Lan Ming Yue


The long silence was the hardest to endure. Wang Dian spent half a day appreciating Liang Ye, resisting the urge to wake him up. He had Yun Fu and Yu Ying bring the memorials that Liang Ye had previously accumulated.

Clearly, Liang Ye had no interest in reviewing memorials. He casually marked the important ones and didn’t even bother to flip through the unimportant ones. On the map that Wang Dian had carefully put away earlier, he had drawn several small turtles with a vermilion brush and made a big cross.

Wang Dian took a deep breath and called for Yu Ying.

Yu Ying bowed and then respectfully knelt on the ground, reporting in detail. “Daren, the ringleader of this rebellion, Jian Ling, has been imprisoned in the Tianlao. Commander Wei has taken control of the entire palace. Yang Wujiu has rushed to the northern frontier overnight. Young Commander Jiao, leading fifty thousand troops, has stationed at Mount Shizai last night… The master of Taiji Temple went on a pilgrimage half a month ago, and our men couldn’t reach him.”

(TL: The earliest record of Tianlao can be found in “Book of Sui Dynasty”, but some said it was a prison for nobles, while others said it was a prison for sluts.)

“Understood,” Wang Dian rubbed his temples. “Continue to keep a close watch on the movements of the Cui family and the Northern Army. Proceed as previously arranged.”

“Yes.” Just as Yu Ying was about to stand up, noisy shouts came from outside.

“… Move aside! I demand to see His Majesty! Move aside—”

Wang Dian frowned. Yu Ying understood and turned to go outside. “Who dares to make such a commotion here?”

Yun Fu ran in, wiping his sweat. “Daren, it’s an official from the Censorate. This lowly servant will send someone to dismiss him right away.”

“Wang Dian! You deceive the public with your lies! How dare you now hold His Majesty hostage! Your crime is unforgivable!” A high-pitched voice carried into the great hall from afar.

Yun Fu scolded his subordinates, urgently saying, “Hurry and make him leave!”

“Wait,” Wang Dian stood up, gesturing Yun Fu to stop.

Outside the bedchamber, seeing Wang Dian walk out with others, the young man being held by the eunuchs became even more agitated. He glared at Wang Dian with anger, “Wang Dian! You treacherous official who bewitches the emperor! What kind of potion did you give His Majesty! A mere sixth-rank official dares to act on behalf of His Majesty and govern the country. What punishment do you deserve!”

“Lower your voice. His Majesty just fell asleep,” Wang Dian said, standing on the steps with his sleeves gathered, looking down at him. “The palace where officials rest isn’t far from the imperial bedchamber, and there are imperial guards all along the way. Tell me, this daren, how did you manage to come all the way here unhindered?”

The man angrily replied, “Never mind how I got here. I demand to see His Majesty!”

“The Black Armored Guards rebelled, and His Majesty is seriously injured. He’s not fit to receive you,” Wang Dian said slowly. “As for you, sneaking around with mysterious movements. Yun Fu, tie him up and throw him in the Tianlao.”

“Yes,” Yun Fu responded, waving his hand to signal the eunuchs who had been hesitant to act before.

The man struggled desperately, “Wang Dian! I am a Censorate official! How dare you treat me like this!”

“His Majesty doesn’t touch Censorate officials, but I’m not His Majesty,” Wang Dian said with a smile. “If you want to impeach me in the future, feel free.”

He waved his hand, and someone came to gag the man. Several young eunuchs worked together to drag him away.

“Have someone investigate his identity,” Wang Dian said.

“Yes,” Yu Ying responded, a step faster than Yun Fu.

Yun Fu looked disgruntled but quickly suppressed it, smiling as he followed Wang Dian. “Daren, you should get some rest soon.”

“No need. Have the Imperial Medical Courtyard send His Majesty’s medicine,” Wang Dian said, quickly walking into the inner chamber and dismissing the eunuchs guarding the door.

Liang Ye lay on the bed with his eyes closed. Wang Dian stared at him for a moment. “Did we wake you?”

