Lan Ming Yue


Although it was almost summer, the wind at night was still cool, especially for Wang Dian who had been soaked in cold water. When the cold wind blew on his wet clothes at this moment, he felt that the chill seeped through the joints of his bones.

Even though he himself was already burning in rage with this bastard, Liang Ye.

His posture was not comfortable, especially for the stomach. In anger, Wang Dian even worried about whether he would get rheumatism and arthritis. In this backward era where wind carried chills every minute, he relatively cherished his body more.

Liang Ye walked quickly with great strides, Wang Dian felt dizzy and swayed for a while, then he raised his hand and patted his lower back, “Put me down.”

Liang Ye shuddered all over, raised his hand and slapped his butt, with a bit of strange anger in his tone, “Don’t touch Zhen’s butt.”

The pain from the place where he was slapped shocked Wang Dian for more than ten seconds, he became so angry that his blood surged up immediately, “I patted the waist! You, put me down!”

“It’s so noisy.” Liang Ye grabbed his clothes, turned him over and put him on the ground.

Wang Dian staggered but managed to stabilize his figure, then sneezed in the night breeze.

Liang Ye stared at his pale and flushed face for a while, “This look is quite good-looking.”

Good-looking you fucker! Wang Dian felt that he was about to be frozen like a dog. He stroked back the wet hair on his forehead, then took a deep breath to calm down, “Where is the inner court?”

“Of course it’s in the harem.” Liang Ye’s eyes fell on his smooth forehead, as if he had discovered some shocking secret, he said proudly, “Zhen has more hair than you.”

Wang Dian twitched the corner of his mouth, not wanting to discuss modern Tony thinning art with this idiot, turned around and twisted his sleeves, then said weakly, “Let’s go.”

(TL: Tony- slang for hairdresser, thinning-is to cut off a part of the hair interval to make the hair less dense)

Liang Ye said displeased, “You always digress from Zhen’s words. Zhen’s patience is limited.”

Wang Dian turned his head and said with a fake smile, “Your Majesty, you have thick hair and look much better than me, okay? Let’s move on.”

Liang Ye snorted with satisfaction, “Shamelessly flatter, such a crafty villain.”

Wang Dian wanted to open face him to see how thick it was to be so shameless.

(TL: open face-(of a girl at the time of getting married) change the hair style, clear off the fine hair on the face and neck and trim the hair on the temples)

He didn’t have the strength to walk slowly, Liang Ye was also not in a hurry. He leisurely led him to a high wall with his hands behind his back. The wall was smooth and even, and without tangled branches of trees on the side. Looking at the height of four or five meters, he turned his head to look at Liang Ye, “Where is the Political Affairs Hall?”

Liang Ye raised his chin, “Inside, climb in and see for yourself.”

Sadly, Wang Dian found that he was getting used to this bastard’s debauchery from time to time.

With an expression of enjoying the show, Liang Ye jumped up to the wall in a few moments, and called him from a high position, “Come up.”

Wang Dian had a headache caused by the cold wind, and sat down against the wall and rubbed his temples vigorously.

Liang Ye looked down at him for a while, curled his lips boredly, and flew down from the top wall again. He crouched down in front of him, poked his waist like a vulgar person, and blamed, “Zhen has brought you here, yet you refused to look, simply ridiculous.”

What is reversing black and white? What is beat up a rake? What is to be cheap and look for trouble? This person’s performance thoroughly expressed all of these.

(TL: reversing black and white-confuse right and wrong, beat up a rake-blame on others while oneself is to be blamed) 

Wang Dian raised his head, stared at him deeply in the dark night, and said feebly, “Officials in the outer court are all old, weak, and sickly, and the generals who came back from the frontier and various garrisons to ask for money stayed for half a year without getting any silver. It indicated that they are not united with the Empress Dowager, but even if they are united, there will still be complaints…..I am completely unaware of the situation in the inner court now, but when the Cui family finally gives money, you may even lost the military power in your hands in the future, do you understand?”

“Don’t understand.” Liang Ye didn’t care, poked his claws dishonestly on his collarbone, and said happily, “The bug has swam here, do you feel it?”

Wang Dian couldn’t help but feel suffocated in his heart because of a great dilemma, he swatted his hands away and stood up on his knees, “Let’s drop it if you don’t understand, take care of yourself.”

After he finished speaking, he wobbled back, but within a few steps, his feet suddenly felt empty, then a sense of weightlessness came, and the scorching temperature of Liang Ye’s body that was pressed against him through his thin obscene clothing. In mid-air, he only got a glimpse of a few patrolling flames, and then they fell silently on the glazed tiles.

Before he could ask, Liang Ye grabbed him and jumped again, they fell into the dense grass, and then he covered his mouth and nose with his hand. Wang Dian struggled subconsciously, the sound of armor rubbing against each other mixed with the sound of footsteps passed by. In the flickering fire, Liang Ye who was behind him seemed to lower his head.

He had a bad hunch, but before he could realize what was wrong, Liang Ye lowered his head and leaned against his nape, biting a small piece of skin into his mouth like a pervert, and licked it hard twice.


Wang Dian could hardly describe the horrifying feeling. Liang Ye was covering his mouth and nose behind his back, wrapped his arms around his waist and chest, and pressed his entire back against his body, while the most sensitive part of his neck was finely ground with his teeth, just like a fish waiting to be slaughtered on a chopping board.

A subtle muffled groan was covered in the palm of his hand, then the patrolling flames faded away. Liang Ye raised his head with unsatisfied intentions, and easily led him up to another roof, opened a window silently and pushed him in.

