was in modern times, he had followed his doctor’s advice and did this, with fairly good results – the body and mind influence each other, and when the body is exhausted, one won’t think too much.

After finishing his run and taking a hot bath, he leaned against the headboard to read. He had been reading this book for the past few days. It seemed to be some Daoist scripture, completely incomprehensible. After reading seven or eight lines, he was nodding off with drowsiness. He extinguished the candle and curled up under the covers to sleep.

For once, he did not dream of all sorts of chaotic people and events. Wang Dian comfortably turned over, and his entire body rolled into an embrace.

In his confused state, he felt something was not quite right, but the drowsiness was overwhelming, and this embrace was also extraordinarily familiar and reassuring. Subconsciously finding a comfortable position, he fell into a deep sleep.

Liang Ye looked at the person sleeping peacefully in his arms. He tucked the new calming sachet he had brought today under Wang Dian’s pillow, replacing the one from yesterday. His eyes lingered on Wang Dian’s face for a long time, then he leaned in and gently licked his lips.

Wang Dian unconsciously frowned.

Liang Ye’s gaze darkened further. His warm palm gently caressed the back of Wang Dian’s neck. Wang Dian’s originally stiff spine gradually relaxed, and he unconsciously leaned towards his embrace.

Liang Ye curled his lips in satisfaction, watching as Wang Dian pressed himself entirely against him. He smiled silently, held Wang Dian tightly, lowered his head to kiss his hair, and closed his eyes.

It should have been another dreamless night of peaceful sleep, but perhaps because he had thought of Liang Ye today, Wang Dian had another nightmare.

“…Liang Ye!” In the rapid breathing filled with mortal terror, Wang Dian suddenly opened his eyes.

The next second, he was pressed into a warm embrace. The familiar scent made him instinctively hug the other person tightly. “Liang Ye.”

Liang Ye did not speak, nor did he let him see his face. He just slowly stroked his back. After a short while, the person in his arms began to breathe evenly and calmly.

The next day.

The sunlight on his face felt slightly warm. Wang Dian frowned slightly and slowly opened his eyes. He watched the tiny specks of dust dancing in the sunlight, then stretched vigorously, sat up hugging the quilt, spaced out for quite a while, and then lay back down hugging the quilt.

After dozing for another half hour, he finally put on his outer robe and went out of the inner chamber door.

Yu Lang had long prepared warm water for washing up. His movements were swift and attentive. Seeing that Wang Dian’s outer robe was loose, he wanted to help him tie it, but Wang Dian politely declined.

“I can handle such small matters myself.” Wang Dian had slept well and was in an extremely good mood. Even his smile became much gentler.

Then Yu Lang served him breakfast. Although he was attentive and considerate, Wang Dian was not used to this kind of overly intimate service. He said, “There’s no need to wait on me here. When you have nothing to do, go and follow Steward Zhou more often. Learn from him well, see how to manage accounts and affairs.”

A flash of surprise crossed Yu Lang’s eyes. “But, Young Master, I…I am your personal attendant, not a steward of the household.”

“Hmm.” Wang Dian smiled and said, “After all, being a personal attendant is just a title. You’re young, if you suddenly become a steward, people under you definitely won’t submit. Follow Zhou An around more, first get familiar with both sides, then go work in places like taverns, shops, farms, shipping fleets for a year or half, then I can have Zhou An promote you.”

Yu Lang listened with some confusion, but also inexplicable excitement. “Young master, I don’t have such great abilities.”

“How would you know if you don’t try? You have a firm character, you’re smart, you learn things quickly, and you consider matters thoroughly. I think my judgment is quite good.” After saying this, Wang Dian took a sip of porridge. His stomach felt much better, and he gently created unrealistic expectations for the young man, “In the future, our household’s properties will still expand outward. Only by understanding the processes of those below can one avoid struggling when doing things. Young people like you who are seventeen or eighteen are the greatest asset. I’ve already spoken with Zhou An. You’ll go learn from him. This term there are a total of fifteen management trainees, ten will be kept. If you don’t do well and get eliminated, I’ll lose face.”

Although Yu Lang didn’t understand what “management trainee” meant, as soon as he heard “elimination” and “lose face,” his self-esteem immediately rose. He excitedly said, “Young Master, I will definitely learn well from Steward Zhou and not let you lose face!

Wang Dian nodded with a smile, then reassured him. “Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Usually, just watch, listen, and learn more from your seniors. Be efficient and diligent in your work, and you’ll do quite well.”

Bearing the young master’s expectations, Yu Lang nodded solemnly and excitedly.