Liang Ye opened his eyes, looking quite bored. “With all that wailing and howling, it’s hard not to wake up.”

Wang Dian poured him a cup of warm water. Liang Ye turned his head away in disgust. “Zhen is not thirsty.”

“Drinking more water is good for wound recovery,” Wang Dian sat on the edge of the bed, lifted the blanket to check his wound, and only felt slightly relieved when he saw it wasn’t bleeding anymore.

Liang Ye, looking dispirited with drooping eyelids, reluctantly took a couple of sips from the cup. He then hooked his little finger with Wang Dian’s. “Come up.”

Wang Dian stared at him with an indecipherable expression and put the teacup on the small table beside the bed.

“If you can’t sleep, Zhen will lull you to sleep,” Liang Ye said casually. “Sometimes drinking too much calming medicine has the opposite effect.”

Wang Dian now had a strange aversion to sleeping. He glanced at the small couch beside the bed, decisively kicked off his boots, got on the bed, and lay down next to Liang Ye.

Liang Ye tried to embrace him, but Wang Dian stopped him. “Don’t move around. Have some respect for your wound.”

“You didn’t seem to respect Zhen’s wound last night either,” Liang Ye grasped his hand, forcibly intertwining their fingers.

Wang Dian stared straight at the ceiling, resting on his other arm. “About last night… I’m sorry.”

Liang Ye lazily hummed, “Zhen found it quite thrilling. Never played like that while injured before. Next time, Zhen will press your acupoints and let you try it too.”

Wang Dian was taken aback, then chuckled softly, “You’re truly shameless.”

Liang Ye tried to turn to face him but was forcibly stopped again. He could only lie stiffly on the bed, puzzled, “Were you just apologizing to Zhen?”

“Mm,” Wang Dian’s eyes were swollen with fatigue. He slowly closed them and said, “When you do something wrong, you should apologize. That’s how my parents taught me.”

“Such good manners,” Liang Ye smirked.

Wang Dian said, “I might lose control occasionally during this time. You don’t need to indulge me out of guilt. Although I sometimes have the urge to hurt you, I never want to cause substantial harm. This isn’t normal behavior, and you shouldn’t learn it.”

Liang Ye caressed his palm, saying coldly, “You’re just taking advantage of Zhen’s inability to move. It’s nothing more than some skin-deep wounds. Besides, when did Zhen ever feel guilty?”

Wang Dian opened his eyes to look at him, “I don’t like seeing you hurt.”

Liang Ye was suddenly at a loss for words. He looked away and sneered, “Zhen arranged this himself. It’s not like Zhen will actually die. These minor injuries will heal in a couple of days.”

“What if?” Wang Dian closed his eyes, murmuring, “What if you died? Where would I find you? Die with you? What if there’s a queue in the underworld? What if you transmigrated to another time and space? What if it’s originally the same soul, and you just completely disappear, your soul scattered?”

Liang Ye listened, feeling a bit dazed. He couldn’t quite wrap his head around it, but he understood the gist. He said smugly, “Since you care about Zhen so much, you should listen to Zhen well, upset Zhen less. When Zhen is happy, Zhen will live a few more years.”

“…Idiot,” Wang Dian sighed.

Liang Ye said with certainty, “Mere small injuries frighten you into abnormality and depression. You’re really easily scared.”

“The depression started long ago,” Wang Dian grabbed his hand and kissed it. “Sometimes I fear that I’ve never actually recovered, that you’re just a person I’ve imagined, and I’m trapped in this dream unable to wake up. If you died, the dream would collapse, my mind and consciousness would all break down. Then I’d truly become the madman people speak of.”

Liang Ye bit his wrist, frowning, “Does it hurt?”

“When I dreamed during my illness, I often felt pain too,” Wang Dian looked at him calmly, his eyes mixed with some fragile emotions and melancholy. “Whenever I start doubting the reality of the dream, it means the dream is about to end. Usually, I remember nothing, only left with discomfort.”

Liang Ye’s expression turned solemn, “Zhen will recover soon. Don’t overthink. Later, Zhen will have Li Bu check your pulse.”

