Lan Ming Yue

Jade Pendant

The next day.

The wind and rain had not subsided. Half-withered yellow leaves were beaten down by the rain, floating unsteadily on the water’s surface, only to be trampled into the mud by heavy official boots. Mud splattered onto the vermilion hems of robes.

The birthday banquet originally scheduled in the Imperial Garden was moved to the spacious great hall. Under the eaves, rainwater fell in streams. Palace maids and eunuchs filed in and out carrying trays and boxes. Except for the sound of rain, it was eerily silent.

However, the outer hall separated by just a wall was extraordinarily lively.

Even the torrential rain did not dampen the spirits of these high officials and nobles in the slightest. For such a rare grand feast, they naturally came with wives and children. Through the curtain of rain, laughter was heard before people were seen. They cupped their hands in greeting, so cordial it was as if yesterday’s life-and-death struggle had been someone else’s affair. Under the corridor, young ladies in full regalia elegantly pinched their handkerchiefs and whispered. Occasionally encountering elders and dignitaries, they would demurely lift their skirts and curtsy gracefully, their cheeks flushing red.

Servants and maids busied themselves holding up oil-paper umbrellas for their masters, half their bodies soaked in the rain. Yet they still tirelessly helped their masters adjust clothes, umbrellas, and hats. Young scholars entering the palace for the first time looked around cautiously yet excitedly, thinking themselves inconspicuous. If they accidentally bumped into a palace maid, they would repeatedly bow and apologize, causing passing young gentlemen to burst into laughter, young ladies to cover their smiles with handkerchiefs, and nearby elders to show looks of displeasure…

Wang Dian, holding an oil-paper umbrella, hurried along the palace wall. Hearing the surrounding clamor, he quickly entered the inner hall. Only when he reached the connecting corridor did his ears find some peace.

The fierce wind made the tall trees outside the hall rustle loudly. Cold wind carrying rain gushed into his collar from outside the corridor, chilling him to the bone. He lowered his eyes, brushed off mud spots that had somehow gotten onto his hem, stepped on the carpet outside, and entered the great hall.

Officials and their families filed in, followed immediately by loud announcements piercing through the rain curtain into the great hall.

“The envoy from Loufan has arrived—”

“The envoy from Southern Zhao has arrived—”

“The envoy from Eastern Chen has arrived—”

The Loufan people were mostly tall and strong, but their chief envoy was slender and thin. Even wrapped in thick furs, he could not hide his frailty. Silver strands mixed in his loose black hair. His face was covered by a thin gauze veil, revealing only half of a pale, beautiful chin. He clutched a handkerchief, coughing every few steps. He looked as if he might cough himself to death at any moment. The Northern Liang officials who had already taken their seats began to grow nervous, especially those from the Ministry of Rites, fearing this man might die in the hall and they would be unable to explain to Loufan.

“…That’s the Loufan eldest prince, Kashi Lianxue. It is said that he’s a monster that’s neither human nor ghost, but with a weak personality. He just agrees to whatever you tell him…”

Wang Dian’s sharp eyes noticed that the handkerchief he was clutching was soaked with blood. His eyelid twitched violently. He whispered to Yu Ying beside him, “Find an imperial physician—go directly to Imperial Physician Li and have him wait in the side hall at all times.”

“Yes,” Yu Ying responded and left.

When Wang Dian looked up again, he met Zhao Qi’s gaze. The latter smiled and raised his chin at him. Immediately after, he was disapprovingly tugged on the sleeve by the solemn-faced man behind him. He turned back to glare at the man, then craned his neck to look at Wang Dian again. Wang Dian had no choice but to smile and nod at him. Only then did Zhao Qi sit down, satisfied.

Unlike the envoys from the other two countries, Eastern Chen’s chief envoy was a beautiful woman. She wore her hair in a high ponytail and was dressed in men’s official robes, yet made no attempt to conceal her feminine identity. Her figure was graceful. She sat proudly before the table, with two deputy envoys behind her, following her lead and obediently sitting behind.

Wang Dian walked to the corner of the great hall. Palace maids and eunuchs bowed to him, but he hurriedly and perfunctorily waved for them to go about their business. He grabbed a guard and said, “Find a few people to prop open the windows.”

“Huh? The wind and rain are so strong outside, why not close them tightly?” the guard asked, confused.