Wang Dian still very much enjoyed personally training interns. When he wasn’t too busy at his previous company, he had personally mentored two batches of interns and one batch of management trainees, with good results. Later, these young people became very capable and active in the company. Unfortunately, now he temporarily lacked the extra energy to take people around, and all matters were still in the initial stages. Even he himself was still groping and probing forward.

The economic environment of ancient times was vastly different from modern times. He had to grasp the right measure and not be too progressive or stand out too much. Even if something was excellent, if it exceeded the current level of economic development, it would be unsuitable and might even have the opposite effect.

His initial goal was very clear: the first priority was to adapt to the market, not to change it. He didn’t have such great abilities, and objective conditions didn’t allow it. In any case, the fundamental aim was to be able to make money in the end.

Wang Dian liked challenges in business, but he didn’t get stuck on impossible tasks. Challenging possible things was brave, but challenging impossible things was foolish.

After finishing his meal, he made a rough plan for his future business empire in the study. Shufang and Moyu were serving by grinding ink beside him. Occasionally, he would ask for the two girls’ opinions. At first, they stuttered and dared not speak, but later, seeing Wang Dian’s gentle tone and gradual guidance, they began to speak their minds boldly.

Wang Dian had put a lot of effort into selecting these people before. From the beginning, his purpose was not to make them servants, but to cultivate his initial team. Shufang and Moyu were clever girls, eloquent, and could do accounting and read. Wang Dian thought they would be good as secretaries or assistants, but they still needed patient cultivation for two more years.

Meanwhile, when Yu Lang found Zhou An, he was quite surprised to find that nearly half of these dozen or so “management trainees” were women. Confused, he privately asked Zhou An, who said it was the young master’s intention.

“The young master said girls might not necessarily do worse than boys. Whoever is capable will be able to stay,” Zhou An said in a low voice. “Don’t look down on these young women just because they seem delicate. They can write and calculate, and have some real skills. Don’t underestimate them.”

Yu Lang nodded seriously.

As night fell, Wang Dian ran three big laps in the residence as usual, his nose tipped with sweat. After a bath, he returned to his room to sleep. Yu Lang had already tidied up the room.

“These things can be left for others to do,” Wang Dian said with a smile. “You’ll be busy enough following Zhou An. No need to trouble yourself with these.”

“I am the young master’s personal attendant. These are things I should do,” Yu Lang insisted. “Young Master, I can handle it.”

Seeing his persistence, Wang Dian didn’t try to persuade him further. Hardworking employees always tend to be favored by the boss. He joked, “At this rate, I’ll have to pay you more wages.”

Yu Lang shook his head. “It’s all part of my duty.”

Wang Dian looked at him approvingly, deciding in his heart to give the kid a raise, then entered the inner chamber to prepare for bed.

This time, he didn’t even reach the sixth line of texts before his eyelids grew heavy with drowsiness, and he fell into a deep sleep.

Outside the residence.

Chong Heng panted as he caught up miserably, lowering his voice. “Master, you’ve been sneaking here for five or six days, not letting Wang Dian discover you. How is this any different from not coming at all?”

Liang Ye gave him a cold look. “Zhen is pleased to do so.”

Chong Heng handed him the sachet and medicine package. “This is the newly prepared calming incense for tonight, and the medicine he needs to take tomorrow… Oh, right, when Imperial Physician Li was preparing the medicine, he said Wang Dian is recovering very quickly. He knows how to relieve himself, but it’s best not to…”

“Not to what?” Liang Ye tucked the sachet into his sleeve.

“Not to see or think about people or things that trigger his condition,” Chong Heng swallowed nervously. “That’s what Imperial Physician Li said.”

Liang Ye stared at him grimly for a while, then said in a stiff tone. “Zhen goes to him every time when he’s already asleep. He hasn’t seen me.”

“That’s good then.” Chong Heng breathed a sigh of relief, then realized and stuttered, “I mean, that’s very good. It’s just that you’re too tired from going back and forth, Master, and there’s still a lot of affairs in the palace.”

Liang Ye pointed expressionlessly towards the direction of the imperial palace.

“Alright, I’ll scram.” Chong Heng covered his mouth and flew onto the rooftop, carrying his sword.

When Liang Ye entered the inner chamber, he caught a glimpse of Yu Lang standing guard at the door. The man looked about the same age as Chong Heng, hugging a blanket and sleeping like a dead pig against the doorway. He was dark-skinned and ugly. Thinking about how this man had touched Wang Dian’s hand, Liang Ye wanted nothing more than to take a knife and chop off those black paws.

However, Wang Dian needed this person, so if he really did that, he might anger someone again. He was already struggling to comfort people, and didn’t want to cause more trouble for himself.

He glanced coldly at this black jujube, snorted disdainfully, and brazenly entered the inner chamber.