Wang Dian gently touched his nose bridge with his fingertip, smiling bitterly, “If this is a dream, dreaming of such a troublesome person like you means I’m indeed under too much stress. I should seriously consider taking a long vacation, find a normal person to have a healthy relationship with.”

Liang Ye’s face darkened instantly. “You dare to find someone else?”

“If it’s not a dream, then it’s even more troublesome,” Wang Dian closed his eyes heavily, lying on his side next to Liang Ye, gripping his hand tightly. “You must have done too many evil deeds in this life, so I was summoned here. We both have to work for Great Liang, with low benefits and no personal safety guarantee…”

His voice gradually lowered, and he fell into a deep sleep with his forehead against Liang Ye’s shoulder.

Liang Ye instinctively slowed his breathing. Yun Fu tiptoed in with medicine, about to speak when he met Liang Ye’s piercing gaze, startling him.

‘Get out,’ Liang Ye stared at him expressionlessly.

‘Yes, yes,’ Yun Fu nodded hurriedly and returned with the medicine, feeling the gaze on his back as if he was being slowly sliced.

The inner chamber door closed silently. Yu Ying looked puzzled at the untouched medicine in his tray. “Why did you come out so quickly? Didn’t even leave the medicine?”

“Shh, Wang Daren just fell asleep. His Majesty doesn’t want any disturbance,” Yun Fu hushed with a bitter face, patting his chest in lingering fear. “Oh my, His Majesty’s gaze just now was exactly like Wang Daren’s, as if guarding food— Pooh pooh pooh! What nonsense am I saying with this foul mouth!”

“I think you’re scared silly,” Yu Ying reprimanded quietly.

Yun Fu looked at the medicine beside him. “What should we do with this medicine?”

“Wait until His Majesty wakes up, then have the Imperial Medical Courtyard brew a fresh batch,” Yu Ying said softly. “Find some light-footed people to guard outside. Tell the imperial guards outside that absolutely no one is to disturb them. Go quickly.”

Yun Fu nodded and walked a few quick steps. Seeing Yu Ying go elsewhere, he muttered under his breath, “What’s there to be so proud of? She was just a menial palace maid before. Hmph.”

“Master, you’re just too kind,” a young eunuch following behind whispered. “Before she came, His Majesty valued you the most. Since her arrival, she’s been stealing your thunder, and now she even dares to lord it over you. What right does she have?”

Yun Fu glanced at the young eunuch. “What do you know? Who His Majesty favors or doesn’t is not for us to discuss.”

“Ah, I spoke out of turn!” The young eunuch pretended to slap his own mouth.

“But you know, His Majesty’s favor is simple to gauge,” Yun Fu smiled meaningfully.

“Please teach me, Master,” the young eunuch asked with a grin, following closely behind.

Yun Fu glanced towards the inner chamber and said quietly, “It’s all up to the one inside, with just a word.”

The young eunuch quietly covered his mouth. “You mean Wang Daren…”

“Wang Daren? In my opinion, His Majesty might even follow the previous dynasty and make a male empress for Great Liang in the future,” Yun Fu pinched his ear, warning, “When serving, keep your eyes sharp and your mouth and ears tightly shut. The Daren is easy-going, but His Majesty is different, understand?”

“Yes, yes, yes. Thank you for the advice, Master,” the young eunuch agreed repeatedly.

Yun Fu went to attend to other matters. The young eunuch looked around and, when no one was paying attention, quietly slipped out of the imperial bedchamber.

“Where are you going?” He was stopped as soon as he stepped out.

“Wang Daren sent me to check if the Imperial Medical Courtyard has finished brewing the medicine,” the young eunuch said urgently. “If it’s late, can you bear the responsibility?”

“Never mind what I can bear, show me your token,” the imperial guard demanded sternly.

The young eunuch impatiently took out a token from his sleeve and handed it over. “Hurry up and look!”

The imperial guard carefully examined the token. After confirming there was no problem, he let the person out of the imperial bedchamber.



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