Wang Dian frowned. His gaze left the palace maid who was placing a golden peacock ornament and turned to this clueless guard. “Just do as I say. Why so many questions—Yang Wujiu?”

Yang Wujiu scratched his head and grinned at him.

“Why are you here?” Wang Dian’s frown deepened.

Seeing his solemn expression, Yang Wujiu instinctively straightened his back and said somewhat helplessly, “They said they were short-handed, so half of the Black Armor Guards were transferred to help.”

“Who said that?” Wang Dian asked.

Yang Wujiu carefully replied, “It must have been His Majesty.”

Wang Dian’s heart sank. But before he could inquire further, the announcements rang out again.

“His Majesty arrives—”

“Imperial Concubine Tan arrives—”

“The Empress Dowager arrives—”

“The Grand Empress Dowager arrives—”

The hall was suddenly filled with people kneeling. Even foreign envoys had to perform a half-bow. Wang Dian, noticing Yang Wujiu’s shocked gaze, lifted his hem and crouched in the corner, letting the curtains hide most of his body.

Yang Wujiu, prostrated on the ground, carefully turned his head and anxiously reminded him, “Brother Wang, kneel!”

“My knees hurt. I won’t kneel,” Wang Dian said.

Yang Wujiu was shocked and confused. He looked around vigilantly, only to find that the corner Wang Dian had chosen was truly ingenious. Those kneeling couldn’t see him, and those on the main seats couldn’t see him either due to the curtains. It was quite something. “Brother Wang, you’re amazing.”

Wang Dian lazily lowered his eyes. He didn’t particularly like kneeling to others; after all, his parents had never made him kneel since childhood. But since he was in ancient times, it was unrealistic not to kneel. He wasn’t so prideful and unyielding that he’d rather die than kneel. To survive, kneeling a bit wasn’t a big deal.

But from beginning to end, he had only truly knelt to Liang Ye—after all, he had other ways to make Liang Ye kneel back to him. As for others, unless forced, he preferred not to kneel.

Although he had chosen an excellent position, he couldn’t prevent the person on the dragon throne from being restless. Sitting improperly, he tilted his body to look in Wang Dian’s direction.

Wang Dian, with his arms resting on his knees, crouched on the ground and gazed back at him from afar.

Liang Ye, showing no respect, burst out laughing with a “pfft”.

“….” Wang Dian pulled the curtain over with a wooden face, completely hiding himself.

“Ziyu seems very happy today,” Cui Yuxian remarked, following his gaze. She only saw Yang Man’s disobedient adopted son, kneeling on the ground but with his head restlessly looking around like a meerkat. She calmly withdrew her gaze.

“It’s Imperial Grandmother’s birthday today, of course Zhen is happy,” Liang Ye straightened up and slightly raised his voice. “My beloved officials, you may rise.”

Only then did the kneeling crowd raise their heads and stand up.

Taking advantage of the curtain’s cover, Wang Dian pulled Yang Wujiu over and whispered, “After propping open the windows, help me find where Chong Heng is.”

Yang Wujiu didn’t understand but seeing Wang Dian’s serious expression, he nodded blankly, “Alright.”

Whether ancient or modern, the beginning of a banquet was always the liveliest and grandest.

Inside the hall, drums and dance began, along with continuous announcements.

Outside the hall, thunder roared and lightning flashed, violent rain beating down.

Wang Dian stood in the most inconspicuous corner of the great hall, his sleeves gathered, chilled by the cold wind. He slightly lowered his eyes, yet perfectly captured everyone’s expressions.

It was as if he was watching an immersive holographic projection, or experiencing a strange dream full of bizarre sights.

He turned his head, looking through the rain curtain at the old tree outside the window. Its withered leaves struggled in their death throes in the rain, needing just a little more external force to be knocked down.

Liang Ye sat bored in the main seat, resting his head on his hand. His gaze swept over the colorful, swirling silk-clad dancers, over the crowd with their varied expressions and hidden agendas, finally landing on that aloof and indifferent figure by the window, pausing for a long while. The other still showed no intention of turning back.