There was a burning pain in the place where the neck was bitten just now, and Wang Dian stretched out his hand to touch it. It was sticky with blood——this bastard bit him open——he immediately said in rage, “Are you a dog?”

“Zhen is a dragon.” Liang Ye dragged him to hide behind the wall, “This is it, freely look around.”

It was only then that Wang Dian noticed that there was a spacious room in front of him, which was smaller than the Political Affairs Hall of the outer court. Although the high seat was separated by a bamboo curtain, it still did not reduce its grandeur and luxury at all.

He put aside Liang Ye’s lunatic actions just now, and walked according to the place where the imperial edicts and records were kept in the outer court Political Affairs Hall. As expected, he saw a pile of documents.

The moonlight was dim, and the characters on it were small. Wang Dian had a hard time finding it. Liang Ye next to him was playing with the tassels on the curtain like a normal person. Wang Dian grabbed two rolls and stuffed them into his hands, and said in a low voice, “Look and see if there is anything related to Wei Wanlin.”

Liang Ye flipped through it twice in disgust, put aside the records without interest, and reached out to touch his neck, “Zhen thinks—”


Wang Dian slapped a scroll to the back of his hand, gritted his teeth and said, “Don’t go crazy here when we’re doing serious business!”

Liang Ye withdrew his paws, rubbed the back of his red hand vigorously, stared at him with a mournful expression and said, “Very well, this is the second time you have disobeyed Zhen.”

Wang Dian completely gave up the idea of asking this lunatic to help, he concentrated on finding what he wanted, and even found the list of officials of the inner court. They probably thought it was not important and mixed it in with the memorials. He tried his best to remember most of the names, and when he finally came back to his senses, he found out that Liang Ye was caressing his wrist.

Just as Wang Dian was about to withdraw his hand, his gaze suddenly paused. A memorial bore Wei Wanlin’s name. As he was about to look down, he heard footsteps coming from outside the door.


The door was pushed open from the outside, immediately afterwards, there was an influx of firelight, and more than a dozen heavily armed soldiers rushed in. The leader turned around and asked, “Are you sure you saw the figure here?”

“Yes.” Someone replied.


A dozen or so soldiers dispersed in the Political Affairs Hall.

In the shadow of the blind corner of the beam, where only one person could stand, two big men were squeezed together. Wang Dian stepped on the brick edge with half of his foot, holding the beam protruding from the corner of the eaves with one hand, and clutching Liang Ye’s belt tightly with the other, Liang Ye leaned against the corner of the wall and slightly arched his body, bending close to his ear, he said in a breathy voice, “If you can’t hold on and fall, you will die if you fall into the hands of the Cui family. “

Wang Dian became enraged when he saw him gloating, and said in the same angry voice, “If I am discovered, you think you’re much better?”

“Zhen naturally will hide far away.” Liang Ye’s eyes were filled with a joyful laughter, he tilted his head slightly, and brushed the side of his face with the tip of his cool nose, speculating that the other would not dare to move, and rested his chin on his shoulder. He reached out and touched his lower back and pressed it lightly, “Mm, the bug has come here.”

Wang Dian squinted his eyes, the hand holding his belt suddenly exerted force, and his leg that was suspended in mid air lifted up and tried to move towards the other’s ankle. Liang Ye was caught off guard, and the whole person rushed forward. Grasping a thin crossbeam on top of his head with quick eyes and hands, his foot stepped on a tile next to him, making a slight movement.

“What’s that sound!?” The people below should have heard it, and someone walked towards the corner holding a torch.

Liang Ye turned his head to look at Wang Dian.

Wang Dian slightly lowered his body and stood in that corner, he then raised his leg and kicked his butt hard, using the hundred percent of his strength. Liang Ye had nowhere to borrow strength in mid air, so he could only bear it. His complexion suddenly distorted.

“Look, on the roof!” A soldier shouted.

As two torches were held up high, the shadows at the corner could not be seen clearly. Someone wanted to step on the desk to illuminate above, but the leader scolded him angrily, “Be careful with the documents! These are all for the Empress Dowager to read tomorrow. Can you afford to burn it!”

The man repeatedly pleaded guilty, and didn’t dare to approach the desk again.

In the corner, Wang Dian looked at Liang Ye who was face to face with him, and tilted his head back in disgust.

Liang Ye stared at him with a faint gaze.

Wang Dian speculated that he would not dare to do anything now. There was a hint of provocation in his eyes, and because the other was angry, he was in a good mood, and there was a vague smile on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at it in the flickering twilight made one’s heart itch.

Liang Ye moved closer to him, forcing him to have no way out, and said firmly, “You want to kill Zhen.”

“Your Majesty has excellent martial arts skills.” Wang Dian couldn’t dodge, he raised his eyelids and stared back with half a smile, almost touching his nose. The breaths of the two were intertwined, and the eyes that collided were mixed under the dark and illumination.

Liang Ye’s gaze slipped from his eyes to the corners of his smiling mouth, his Adam’s apple moved subconsciously, and he suddenly felt very hungry, “Zhen——”

Wang Dian suddenly bit his neck hard, and he didn’t let go until he tasted the blood in his mouth. Unlike Liang Ye’s slow bite, the bloody teeth marks fully expressed his anger.

He raised his head in a good mood, and met Liang Ye’s eyes that were as bright as small flames, then heard his strangely excited voice, “Wants to take another bite.”

“Fuck!” Wang Dian’s eyes widened.


  1. guide says:

    thank you for the chapter

  2. LiquidCeil says:


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