Familiar with the routine, he took off his outer robe that was touched by the cold air, first changed Wang Dian’s calming sachet, then leaned down to kiss Wang Dian twice. Still feeling unsatisfied, yet afraid of waking him up, he didn’t dare to act recklessly. He stared at Wang Dian in frustration several times before kicking off his boots and climbing into bed.

The past two nights, Wang Dian had startled awake several times, but recently he had been sleeping much better. Liang Ye felt increasingly at ease, holding him close, cautiously kissing here and carefully touching there, not closing his eyes until he had looked his fill.

Wang Dian had slept quite long this afternoon. In the early hours, he hazily opened his eyes and got out of bed to drink some water. After taking a couple of steps, he suddenly felt something was amiss. There was clearly a second person’s breathing in the room. Just as he was about to speak, his mouth was forcefully covered.

Liang Ye was unusually conflicted. He knew Wang Dian didn’t want to see him, and he had repeatedly promised not to come. If Wang Dian found out he came every night, it would be truly embarrassing.

Moreover, he didn’t want Wang Dian’s depression to worsen.

He quickly crushed the medicine pouch in his sleeve, and the strong medicinal fragrance covered his original scent.

“Don’t move.” A rough and unfamiliar voice sounded behind Wang Dian, and something cold pressed against his neck. Then Wang Dian heard the person say gruffly, “I’m only here to rob. I’ll leave once I take what I want.”

“…” A ridiculous guess flashed through Wang Dian’s mind, but he ultimately found it too absurd. Liang Ye wouldn’t be bored enough to pretend to be a thief in the middle of the night. He could only assume the person’s martial arts were superior, allowing them to evade the guards. He nodded vigorously while his mouth was still covered.

The person remained silent for a moment without moving, their breath blowing onto his ear with each exhale, making him uncomfortably tilt his head. He felt a cool sensation on his neck, but no pain. Looking down, Wang Dian saw a short flute.

“Don’t move,” the person said menacingly. “A flute can kill just as well.”

Wang Dian was forced to tilt his head back, his back pressing directly against the person’s chest. The strong medicinal smell made his head spin, and he instinctively tried to move away.

Liang Ye felt he should leave immediately, but it had been several days since he’d heard Wang Dian speak to him. Irritation mixed with a hint of sour displeasure as he lowered his head to smell Wang Dian’s neck, his nose barely grazing the skin as his breathing gradually changed.

Wang Dian felt dizzy from the crushed calming herbs in the other’s sleeve. The ambiguous movement caused goosebumps to rise on his skin. He elbowed the person’s ribs sharply. The person grunted in pain and loosened the hand covering his mouth, but when he tried to turn his head, his nape was firmly pressed, holding him tightly in the embrace. The person threatened, “Move again and I’ll kill you.”

Moonlight slanted through the window lattice. Wang Dian, who was about to struggle again, suddenly glimpsed familiar patterns on the person’s sleeve. After two seconds of silence, countless profanities raced through his mind, followed by a relieved sigh. He decisively gave up struggling.

Liang Ye narrowed his eyes. “Not afraid anymore?”

Afraid my ass.

Wang Dian strongly resisted the urge to roll his eyes and said coolly, “Didn’t you say you were only here to rob? Why are you now trying to force yourself on me?”

“A sudden urge,” Liang Ye said hoarsely, using an unfamiliar voice close to his ear. He barely restrained the impulse to kiss him directly. Seeing Wang Dian’s relaxed posture, he knew he had been exposed, but stubbornly refused to admit it. “Will you comply or not?”

“I won’t,” Wang Dian leaned against him, now fully awake. “Would the esteemed thief please pull back your sleeve? The medicine smell is too strong, it’s giving me a headache.”

Liang Ye’s eyebrows twitched slightly. He switched hands pressing against Wang Dian’s neck and poured the crushed medicine from his sleeve onto the floor.

Just as Wang Dian moved slightly, a cloth suddenly blindfolded him. The next moment, he was pressed down onto a table. Forced to lie on his back, the blindfold made everything blurry. He tried to reach up and pull it off.

Liang Ye pinned his wrists and fiercely kissed his lips.

The force holding him down suddenly loosened. Wang Dian sat up from the table and reached up to pull off the blindfold, only to find it was a wide ribbon used to tie back bed curtains. By the moonlight, he looked around the room but saw no one.

He was stunned for a long while, thinking he must have been hallucinating. Clutching the ribbon tightly, his gaze suddenly focused on the crushed herbs on the floor.

He walked over, picked up some of the crushed herbs and sniffed them. It wasn’t a scent he had used before.

The moonlight made the hand holding the herbs appear snow-white. The person standing in the shadows chuckled softly, slowly tucking the ribbon that had blindfolded him into his sleeve.



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