“The Loufan envoy presents a Ferghana horse and a white jade fan…”

“The Southern Zhao envoy presents the Five Elements Nine Cycles Chart and a South Sea night pearl…”

“The Eastern Chen envoy presents a pair of seven-colored coiled dragon pearls—”

The long list of gifts sounded tedious and dull. Liang Ye was counting in his mind, waiting for Wang Dian to turn around, when he heard Cui Yuxian laugh, “Oh? What treasure is this seven-colored coiled dragon pearl? I’ve never heard of it.”

The woman in Eastern Chen’s main seat laughed heartily, “Empress, this is a pair of pearls I took from a dragon’s belly while hunting in the North Sea. They’re pale gold in daylight, and even more luminous at night. When my father learned of this, he specifically had me bring them for the Empress’s enjoyment.”

Cui Yuxian smiled slightly, “Good, good. The princess is indeed a heroine among women.”

“Yueli doesn’t deserve such praise,” Shen Yueli said with a smile. “I’ve heard that His Majesty’s birth mother, Empress Bian, once disguised herself as a man and commanded a hundred thousand troops. That was a true heroine. It’s a pity Empress Bian perished in the deep palace. Yueli was born too late to have the chance to meet her.”

With these words, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly turned strange. Whether it was Cui Yuxian, Bian Yunxin, or Tan Yishuang, their expressions all became very unpleasant.

“The princess is not from Northern Liang, yet knows so much about it. How thoughtful,” Liang Ye lazily tapped the armrest. “However, rumors are just rumors and shouldn’t be taken as truth.”

Shen Yueli raised an eyebrow, looked up at him, and said with a smile, cupping her hands, “Although Yueli admires Empress Bian, to be honest, Yueli likes Your Majesty more.”

Wang Dian choked on himself, turning to look at Shen Yueli standing in the center of the hall, his face full of admiration.

“Oh?” Liang Ye glanced at Wang Dian from the corner of his eye and said with a smile, “Then would the princess care to elaborate on what she likes about Zhen?”

Immediately, whispers filled the great hall. Imperial Preceptor Wen sat there, his face red and neck swollen with anger. He lowered his voice and slapped the table, “Disgraceful! Absolutely disgraceful!”

“Imperial Preceptor, please calm down,” Yun Fu patted his back with a woeful face.

“Alright, Ziyu, Yueli is still a young lady after all. How can you be so abrupt?” Cui Yuxian said with a smile.

“It’s fine,” Shen Yueli looked up at Liang Ye with a smile and raised her voice, “Many people don’t recognize Your Majesty’s true face and slander you, but in Yueli’s eyes, Your Majesty has the bearing of a dragon and phoenix, majestic and awe-inspiring, yet kind-hearted and of noble character. Like the moon in the sky, like a pearl in the deep sea. I would gladly embrace the moon and hold the pearl, willing to die nine times for Your Majesty without regret.”

This direct and passionate confession stunned everyone in the great hall. Even the eldest prince didn’t have time to cough up blood, raising his head with great interest to watch the scene unfold.

“This…” Bian Yunxin covered her mouth with a handkerchief, frowning with some disgust, “Princess Yueli, you’re still a young woman, how can you be so forward?”

“Shameless,” someone in the crowd muttered.

“Since Yueli is so fond of Ziyu, Ziyu, what do you think?” Cui Yuxian looked somewhat troubled as she turned to Liang Ye.

“Grand Empress Dowager, Your Majesty,” the Eastern Chen deputy envoy stood up and said, “Eastern Chen and Northern Liang have long had an alliance. Intermarriage between countries is common. Moreover, our princess didn’t fall for Your Majesty without reason. Years ago, when the princess was passing through Northern Liang, she once saved Your Majesty’s life. Your Majesty even gave the princess a token. Since then, the princess has been unable to forget…”

This intricate story left everyone present somewhat dazed.

“I still have the jade pendant Your Majesty personally gave me,” Shen Yueli took out a jade pendant from her bosom and said, “I’ve treasured it for ten years. Your Majesty will recognize it at a glance.”

Yun Fu took the jade pendant and hurriedly presented it.

Liang Ye picked up the jade pendant with a hooked smile, examining it. Suddenly, the smile froze on his face.

In the corner, Wang Dian’s expression changed slightly after seeing the jade pendant clearly. He looked down at the jade pendant with a bright red tassel hanging at his own waist—

The two jade pendants were identical, they could even fit together perfectly.

It really was f*cking Liang Ye’s.



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